very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these VPAs to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

I had a very intense weekend, so I’m only just now sliding into Monday.

Professional Hooky Player. That’s my new gig.

I might have to put it on my business card instead of pirate queen. Anyway….

Very! Personal! Ads!

Here we go.

Thing 1: Clear lines of communication

Here’s what I want:

A number of situations I’m currently in seem to have some pretty messy communication things happening.

I want a clearing of the lines.

Actually, I just noticed that I’ve never liked the phrase “to clear the air”, because it makes me think of giant scary storms.

But what I want is the rainstorm. Not a rough drenching. Just a sweet release, and then for the air to smell all earthy and beautiful again.

Ah, well.

Even if that doesn’t happen, I just want some of the layers of Stuff (mine and theirs) to dissipate.

Ways this could work:

I had my ohmygod-lightbulbs-everywhere epiphany this morning about what was really happening here, thanks to Shiva Nata.

So now I’ll be doing my part to clear out my patterns. With more Shiva Nata. And processing and removing things that are not from now.

And I will keep planting this wish for clear, clean back-and-forth.

I’ll play with…

Wishing good things for everyone involved.

With the qualities of presence, trust and commitment. That last one surprised me, I didn’t see it coming. Hi, commitment. I want to know more about you.

Thing 2: Giant progress on Stompopolis.

Here’s what I want:

Speaking of shivanautical epiphanies, I had an outrageously huge understanding last week about what needs to happen for Stompopolis to be able to open more fully to the public (well, some of the public).

But that involved rethinking a million different things.

So now I want the various pieces to fall into place.

Ways this could work:

Tomorrow Cairene will be helping me. We need lists! We need inspiration! We need fun!

And I can put Thursday aside from rewriting the copy.

I’ll play with…

Yes, it’s a wild, crazy, ridiculous idea and outrageously risky, so I’m just going to go full out and DO IT. With panache.

And when this scares me too much, I’m going to cry and be gentle and take myself to the park.

Thing 3: Readjusting/recalibrating/reconfiguring.

Here’s what I want:

Hmmm. I received a piece of very disturbing news today and am feeling upset about it.

I would like:

  1. Spaciousness for processing the things that I’m feeling.
  2. A clear and sovereign response.

I would also like a perfect simple resolution, and I would like this to happen without me having to get directly involved. May it be so.

Ways this could work:

I’m going to have to look at the pain (from a safe distance), because I suspect this is a case of Now reminding me of Then, except that Now Is Not Then.

I’ll play with…

More Shiva Nata, of course.

It solved everything for me last week.

Thing 4: The right words, please.

Here’s what I want:

Due to an unexpected [personal thing], I’ve had to navigate a fairly big change-of-plans that influences people aside from myself.

I want to be able to explain this in a way that is simple, clear, sweet, direct and easy.

Ways this could work:

Connecting with the want behind the want.

Using the four questions.

I’ll play with…

Getting quiet and listening.

Thing 5: [Silent Retreat!]

Here’s what I want:

I’m going to silent retreat on the details, but it involves lusciousness. Again! And possibly wine.

Ways this could work:

Willing to be surprised.

I’ll play with…

Showing up.

Specifically, showing up with willingness, receptivity, curiosity and playfulness.

Thing 6: Mini-chrysalis.

Here’s what I want:

I need to run away (run awaaaaaaaaay) before Rally to prepare myself.

But I have ZERO idea of how this could happen given how busy we are right now with the new space. The monsters are having seven thousand fits about how we just went away and can’t possibly retreat into a shell again.

It needs to happen. I just don’t know how.

Ways this could work:

A miracle.

Possibly several miracles.

I’ll play with…

Wanting the want, and letting that be enough for now.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

We asked the question: “But is it luscious?!

And that turned out to be exactly the right thing to ask.

Let’s see. I wanted to readjust my concept of HOME. And a really interesting thing related to that happened right away.

Then I wanted new curtains for the kitchen and nothing happened with that, so I’ll re-ask.

I went looking for tablecloths and didn’t find what I wanted but found something else instead.

There was an ask about the hamsa, and I’m putting that one back in the pot to look at it some more.

Basically what I’m noticing is that my highly emotional week did not leave a lot of room for playing with the wanting any further, but that the processing I was able to do changed how I feel in relation to these asks, so that’s interesting.

Maybe most interesting is that last week these seemed impossible, and this week they seem completely natural.

And I wanted to write out the dream/vision for Hoppy House, and I haven’t done that yet but I did get the number of the person who is going to help me do it. So yay for that.

Play-filled comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

  • Wanted: Your own personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like.
  • You can also do these on your own or in your head. You can always call silent retreat!
  • Leave your gwishes! Throw things in the pot!
  • Things we try to keep away from: the word “manifest”, telling people how they should be asking for things, unsolicited advice.
  • VPA amnesty applies, of course. Leave yours any time between now and next Sunday (or whenever, really) — it’s all fine by us!


The Fluent Self