Personal ads. They’re … personal! Very.
So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.
Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.
Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.
And now it’s my Sunday ritual for clarity and remembering and stuff like that. Yay, ritual!
Let us dooo eeeet.
Thing 1: evening.
Here’s what I want:
My morning routine and rituals are pretty ridiculously well-established.
But then the evening kind of falls apart.
There are a couple things I’d like to do before bed. Sometimes I remember, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes just too tired.
So I guess what I’d like for now is this: to get more information about what needs to happen. To plant some seeds for a more solid practice.
More curiosity and clarity about how I am in the evening, how I close out the day, and what I’d like to do differently. More love for my relationship with evening.
Ways this could work:
Hmm. I already have a bunch of things that work.
Like our no work after 5pm thing. And not going online. So the ingredients are set up.
Maybe a yoga nidra recording. Maybe I’ll just start with some extra quiet time before bed.
My commitment.
To keep a notebook by the bed to jot stuff down.
And keep thinking about this.
I’ll talk it over with Hiro. And do some Shiva Nata to get information, generate creative solutions and resolve whatever resistance comes up.
To be patient with this. This is a tangled thing, and there are a lot of patterns involved. We don’t need to try and rush in to fix everything at once. Time. There’s time.
Thing 2: Alright. My bohemian salon that used to be a teleclass.
Here’s what I want:
Gah. Yet again my sort-of-annual ritual of holding a special Habits Detective class sneaks up on me.
What this is:
Basically I’m a fabulous, wealthy and eccentric old New York socialite. In my head. And I open the doors to my rather Bohemian salon. Where I hold court and also whack things with my giant cane.
And we talk about some theme related to the stuff I teach about on the blog.
By phone. Or by dixie cup. Phone works better.
It doesn’t cost anything. Usually several hundred people sign up. We have the Chattery (that’s the chat room) for extra fun, and sometimes the madness spills out into the Twitter bar as well.
Anyway, it’s already next week! The twenty first of September. So I should tell people.
Ways this could work:
I can tell you about it right now.
Okay. This is the page where you sign up for the Habits Detective salon.
Which really needs a new name.
Also, we need a theme.
We can do shoe-throwing. We can do dealing with people who aren’t supportive. We can do whatever. Could you leave some suggestions in the comments? That would be awesome.
My commitment.
To wear an outrageous costume while I plan this. To laugh and play. To enjoy this class, because it is always a good time.
Thing 3: Not an office.
Here’s what I want:
I have issues with offices. I do not like them.
So of course, even though we will have been in Hoppy House two years come November, my office is still empty.
I am now turning it into a wishroom instead. And now I know exactly what I want in it. Excellent.
Except that as we all know, I am terrible at spending money on anything that isn’t directly investing in the business.
Working on it. Yes. Again. Still. That’s how it goes.
Ways this could work:
Let’s see.
I can sit with my gentleman friend and talk this out.
Bring some of it here. Process the process. Talk to the sad, scared parts of me who are apparently still living in an abandoned building in Berlin.
Also, I could visit the beautiful piece of art that I am currently lusting over and speak to it. Find out what qualities it has that I want. Find out all the different ways I could connect to them.
And find out what I need next.
My commitment.
To be willing to be surprised.
To keep asking questions.
To be receptive to a variety of different ways that things could move with this. To take lots and lots of notes!
Thing 4: Dana’s house.
Here’s what I want:
Do you live in Portland (that is, Portland the Younger)? Or do you want to? Scratch that. What a preposterous question. Of course you do.
My wonderful friend Dana is moving to Australia. Sadface me.
Here is her lovely house that is now for sale.
Dana is amazing. The house is amazing. Her realtor Hope is amazing (she helped us get the Playground!).
Come live there please. I might even drop by occasionally with fresh-baked bread.
Ways this could work:
I don’t know. But I do have a ton of readers in the Pacific Northwest.
And hey, this is exactly how I got Hoppy House. With an itty bitty personal ad.
So it’s worth a shot.
My commitment.
To be happy for Dana. To be happy for the house. To wish loving things for the people who get to live there.
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.
I had an ask about more wishes, and spending more time with my Very Personal Ads, and that totally happened. In fact, I bought a wishing book, and have just been scribbling little wants.
Mostly talking things over with the why I’m not allowed to investigate this more monsters, and learning what I can about that. Looking good.
And then I wanted to do more things to welcome my right people to the Week of Biggification (pickles) .. and that’s been a really interesting/challenging process.
First I completely restructured my welcoming systems, then I wrote postcards to each participant coming so far. And I also wrote a love letter to the group, but I haven’t published it yet. Maybe this week. Needed more gestation time.
So far I’ve talked to everyone coming but one. And I can’t wait to find out who the last few people who will take the last spots: maybe we will meet this week!
The last ask was about spending more time with my body, and that was … complicated. It both happened and it didn’t. So I’m going to rewrite that ask for this week.
Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.
- Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!
What I’d rather not have:
- The word “manifest”.
- To be told how I should be asking for things.
- To be judged, psychoanalyzed or given advices.
Wishing love and good things for your Very Personal Ads! So glad for everyone doing this with me.
OMG. Dana’s house – WANT. It’s tempting me to up and move to Portland just-like-that.
Good lucks with all the evening ritual establishment. I would like more of this myself. Right now my ritual is Do Stuff Until I’m Too Exhausted To Stay Upright.
.-= Amna´s last post … The writing workshop nudged me and told me to tell you this =-.
Hi, Havi! I just found you online last week maybe, and well, yay. This personal ad thing is beautiful and just what I needed. I will note the lovely Portland The Younger house to my PNW friends, just in case they have been placing personal ads of their own.
and I’ll give it a go. I like the clarity. I like the gentleness.
Thing 1: connections
Here’s what I want: I have been pretty isolated lately. Some of it is self-imposed worky-worky; some of it is location, location, location. Neither of those is going away.
Still, I want more connections with people. Socially and business-ly. I like collaboration. I like connection. I like my friends and I haven’t been much in touch with them.
I am an in-depth connection sort of person. When I do fly-by hellos they only go so far.
Ways this could work: I could take time each day to call or email or deepen with someone. I could make plans with people. I am already doing a mastermind that is fabulous people being awesome.
Insight: I may need to deepen with myself as well.
My commitment: to write, call, or connect with at least two people a week, to start.
