Personal ads! They’re … personal! Very.
So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.
Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.
Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.
And now it’s my Sunday ritual for clarity and remembering and stuff like that. Yay, ritual!
Let us dooo eeeet.
Thing 1: More costumes for the Playground.
Here’s what I want:
One of the most marvelous things about the recent Rally (Rally!) we held at the Playground was this:
Somehow everyone spontaneously decided to raid the costume box in the Treasure Room to adorn themselves with silliness for the evening Chicken.
It was awesome. Even better? The collection of extremely fabulous costumes that Cynthia brought for us to play with while rallying.
Now that the Rally is over, I am hyper-aware of how limited our collection is.
I would like to have more silliness! More crazy hats! More feather boas! More unlikely and ridiculous things to wear exuberantly.
And, while I’m asking, I would also love to have one of those … it’s like a rack? on wheels? to hang clothing on? … whatever it’s called, I wish to have one at the Playground.
Ways this could work:
Let’s see.
I might happen upon some good costume elements at a neighborhood yard sale.
A mysterious patron might donate some.
There could be a crazy thing like a costume sale and someone could tell me about it.
Some of my readers might have wonderful things for us. Or ideas about where we might find them. Or both.
My commitment.
To be receptive to just how many ways there are through which these delightful garments can make their way to the Playground.
To remember all the bizarre and beautiful things than can happen when you incorporate costumes into everything you do.
To dress up! To wear my sovereignty boots and my pirate queen necklace and ride the hobby horse. To share pictures when we have more costumes.
Thing 2: a table.
Here’s what I want:
Our dear Hoppy House has an empty dining room again (long story).
I have been looking for the perfect table (locally made, reclaimed wood, broad, simple, a work of love) for it.
But then I keep tripping over things.
There’s a lot of discomfort for me in this.
So I want the table to find me or for me to find it. But really I want to work through whatever stuff is coming up.
Ways this could work:
Of course. I can process the process by writing about it.
I can ask for table recommendations.
And write love letters to the table and to the me who is feeling weird about it.
My commitment.
To be patient with myself while I work through whatever it is that needs attention right now.
To remember that whatever this is has to be legitimate, even if it’s also feeling awkward and embarrassing and stupid to have issues about a table.
To invite Denise over for dinner to be the first official guest at the Hoppy House table when it comes.
Thing 3: more understandings related to a crazy Shivanautical epiphany.
Here’s what I want:
So at the Rally last week, we did a fair amount of Shiva Nata for extra brain-scrambling goodness.
From the delicious chaos emerged all sorts of big understandings, realizations and pieces of intriguing information.
But the one that is messing with me the most:
I got this very clear understanding, in five words:
Not everything requires a response.
To which my brain said WHAT?!?!
And whenever I poked at it to find out more, I just got the same thing but slower and louder.
Not. Everything. Requires. A. Response.
Fascinating! But what am I supposed to do with this? Other than the obvious: not respond!
Ways this could work:
I can journal about this. Ask questions. Interview various parts of myself.
Talk to my monsters and my negotiators and the Greek chorus in my spine.
Brainstorm various situations in which a response might or might not be required and see what happens when I bring this sentence in.
I don’t know! It’s breaking my head. But in a really, really good way.
My commitment.
To be curious. Receptive. Loving.
To be willing to interact with the idea that I am in fact wrong about all sorts of things, and that I might also be wrong about what requires a response and when.
To take lots of notes and share some of them with you.
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.
I wanted progress on a HAT (a Havi’s Announcing a Thing page), and boy did that ever happen. The Rally did brilliant things.
Not only did I write all the copy but I also planned the entire schedule, the content, the exercises and created an entirely new way of handling applications. GENIUS! Yay, Rally.
The next thing I wanted was rest, and I got some. Not really as much as was necessary, but significantly more than I’d thought possible.
And right people for Hiro’s call. She got a gazillion sign-ups so that totally worked. Thanks, guys!
Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.
- Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!
What I’d rather not have:
- The word “manifest”.
- To be told how I should be asking for things.
- To be judged, psychoanalyzed or given advices.
Wishing love and good things for all your Very Personal Ads! So glad for everyone doing this with me.
i want to find (either locally or on the online) other teachers (preferably public school and elementary, although those are not absolute) that practice yoga to help keep their sanity at work. i’d love to connect with other school teachers that also teach yoga.
i would like my new peeps to not be into super duper power yoga, or use yoga-speak. i’d like them to think of ways to incorporate what they experience on the mat into their classroom (not by teaching yoga to their kids, but how to use yogic philosophy into lessons and limit setting for themselves).
basically i am looking for a havi-type teacher or other teachers that dig havi as much as i do. know anyone?
i put a love note out on twitter. i’m convinced i will find my new peeps there.
you could be this person and you could connect with me on twitter or my blog.
you could know someone that fits the criteria (or at least some of the criteria) and tell them about me and help make the connection.
i can keep inviting my local teacher peeps to yoga and they could become teacher yogis.
to keep my eyes and ears open.
to ask for what i want.
to seek out educating types on twitter instead of just yoga people. i need the middle part of the venn diagram! it’s lonely here!
update on last week’s vpa:
i asked for some ease with the healing process on the hurt calf. so far, so good. i’ve only had one episode of the feel-sorry-for-yourselfs and only a hint of oh-my-god-am-i-ever-going-to-be-able-get-back-to-my-regularly-scheduled-lifes. not bad.
once i realized it had only been a week (of at least a 2 week recovery) i cut myself some slack. i also remembered i am 40, not 20 so i’m probably not going to be a superfaster than normal healer.
i’m also toying with the idea of not going back to my regularly scheduled life. as i recall, i was anxious and a bit run down with that nonsense. maybe it’s time to rethink how i spend my time.
