very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.

Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.

Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.

And now it’s my Sunday ritual for clarity and remembering and stuff like that. Yay, ritual!

Let us dooo eeeet.

Thing 1: more wishes please

Here’s what I want:

I feel awkward. Like a kid granted three wishes who wants to wish for more wishes.

But here’s the thing. Each Sunday I put out three asks. Generally the focus is on the qualities I’d like to have more of in my life:

Things like … support, stability, silliness, sovereignty. There are more (even ones that don’t start with S), but I can’t think of them.

And sometimes my ask is related to an actual thing.

So last week I wanted someone driving from San Francisco to Portland who could deliver some boxes of costumes for my Playground — both the costumes and the Playground being results of previous Very Personal Ads.

And yeah. Turns out a friend of mine can do it. Neat!

Short version: I pretty much always get what I want, or the support and comfort that I need in my relationship with those three things. So why not ask more often? Why is this a weekly practice (62 weeks old) and not a daily one?

Ways this could work:

Not sure. I could work this into my daily journaling and process the process.

Maybe I’ll teach a class on this. Maybe there is a fun, kooky, daily ritual to be easily folded into my routine. Or you guys could remind me (in loving deguiltified ways).

My commitment.

To do Shiva Nata on this and see what comes up.

To plan a wishing party.

To talk to whatever fuzzy monsters show up and want love and attention.

(Already noticing the “what the hell kind of greedy person wants more good things?!” and the “you should be more grateful” monsters, so I can definitely have a chat with them to find out what would help them feel more safe with this.)

Thing 2: to welcome my people for the Week of Biggification.

Here’s what I want:

So ridiculously excited about the Week of Biggification.* Actually, I’m constantly running off to some secret sexy rendezvous with the content. I seriously don’t think I’ve ever been so passionate about content.

Geeky about it, yes. Passionate, I don’t know. This is hot.

Anyway. Where we stand with who gets to come:

Someone just had to drop out so and now there are four spots left. Three singles, one shared room.

I would like to meet these four wonderful people this week. I mean, not meet in person yet, but for them to send in their pickle submissions and for me to recognize them as people who definitely should be a part of this.

* password = pickles

Ways this could work:

I could tell my people about what’s going to happen there.

And I could stop being so obsessively secretive about what the bonuses are (one of them is that I’m waiving tuition to one Rally this year for Week of Biggification participants — if that’s not the best thing ever, I don’t know what is).

Of course! Love letters! Like this. I will write them love letters.

My commitment.

To keep loving the people who are coming, loving the people who might come, loving the people for whom it’s not the right time or the right thing.

To really truly welcome the lovely people for this, so they feel adored and filled with a sense of belonging and excitement.

To keep the adoration alive in my semi-steamy relationship with the Week of Biggification itself (the program, yes?).

To spend time at the Playground feeling the whimsy and the silliness and the depth of what is my new tiny, sweet thing.

To do some hardcore Dance of Shiva on it. To laugh and dance and play and eat a fried egg sandwich, and generally enjoy this time.

Thing 3: spending more time with my body.

Here’s what I want:

Well, in and with my body.

Last week was long and hard and didn’t have nearly as much movement as I would have liked.

More walking. More dancing. More napping. More yoga nidra. Yes, please.

Ways this could work:

I’m putting it here.

My commitment.

To pay attention, ask good questions, remember that this is a) a practice, and b) a way to be sweet with myself, not another way to be mean to myself.

To be patient with myself when I can. To remember how hard being patient is when I can’t.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

I wanted to be ready to go live with the Week of Biggification (pickles) and it happened. In very good timing.

Then (ooh, I totally forgot about this one) there was an ask about becoming immune to other people’s angst. And weirdly? I think we nailed that.

Because there was angst all over the place this week (and not just angst but some considerably more toxic things than that) and I wasn’t feeling it. Aware it was there but not feeling it.

Wow. Can I renew that wish please?

And I wanted progress on something I’m currently projectizing, and that didn’t so much happen, but actually I got more done on it than I might have, considering.

Also, this isn’t something I asked for out loud, but I have been really, really wanting shelves to outfit the Library & Toy Shop at the Playground, and that was going to go into this week’s VPA. But then Dana gave us three bookshelves and a dresser. Nice!

Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

  • Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!

What I’d rather not have:

  • The word “manifest”.
  • To be told how I should be asking for things.
  • To be judged, psychoanalyzed or given advices.

Wishing love and good things for your Very Personal Ads! So glad for everyone doing this with me.

The Fluent Self