Hmm, I like this process. Might be time to take it further. Thanks for holding the space.
.-= Leela´s last post … paying attention =-.
Very Personal Ad #3
Update on last week!:
Thing 1 was healing (again). What I got on that was clarity. The injury to my arms doesn’t seem to be permanent or as bad as it could be. So, there’s a lot of hope for a future that (eventually) doesn’t include pain. I’m increasing my rest and exercise and trying to shift my diet to be more happy.
Thing 2 was time. And oh, I got that. Scheduley gunkiness evaporated in the face of a cycle that works. Now I just have to work out the stuck with those particular things and monitor myself to see how it goes.
Thing 3 was direction. This one came through almost immediately, and when a mid-week hump threatened to kill it again, it fought back with claws and teeth. So, yes, it’s a Go.
Thing 4 was the goods, and while the mid-week hump slowed me down, I still produced enough for it to last two weeks or more. Go me.
So, to this week!
Thing 1: Hope
What I would like: Optimism moving forward in regard to my arms. I’ve had this injury more than a year now. It’s hard to keep hoping.
Ways it could happen: I could have a long, heart-felt talk with myself about it. PT could look at it and tell me it will heal. I can make a plan that doesn’t involve me needing my arms so much.
My commitment: To sit down and labyrinth/ Shiva Nata/ meditate/ and talk until I’ve got something for this. To make my appointments.
Thing 2: Courage
What I would like: My life is moving at light-speed toward an end and a goal I can’t see. And that’s scary. So, since I don’t want life to slow down – God, no, it just got up to speed – then I’d like the courage to keep my head up, keep moving, and be happy.
Ways this could happen: I can do the labyrinth/ Shiva Nata/ meditation – I need a short word for all this… – thing and see what comes out of it. I can let myself rest as often as I need. I can let go of the days that just refuse to go well. I can talk to the male-person.
My commitment: To talk, either to myself or to the male-person, and figure this out. To sleep in. To be gentle with myself.
Thing 3: An end to pain.
What I would like: The arm pain to STOP.
Ways this could happen: I could stop pushing it. I could take happy pills. PT could give me a new exercise that eliminates it.
My commitment: To get over my whiny scardy-catness and use Vor – my voice recorder – and Vir – my speech-to-text recognition. To stop. To whine as much as I want so that at least that isn’t building up.
Mmmm, evening rituals. Closing the day, opening the night.
I have two VPA’s today:
1. Each year on my birthday, I create a ritual to connect more deeply with the Devas and qualities that are entering my life. And to help the me that’s being born to come more fully into the world.
This year, I’d like to extend that ritual to include my friends and children, who are coming to celebrate my birthday with me.
My commitment: To do this in a way that’s lighthearted, playful, buoyant, and honors everyone’s sovereignty. So anyone who wants to play with me can do so, and anyone who doesn’t can feel completely comfortable too.
2. For wonderful, Right People to fill the remaining seats in Havi’s Biggification Week retreat, so she can get on with creating the magic she creates so beautifully.
My commitment: To offer ongoing love and support to the Deva of the retreat. To do the inner work to help it come into the fullness of its being.
Wishing each of you the magical fulfillment of your own Very Personal Ads!
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Nine years ago- today… =-.
Ooh! I’d move to Dana’s house just for the purple of those bedroom walls. Plus, y’know, Havi proximity. 🙂
The Bohemian salon is a fabulous idea right now. Been obnoxiously stuck on some stuff that I know is overdue, very annoying, and I NEED to get past to get to lots of good stuff, but just haven’t been able to find the right way. Reminds me of that Instructive Tale of the two monks carrying the rich lady across the river. My logical brain is all, “Seriously? Just put that shit DOWN, already.” Yeah…
Also need to become comfortable with the idea of good things happening that are good for right NOW. They don’t have to be good for a year from now, or forever, but they’re happening for a reason, and they’re good, and they’re helping fix me up (and helping with getting past that stuff above, I think). Just need to stop worrying what to do if/when it’s time for them to end. Honestly…
.-= Melanie Baker´s last post … Breakfast in North America =-.
I’m looking forward to the Bohemian Salon (though I don’t think I’ll be there live…I’ll listen to the recording!)
What about something around figuring out how to process our stuff – like when I know that something is coming up and it must be a monster, or maybe a past me, or old programing running that’s not useful to me anymore – how do I figure out which of those things it is, and find them to start the dialogue.
Much Love!
.-= Andy Dolph´s last post … Sailing on the Schooner Fame =-.
Oh man. Dana’s house makes me want to wave my hair, or put on an apron and can things. (and of course then I check and yep, built in 1924… I guess I know my bungalows.) I will lust from the opposite end of the country.
My VPA this week: Handling good or bad news gracefully.
Tomorrow or Tuesday I find out whether I passed the Giant Scary Exam that I took at the end of July. If I passed, I have to fly back to take an oath next Monday. If I didn’t pass, I have to take it over again probably next year, and there may be longer-term consequences for my job. Yikes. Either way, big stuff like this tends to throw me way off. I’d like that to not happen.
Ways this could work: I could write down a “plan” in the choose-your-own-adventure style, at least for if I passed, so I’m not as panicked about making arrangements. I could try hard to be Productive for the rest of today so I have a head start on the week. I could make sure my comfort drawer is well stocked. I could see to it that I’m well-rested.
My commitment: To do what I can do and not beat myself up over what I can’t. To give myself permission to fall apart a little, because it’s going to happen either way. To set myself up for the next few days as well as I can.
My other VPA: I would like the dog to stop barking. I don’t know where exactly in my apartment complex the dog is, but it’s frequent, and it sounds like the dog is distressed. Is it barking at people walking past in the hall? Is it a new pet having separation anxiety issues? I don’t know.
Ways this could work: I have no idea.
My commitment: To ask friends who live in complexes allowing pets what they would do. Also, to do this: Help! Anyone? Thoughts? Should I let it go for another week and see if it stops? Talk to the complex management and see if we can even figure out whose dog it is? Get over it?
Good luck for everybody’s VPAs and happy Sunday!
Yay! VPA!… at last.. I’ve been waiting, which is unusual!
Havi sending you sparkles and magic for evening rituals to reveal themselves to you, and subjects for salons and ease-ful and joyful furnishing of offices-which-aren’t-offices 🙂 and..