.-= Tami´s last post … Saturday Senses =-.
Yay, VPA’s! There should be more fun costumes in life, Havi. I think you’ve inspired me for this week.
Thing One: My new assistant.
I have an awesome new assistant who starts tomorrow, which is great because I know I need the help but have no practice asking for it. I’m trying to figure out what I can have her do to make my life easier and happier, and I’m having difficulties with my control monsters that are being very shouty.
How this could work: I could make a list of things that are small and easy for me to give up, and start with that.
I could talk to my control monster and figure out what he thinks.
My commitment: To trust my judgment that my new assistant is completely amazing.
To be open to suggestions and solutions.
To be willing to change my habits and practices slowly.
Thing Two: To find peace and quiet in the life crazy that I’ve had lately.
This week, I have a two day visit with friends, a birthday celebration for someone, multiple clients worth of work, lots of meetings, assistant training, and a sick family member. I am beginning to feel very frantic all the time, and it’s making me grumpy and sick.
How this could work: I could create relaxing rituals.
I could more strongly articulate my desire for space and rest.
I could try and delegate some of this responsibility to others.
I can lean on my friends for support.
I could make a commitment to running everyday out on the trail.
I could spend more time with my dog.
My commitment: To listen to myself.
To put more emphasis on self-care and my own needs.
To not be ashamed that I can’t do it all.
Happy VPAs everyone! I hope all your wishes come true.
.-= Holly´s last post … Freelance Writing Online Made Easy- A Review =-.
I wish Portland had an Uncle Fun! I was just in Chicago at one and there was all sorts of costume-y type stuff at great prices… but a lot of it was masks from local artists.
My last VPA (in my head anyway) was for a yummy breakfast place and, after one failed attempt, it looks like we may have found a winner!
My other VPA is to have a mostly unplanned trip magically work itself out. I have two weeks of traipsing through the Southwest and only have plans for about 4-5 days out of 14. I’m not renting a car, either. So I’m hoping for magical pathways from Phoenix to Tucson and back again, safe and comfortable (and affordable) places to stay, a magical bicycle to use and other fun things. Along with cafes that have wifi as this is a working vacation.
.-= Yael Grauer´s last post … Power and Corruption- Can We Skip That Step =-.
i’m first!
a first!
.-= Tami´s last post … Saturday Senses =-.
So should have gone to rally – blanket forts and costumes. I mean, really.
Little Miss Giggles and Little Miss Chatterbox were there! How does it relate to my Thing? How can I use the information?
My commitment:
1) I will bring it up at the weekly Shivanuttercapades and Fairy Council (really, it’s just one gal) tomorrow morning
2) I will research the Mr. Men cartoon (featured in the dream) and see if anything grabs me
It’s time for my Thing to be born. To tie all the loose ends together and launch.
My commitment:
1) This is item 2 on the Fairy Council agenda
2) 3 hours a day will be devoted to the Thing
3) If procrastination strikes I will do an exercise from Havi’s book or talk to a monster rather turning on the TV
My commitment:
1) Submit an application to our first choice apartment today
2) If that falls through I will look for 3 more spaces to look at next weekend.
Havi, wishing you a parade of costumery rolling into the Playground on its very own collection of clothing racks!
Last week’s VPA for my right people to sign up for next Tuesday’s Sovereignty and Business call worked beautifully! 🙂
This week’s VPA:
I want spaciousness, ease, flow and grace to fill my life this week. I want my being to guide my doing.
My commitment:
To give myself lots of time and space to be with my body, my feelings and my heart. To receive and give love, appreciation and generosity. To let go of anything that’s not essential and focus on that which is truly nourishing.
Wishing you all the magical fulfillment of your own Very Personal Ads!
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Pattern Makers and Playpens =-.
Sending good costume (and costume-hanging-wheeled-thingy and gorgeous table) thoughts your way!
It’s funny, when I first read your blog post, and read “not everything requires a response” I thought you meant your epiphany was saying that not everything you asked about required a response. Must read slower, but am in hyper mode lately.
What I want #1: I want to finish my two writing projects for august — the series book and the book proposal.
How this might happen: I’ll get the inspiration I need to re-do the plot outline for the proposal, and I’ll stay on schedule and keep on plugging at the book. Am open to anything else that might help!
My commitment: write every day. Two scenes for the book… one hour daily on the proposal. And check in with my peeps so I’ll stay motivated.
