Personal ads. They’re … personal! Very.
So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.
Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.
Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.
And now it’s my Sunday ritual for clarity and remembering and stuff like that. Yay, ritual!
Today is the day that will live on in infamy as Recovery Monday.
At least until next Monday. Oh, it’s so unfair.
Anyway. I am a leetle groggy. But here we are. Very Personal Ads. Let’s do it.
Thing 1: aaah I don’t know what this is called.
Here’s what I want:
You know when you go to a hotel and there’s always a binder on the desk that’s full of informational useful this-and-that?
There’s a room service menu and stuff to do and policies, and maybe a postcard or something.
I want to make one of those for the Playground, with general stuff that we always tell people.
But I don’t know what to call it.
And while I definitely won’t call it whatever it’s official name is, it would help me to have something to call it when I metaphor mouse it.
I’m assuming there’s probably a front of the house name that’s different than what the hotel staff call it. Maybe?
Ways this could work:
One of you might know what this is called! Maybe you’ve worked in a hotel. You could leave a comment and let me know.
Or I might stumble on the name.
Or I might never find out what this is called, but that lack of knowledge will miraculously stop driving me crazy because some other perfect name will reveal itself.
My commitment.
To appreciate how wonderful it is when you have the right word for something.
To never stop playing.
Thing 2: To create the thing I don’t have a name for, in a way that is not stressful.
Here’s what I want:
With or without a fabulous sparkly name and with or without knowing what that type of binder is actually called in real life, I am going to make one.
Since I have been me for many years now, I am aware of my inclination to make everything ten times more complicated than it actually needs to be.
And I can easily imagine this mission in particular turing into a big endless project.
So I want this to come together with ease and grace. Lots of perfect, simple solutions, not too much over-thinking. And done!
Ways this could work:
Not sure yet.
Just putting it out into the world in gwish form.
Maybe I’ll brain-dance on it with some Shiva Nata and see what comes up.
My commitment.
To stay with the essence of what I want to create and not get sucked into a million variations of what is possible.
To giggle when my patterns come up (if I can). Or to have a giant permission slip to feel frustrated if I can’t.
To give this as much time as it needs for now.
Thing 3: Solid recovery time.
Here’s what I want:
So between running the Shiva Nata teacher training and leading the Rally (Rally!), I have been on for twelve days straight.
Cue hysterical laughter and impending nervous breakdown music.
We need some Emergency Vacation, kids.
Ways this could work:
I have an idea but I’m not sure if I have the balls to pull it off.
There is also a version of that idea that is delightfully insane, and therein lies its extra-special appeal. So maybe I’ll do that. I don’t know.
My commitment.
To take care of myself this week, no matter what comes up. This is important.
Thing 4: color for Hoppy House.
Here’s what I want:
At the Rally last week, I was doing a lot of thinking about what makes the Playground so amazing, and how I can bring some of that into my home. What are the elements?
And one of the things that came up was COLOR.
The Playground is extremely colorful and cheery. Hoppy House is very subdued. Which I like.
But it’s time to change some of that.
Ways this could work:
Hmm. I’m looking at where this is already working:
There’s the deep orange duvet, that I love. The bright green of plants. A wonderful rug in the living room that, to quote the Dude, really ties the room together.
Where else would I bring in color?
The Wish Room needs some purple/violet something or other. Maybe I’ll start with flowers and see which colors bring the happy.
My commitment.
Curiosity, experimentation, receptivity, play.
Conscious, loving, wonder-filled interaction with this amazing place that is my home.
Lots of sitting on the window seat and appreciating the view.
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.
Last week I wrote tiny little love letters instead of VPAs. And that was fun. It felt good.
Also the comments were amazing.
I asked my week for spaciousness, ease, support, wonder and appreciation. And while it was hard at times, there was definitely a lot of that. So thank you.
Then I wished beautiful things for the graduates of my Shiva Nata teacher training.
Another love letter wish was for a personal situation to be resolved. And while it hasn’t, I also haven’t been worrying about it, so that’s kind of a big deal for me. Writing the letter definitely helped.