Can I be first on the list of those who don’t/won’t-in-the-foreseeable live in the Pacific Northwest but wish-they-did and would just love to move into Dana’s house just to be there? Maybe we can add to the magnetism which draws the right person to it..
And also, I’d love ‘Dealing with people who aren’t supportive’ as a subject for the Habits Detective salon .. other than just avoiding them which is my current solution and really isn’t optimal. I like optimal.
My VPA for today is this : I’m teaching a Body Harmony class 2 weeks from today, my first back in my homeland, which I’m SO glad of and excited about (and just a teensy bit scared of), and my ask is that the class be full. It’s an intimate, gorgeous space, so full is only a handful of just-a-bit-crazy, quirky and like-minded people to play with over a weekend.
Ways this could work : that people could hear about it and be inspired to come through the tweets/blogs and mails circling in online space.
That someone reading this might know of people in Scotland who’ve been waiting for just this.
That magic and serendipity bring people to it in the unseen ways that magic and serendipity work.
My commitment is :
To spend time in my heart receiving Strength and Purpose.
To Shiva Nata and fail even more (‘knowing’ the numbering of it!) and find myself being surprised.
Spend more time with future-me having wild fun in class with wonderful people I still haven’t met.
Juiciness and joyfulness to everyone for this week’s VPAs 🙂
.-= Lindsay´s last post … When getting it wrong is Oh So Right! … and other sweet stuff! – A Review of Havi Brooks’ mind-blowing- literally Shiva Nata dvd!! =-.
havi -i am curious about what your beginning of the day rituals look like and what you come up with for the end of the day.
dana’s house – wow. if there was a teacher job (or 2) for us, we’d totally consider it. or if it was in sacto, we’d be there.
update on last week’s vpa…
thing i wanted 1: rest
i was remembered every night that i wanted to get off the electronic devices an hour before. i didn’t do it every night, but the awareness of limited my screen time felt like a step in the right direction.
i did go to bed most nights and i did sleep better.
thing i wanted 2: more student motivation
almost every kid finished every assignment this week. that’s never happened. my walking around and redirecting their attention helped and so did lots of pat time.
this week’s vpa:
thing 1: more yoga
ways this could happen:
schedule myself to go to class
set up my mat at home
get out my props at home
teach a class (!) – prep for class
my commitment:
put my yoga time in my calendar and keep my appts.
put my mat and props out so i can see them
think about and plan (but not too much) my class
thing 2: patience with our adoption process
ways this could happen:
letting go of needing it to happen right now (or anytime soon)
journal/blog about feelings
hug spouse
my commitment:
.-= Tami´s last post … 2 Years and Waiting – International Adoption is Not for the Impatient =-.
i’ll be at school, so i’ll look forward to hearing the recording.
i’m interesting in shoe throwing and also in taking feedback constructively without feeling defensive and defeated.
thank you for the free therapy!
.-= Tami´s last post … 2 Years and Waiting – International Adoption is Not for the Impatient =-.
Thing 1:
I still want to set up salsa classes, an intercambio around cooking, and horse back riding lessons. We were delayed in getting back from El Salvador and it tossed the rest of my week around.
How this could work:
Making appointments and posting flyers.
My commitment:
I will work on the flyer this afternoon, and go out on Tuesday to post them, also, visit tour house and dance school Monday or Tuesday morning.
Thing 2:
Structure and Ritual, I need more of both of them in my life. I tend to expect too much of myself and then futz around not really accomplishing much (mostly an excess of internet time).
How this could work:
Continue with the getting up early, and by extension, going to bed early.
Try different orders to morning activities and see what works best.
Shiva Nata, I’ve known for a while that I was headed towards the Shivanauttery, and the time has come.
My commitment:
Try different things.
Make one choice at a time and remember to allow for change.
See Thing 1.
I have a much better idea of what I want for the site and two days where I can try to catch Ori. We’ll see what works.
.-= Kathryn´s last post … Of necessity =-.
“Talk to the sad, scared parts of me who are apparently still living in an abandoned building in Berlin.”
Uh-oh, flash of recognition – I just realized there’s a significant part of me that still lives in my first apartment! Picture a cramped 2-bedroom inhabited by three 20-year-old girls and one 2-year-old baby boy, and us girls making barely over minimum wage so of course money was always tight, our paychecks were always spent as soon as we had them. When we ran out of something we just had to wait. Including the one time when we ran out of toilet paper many days before any of us would get paid again – much visiting of neighbors and rest-stops and stealing paper products from fast food joints ensued. Embarrasing! I still think that I can never afford anything, that I have to wait as long as I can when I run out of something, that I can’t go to the store for just one or two items, that I can only go armed with a list and a brand new paycheck.
I’ve gone through times when I was taken advantage of while at my most vulnerable – at that time of my life I was taken advantage of financially from people very close to me while at my most financially vulnerable and we’re talking about a formative, learning-how-life-works-as-an-adult time here. No wonder why now, in my current living situation where my income is stretched to the limit and I’m all on my own, I’ve been walling myself off from people to protect myself from potential ruin. Duh!!
Ok, so VPA time (my first VPA!): #1 – Help 20-year-old me realize that things aren’t the same now as they were then. Ways this could work is to recognize when my thoughts come from this past, to tell myself I did the best I could back then & that I’ll do the best I can now, to try to forgive myself for being so gullible back then. My commitment is to journal about this, and to be conscious of my thinking.
And VPA #2 – Yesterday as I was trying to work on My Thing, as it’s getting very close to getting into the real world, the part of me that is self-sabotaging to keep me stuck in the status quo was really getting to work. Stomach discomfort, waves & waves of sleepiness, very strong urges to leave my desk to go watch tv, go read, go nap, whatever as long as it took me away from what I was trying to work on. I want to get rid of this fear of working on my dream! Ways this could work is to keep noticing when these types of feelings come up & recognize then for what they are. To take care of any ill feelings without letting it take me away from my work. My commitment is to be aware that getting over fears doesn’t happen overnight, to be conscious of where my feelings are coming from, to be open to hearing what this part of me is trying to tell me. To talk to this monster when I’m ready, and maybe write My Thing a love letter.
Havi, as always I learn something from every post. Thank you for modeling your process for us and creating such a safe space here.
Wow. That house. My heart.
**My VPA**
I have two major things going on right now.
Ok, three.
One is settling in to our new house/home/country.