Thing #2 (deep, deep breath): I want to get my fiction writer’s online business going.
How this might happen: The ecourse I’m giving will have such positive results that people will start paying me for it when I start actually charging for it. People will come to read the blog. I’ll get crazy mad support from places I’m not even expecting. And perhaps a big online business expert will step in and give me a hand. Again, open to absolutely anything and everything that will help in this arena.
My commitment: I am going to keep working with Rachel the Caffeinated Elf, my wonderful coach, to stay focused and be inspired. I am going to dedicate about an hour a day to learning about this, or creating content. And I am (DEEP BREATH) going to get over my phone phobia and call Naomi Dunsford of Ittybiz with an offer that I’m hoping she won’t refuse.
Oh, God. Okay. Well, I’ve posted this to make sure I do it. Thanks, guys, and fingers crossed. 🙂
Progress – I asked for non-recovery rest and got it. We both woke at the same times; I worked when he needed space. It was all good.
This week, I’ve been making plans for my return to Uni for my final year. I’ve sent out job applications and updated me CV.
Thing: A Job I Enjoy
Here’s what I want:
I sent out feelers last night and by 8am this morning, I actually had a reply. It said:
Although this role is more suited to Maths graduates, I think I may have an interesting role for you. Would you like to come in for an informal interview”
I’ve never had a job, had only two interviews, for companies and positions I knew about.
I want to have a job of some kind when I get back to Brighton, which I enjoy and feel comfortable with. I want the transition to be as comfortable as possible.
Ways this could work:
I can keep reminding myself that “this is all practise”. Life is a practise. If i don’t get one, i’ve feelers and applications for other jobs. I can handle a phonecall if it’s a job i’ll love.
My commitment.
To breathe.
To talk on twitter and get support when I need it.
To talk to the careers department at University if I need a hand.
To maintain composure and give myself permission to fall apart at a later time if necessary.
To be open.
To trust.
Good luck to everyones VPAs and enjoy your weeks 🙂
.-= Rose´s last post … In Sight of a Lighthouse =-.
Re: Costumes: We found a bunch of great “princess dresses” (multi-purpose, everything from zombie prom queen at halloween, to Eleven Princess at a LOTR party) at a bridal shop sale – they had random going *ridiculously* cheap.
Thing #1: To reclaim my ability to write.
My commitment:
+ I’m going to sit down for fifteen minutes a day with my characters (any of them), my notebook/netbook, a snack, and Green Duck.
+ I’m going to let myself write down what happens – even if I think “it sucks”, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time.
Thing #2: To quit beating myself up over lack of writing.
My commitment:
+ When I catch that little voice in my head going on about how I fail because 24 year old me doesn’t write like 14 year old me, I’m going to stop, and put Hotel California on mental repeat for as many verses as it takes for him to get bored and go away.
+ I’m going to ask my friends not to let me get away with saying I suck. If I wouldn’t talk about them that way, I shouldn’t talk about me that way.
…in addition to the above, I should possibly make some kind of commitment to worry less about “Am I doing it wrong?” since my instant reaction was “Wait, I’ve phrased that badly. Everyone’s going to think I’m an idiot AND that I didn’t read the blog”.
*facepalm* Pardon me. *Puts on Hotel California, Loudly.*
@Jack — LOL! 😀 And I love that you’re a writer. Write on!
My project has told me it wants a rug for us to sit on while we work together.
And it’s been very specific: it wants an Oriental-style rug, mostly in tones of red and black, with a slightly higher pile that feels very soft underfoot.
Oh, and easily washable too.
OK. So. Here’s what I want:
– A rug that will make my project very, very happy,
– Preferably without breaking the bank,
– No bedbugs please!
Ways this could work:
– I could shop around for new rugs and find some that cost much less than I think they will
– I could set a realistic budget and go buy the ideal rug as soon as I have enough money put aside
– Someone could be looking for a good home for an unused rug still in wrapping
– Some generous people could offer to help in other ways
– Some other kind of perfect solution could present itself
My commitment:
– I will get rid of one household item before welcoming the new rug home
– I will ask around and put the word out
– I will be open to unexpected solutions
I can’t wait!
Happy Sunday everyone – may all your VPAs be fulfilled in the best possible way.
@ Jack: Hotel California can solve almost anything. Especially when listened to driving 75 on the highway with the windows open on a beautiful summer night.
@ Havi: Hmmm, costumes. So we can dress like the avatars we’re making on that one site. I’ll need some black fishnets, yellow strappy heels, a short purple skirt and a turquoise boustiere. And maybe a temp tattoo.
OK, update on last time, which were 1) sitting with the feelings stirred up by the hormones 2) a medical guide and 3) rest.
Well I got rest in a big way–aka a massive sinus and ear infection. I slept and slept and now I feel better. I think last Sunday I was at the beginning of it. I have an (expensive) appointment with a possible medical guide on Weds., and I realized that I also kind of have one with my current chiropractor. And in terms of sitting with the feelings, that’s just practice. I put in a few practice sessions. My body’s just about processed all the hormones, and I’m feeling more like myself, which feels wonderful.
