Personal ads. They’re … personal! Very.
So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.
Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.
Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.
And now it’s my Sunday ritual for clarity and remembering and stuff like that. Yay, ritual!
Let us dooo eeeet.
Thing 1: more wishes please
Here’s what I want:
I feel awkward. Like a kid granted three wishes who wants to wish for more wishes.
But here’s the thing. Each Sunday I put out three asks. Generally the focus is on the qualities I’d like to have more of in my life:
Things like … support, stability, silliness, sovereignty. There are more (even ones that don’t start with S), but I can’t think of them.
And sometimes my ask is related to an actual thing.
So last week I wanted someone driving from San Francisco to Portland who could deliver some boxes of costumes for my Playground — both the costumes and the Playground being results of previous Very Personal Ads.
And yeah. Turns out a friend of mine can do it. Neat!
Short version: I pretty much always get what I want, or the support and comfort that I need in my relationship with those three things. So why not ask more often? Why is this a weekly practice (62 weeks old) and not a daily one?
Ways this could work:
Not sure. I could work this into my daily journaling and process the process.
Maybe I’ll teach a class on this. Maybe there is a fun, kooky, daily ritual to be easily folded into my routine. Or you guys could remind me (in loving deguiltified ways).
My commitment.
To do Shiva Nata on this and see what comes up.
To plan a wishing party.
To talk to whatever fuzzy monsters show up and want love and attention.
(Already noticing the “what the hell kind of greedy person wants more good things?!” and the “you should be more grateful” monsters, so I can definitely have a chat with them to find out what would help them feel more safe with this.)
Thing 2: to welcome my people for the Week of Biggification.
Here’s what I want:
So ridiculously excited about the Week of Biggification.* Actually, I’m constantly running off to some secret sexy rendezvous with the content. I seriously don’t think I’ve ever been so passionate about content.
Geeky about it, yes. Passionate, I don’t know. This is hot.
Anyway. Where we stand with who gets to come:
Someone just had to drop out so and now there are four spots left. Three singles, one shared room.
I would like to meet these four wonderful people this week. I mean, not meet in person yet, but for them to send in their pickle submissions and for me to recognize them as people who definitely should be a part of this.
* password = pickles
Ways this could work:
I could tell my people about what’s going to happen there.
And I could stop being so obsessively secretive about what the bonuses are (one of them is that I’m waiving tuition to one Rally this year for Week of Biggification participants — if that’s not the best thing ever, I don’t know what is).
Of course! Love letters! Like this. I will write them love letters.
My commitment.
To keep loving the people who are coming, loving the people who might come, loving the people for whom it’s not the right time or the right thing.
To really truly welcome the lovely people for this, so they feel adored and filled with a sense of belonging and excitement.
To keep the adoration alive in my semi-steamy relationship with the Week of Biggification itself (the program, yes?).
To spend time at the Playground feeling the whimsy and the silliness and the depth of what is my new tiny, sweet thing.
To do some hardcore Dance of Shiva on it. To laugh and dance and play and eat a fried egg sandwich, and generally enjoy this time.
Thing 3: spending more time with my body.
Here’s what I want:
Well, in and with my body.
Last week was long and hard and didn’t have nearly as much movement as I would have liked.
More walking. More dancing. More napping. More yoga nidra. Yes, please.
Ways this could work:
I’m putting it here.
My commitment.
To pay attention, ask good questions, remember that this is a) a practice, and b) a way to be sweet with myself, not another way to be mean to myself.
To be patient with myself when I can. To remember how hard being patient is when I can’t.
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.
I wanted to be ready to go live with the Week of Biggification (pickles) and it happened. In very good timing.
Then (ooh, I totally forgot about this one) there was an ask about becoming immune to other people’s angst. And weirdly? I think we nailed that.
Because there was angst all over the place this week (and not just angst but some considerably more toxic things than that) and I wasn’t feeling it. Aware it was there but not feeling it.