Two is creating/allowing momentum for my two god-I-love-them-so-much websites, staying in alignment with the space behind them.
Three is staying on top of stuff for the presentation skills business.
I would love for all three of the above to move forward in a gentle way.
My intention is to follow what I know works:
~ To avoid declarations.
~ To reign in the Hounds of More, who want me to have a huge daily routine.
~ Keeping up a certain amount of self-care.
~ To stay true to the spirit of my work, and not get too pulled in by the driven-pushing-yang-mars energy in a lot of marketing advice.
~ To prioritise time with S and not get fooled by the Not Enough Time monster.
Eee. That feels quite naked. Thanks for the safe space.
.-= Andrew Lightheart´s last post … Letting it all go =-.
Love this post – the ideas and your sharing of yourself. (Bad grammar but at the moment I’ll let it go.)
I use personal ads with my clients and find them tons of fun. I think it’s time to do one for my office, or my new home.
My current office, graced with a castle mural, complete with dragon and princess in a high tower window, goes unused. I don’t know why and I’ve ceased caring why and beating myself up for only using half the space. The truth is I am happy in my studio where the sun shines from all around, I have a view on the jungle mural and I just feel better. So for now I’ll use the ‘office’ to house my filing cabinets and bookshelves.
I pretty much have what I want in life, except a book deal for my novel and my man. In keeping with my newfound commitment to live in open hearted joy (I’ve avoided this because talking about it can sound so saccharine but I’ll let that go for now.) I’ll craft a personal ad here.
My personal ad:
Wanted for Cynthia: My man, ready, willing and able to take the leap into life with me. Must haves: big brain, big heart, and big dreams he’s acting on and living. Must love long and deep conversations, must have an insatiable curiosity and willingness to engage in the world both far and near. Sense of humor trumps a fat wallet but money smarts are appreciated.
My man lives from his heart and head but also in his body and loves to be embodied with me: walking, bicycling, tennis, dancing, lovemaking.
Together we tap an unspeakable joy, giggling our way through the day. Our home and relationship is a haven for us and our beloveds, full of color, life and creative exuberance.
How this could work: I do my part to be my happiest, healthiest, giggliest self. I commit to getting out of the home office at least once a week to meet new people.
Other than that, the way we meet is going to make me giggle and exuberate and it’s going to be nothing I can plan. I look forward to the surprise and to enjoying this new partner and friend.
Thanks for the opp to do this. And publicly, too! Gulp.
Ooh, the bohemian salon, a few thoughts…
I would pass on shoe-throwing as I’m pretty sure we hit that previously. How about recognizing/finding/attracting one’s Right People? Dealing with people who aren’t supportive would also be good.
Also, a request: when you create the recording for download, would you please pick an artist name that you’ll consistently use from now on? It would make my iTunes library neater instead of having it list Havi Brooks, Havi Brooks and Selma the Duck, Havi Brooks & Selma the duck. If you’d rather not, that’s OK, I’ll just work on my consistency-craving brain. Perfectionist much? Little bit.
My VPA: I’d like to get back into a groove getting my photographs online for sale before another week passes. I.e., before these final birthdays instead of picking up again after them as so often seems to be the case for my momentum this time of year.
How? Don’t over think it. Pick a photograph and go rather than worrying over which one should be next. There’s no order I have to follow and putting it off with that excuse gets nothing done.
Don’t stress over the series. Just move forward. I can always sort out store organization stuff later.
Commitment: Small chunks of time to get me started. Perhaps like Jane Espenson’s twitter writing sprints, I’ll announce them there to psych myself up for concentrated periods of focus, keep myself accountable, and to encourage others with their tasks.
.-= claire´s last post … Sketchbook- page 46 =-.
teleclass! teleclass!
i’d love a teleclass on Metaphor Mousing–both the doing of it, and the using of it post-Mouse. And maybe something about projectizing, or maybe something Rally-esque, for those of us who couldn’t be there?
I’m really excited about attending your Bohemian Salon, Havi. I’ll be the one sitting in the corner on an embroidered ottoman, sipping tea (mutedly) from a demitasse.
Update on last week:
The high school speech students were so sweet and willing. They made it easy. We’re going to be fine.
This week my wish is to establish better time boundaries (and honor them) so that my stop work barometer isn’t set on Too Exhausted to Stay Upright (Thank you, Amna!).
Ways this could work:
+I’ve made so many schedules for myself over the years, I could wallpaper a parlour. I need a metaphor. Let it be a map.
+Enlist the help of my husband to act as town crier to keep the schedule. Terms should be agreed upon well in advance to avoid my smacking him in a maniacal haze.
On second thought, town criers are annoying. Consistent with the map metaphor, let him be a scout.. if he’s willing.
My committment:
+Make a time map. See if husband (or, alternatively, a benevolent time Deva! Thanks Hiro!) might be willing to be help.
+Also, I will purchase the Shiva Nata kit this week for reasons too numerous to list. Among them, I’ve benefitted so much from your free resources, Havi, I’m beginning to feel like a regular listener of NPR who never pledges…
+I guess I should also pledge to NPR.
.-= Rupa´s last post … How to be Deliriously Happy in Under 60 Seconds =-.
I’m with Tami above — would love to hear more about the kinds of rituals you start your day with! This also falls neatly into my personal spy agenda, Learning How Self-Employed People Do Their Thing. Because one day I might want to try it out. I LOVE the idea of rituals but I think my sense of what is the “right” amount of work in a day has been tipped askew (I’ll resist saying “permanently damaged”!) by living in the 9-5 world (even from the nonprofit side).
Anyway…I wrote my longer VPA up over on my blog, but wanted to come back to ask some fellow VPA’ers: how do you spend time thinking about your VPA stuff during the week? Do you kind of write it then forget about it? (My personal and not-quite-working style.) Do you think about them each morning or during some other self check-in time? Would love to hear guidance and/or anecdotes about this. I’m struggling with how to engage with the intentionality that I write about.
Also — I’m with the others, your friend’s house is just gorgeous! I hope she finds the right buyer very, very soon.
Can’t wait for the teleclass…of course my personal demon right now is “how the heck to get your mind and your body to work together more often” but perhaps that’s a bit too wide a field to discuss! Anyway — looking forward to the bohemian salon, no matter what topic gets picked 🙂
.-= Jesse´s last post … Very Personal Ad No 7- Workly and Travelness and wherefore- wishes =-.