Since I’m still working on and hoping on and asking for the 3 things from last week, I’m adding just 1 this week:
Thing 1
A new, reliable car for my husband for $225 or less a month
We just sold Syd, who was the devil child of Christine (seriously, he tried to kill my husband on multiple occasions) last weekend. Crazy, but the chick who bought him (a Saab convertible from hell) said, “I’ve named him Syd.” And we didn’t tell her that’s his name. Creepy.
So now Steve’s driving his aunt’s big SUV with no air conditioning. And it’s close to 100 in Denver this week. He drives about 300 miles per week for work, so at 12 mpg, this is not going to be a long-term solution.
We’re working with a broker who is looking for an Audi A4 with low miles. I want the car to come this week, hopefully early in the week. He’s all loan-approved, so now we’re waiting on the right car. The perfect car, which will be the opposite of Syd, and do everything to make Steve’s life easier and less stressful.
And in this process I want to practice not being bossy.
Well, we have to wait for the broker, because he’s our Car Buying Guide.
And when I’m feeling bossy because I’m feeling anxious that things aren’t exactly how I want them to be, I could say that to Steve instead of bossing him.
To notice that anxious feeling and feel it
To count to 10 before I get bossy
To trust that the broker really is our Car Buying Guide and is doing his job, and notice when I’m feeling anxious and tell Steve *that* rather than telling him how to fix what’s making me anxious.
I hope everyone has a great week.
.-= lynn @ human, being´s last post … 20 minutes- What’s my Thing =-.
O. Em. Eff. GEEEEEE. I needed needed NEEDED to hear Not Everything Requires A Response.
I will be raiding my costume bins for a care package for the Playground very soon, perhaps in a few moments!
I have no VPAs that can be public except to get more progress a few things:
Decluttering (going pretty well)
Chapeaux by Simone website (kind of out of my hands, Johnny B. Truant is in charge)
Choosing church music for fall semester (easily done, needs about an afternoon set aside)
So I commit to working on all those things for a few minutes each day this week.
Love to all!
.-= chicsinger simone´s last post … Summer 2010 =-.
“Not. Everything. Requires. A. Response.” Love this. And also know my brain fights against it in many of its applications.
Update from 2 weeks ago: To streamline my online self with my Thing, I changed my twitter handle from claireofttat to @claireofRA. RA is for Rocklawn Arts, but I also like it because it sounds like Rah! and makes me think of Egyptology, a passion of mine.
.-= claire´s last post … Sketchbook- page 43 =-.
@ Havi – I believe they’re called “garment racks”—may be helpful in a craigslist-y kind of way.
Okay. My VPA got swallowed up last week, but I am making progress on the essays—some in the area of actual writing, some in just thinking about them. I still need more of the writing of them so…
What I want: To shift from panicking about not-doing to doing.
Ways this might work: Timed work. Accountability bracketing. ???
My commitment: Writing, daily. Walking, daily. Sleeping on it, nightly. Eating well.
Best to you all!
.-= communicatrix´s last post … Frrrrriday Rrrrroundup! =-.
Update on last week’s VPA: I wanted to feel a stronger sense of sovereignty, and that went very well. I started out the week visualizing my crown whenever I was thinking about it, and then sometime around mid-week I forgot to think about it, but felt more sovereign anyway.
This week — hmm — I think I’m just asking for more of the same, for now, because it feels really important, and because I think many of the other things I might want will happen more easily if I focus on my sovereignty.
(I also need tuition money. I feel — shy? uncomfortable? ashamed? oogy? — making a straightforward VPA out of this, so here I am, doing a quick and quiet sideways ask, while my monsters are being distracted by the smell of sauteed onions. Wish me well, please, and mum’s the word!)
Sending fair winds and clear sailing for everyone’s VPAs this week…
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … Weekend wonderings =-.
Oooh – I have a crazy hat that is tilting itself toward the Playground even as I type. I wore it as Professor Sinistra to my church’s Hogwarts Ball, and then to Hat Night at Christmas School a couple years later. It’s served me well, but it’s time for us both to move on…
Thing 1: I want to make tangible progress on a couple of professional projects each day this week.
Ways this could work: I’ve calculated the milestones I need to hit each day for me to feel I’m on track. The trick will be keeping my Sweeping-Pebbles-Off-the-Rails Broom within reach, along with the Basket-for-Catching-The-REALLY-Shiny-Pebbles-to-Revisit-Later. My monsters have a knack for hiding those tools and insisting that if I don’t put off work in order to answer x e-mail or post y or submit z, people will forget me or be angry with me or hate me or regard me with contempt. Which, yes, has sometimes happened in the past, but it’s even less productive when I get so behind on professional and creative projects that I end up being angry with and hating myself.
My commitment: To meet those minimums each day before I start answering non-deadline-related e-mails or washing the kitchen floor. To reassure the monsters that there are people who have known me for over twenty years who still find me worthy of keeping in touch with, and newer friends with whom I can reasonably — and even joyfully — anticipate that kind of sustained connection and support.