Wow. Can I renew that wish please?
And I wanted progress on something I’m currently projectizing, and that didn’t so much happen, but actually I got more done on it than I might have, considering.
Also, this isn’t something I asked for out loud, but I have been really, really wanting shelves to outfit the Library & Toy Shop at the Playground, and that was going to go into this week’s VPA. But then Dana gave us three bookshelves and a dresser. Nice!
Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.
- Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!
What I’d rather not have:
- The word “manifest”.
- To be told how I should be asking for things.
- To be judged, psychoanalyzed or given advices.
Wishing love and good things for your Very Personal Ads! So glad for everyone doing this with me.
i love that you can ask for what you need/want and get it. i’ve been doing more of that (asking for help – you’ve inspired me!) and people seem to generally respond in helpful ways.
thing i want:
how this can happen.
go to bed on time.
say no to unnecessary events.
turn off the electronic devices an hour before i want to sleep.
take a sleeping aid.
my commitment:
honoring that rest is my best medicine.
thing i want:
continued motivation in my students.
how this could happen:
more pat time.
more modeling.
more atta boys.
my commitment:
resting at night, so i’m not so grumpy.
studying my fred jones and signing up for a class in management.
.-= Tami´s last post … Yoga Isn’t All Fking Sunshine and Rainbows =-.
Very Personal Ad #2
Update on last week:
Thing 1 was healing, and I got that moving. Appointments have been made and kept, referrals are being handled, rest is being taken. Healing is well on its way.
Thing 2 was my voice writing. I figured out that, on this subject, there was much stuck. The stuck is being handled and removed. Schedules are being shifted. Voicing will be done.
Thing 3 was direction, and boy, did that one take off. I stumbled on blog posts, had long talks with myself, figured out what I did and didn’t want, and I’m now moving toward a brighter, happier future. Rock on with your VPA-ing self.
So, to the VPAs!
Thing 1: More Healing
What I would like: For the pain to STOP. Like, you know, not be there. Have perfectly awesomely working arms. That’d be wonderful.
Ways this might happen:
My physical therapy (PT) will tell me ways of fixing this.
I will stumble across ways online of making this all better.
I will rest and it will heal.
I will write and it will heal faster. (That would be awesome.)
I will find a setup that doesn’t induce screaming.
My commitment:
To rest as much as possible.
To do whatever my PT tells me to.
To ask my PT questions until I’m satisfied we have a firm action plan.
To use voice to replace as much work as possible.
Thing 2: TIME!
What I would like: A schedule that doesn’t leave me feeling dead, unsatisfied, gross, or unhappy.
Ways this could happen:
I can experiment with my current schedule until I’m happy.
I can Figure Out (FO; via meditation, Shiva Nata, labyrinths, writing, walking, talking to Whoever) what I’m unhappy with now and work on correcting those issues.
I can happen across the schedules of people I know and love and that will give me ideas.
My commitment:
To be open to changing whatever needs changing.
To really sit down and have it out with myself about this.
To not force the issue if it doesn’t want to be talked to right now.
Thing 3: A Little More Direction
What I would like: To figure out if a certain project is a Go or a No-Go.
Ways this could happen:
I could have long, heartfelt conversations with myself about it.
I could talk to IT and see what it feels about all this.
I could FO why I’m not feeling it and see if it can be fixed.
I could find or receive advice regarding it.
I could dream it. (So much fun! But really disorienting.)
My commitment:
To pay attention to what’s being said and really focus in on it.
To be open to the reasons and making changes (if they can be made at all).
To forgive myself if the project is a No-Go and to forgive myself if it’s a Go.
To do some serious Therapy about it all.
Thing 4: The Goods
What I would like: Material for which to start my site with.
Ways this could happen:
VoR and ViR (Voice Recording and Voice Recognition) could stop arguing with me and play nice.
I could practice with it and bend it to my (unholy) will.