My first VPA for wonderful Havi People and the accompanying universe-at-large…
Seeking a Very Part-time Marketing Assistant Helper Mouse (aka Stage Manager)
I’m a communications consultant and trainer with an established business of 15 years. I work with executive and management level clients in technology, finances, professional services, higher education.
I am looking for a kind and supportive Helper Mouse, with fresh, smart and helpful energy, to assist me in my home office in Newton Centre, Mass. No virtual’s right now, thanks so much.
Think of it this way: I’m putting on a Show here (directing and starring, actually) and I really need a top-notch Stage Manager to handle all the coordinates and make sure we’re ready for Opening Night.
Also need you to help plan the Season, do Audience Development, stay in touch with Subscribers, etc. to keep this show on the road.
I’m thinking once a week for a four-hour block of time…Monday afternoons would be especially grand, but I’m flexible.
You are bright and creative, have great grammar, and are very organized because I need lots of coordinating, web 2.0‘ing, follow-through‘ing and gentle pushing, as necessary. This is a respectful, caring and lovely work environment (rose coloured walls!). You will be so appreciated.
How this could work:
You can email me about why you think you’d be perfect ( and then we can have a great conversation and then we can meet.
My commitment:
Appreciative expectations.
I’ll make my bed each morning, swish my fairy wand enthusiastically and start cleaning the Life-Filled, Creative Communications, Energy Studio (formerly known as the Office) to welcome you.
Thanks to one and all!
Hmmm… I may have a thing about offices too. Mine is currently the couch (twin bed) in my living room/guestroom/office/dining room). I have a highly multi-functional living space. Apparently.
Ok, update: asked for rest and actually got it. Yippeeee!
My This Week’s Ask: Courage
I’ve been wanting to teach a live class series for years now. And, I’m gonna do it. Just, a lot of fear and nerves and what ifs (it sucks, nobody comes, it’s awful, I’m a horrible teacher, etc). The class is all about self-care and building awareness and we’ll even be doing Shivanata (yay! I’ll get to do more dancing *with* people) and it will be awesome *and* I’m scared. Whew. So, courage. And sovereignty. That too.
Ways this could work:
-Aw. Many, I suppose. Magic, for instance.
-I could write the announcement and let people know about OR I could just tell people I feel really safe with about it and make it invitation only.
-Hmmm… open to surprises.
My commitment:
-to spend time with the scared parts of me and ask what they need.
-to do shivanata, especially when feeling nervous and unsure – to dance that pattern.
-to over-prepare *and* to be prepared to not use anything I prepare; to let things unfold naturally.
Thanks and wellness wishes to everyone!
.-= Larisa´s last post … Raccoons- Relaxation- and the Absolute Rightness of Being YOU =-.
I totally just came here to add a VPA for a morning routine and Hazzuh! Your ask for information over an evening routine totally said hi.
I kind of want to know EVERYTHING for the detective call so I’ll just leave that 😛
My VPA – Thing 1
Here’s what I want:
My morning routine is beuatiful in my head. I’ve even written a blog post explaining how it is – what happens and how I feel in it.
But I’ve never actually done it…
I’d like information and I’m asking for at least one full-run-through so that I can see what’s stopping me.
Ways this could work:
Both my housemates are waking between 7 and 7:30am tomorrow and then off to Uni by 8:30. That means the kitchen and bathroom will be in and out of use; I’ve asked them to wake me. I’ll have an hour to practise the ritual in a kind of slow “i dont need to get up officially until 9am” way.
My commitment.
To be gentle with myself. To blog about it.
To get some tea.
Thing 2
Here’s what I want:
A smooth transition into living here again. I need to respect my capacity and still fulfil my promises.
I moved back to Brighton yesterday. I’m living with two of the three people I’ll be spending the next year with.
Uni wont start for another 2 weeks – but ive three volunteering jobs and a novel to write. I need to do lots of paperwork and core reading and such.
But i love to get too involved and then I can never carry out the plans. So I’d like to meet myself in the middle and take care of myself in the process.
Ways this could work:
Start a morning routine which involves time to read core stuff and drink tea and meditate – all in plenty of time to do other stuff.
To agree to volunteering stuff only after 10am for RH [25 min bus away; buses not regular] or 9am for CC [3 min walk away].
To write everything from my three diaries into one calender so I don’t over-book myself!
To have long showers [ie 15 minutes long] and to say no graciously – offering an alternative if I can.
My commitment.
To be gentle with myself.
To explain that this is my dissertation year and I don’t want to burn out in the first two weeks.
To meditate weekly.
To have yet more tea. <3
.-= Rose´s last post … Emergence of Autumn & Ritual =-.
A while back I wanted the amazing space I am now in. Then I posted an advert for having the perfect move, and I got that.
So, now I’m posting a request that any and all outstanding issues with prior place are now resolved. And that land lady and her son feel safe and not scared and lashy-outy. And that I feel safe and not bullied. And that everyone goes their separate ways peacefully and quietly (unless they decide to meet for lunch.)
I think that my old land lady should hold a Salon. She has a cane she could whack stuff with, and she’s actually interesting and feisty when she’s not scared and bitey.
I’d love the teleclass to be about transitions and rituals. I didn’t grow up in any religious tradition so rich in rituals as yours. (Christianity, to me, is all about “telling people what to believe in and what to do” -> wrong. Monotheism, of course, is hugely problematic, but I won’t go into it here. :-)) Part of me is clearly drawn to them, but my monsters seem to be very opinionated, to them rituals=boring, stilted, not-moving, life-less, superfluous. Only interesting when new or when changing – is it still a ritual then?
I think that as long as I’m satisfied with my work and happy about where and how I live (which, at this point, I am), the transitions (work-life, or work-rest balance) will happen on their own. I’d love to learn more, for instance, when something knocks me out of the state of contentment, how are the rituals supposed to help me?
Maybe a teleclass on transitions. On how to officially end things (internally/externally) and/or recognize when it’s time to end things and then move on into the next thing. With grace. And compassion for all persons involved, including yourself. Also, knowing when to move from one thing to the next. And how to do so without getting stuck in the “where am I, what am I doing now?” stuckness that happens when we are in the in between.
It just seems like there’s a lot of info out there on how to start things. A lot more on entering but not a lot on exiting. In a way that’s positive for you and others. Without the haunting feeling of self-doubt, etc.