Thing 2: I really dislike my tendency to whine about how much I have to do. I like myself more when I don’t indulge in it, so my VPA is to train myself out of that habit.
Ways this could work:
– sending myself frequent e-mails to be mindful of that tendency
– likewise sending myself reminders and ideas of non-whiny ways to make small talk
– treating myself to a wine-colored scrunchie or earrings or charm or anklet. Or making that my reward for say, six consecutive whine-free days.
My commitment: to send this post to myself, create the e-mail reminder, and add the carrot to my calendar.
Best wishes to everyone!
.-= Mechaieh´s last post … August Break- photos 19-21 =-.
VPA time! Yay for VPAs!
VPA #1: A new doctor, or maybe just a new relationship with my current doctor…
What I want: A doctor that gets me. Someone who is knowledgeable enough about the current state of traditional medicine to get both it’s strengths and its limitations. Who knows enough about alternative therapies to know when/how they might be effective as well. Someone with a sense of humor and warm ‘bedside manner.’ Someone who will listen to me and help me sort things out in a way that feels good to me.
Ways this could work: I could ask around about people’s experiences with their practitioners. Someone might mention the perfect person in a random conversation. Something completely unexpected.
My commitment: To be very clear about my conditions of satisfaction. To acknowledge and appreciate the good things about my current provider (even if she’s not the right doc for me). If/when I decide to change, to be very clear about my reasons for switching. To investigate suggestions from others and listen to my own instincts as I do.
VPA #2: The ‘right people’ to find my classes for moms getting kids off to school.
What I want: 3-5 more local (Boulder/Longmont CO area) moms to find and sign up for my class on Tuesday. 10 or more moms to find and sign up for the teleclass on Thursday.
Ways this could happen: I could (and will) send out a reminder email. I could email a few moms personally and let them know I’d love to see them there. I could write another blog post about some of the great suggestions and themes I’ll be sharing in the class. I could ask for help on twitter. Someone could tell two friends, and they could tell two friends, and so on and so on…
My commitment: To really help moms see that there’s nothing wrong with THEM if getting kids out the door to school in the morning is making them crazy. They can find ways to make systems that work for them and their families without requiring anyone to ‘get organized.’
*sprinkling magic fairy dust on all the VPAs out there– even the silent ones…*
.-= Liz´s last post … Registration is open! =-.
ouuuu costumes 🙂
Best Wishes to everyone!
Thing 1: Spaciousness and ease and jumping back into the fray with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Stamina, is, I think, what I’m asking for.
Ways this could work: Magic! Scheduling powers that include rest and relaxing and rejuvinating. Writing.
My Committment: Eat well. Sleep Often and deep. Practice (working out, walking the dog, writing, shiva-ing …) Focus.
Thing 2: Tracking the tracker – Update. Excellent insights. The professional tracker in me says I need more data before theories may be advanced. Just watching the habit (when it works and when it doesn’t) has reminded me how and why I created it. Some of those reasons no longer exist.
Ways this could work: capturing the data/more data to be reviewed later (that would be: writing)
I’d like to say that magic could happen (it could!) but I realize that this is the ‘work’ part of what I do. I’m ready for it.
My commitment: Continue to gather data and not jump to conclusions.
I have very very special VPAs this week.
What I want – two related things:
Thing the first: to find the right words to describe my Shiva Nata classes so that my Right People can find it and know that this is for them
Ways this could work:
– I could do Shiva Nata (of course!) and then just know how to say things
– I could go and find the useful bits in what I have already written in the past (blog posts, journal entries, etc.)
– I could write for the website, for posters, for cards, and all kinds of promo material; if I get stuck on a format I can switch to another one, and the different formats may help spark new ideas
– I am totally willing to be surprised by the way the words will flow out of me!
My commitment:
– I will do Shiva Nata and write every day
– I will do my best not to overthink things
– I will remember why I’m doing this
Thing number two: for my Right People to find about the Shiva Nata classes I’ll teach in Sherbrooke (Quebec) starting in September (less than 2 weeks from now! crazy, I know!) and decide to come and flail with me
Ways this could work:
– they could see a poster, a flyer, whatever
– they could find my (not yet online) website or hear about it on Twitter
– I could tell the few people I know around here and word of mouth may happen
– someone local might see this here (anyone else is in or near Sherbrooke, Quebec?)
– surprises!
My commitment:
– to sort out the last details so that I can announce the classes for real
– to create and put up posters in a few places in town
– to put my website online in the coming days
– to open a second Twitter account and tweet in French
– to tell people I know and ask them to pass on the info to more people
– to trust
Update on Last Week: I asked for art progress and made it on pretty much everything, so I’m very pleased there. I also asked for work goodness and utterly failed with that, due to remodeling below me that totally borked my sleep schedule and sent me into sleep dep hell. But, other good things came of last week, and none of my clients seems that annoyed about the delay, so, woot.
Thing 1: Rest and energy for the week.
What I want: To get enough sleep or rest, somehow, that I’m not exhausted and 30 IQ points down by the end of the week, despite the remodeling waking me up well before my preferred time.