My arms could spontaneously heal enough for me to type OR write and take the strain off.
I could resurrect some of my old work and take it through the Chopping Block.
My commitment:
To edit. (And to FO why I hate editing so much so that I’ll actually start doing it.)
To be open to doing whatever my spirit needs doing no matter how I feel about it.
To not beat myself up for the days that go badly or don’t go at all.
I’v e been in El Salvador this past week. I’ve had some realizations, including, I’d rather travel alone through Central America (or anywhere) than go with someone who is not ‘my people’.
Thing 1:
More focus on what I’d like to learn while in Guatemala. I want to learn to Salsa and ride horses. I also want to learn Guatemalan cooking while practicing my Spanish.
How this could happen:
I could set up private dance lessons, I know where I want to go.
I can talk to the guys at a local tour house, they have rides listed, they may know a ranch with lessons or an individual even.
I can make up a flyer with my Guatemalan phone number (note to self, find phone and phone number) listing the dishes I want to learn and expressly stating that I want an intercambio.
I can post my flyer in cafes around Xela.
My commitment:
I will work on the flyer this week, and go out on Saturday to post them, also, visit tour house and dance school.
Thing 2:
I’m still working on cohesion. I know a little more about what I want to do, but still looking and thinking.
How this could work:
I have some time at the end of this week and the beginning of next where I have to be at the computer and on skype so I can see what Ori’s schedule looks like and that might work.
My commitment:
To contact Ori and set up time to talk, if not this week then the next.
Update from last week:
Basically, see thing 2.
.-= Kathryn´s last post … Sprinkles =-.
Progress Report!
Apparently, whoever-answers-these-things-for-me takes it all very literally. Last week, I asked “To have the courage, focus and energy to finally put the new Circus thing out there in the world. Let other people see it and become addicted.”
I expected to launch this past week. Well, that didn’t happen, but I have found the focus and energy to get much much closer closer. And the courage, oh the courage! It’s there. I’m eager. I’m past ready.
So this week? I’d like the stars and planets and html tags to please line up, and get this sucker off the ground! (Not an easy trick when there are circus elephants involved. Trust me)
Oh, and a bit more of a fleshed out idea for an opening circus parade. That would be loverly!
.-= Tori Deaux´s last post … Needful Things! The Yes-I’m-Still-Breathing Edition =-.
I was just thinking about Very Personal Ads the other day… so perfect that I stumbled across them again, precisely when I need them. I would like to profusely thank the forces involved in fulfilling my last request, it was life-changing, and I am thankful every day.
An update on my last (first) VPA: my day job finally let me go, after 8 years of playing emotional games of layoff/ recall. I have since taken my business full-time, three months and counting, and am having the most amazing time of my life, ever. I won’t admit to actually crying tears of joy the first time I paid the mortgage with my sales money, but I will say that I’ve never felt more in control of my own life than I do right now. If I can keep up with the whirlwind of awesomeness, I will be ever grateful.
My next request:
I would like a gentleman to share my experiences with. I am 38, have an incredible artistic career, and a lovely daughter. My life is a work in progress, and I would like to work on that progress with someone by my side. This someone should be creative, entrepreneurial, enthusiastic and loving; bonus points if he’s a good tango dancer ;} He will see my non- 9-5 life as flexible rather than erratic, and will adore my quirkiness rather than forgive it. He will hopefully not make me relocate too far, as I have family and friends that I would love to share with him.
Ways this might happen:
I have wonderful friends who may think of someone, or may meet someone online.
My commitment:
To be as honest as I can. To be open, flexible, and vulnerable. To overcome my shyness and try new things. To be patient and allow this to happen whenever, however it needs to happen.
many thanks,
Last week, I was asking for clarity and insight about my day-to-day systems, how they do and don’t help me. That went pretty well, actually. I was able to hold the questions in my mind fairly often as I moved through the week, and while there were no huge earth-shaking epiphanies, I did have a deeper sense of mindfulness and empowerment, which is at least as good, in the long run, and feels very promising.