And I wished excitement for the March Rally (which is coming up crazy soon and is the one that comes with a head-shot for your blog, if you want one, that you don’t have to pay for). And I am excited.
I may need to wait until post-recovery to do more with that, but I’m glad for the letter of love. Mmmm. That was nice. I didn’t think re-reading those love letters would feel so good, but it did.
Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.
- Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!
Stuff I’d rather not have:
- The word “manifest”.
- To be told how I should be asking for things.
- To be judged, psychoanalyzed or given unsolicited advice.
Wishing love and good things for your Very Personal Ads! I’m so happy to have people doing this with me.
Probably someone else will have said this by the time my comment goes up, but a google search came up with “Guest Information Binder” – which kind of has me laughing nervously. That name gives me shivers.
I would like further detangling of the situation of “everyone hates me” versus “dude, that was back in middle school, not now” Lovingly, gently, but also kind of quickly. I think I’m ready to have this pattern change and if not, I’d like information on that. Shiva Nata will be danced.
And tons of (internal) support for my upcoming move to Portland! AHHH! I’m so scared about this that I haven’t even told anyone, which isn’t really helping with the support thing. So finding out what’s so scary about it, and about people’s reactions. And finding ways to make sure I get what I need. Shiva Nata for this as well, I suppose.
Love to everyone! May your gwishes come true and your VPAs be answered. (Or not, if you’re not ready).
Well, I’m not sure I wholly understand but I would think that it runs along the lines of a guestbook of sorts which…in a piratey environment, how about a Captain’s Log Book? Or the Treasure Map? (It *is* supposed to highlight cool stuff, right?)
Just thoughts…:)
Ooh, Guest Information Binder DOES sound really creepy. What about Gib? Or Glib? Or Gobble? Put it in the Gobbler. No, that’s creepy too.
Ah. Progress!
Also, PORTLAND? This is going to be like the Shiva Nata teacher center of the world. Awesome!
The hospitality book?
The cool thing about binders* is that you can always add or subtract things to/from them later as it occurs to you.
*please forgive the shameless plug, though it occurs to me if I’m asking forgiveness, it’s not shameless, so yay? 😉
I know exactly what I want this week: to be better, but it’s largely beyond my control at this stage. (The things I can control have made no difference.) So, I shall hope for answers and next steps. And to keep my cool in this latest stage of waiting.
Commitment: to keep up with my version of OTL yoga, try to shift my sleep schedule earlier to reduce interruptions, to keep paying attention and taking notes.
OMG YOU QUOTED EL DUDERINO. i am lost in giggling fits.
I think i’ve seen that book referred to as the “Local Guide” or instead of having a name it just has a vague introduction like “During your stay….” or “To help you find your way around…”
Somehow my mind decided creepy=the-way-to-go so the only alternate names I can come up with are “The Book of Goodies” and “The Portland Playbook” and “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the Playground but Were Afraid to Ask”
@Rhiannon!! OMG!! Awesome, excited about your move too, that’s going to be fabulous for you!
Last week I asked for some “magical get-it-done” to be weaved into the last days of February. Instead, the universe gave me magical “realize it didn’t have to get done, and chill-out about it” which worked fine.
This week I want….um….i don’t really want anything. I suppose eventually this new found apathy should probably subside, and I’ll go back into over-achievement mode.
“The Joy of Playground” (illustrated of course)
“Playground for Dummies”
“The 10 Minute Playground”
“You Can Playground Your Life”
ok, stopping now. 🙂
This week, I would like for some new collectors to find my work.
How this can happen: I can Facebook and tweet when I update my blog and Etsy.
Someone that I mailed a postcard to can decide to see the show and follow up on my work.
Random six degrees of Kevin Bacon stuff. 🙂
My commitment: to update my blog and Etsy, to not freak out while waiting, and to continue to make the best art I can make.
Looks like they’re also called “In-Room Directory” binders…
Well, now you’ve said Gib and my daggy-songbook brain has instantly gone –> Gib –> Brothers Gibb –> BeeGees –> Stayin’ Alive no wait I’ve Just Got to Get a Message to Yooooooouuuu… but they are terrible names and will drive people mad, so NO.