How this could happen: Quiet work in the mornings, like laying tile. Afternoon naps after they go home. Insomnia letting up so I can go to sleep at midnight instead of 3am. Another surprise.
My commitment: To pay better attention to my capacity and whether or not it’s diminished, and say no to things if I feel like I need sleep more.
Thing 2: An awesome transition to September
What I want: For the work I have to get done easily and on time, so I can bill it and get paid. For the sale I’m planning for my birthday month to come together with ease and grace. For the shifting focus of my design site to finally get underway with no more bumps, bruises or misunderstandings.
How this could happen: I could find energy among the resting. I could get the feedback I need in a timely manner. I could send anxious Piglet off with the goblin who holds they keys to my Treehouse Fort so they can play with my Monsters while I work. Something lovely could surprise me.
My commitment: To pay attention to when I’m letting Piglet sneak in and keep me doing safe internet surfing instead of scary work. To caffeinate wisely. To pet my kitties and take naps if I need them. To accept surprises with as much grace as I can manage.
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … Chasing Amy =-.
Yay – Sunday VPAs. Here’s what I want:
A name for our new company.
My husband and two other guys are starting a company. Each of them has been in the ad/interactive agency world for more than a decade, and they’ve decided to join forces to create, essentially, an interactive hit squad.
Our little crew comprises:
* a producer/project manager
* a back-end (hee hee) programming tech genius
* a rockstar Flash programmer
* a QA engineer (that’s me)
What we lack: a creative lead person (the usual fourth partner in this kind of company). And this is painfully evident in our complete inability to find a name. Three months it’s been and not one thing has come up that the boys can decide on. Personally, I like iCBM, because their last names are Cole, Brant, and Mueller, and we could work the whole cold-war artistic aesthetic along with some pretty sassy taglines. But the tech guy hates it because he reads it as “I see BM” (childish, I know, but stuck firmly in that genius head is a 7-year-old boy). And they hate “interactive hit squad” because it’s too close to “geek squad”.
Dave (the hubs) says that “Our target group of clients would be ad agencies and the smaller shops that work for them. The type of person within the agency that would hire us would be a director (tech or creative) or a senior producer who helped sell through the project and needs to staff it due to their inability to execute in-house. These people would most likely have their own creative team and only require us for technical development, however we can scale to include creatives if need be. The ideal scenario would be this: you’re an agency that just landed a big project, but you’re totally overloaded with work already and would just be happy to pass off the project to a lean hit squad of experienced developers that can execute and manage the production directly with the client in exchange for something like a 60% cut of the budget. We like the concepts of the hit-squad, ninjas, etc. but can’t find a term of series of terms that aren’t already taken.”
Ways this name could happen:
– one of our brainstorming sessions could cough up something new and perfect
– someone might read this and know exactly the right word/phrase/cultural reference for us and share it with me
– I could stumble across it in one of my online excursions
– it could come to me in a dream
My commitment:
– to be patient with the process
– to consider all ideas, no matter how silly
– to shiva-it-up for inspiration
Last week, I asked for the finishing of and the opening of my little photo shop to be full of ease and flow and joy and celebration. And it was. My heart is full.
I have a VPA this week related to my reiki page, but I can’t quite articulate exactly what I want just yet. It’ll come.
Best wishes to all for the VPAs!
.-= Elizabeth´s last post … ode to joy- volume 33 =-.
Man, this week.
I have two asks this week. Please, world, help me find them.
Thing 1: The knowledge that it doesn’t have to be perfect the first time.
What I want: I know what the right next step for me is. I know how to take the step. The problem is that taking the step is hard, because it’s complex, and because it’s kind of a scary step. And “break it down into pieces” isn’t working.
How this could work: I think this one’s all me, but I could use some outside support. Sympathetic nodding and reassurance without necessarily providing a solution. It won’t work if someone else comes up with the solution. I just need support.
My commitment: I won’t abandon my next step out of the fear of taking it. I won’t reject solutions out of hand just because they don’t look right on the surface. I will do my best to remember that it doesn’t have to be perfect all the time in order to be worthwhile.
Thing 2: Grace in my new year.
What I want: I’ll be 31 on Wednesday and I’d like to not have a freak-out about how I’m no longer young.
How this could work: Again, support, sympathy, and a reminder that I haven’t already wasted my best years.
My commitment: I will remember that I still have more than half my life left – if I’m lucky, two-thirds – and that my past has made me who I am but I’m not bound to continue on that path if I don’t want to.
♥ to all!
.-= Chris Anthony´s last post … Youre doing it wrong =-.
Dress-up was pretty much the point of my life when I was little. I always found the best stuff at garage sales. Serious gems there.
I have big updates from last time. You guys! I asked for a job last week, and I was offered one! And I accepted it! And so far the employer-to-be has been miraculously professional and welcoming and gracious. I’m flabbergasted (in a good way).