This week, I am asking for — hmm, I’m having trouble settling on just one word for what I want. Re-invention, renewal, rejuvenation, refreshment, restoration…I want to feel more like my best self, without so much internal and external unwanted stuff in the way.
How this can happen:
–Maybe I can chant reeeeee a lot, since so much of what I’m seeking seems to begin with that syllable! Sounds kind of wacky, but I can believe that it might shift some stuck energy, and could certainly help me to reeeee-member what I’m working on!
–I can make the most of seasonal happenings — back to school, Rosh Hashanah — to help me find and savor that feeling of making a fresh start.
–Mindfulness. When I notice myself feeling out of balance, I can take a breath and bring myself into the present moment, and let things shift from there.
–Acceptance. I can allow myself to feel however I feel, and give myself lots of love.
My commitment:
–I will allow this to be a process and a practice. I will invite my Perfectionist Monster to have tea with me. I will give myself credit for any movements toward this goal, however small. I will remember that small steps can take me just as far as giant strides, so long as I keep moving forward.
Sending everyone love and good wishes!
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … Let’s dish =-.
I love the idea of giving a voice to what you want or need. For me, putting words around it brings clarity. And I see Expressing and Asking as different from Endless Wanting or Being Ungrateful.
Last week, I was too tired to ask. This week I am exhaustedtiredspent. (Yesterday was great – Robot Rolls tomorrow. a.m. Looks really good. Last minute details to take care of — soon.)
Thing 1: I’d like to process everything that happened last week (wrt Robots!) and this Thing and Biggifying. (And I’d like to get that all done in the next 3 or 4 days because I need to move focus to another Thing one week after the Roll.)
Ways this could work: I could take that time limit off. I could write (a lot) to capture all the ideas and thoughts about this event – for future processing.
My commitment: As much as gently possible, to transition from alert-doing/functioning to alert-data gathering/observing, getting the observations written down.
Thing 2: Rest
Ways this could work: Nap. Earlier to bed. Actual sleep (vs that tossing and turning and fretful waking I’ve been doing.)
My commitment: No Shiva before bed – Old Turkish Lady Yoga only. Journal before bed – till my head is empty. Nap whenever possible. To remember that this is a priority this week. Chamomile tea.
So exhausted today, but I’m trying to do this anyway because this week it feels extra important.
Thing 1: Health
I have this nasty nerve thing that is causing me intense pain and sapping all of my energy. It’s a reoccurring issue, and I’m trying to find alternative ways to deal with it.
Ways This Could Work: I could research some homeopathic stuff. I could rest more. I could try my new yoga tape to stretch out and destress.
My Commitment: To meet myself where I am, and to not push myself to do more than I can. To rest more and eat well, and drink lots of water. To do my new yoga tape, and maybe some belly dancing if it feels good. To ask if anyone knows any alternative medicine treatments to try.
Thing 2: Ebook!
I’m writing my new copy writing ebook this week, and I’m a little nervous. I need to make an outline and then just get it done, but I’m intimidated by the size of the project.
Ways This Could Work:I could make a daily outline and break it down into bite sized chunks.
My Commitment: To not pressure myself about having a perfect first draft. To relax and try and have fun with it. To design silly copy writing exercises that make people excited about copy writing instead of scared of it.
Thing 3: Writing
I’m feeling like I really want to get my personal writing going, but I’m having trouble with it due to the monsters who say that I’m not publishable and that I should be doing real writing that gets me money.
Ways This Could Work: I could write every day, no pressure. I could read some books by authors I love and try and figure out what makes me love them so much.
My Commitment: To write one short piece every day. To pick out five lit magazines that I would like to submit to and find copies of them. To breathe and talk to my monsters rather than letting them take over.
.-= Holly´s last post … Behind the Curtain =-.
To the best of my knowledge, everything I asked for last week I got. Or I no longer need it.