Ahem. Onto VPA-ing.
This last week has been big and rocking, as in, the boat. Much of it good, quite a bit of scaaaaaary. I have some things to ask for.
Thing 1: Good strong money management systems to be set up
My dearest of dears and the love of my life has agreed to try managing all our household income and expenditure as a joint effort. Aaaahhhhhh
Oh, that was just me sinking to the floor in relief and delight and exhaustion because it’s been something that I’ve been wanting to start for sooooo long!!! But, honestly, neither of us were ready until now and things happen when they happen. So, like, whatever. We’re here now. YAY. And of course we’re going to completely suck at it for a while yet (while we practice and experiment) and that is OKAY.
***What I would like is for the money management systems to evolve easily and without too many hugely gaping holes.***
Ways this could work:
* I could remind my friend to email me a copy of their income/expense spreadsheet records to use as a basic template
* I could read my small business manual I bought a year or more ago and see what they suggest
* I could ask my Dad to review my draft copies and give me his feedback
* Other ways could reveal themselves, especially if I get back to my Shiva Nata practice.
My commitment:
* To email my friend
* To bring the book into my room and put it beside my bed
* To go through our last quarter finances and try and put it together in a single record
* To Procrastination Dissolve-o-Matic it and Shiva Nata it.
Thing 2: the Closing Doors at the ex-job to happen, nicely
So, I quit my job last week. Scary, given I have no job to go to and we kind of sort of really need that money. Okay, WANT it, but you know…. Need.
I have faith that it will all be for the best! And it was definitely the right thing to do. Things could not continue as they were. To have kept trying would be more magical thinking. So, faced facts and admitted my capacity and got clear and simple about what I can and can’t handle right now and the job didn’t make the cut.
***What I would like is for the cleaning up and filing for handover, and telling people who need to be told, and leaving Next Step notes for whoever takes over those projects to happen (at all) and to happen nicely.***
(I’m not sure what ‘nicely’ means either…. [calmly]+[guilt-free]+[low-stress]+[cheerful-‘oh well, I’m sure it’s all going to turn out for the best’-ly]. Yes, like that.)
Ways this could work
* With procrastination dissolving fairy dust woo-woo-that-works
* By engineering myself for success, and remembering that the morning starts the night before
* Embodying the nice attitude and approach
My commitment
* To take care of my evenings to maximise the success of the morning the next day
* To take regular breaks to dissolve any procrastination and stucknesses that arise
* To be as mindful as I possibly can during this transition period
There is a whole lot of asking and committing wrapped up in just those two things so I’m going to engineer myself for success and let that be enough for now.
No, wait. Thing 3: a cup of tea. For people to bolster my faith that as I’m following my true, intuitive, heart-centred, spirit-led course then it IS all for the best, no doubt about it.
Now, excuse me while I go and try to find another song to rattle around that won’t drive me mad for the rest of the day.
I love Very Personal Ads. And writing anything helps me to clarify tangled thoughts, so here goes:
What I want this week: to feel healthier.
Ways this could work: it just could (thanks, Havi – I love having that as an option.) taking better care of myself. more rest.
My commitment: being gentle with myself, nicer to myself, opting for less rather than more when possible.
What else I want this week: progress on my new novel
My commitment: meeting my small but manageable daily writing goal, every day for one week
I wrote those type of bindery things for a traveling Theatre for young audience (TYA) group and we just called it “the bindery info thing” or “the map at first. I am not a coordinator and shouldn’t write bindery info things. When it was done, I was so pleased with myself I just called it “Brilliance”
Here’s what I want:
Recently discovered my thing…oddly, I actually knew what my thing was a long time ago and was even interviewed about my thing, and then for some silly reason gave up on it.
So, what I’d like to do is find a place to do my thing.
Ways this could work.
I could tell a bunch of people about my thing and they’d go “cool”. And, then when they meet someone who needs my thing, they know who to call.
Go to places that I think could help me and show em my stuff.
Offer my thing and see if anyone bites.
My commitment.
Ask. Play. Search and let people know what my thing is (without being annoying).