Update: As far as dance goes, with the exception of a little more formal practice, I’ve been utilizing my body much more this week. My morning ritual of free writing, incense, and Shiva Nata has been going great. Plus I had a couple of really great yoga sessions. This pleases me.
The writing thing…not so much. I’ve been insanely busy and things aren’t going to get any easier. Plus I don’t know what to write about. Damn. I can’t help but think that that’s lame. Guess I’ll be pulling up your old Blogging Therapy posts.
This week:
A potential business opportunity may be opening up for me. If all goes according to plan, I can work less hours at my food job and be able to direct my energy towards a more creative endeavor, something that I’ve been asking for quite awhile. I want to be able to keep the faith that all will go well, without allowing my “It’s Never Going To Work” Monster to take over the reigns and keep me at this familiar but not joyful station.
My Commitment: To meditate and try to negotiate with this monster who I believe just wants desperately to keep me from once again experiencing disappointment.
Thanks for the opportunity to do some wishful thinking, Havi.
P.S. I think I just accidentally wrote the theme for my next blog post. Ha ha!
.-= Kaleena´s last post … Maps =-.
@Johanka: here’s my take on ritual. It touches something, shifts stuff inside you that words and logic can’t get to. The catch-22 is you have to let them act on you over time, commit to something that doesn’t seem to work towards a specific goal and can’t be understood. Even if the ritual involves no theology (reciting the names of your maternal line for seven generations, or walking the path to the water and watching the waves for five minutes) if you do it enough with an open heart, it drills into your bones and heart. On some levels it’s Pavlovian. In other ways it’s much more complicated.
.-= Leela´s last post … paying attention =-.
I’d like to see a coloring book associated with the teleclass.
(Coloring books are more my speed. I’m too squirmy for tele-anything (totally my hangup 🙁 .))
VPA: I need more patience for a project where things aren’t going my way. It would be good for my psyche to find reasons more appealing than “You don’t have a choice.” Also, I desperately want to avoid going passive-aggressive on the others involved, even though right now every fibre of my being wants to indulge in that.
Ways this could work:
* I can keep reminding myself of the upside: now I can stop wondering if things were going too well to be true.
* I can demote this project to the back burner (where it belongs anyhow, when I’m being objective) and apply my superpowers to the ones due, like, now.
* I can distract the No One Will Ever Adore Me Enough monster by doing more of the things that people adore me for in the first place, such as writing letters and cards. (It has to be the doing of things. The monster doesn’t come from a rational place, so merely itemizing all the ways people already unsolicitedly tell and show me that they like me doesn’t convince it to let me get on with my life.)
* I can distract the You Are Making a Fool of Yourself monster by reading to it from my siddur. God looks out for fools and and madwomen, and he does have centuries of practice in providing other work for monsters to do.
* I can do situps and lift weights whenever I find myself dwelling on this project. If I can’t stop dwelling on what’s not happening, I can at least steer the pent-up frustration toward getting buff.
All right. Time to get cookin’ on one of the Due Nows. Best wishes to all y’all with yours.
.-= Mechaieh´s last post … Live as if you liked yourself- and it may happen =-.
Infrastructure King/Queen // Force of Nature// Office Manager
Who we are: A fun, smart company in need of your amazing talents
We manage money for nice people and institutions, mostly foundations, endowments, and pension plans. We uphold the no asshole rule and value team work, straight talk, smarts and go get ‘em-ness, and we believe in paying for it, too.
Where we work: Bryant Park, midtown Manhattan
What we’re offering you: A job that’s satisfying, fun, and where you get to be a Bossy Betty
Office manager. Infrastructure King/queen. The gravitational force that keeps the business from flying into outer space. Seriously. We have a lot going on all the time, and we need someone who is super organized and who loves being efficient and figuring out better ways to do things.
You: The Person who’s the answer to our prayers
Meticulous and Swift. You pay attention to detail, and don’t believe in letting things fester.
Willing and able to make the trains run on time. Swiss time, that is.
Ambitious, Motivated, Persistent and Resilient. You’re a cross between a sheepdog, and a St. Bernard, though sadly we won’t let you carry brandy around your neck.
Messy sock drawers tremble at your approach.
Card-carrying member of the digirati. Dominatrix of tech tools.
What’s in it for you besides filthy lucre:
We won’t clip your wings. We want you to grow and will invest in you.
We won’t micro-manage you. We want you to deploy all your superpowers.
You get to make a difference. Help us make better mistakes tomorrow, by improving our systems and processes.
A beautiful workplace and nice colleagues. We believe a collegial culture allows us/you to do our/your best work. Our space is bathed in natural light, sports colorful art and features ergonomic chairs because these things matter.
The Specifics:
Serve as information and systems hub for the firm
IT, communications and infrastructure oversight
Support the research team: pull info, run reports, web research, travel arrangements
Support the marketing team: help us get our quarterly and monthly reports out, help us keep track of our peeps, and support our snail mail and e-letter efforts
Support the business manager: pay bills, send bills, keep the dough rollin’
Answer the phone and greet guests with a smile. Give a great first and lasting impression of our firm. Give good phone.
Hector, cajole, and sweet talk vendors, building guys, and anyone else we do business with.
Pitch in where pitching in is needed, because you see where pitching in is needed.
The Pay:
Let’s talk dollars and cents after we meet and find that we’re a good match. Know that 1) we have an open mind and 2) life is too short to be tightfisted.
Tell us more:
What are you awesome at?
What kind of environment makes you thrive?
What tricks do you have up your sleeve?
What skills have you picked up along that picaresque novel that is your life?
What hidden talents do you have?
What do you want to know about us?
Contact us at:
Bohemian salon! How did you know that I’ve been unleashing my inner Bohemian lately? I love these moments of serendipity; they make me feel so supported, so happy.
Last week, my ask was for a general theme of re- things: re-invention, rejuvenation, etc. I feel good about how that’s been percolating!
This week’s ask: A new, biggified wardrobe. A personal style that helps me to be more visible, to share more of myself, in ways that feel really good. No, of course I don’t expect it all to happen in one week! (Not that I’d mind…) I’m just making it official that this is something I’m working on/playing with. As part of my process of interior self-work, I want to add some sparkle to the exterior. I’m asking for some good vibes to get the project off to a good start.