This week I would like:
a move that goes smoothly and well under budget.
the people who owe me money to send me the money.
the perfect place for everything in my new place.
cool breezes and good sleep.
I want the project I’ve been working on and going live on Tuesday to get off to a good start. I’m not there yet, and have precious little time between now and Tuesday, and then another chunk to present on Thursday.
How this could happen: I could get help tomorrow, I could get tons done tonight, I could find “enough”
My committment: I will keep reminding myself that perfection is not the answer. No, really, hon.
I want this project to be a good thing. I know there are lessons to be learned in doing this, and I would like to learn them in with as much ease as possible please.
How this could work: It could come out in journaling or talking with friends. Or it could be so obvious that I just know.
My committment: to dance, and write, and make space to listen to the messages coming from inside.
I want grounding this week. To stay connected with myself and be in my body (get better, body!)
How this could happen: spending time outside, rest, small frequent moments of breathing
My committment: To look for opportunities to build reminders into my day.
Wow. I’m so shy about asking for what I want. I just realized that I have no problem thinking about them all of the time, but writing it out just seems…strangely naughty. Some monster negotiations may be necessary. Alright, I’m taking the plunge:
Thing 1: Post on my blog more frequently.
What I want: To think of my blog as a way to tend to myself, rather than another form of work. While work can be enjoyable, I need to remove the pressure to be ‘brilliant’ and ‘perfect’ all of the time. The need for perfection is getting in my way.
Ways this could work: I can have fun with it. Write more for myself rather than try to put on a show. Just be natural.
My commitment: To be kind to myself and my writings. They try hard to make me happy, poor things. I should cuddle with them more.
Thing 2: Make time to practice dance.
What I want: To make time at least every other day to dance and drill for at least a half hour. It will help with my improvisation skills as well as further hone my muscle memory and dance vocabulary.
Ways this could work: Practice shortly after my Shiva Nata session is over, so I’m more inclined to move. Work on time management skills. A half hour every other day is better than a lengthy, sporadic session.
My commitment: Again to maintain kindness to myself. To devote myself to dancing the best that I can at this moment and not compare myself unfairly to others. To remember that I’m doing this out of love.
.-= Kaleena´s last post … Tin Woman =-.
In the Friday chicken there was a reference to having a force field to repel other people’s angst. That is what I want. It could also allow me to observe the shoes coming my way without me ending up actually hit by them.
Ways this could work – I can continue to remind myself that I am not defined by others and their issues.
My commitment is to pause before reacting. And to practice imagining that the force field is always there.
Hello, all VPAers. May we all receive what we want! 🙂
my VPA:
To disentangle the having-to-work-at-my-job from the wanting to do the genuinely interesting and satisfying work for it that I truly do not mind doing. I tend to put so much pressure on myself about the having-to, that I completely smother the actual willing desire to do it.
Ways this could work:
I can trust myself enough to really just sit and wait for the wanting to arise again on its own, instead of whipping myself into doing the work.
I can dialog more with these two parts of me, the urgent slavedriving self, and the genuinely willing self.
My committment:
To remember that I’m not a slacker a hairs-breadth away from falling into some abyss of never-working-again.
To remember that I work to live, not live to work,
To forgive myself for wanting to not be a slave.
Update: I closed the book contract and my editor’s sending a check. Whoo-hoo!!! DId not get the rest though, but it was my own fault… I think I needed to reconnect with my husband and with stories, so we’ve been watching The Office and hanging out after our son goes to bed. So that’s been nice.
Havi, I love your observation about wishing for more wishes. If asking works, why not ask? I have noticed that since doing VPAs, stuff keeps coming into my life in ways I don’t expect. So for this week…
1: Finish next book proposal.
Ways this could happen: I could write all the proposal draft now that I’ve got a completed scene outline… I could have somebody beta-read it with a fast turnaround, and have it to agent by Friday. Otherwise, I am totally open to however it works.