What I want: A productive, nonviolent conversation with my current employer about the fact that I’m leaving. I want to fill this conversation with graciousness on my part, and do everything I can to make my last three weeks full of productivity so it’s easy for them to find someone new and so nobody feels panicked.
How this could work: I could be filled to the brim with sovereignty when I give my notice tomorrow. I could be generous with my time and focused on the most important tasks. I could wear an invisible crown.
My commitment: To embody sovereignty. To actually put on my invisible crown. To actively use NVC in all my interactions, especially tomorrow. To identify my needs and maintain them.
Second thing I want: To continue to actively examine my relationship with sugar.
How this could work: Journal writing about it. Dance of Shiva. Being entirely present if I do choose to eat any sugar. Taking time to cook and take care of myself. Extreme gentleness with myself, no matter what happens this week.
My commitment: To write about things. To do Dance of Shiva at least once. To be excessively nice to myself, even if it feels ridiculous.
Love to everyone and your VPAs.
.-= Kylie´s last post … seven seconds =-.
I have some things that would work awesomely for the purpose that need to find another good home anyway.
How would one go about getting such to the Playground?
Good Fortune to everyone with their VPAs! 🙂
I’m a costumer, and one thing you can do is contact your Portland theatres (large and small) and find out if they ever have costume/prop sales. Most theatres only have a limited space for storage, and they’re constantly buying and making new things for each new show. Sometimes they hold yearly garage/yard/whatever sales to clear out their stock and make room for new things, and you can get some amazing stuff!
What I want: A healthy work/life balance for the next two weeks. My boss has been out of town, and I’ve been tending to my mother after shoulder surgery, so the amount of work has really backed up. There will be a lot of catching up to do.
How this could work: Though the days will be long, there will be several of us sharing the load. If we work together instead of butting heads over how it should be done, it will go faster.
My commitment: To do my best. To stop when I cannot do any more. To be patient, both with others and with myself. To speak up and be sovereign, especially when it relates to my health or my specific field of expertise. To try to push through the long days with a smile, instead of complaining.
A perfect time for a VPA as I have been mulling this around for a few weeks.
What I want: 8 more lovely people who want to add more creativity into their lives to show up as participants in my Creativity group. I’m putting myself out there again and it’s very scary waiting for people to show up.
How This Could Work: I could email another group of women that I hang out with and see if there are any takers.
I could breathe and know that 8 more lovely people will phone, email or send a note on an owl or something before we press on next Tuesday.
I could keep tweeting and facebooking and mentioning to friends, colleagues and my dogs to see who might know someone who would be perfect for this group.
My Commitment: To carry on with it for the folks that are signed up no matter what.
To refrain from making it about me and to keep driving away the thoughts that this somehow reflects upon me as an adequate or inadequate coach, yada yada.
To color in the Monster Coloring Book.
To create the best group possible around this material so that the lovely people that do show up are dazzled by the transformation that happens for them in the process.
And for the second (I feel so deliciously greedy today!)
What I want: To feel less icky about the way this summer went with my daughter and to know that even though she’s growing up and doesn’t need me during lots of moments each day, she still loves me and wants to spend time with me.
How this could work:
I could breathe deeply instead of sighing a lot and spend time thinking about how I want our adult relationship to be.
I could cry during the moments I feel like crying and allow my feelings to sit next to me and spend a little time.
I could spend more time in gratitude for the moments we did have together.
I can redirect myself when I feel the sadness creep in and remember that I’m the mommy, not the best friend.
I could create a ‘releasing ritual’ and let go of my fears, anger, sadness and overall unease about the way things rolled out after she met this guy that she seems pretty connected to.
My commitment:
To be good to myself and nurture my maiden in waiting so that she doesn’t feel so alone and inadequate.
To let go of this as soon as I can.
To be kind to this guy since he’s still here in my corner of the world and may end up sitting at my Thanksgiving table.
To continue to see my daughter as the capable young woman that she is becoming and to celebrate the fact that she is, indeed, transitioning to adulthood and I am, indeed, working myself out of a job. And that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
Can you say Dumpster Diving?! WooHoo. It’s not as bad as it sounds. Many times department stores have a discard area out back near their loading docks and dumpsters. They throw out marvelous stuff just because they get newer versions. So you could do drive by’s and check it out. It’s usually free stuff, though sometimes you might want to ask if it’s okay. Most of the time it’s fine. And that’s a great place to find those Racks on wheels and other shelving and loads of pirate booty.
On stuff for dress-up, etc, check clothing stores dumpster areas. Also, I don’t know if you have them on the west coast, but on the east coast, we have lots of children’s centers, day-cares, children museums and children art centers that regularly discard their goods, adult sizes included in clothing and other neat stuff like art supplies, colored papers, toys, etc. So all you’d have to do is ask if they’ll set stuff aside for you and call you when they have stuff. The same is true for art supply stores.
Table…hmmm, around here you’d find stuff like at Barn Sales, Refurbished goods, or under Hand-crafted in the phone book. You could have an adventure checking those out.