How this can happen: Um, whoa, it actually started happening before I had the chance to sit down and write my VPA! Simply keeping this project in the back of my mind can help me to be more aware of the treasures and opportunities all around me. As I spend time reflecting and becoming more and more clear about how I want to present myself, I think the outer details will fall into place.
My commitment: I will let this be a gentle, gradual process of blossoming. I will celebrate each small step along the way.
P.S. I love Dana’s house! Whoever ends up living there will be very lucky indeed.
P.P.S. As for next week’s salon, I’d be interested in hearing more about creating supportive, inspiring daily rituals, or really anything you feel moved to talk about that day!
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … Re-invention =-.
Possibly next week’s VPA will have to be for my phone to work on the coast (not that pesky roaming-way-of-working) so I can listen in. 🙂
This week:
I am celebrating my dear sweet little business. (Finally! it says gleefully.) I would like to really appreciate and celebrate it this week – even more so than just via the party I’m throwing.
How this can happen:
Hmmm. I’m not sure. I will leave room for an answer to come to me.
My commitment:
To dance. To have fun and to play with it. To remember it in my gratitude practice. And to be open to surprises.
A quick update: I didn’t get the full proposal completed, but did send a synopsis to my agents and will see what they think, so good enough. Got plot points done. As far as balance… sort of inching there. Did not meditate nearly enough — ought to go do that now!
What I’d like this week:
#1: New place to live for next two years, in our price range, safe neighborhood, with total smooth application and move process.
Ways this might work: the place we look at tomorrow could be perfect. Otherwise, the place we need could find us easily, however it wants to.
My commitment: I wrote out a personal ad for new place. I am going to let go of being afraid and focusing on the potential bad things that could happen.
#2: Balance. Am realizing I’m in denial about how much stress I’m in because I’m also being productive and doing stuff I’m enjoying. Just getting too hyper about it. I’m not sleeping very well.
Ways this might work: I could figure out why I’m running away from replenishment and let go of the fears I have. Could do a little monster confab. Open to anything.
My commitment: I will try to stick to basics: exercise & meditation, healthy eating, water. And of course, reading here. 🙂
.-= Cathy´s last post … No More Muse Potato =-.
What I want #1: For the mad crazy amounts of writing to be easier, and to get done, even though I’m on the road all week.
Ways this might work: All those crazy aspects that the astrologers have been whispering about in hushed, sympathetic tones really have changed and I get a breather. Ideas FLY into my head while I’m driving.
My commitment: Opting to breathe, not freakout. Remembering it is ALL elective and ALL optional, even when it doesn’t feel that way. Keeping capture devices VERY handy. Doing Nei Kung even if I can’t do my walks.
What I want #2: For fun. Because it’s my birthday week, and I want it to be light and fun.
Ways this might work: I don’t know. Unexpected treats from the universe in the form of upgrades, “hi” signs, and…? I don’t know. What *is* this “fun” you all speak of with such vigor, anyway?
My commitment: Listening to music and singing along at the top of my lungs. Pulling other people into the fun where I can. Treating myself to TREATS (of the healthy variety, although Havi, there had better be some bourbon in PDX this time around!)
UPDATE: I have such crazy hoodoo voodoo juice flowing through me right now, ‘taters came crashing down around my ears after my last VPA. Had to wait an additional week to get caught up. So, yes, this stuff works.
.-= communicatrix´s last post … Frrrrriday Rrrrround-up! =-.
TIME!!! That would be my absolutely favouritest favourite topic for the Bohemian Salon. Like, how to deal with the endless mental blabla of “Too little time! Too much to do!”
It seems to me that this has been my main issue for the last half year or so (but I’ve been struggling with it since I was… 15 or so? It’s ridiculous. And very hard and painful and stuckified).
I love your posts about mindful time management, and I’d love to hear more about it. But of course, I’ll be happy with any other topic as well, and think it’s really awesome that you offer this teleclass. Thanks a lot – and all the best with your VPA’s!
Okay. I haven’t been doing these, Havi, because my path has involved a lot of taking myself anyway from rituals (mostly because those rituals were there for the wrong reasons, I think,) but I would like to get more in touch with staying with myself instead of zombie-ing through half my days and then feeling poor about it. That kind of shit really puts a damper on promises to yourself of continued productivity. So. Here we go.
(1) I would like to care about my physical body more. For a long time, I phrased it as “gee, I’d really like to stop haunting the twilight zone between regular and plus-sizes,” but that way of thinking about it sure hasn’t gotten me far. When I think of myself that way I’m not respecting myself — in fact, that says I’m respecting my pocketbook and others’ image of me more than I respect my own body.
On that note, I definitely thought of Havi and the Fluent Self crew when I read this comic about perspective (with monsters!):
Ways this could happen: I could dig out my nicotine vaporizer instead of smoking, when I feel the urge. I could use that gym membership to get on the elliptical. I could, instead of internally moaning when I think about taking the 5 or 10 minutes to heat up some soup and make a salad, just do it. I could, um, not eat another cookie after this one.
My commitment: To remember this post next time I look at my body and think, /ugh./ To remember how beautiful it is that I am this autonomous being who is brilliant and capable of so much other stuff. To be open to whatever brilliance comes to my attention about this. To remember that my family and my gentleman friend love me, which includes my physical body, already.
(2) It’d be great if I could get resolution regarding a sticky situation I’ve been in, in which I thought a friend was throwing shoes, but it turns out that maybe I was doing some sleep-throwing of my own, and communication made things simpatico and happy 🙂 🙂 but there is still the tiny issue of the two of us and my boyfriend needing a place to live by October 1.
Ways this could happen: We’re kind of in love with a landlord and lady we stumbled upon. We can find out tomorrow whether the place we checked out (a week ago) is still available. It’s a *big old house* that’s pet-friendly, yay! If it’s not, I can keep looking on craigslist and keep my eyes peeled.
My commitment: To not be broken-hearted if it’s taken. To keep my head screwed on straight. To treat my friend and my boyfriend with love and compassion and not throw shoes at them. To keep our lines of communication open.