My commitment: I will write 2 scenes a day until I get the partial. I’ll also keep replenishing so I don’t burn out.
2: Finish plot points for ghostwriting screenplay project.
Ways this could happen: I could just sit down and write them! Be divinely inspired. Dream the solution and plotline.
My commitment: I will think about it and write about it every day, for about 1/2 hour.
3: Figure out how to balance writing projects, tiny sweet thing, family, recovery.
Ways this could happen: no idea. RIght now, it’s been like wrestling an octopus.
My commitment: I will meditate. Keep doing replenishment. Read more Havi. 🙂 Keep my ears open. Any advice is welcome.
Good luck this week, everybody!
Oh, one other thing… I can’t afford the Biggification Week, at all. But I was reading IttyBiz, and there was a thing where people donated to help someone else afford a Thing. I would be happy to donate a little towards someone else’s week. Is this an option? Enough little donations could mean someone who really needs it, one of Havi’s right people, gets a week. That makes me smile.
.-= Cathy´s last post … It’s DONE =-.
Thing 1: I want to make inroads on my backlog of church chores. I remember when I used to feel on top of this stuff, and I’d like to reclaim that sensation of competence.
Ways this could work:
* I could deal with an item a day, workload permitting
* if workload doesn’t permit, remind the Guilt Gorilla that it really is okay to defer nonprofit work for the stuff that pays the mortgage
* and also that it is okay to get enough sleep
* I can also remind the Guilt Gorilla that I historically do get things done, and that getting them done belatedly still counts
My commitment:
To at least look at Technical Problem X this week. It’s probably a simpler fix than I’m expecting, and if I get it sorted out, it will probably put me on a roll with some of the other stuff.
Thing 2: To fret and panic less about my To Do list. To be even more specific, I’m tired of stress-related yeast infections, I don’t want to revive the effing asthma (by not getting enough sleep and correspondingly getting sick), and I don’t like how boring and self-important I sound when I’m obsessed with how much I haven’t done.
Ways this could work/commitments:
* To recognize that I do have plenty of time to meet my two most important deadlines provided I stay focused.
* To allow myself to lag behind on Twitter/blogging/being In the Know and Up to Date on other stuff until the projects are safely delivered
* To remember that the things worth doing will still be worth doing even if I don’t get to them until after the 20th.
* To smile when asked, “How are you?” and to share something good. (e.g., I sold two pieces, I brushed the dog, I decluttered the deck, etc.)
Best wishes to everyone!
.-= Mechaieh´s last post … No one saves us but ourselves =-.
hello sweetie’s!
I’m pretty much asking, hoping,praying for the same thing this last two months and there is definitely progress being made. Quietly but surely. In fact I woke up this morning thinking oh yes and seeing solutions around me. Yayy to that.
1. I want to experience more feelings of trust. Trust in myself, trust in the future, less restless, more assuredness and ease.
2.I want to feel less tired after work. A little earlier to bed perhaps? how about reintroducing some fruit into my diet again too??
3. I want other people’s stuff to bounce off me.
4.I want to find ways to deal with my chaotic flat that totally overwhelms me. I would like the should to dissolve and to be able to replace or inject this project with fun and structure and rewards so that I can stop Not Doing it. Or else i fear i’ll never have a home that looks even half like I want it to.
Ways this could happen…
More delicious energy work – Larisa’s Owl Eyes magic, tapping, Leonie’s meditation stuff rocks too and maybe check my finances and see whether I can afford a 1:1 session this month with someone wonderful!
it could just happens and with ease. why not?
I could do some of my arty stuff too which always helps or at least helps me gain a sense of perspective!
I know Yoga will help ground me and that some kind of regular work out will too. But have had soooo long with no money at all now, that I am struggling to think that now I have regular work i should spend it on this again -especially given some debt.