And don’t forget the dump. Yeah, sounds creepy but with all the recycling and such, many dumps now have areas where people can go in and either buy stuff free or just take it. Our actually have little buildings and outside sheltered areas called Treasure Chests. lol It’s usually stuff that needs to be cleaned or minor repairs but many times very good stuff…especially in the area of house hold goods like tables and stands. Just cart off, clean, sand, paint, whatever!
Just a couple thoughts.
Good luck!
Cloaking Device Re-ingaged.
Update on my last VPA: I haz a blog again. FINALLY!
.-= Wulfie´s last post … The Blithering Starts Here =-.
If someone wished to send the Playground some costumes, to where would they be mailed? Because I am a photographer with a prop closet in need of editing…
.-= Jeliza´s last post … New Artfire Collections- Steampunk and Spirals =-.
Ooo two visits in one day!
Lessons in Not everything needs a response:
It’s nearly 9PM, the phone rings. I ignore it and feel guilty because it’s my sister and I’m supposed to answer it and her voice sounds tense. Two minutes later the phone rings again. It’s my friend Tina; she’s bored and thought she’d call. (gee, thanks.) I ignore it and I feel guilty.
I’m busy drawing. Not working. Not stressing. Just having some fun and quiet time sketching out this character I’ve named Belfry; putting him in different poses. You know…PLAYING.
My response to the two phone calls was that I’m supposed to answer them whether or not I want to because…by not answering the phone I felt guilty and upset because I hate answering the phone sometimes, or because I want to continue playing and NOT answer the phone. And I even heard myself thinking: I don’t have to if I don’t want to! while stomping my foot and crossing my arms and pouting.
I don’t know why or to whom I was trying to explain all this (and being very distracted from the drawing) but I was trying to. Then I remembered there doesn’t always have to be a response and I got it! So I stopped arguing with the Response Monster and finished drawing like I wanted to then I came here.
Heh. I like THAT one.
.-= Wulfie´s last post … The Blithering Starts Here =-.
I have 3 boxes of costumes and accessories that I collected during my multi-year “costume phase”.
I had a lot of fun with this stuff, and outfitted many people – enough stuff to liven up 10 or more people in sparkles and feathers etc.
I don’t want this any more. Ive been thinking about how to get rid of it. Since it’s close to Burning Man, I thought maybe someone would want to buy it all? I live near San Francisco.
I’d be happy to donate it to Havi’s cause, but it’s a lot of stuff and would be expensive to ship. Perhaps someone’s driving to Portland and could bring it to her, or she’d pick up the shipping charges?
Well, I’m late, I have updates now that I didn’t two days ago.
Last week I asked for a teaching job in my field, and just importantly, promised to at least try to work through some stuck around it. Well, I did Shiva Nata all of once and persevered through some stuck, and now I have an interview on Wednesday.
Also I asked for a good place to live near the hypothetical job. Well, I found a place that I think will be very good in important ways, though it’s an hour from the possible job.
So this week, #1: I’d like to feel prepared and sovereign at the interview(s) and see the good in whatever the outcome is. My commitment: Shiva Nata at least once today, some relaxed thinking about how to present my slightly non-mainstream ideas, and a good night’s sleep.
#2: I’d like smoothness and decisiveness around moving. I want to release things that are no longer serving me (many many things). I’d like the freedom of limited stuff in my new place without stashed stuff in storage that I won’t want later either. My commitment: breathe, take breaks (and work!), browse through Brooks Palmer’s book often.
#3: A good relationship with my new roommate. I haven’t had a roommate since college, many years ago. My commitment: to be considerate, to ask when I need clarity, to see if I can be comfortable just being myself, to notice what I need.
asking for stuff is ok, wow . . .
@jeliza + @Birdy (and anyone else who wants to send the Playground things):
Costumes and other things can be sent to:
The Fluent Self
1526 NE Alberta Street #218
Portland, OR 97211
Yay! Thanks!
@LeeAnn – wow! How PERFECT! I would totally pay for the shipping. Let me put out a VPA this coming sunday asking if anyone is driving up to Oregon in the near future. And if not, I will happily pay shipping charges. Thank you!
@Chris – happy almost birthday, honey. May this year be full of good things and delight. Yay.
@Mechaieh – I ADORE you!
@communicatrix – Colleen! Garment Racks. But of course. Smooches.
@Jack – you are my new favorite person, for the record. Yay.
@Lisa – fairy council!
@Kylie – WOW. I cannot believe that you were offered a job and are taking it after asking for this a week ago. That is outstanding and beautiful. Wow wow wow. Hugs. Hooray.
@everyone – I am so glad to know you, even from far away.
@Wulfie – kisses!
@Laurie – wishing wonderful things for your ask. May it all happen with ease.
@downloadable – ooh perfect. Love the suggestions. Super helpful. Will do. Thank you
Havi — I just found a vintage (1981) vinyl child’s size “Pirate bandana and cape.” The cape has the cheesiest/scariest pirate on it. Do you want?
If you’re in the market for costumes most thrift stores are putting their stuff out now. I teach creative and dress-up drama, so it’s where I get most of my stuff.
.-= kerri twigg´s last post … How to make a short horror film with your family =-.