(3) I have been so distracted about number (2) that my writing work has fallen to the side this weekend. Which is okay. It’s even sort of good, because it’s increasingly come to my attention that I’m not structuring my writing goals in ways that are going to help me succeed. For instance, I want to write material that has a Big Important Subject strongly in the mix with which I have only the most passing of familiarities. I think that the general idea is good but if I end up sacrificing the project to the Deities of Still Figuring This Writing Career Stuff Out, I may not ever go back to it and do the Total Rewrite I’ll have to do to it to turn my nascent zygote of an idea into a real looker. So I want to learn patience with my ideas and accept that research can happen at a slightly slower pace while Writing What I Know in the “right now” sense. Then I’ll be able to write my baby actually Knowing, instead of desperately trying to Know this subject enough to Write it /while/ writing it. So. Shift my focus. That’s the thing.
Ways I could do this: Focus on shorter stories that can serve as transition from what I know to what I’m learning and want to know, in more areas than one. To love and smile with the me who does know the things I know right now, and to be patient and compassionate with the part of her who doesn’t want to like herself because of the things she doesn’t know.
My commitment: To consciously make a new path in the yard as much as I can by reminding myself the good things about me right now. To sit down and plow through ideas about What I Know and how to shape some plot and development using the insights I’ve gained so far, to forge new ones and to grasp beyond, creating a path under me instead of trying to jump out into thin air.
Whew. Tall orders this week, but that probably says something about how much I need to talk to myself about this stuff.
@jesse: My hope for this is that since I’m thinking ahead about ways each thing could work, when a situation arises and presents a forked path to me, the priority will wink back into my head and I can decide if this thing will be a good decision. We’ll see, I guess! 😉
.-= mish´s last post … tilling the good earth =-.
As a self-employed person, I’m forever trying to bring the right structure to my day, so I just wanted to say thank you for the idea of “invoking” the Internet for a purpose.
This single distinction has done more to help me use — but not drown in — this great pool of information.
Thank you!
Thing #1 that I want:
To remember that hurrying makes things happen so much slower (if at all). That it’s okay to be where I am, and start there.
How this could happen:
Start small, and realistically, with one thing: time for myself in the morning.
Or, more consistent yoga. And/or, confiding in friends.
My commitment:
To introduce new rituals in small ways, observe and build a foundation based on those practices.
To start small. To forgive myself and cut myself slack.
Thing #2 that I want:
Clarity around next steps for me with my work.
How this could happen:
I am not sure… definitely not hurrying. Maybe trying some stuff out, and staying playful with it. Finally starting to do Shiva. Being honest with myself about how I feel.
My commitment:
Exploring options. Talking to friends, honestly. Being patient. Trusting that where I am right now was circled on a map for me.
Thing #3 that I want:
More connectedness to people in my life.
How this could happen:
Be in touch with people more often, email more often, remember that I like to hear from them, they like to hear from me, too.
Permission to be bad at it, and try again.
Honestly reaching out to people I care about. Listening and talking. Taking care of myself.
.-= Laurie´s last post … Lessons from a bug =-.
Last night, before bed, I listened to your Advanced Wishing class (from the Table) and whoa.
Not a good sleepytime thing!
I stayed up until 3am wishing and writing VPAs.
Here’s the one that’s getting the most attention this morning:
What I want: To do 3 live, in-person IdeaStorming sessions while I’m in NYC
What it will feel like: Fun, easy, full of hope and helpfulness, like inviting someone to something they’ve always wanted.
I will feel deeply connected, deeply recharged, both by the offering it and by the doing it.
I promise:
-To be present and to notice the process
-To write a letter to the Right People
-to work on entrance and exit rituals
-to keep the hope for myself and the IdeaStormer
-to invite Hope and to save her a seat at the table
-to make it fun
How this could happen:
I could tell people
-on my blog
-in my weekly emails
-on my NYC page
I could share my love letter, so the Right People could find it and recognize themselves.
It just could.
Ha! I wrote this in my journal last night and then a few minutes later started writing the love letter.
It just poured out of me and then this morning, I shared it on my site. Yay!
I also brainstormed some ways to make it fun and I keep giggling to myself over the list
-silly hats (or maybe i’ll just wear my adorable big-flower headband)
-having it a fun/funny place
-wear my pink-stripey kneesocks
-Bring a nice notebook
-Oh! a gift! Bring a gift for the IdeaStormer!
-send them a postcard when they sign up, a love letter
-or oh! a treasure map,a hint, a game!
Thanks SO much for the fabulous practice! It’s totally opened up my JOY faucet when it comes to this project!
Smooches, kneesocks and plums to all!
.-= Tara´s last post … Love Letter to future IdeaStormers =-.
If it were a teleclass just for me (which it is not!), it would be about how to talk to the I Don’t Want To Be Less Scared Because Then I’d Have To Do Scary Things Monster. We are hanging out a lot lately.
Also, I am loving your wishroom already, even though it is maybe not even born yet! Wishroom.
@Beth: if there’s any way of figuring out whose dog it is without involving the management, that might be helpful? If it were my dog who was distressed and barking while I was out, I’d certainly want to know. If you can’t do that, hanging on for a few days to see if the dog settles down (if this is a new thing), and/or talking in a low-key way to the management, both sound good.
Only one VPA this week: to sort out my relationship with my to-do list and my available time, now that I’m working 9-5 four days a week.
Ways this might happen: I might settle down into the job routine and find more time in my day.
I might decide to ditch some of the projects I’m currently engaged with.
I might do some work on where my priorities are.
I might do some work on why I’m struggling to find the time even when I get home. (too tired? not motivated enough? too scared?)
Something else I haven’t thought of yet…
My commitment: to remain open to new ways of doing things. To think hard about what I’m taking on and what I’m committed to (and whether I want to be taking those things on or committing to them). To spend some time with my notebook thinking about this. To think about my priorities.
.-= Juliet´s last post … Very late potato-planting =-.
@Juliet: Thank you so much for your thoughts, I appreciate them!! The problem is that the complex is just so big, and I think I’m getting the sound from the windows, which are pretty thin… so it could be any number of quite a few apartments. I’m away this weekend, so I think I’ll check in with management (in a very I’m-not-angry way) if it hasn’t stopped after that. I figure that should be enough time for a new pet to adjust, so if it lasts much longer than that there might really be something wrong. 🙂
My goodness there are so many good things in here.
Thank you for all your brilliant ideas, which I’m pondering.
And I want to vouch for DIANE and MARIKO — both of whom are awesome and fabulous and I know them personally. So if you’re thinking of working with either of them, know that I say they are great. 🙂