So it would be nice if the resistance and monsters could ease up and stop scaring me. I am always happier when I am exercising and stronger too. This helps everything all round. Grounding, trust etc. I would love to find a Yoga class that is near by and does not costs £10 per class. Hmmm. More thoughts around this may percolate – whatever helps.
Luck to all here. Sorry for all the shoes thrown Havi and indeed if my expressed wish to be there with you in the Playground and imnability to be contributed to it in any way. Ohhhh.
inspired to hear that stuff is bouncing off you though too – wonderful stuff!
love to all.
.-= Leila Lloyd-Evelyn´s last post … Creating a home for our secrets =-.
Oh my, what a week. Can’t believe it’s Monday. Hi!
Update: Amazing amounts of clarity were received. The first resolved! And, there was an extremely unexpected development regarding the second issue. Asking for a continued influx of clarity on that one.
My ask:
After spending 5 days on the East coast meeting my boyfriend’s extended family, I am exhausted. Rest, please! And, then, a graceful transition back to clients, adventuring (projectizing), and everything else that is my life here on the West coast.
Ways this could work:
-I could schedule in guilt-free nap time for the next 3 days or so.
-I could go to bed when tired. What?!?
-I could go for long walks and/or do some stretching followed by shivasana.
My commitments:
-to create the schedule
-to be gentle, gentle, gentle with myself over the next few days.
-to spend time with those parts of myself that are afraid of being woken up by the boyfriend and *then* not being able to go back to sleep if I go to bed early. Arg.
The best to all!
.-= Larisa´s last post … Raccoons- Relaxation- and the Absolute Rightness of Being YOU =-.
My VPA this week is for a smooth beginning to the high school speech club project. It doesn’t have to be all Dead Poet’s Society, but I’d like to connect with the kids and help them find their genuine voices.
How this could work: Be overprepared. Then let it go and trust.
My committment: Listen actively to the kids, meet regularly with my assistant, have some serious fun. Carpe diem! 🙂
.-= Rupa´s last post … We Are Here =-.
YAY! Holiday VPA’s!
I’m still working hard on the 2 now-infamous, ever elusive asks. They are finding their ways to me. I think this week its appropriate to ask for PATIENCE this week. I also want to work on creating a practice for writing. Waiting for the moment when it feels right is not working.
Ways this could work:
I could meditate/dance on just being and allowing. I could magically be a more patient person. I could breathe more.
my commitment: to catch myself before it spirals into miserable, anxiety-ridden demands for things to happen NOW. to set the alarms to remind myself to breathe. to stop a couple times a day.
writing practice-
ways this could work:
i could notice times of day when I’m in the mood to write. I could crete a ritual that sets a mood. I could accept low energy times of day, and not pressure myself to write then. I could set realistic goals.
my commitment: to not beat myself up over not doing enough. to define enough. to breathe and be nice to myself. to not do things that make me feel low in confidence.
xo everyone!
.-= Deanna´s last post … HR Facts & Myths =-.
Ok here we go… my first foray into VPAs
My VPA #1: To have a clean house. not just tidy or surface clean but really clean.
Ways this could work:
I could pick one big piece a day and work hard after work to get it done.
I could get help with the bigger parts and do the more everyday parts myself
I could hire someone to come in and do the big deep clean and then maintain it myself.
My commitment:
I will do at least the everyday type tidying and cleaning today.
I will look into how much it would cost to have a cleaning service come in
I will make space to talk to any monsters that come out about how big a job it is or how much I have/haven’t done.
I will do some shiva nata to see if I can get other ideas.
VPA #2: Healing – I have an issue with my shoulder that is causing a lot of pain and inability to do things I want to do (like more Shiva nata.
How this could work:
I could rest and ice it more frequently
I could get some kind of treatment (massage, chiropractic, MAT, acupunture, etc) until it is better
I could do the PT exercises I was given for it a few months ago.
My commitment:
I will contact the MAT therapist to see if we can work out some kind of plan.
I will do the PT exercises
I will stop the movement instead of pushing through the pain doing dance or shiva nata when it starts to hurt.
I would rather not:
have to stop doing dance and shiva nata altogether
have to pay a lot of money to get it treated.
have to go to the doctor for meds or more PT
VPA #3: To strengthen my daily practice.
How this could work:
I could invoke Metaphor Mouse to help me make the idea of “practice” more fun
I could get up a little earlier so that I have more time for practice in the morning.
I could plan it out a little more ahead of time so I know how much time I will need each morning.
I could come up with some kind of goal and reward for getting back on track
My commitment:
I will work with Metaphor Mouse to redefine and plan my adventure
I will go to bed on time and set my alarm a little earlier.
I will come up with a reward.
1. That I get accepted into the gov’t programme that will assist me in starting a business and get the daycare funding I need to do it. This is a biggee. It is many months in the making and this week the decision gets made.
way I want to get it
the gov’t could call me as I have visualized it many times and i could find out I’m in and begin jumping for joy…
my committment
is to visualize and pray for it in the morning and then let it go for the rest of the day and listen to my childrens’ many asks instead!
is to start my business anyway. wether or not I get the funding. because it is important
is to remember how i’ve gotten things in the past and let that remembrance help me deal with the waiting
Is to manage my stress around this and not pass it on to the kids or my husband by seeing myself as already having achieved it.
2. That our pests that keep coming into our house would just stop. That it would be gone and not come back. I am tired and worn out by it. Please could this just end.
How I want to receive this
that we stop seeing them, at all.
the vacuuming and the laundering of everything and the being strict with ourselves about the “rules” that will help us be rid of them without another visit from pest control next week…
My committment
I will do the vacuuming and the laundry
I will remember that many other people go through this
I will not blame myself because of some bizarre yardstick of cleanliness
I will see them as gone and forgotten!
I will trust that what we are doing is enough and will work
3. To be able to get my dog healthy again. She keeps getting an infection and has had several rounds of antibiotics. I wish it would just stop and she would be better.
How I would like this to work:
I and my husband could do some research online or call the pet store to find a natural way to boost her immunity
Other things that could work:
We could ask the vet to waive some of the fees if she has to go back, since this will be her third trip and it is getting expensive and they haven’t fixed the problem yet.
We could do some healing work on her
My commitments
I will do healing work with Ginger
I will research dog immunity
I will discuss options with the vet
I hope i did this right…
Update on Previous VPA:
Five lovely people showed up for my group and I do believe they are the best possible people to ‘group’ with for a year. My energy on this project is still high and I feel like everything went perfectly. I ended up providing a comp. space for a dear person who pops in on my path now and again and that felt brilliant too.
Now for this week’s VPA:
Here’s What I Want:
Energy – A sustainable, white light energy that inspires and moves me along the way. I’ve been mindful lately that my summer energy was flat and almost nonexistent and I had to dig deep to muster enthusiasm about most things. I feel it returning but I really want more more more in order to carry out the last bits of the things I want to do before I deck the halls and ring in the new.
Ways This Could Work:
I could exercise more and move my body to create more physical stamina type energy.
I could be more mindful of what projects, people, programs, and processes bring in energy and which ones drain me of my energy. And, of course, do more of the former.
I could meditate more regularly. I have a strong desire to meditate but, for some reason, it never gets introduced into my daily rituals.
My Commitment:
To be kind to myself if these ways this could work don’t end up happening every day. I could just sprinkle them in here and there and celebrate when they do.
I will open myself up to receive energy each morning after my yoga practice. I will be mindful of my part in creating my own stuff.
I will clear out that which no longer serves me and might be silently draining my energy and make room for the energy to flow in and stay.
I just wanted to report back that these things I asked for:
“a move that goes smoothly and well under budget.
the people who owe me money to send me the money.
the perfect place for everything in my new place.
cool breezes and good sleep”
all arrived yesterday.