Numero Deux
Here’s what I want:
To develop my stuff
How this could happen:
Dedicated time. Movement. Talk to my smartacus friends for help/support/ideas. be kind to myself.
My commitment:
gentleness to myself. Putting in the time. Celebrating every little step.
That binder is my favorite part of staying at hotels and inns. The inns are better because there is usually a story of the inn in the binder.
It seems that the Universe has been reading my VPAs about finding love and companionship and hugs and kisses and things so I’ll keep posting that. I probably qualify for the volume run discount at this point.
Also, I know I’m not supposed to want to feel better, I’m supposed to get better at feeling all the parts of my experience, but screw it. I want to feel good. I want peace and happiness and contentment and safety. I don’t want to have to accept all the thoughts and feelings and physical sensations that my brain calls anxiety, I just want them to go away! Please.
And then I want a savior. I want someone or something or some force to just lift the burdens, share the load, help with all of the things other people seem to have help with. I’m open to all possibilities with this. Surprise me! Just let me put my pack down, divvy up some of the heavy stuff and have some water. Where are the sherpas of life? Please send a sherpa. Stat.
I want a safety nest in a trust tree.
I’ve actually got a similar binder as a work-in-progress for our house, since we try to keep it as a nice place that people can visit and use as crash space. Its current working title is “The Guide to Localized Awesomeness OR Enough Information to Get Around and Go Exploring” It’s very much a changing beast, as it has *tons* of information and I keep tweaking the organization. At the moment, it has several sections:
*How the apartment works*
-Where all the essential but non-obvious stuff like stepladder, fuse box, snacks, fire extinguisher, washing machine, and so on live
-Notes on some of the quirks of the place, like how the front door rattles unless you also lock it
Basically, this is supposed to allow my guests to actually live here. If they need food, they can forage or cook. If something bad happens, they know how to fix little things or get away from big nasties. And they know that they’re not crazy, the bathroom light switch is really that finicky.
*Getting oriented*
-Contact info (for us, for landlords, for various emergency and non-emergency contacts like the PD and friends in the area who can help out)
-The address and a map printout
-Descriptive directions for how to orient yourself once you leave the front door (downhill is south and and looks like this and leads to a park in five blocks, uphill is north and also leads to a park in two blocks, etc.)
*Other places*
Only includes stuff we’ve been to and would recommend; has the name, the address, website where applicable, brief review and directions.
-Places to hang out (parks, libraries, coffee shops, lounges)
-Places to get food (cafes, restaurants, coffee shops, groceries, corner stores)
-Nightlife (bars, lounges, theaters, dance clubs)
^This is the one where the organization keeps changing. At the moment, each section (hangout/food/nightlife) is subdivided into “walkable,” “busable,” and “driveable.” It’s less convenient for somebody who drove in and just wants to find a good teahouse, but I think it makes it way easier for people who can’t or won’t drive if they can just read the first bit or two of each section and not be tempted by things that are a pain to get to.
I’ve been really enjoying putting together the guide to awesome because it’s given me a chance to review all my favorite places. It’s also nice to have an excuse to do some writing that isn’t going to be critiqued. And I like the feeling of knowing that even if I have to go to work and leave my guests at home without me, they will be able to do almost anything that they want without having to stress or figure out logistics (at least for Seattle, the website for the transit authority is OK but not very intuitive at all.)
The name that occured was “Playground User Manual” — you could abbreviate it PlUM! 🙂
Hola Gang-
This week’s VPA is rather concrete and specific for me. I would like an apartment, small house or other rental home that is in walking distance to the beach, in the greater Boston area, under $1000/month and friendly to both my cats.
Ways this could work- someone here could know of something and let me know. The request on twitter could be answered with a perfect DM. CL could prove more useful and less intimidating. I could find a realtor I want to work with. I could find someone I know who knows someone who wants to rent to me. i could use a resource i never think of like ebay classifieds or
my commitment- to stay picky but not absurdly so. to keep looking and keep asking. to allow it to be easy. to dance on it. TO ALLOW IT TO BE EASY.
Best wishes for the week all!
Here’s what I would really, really like this week:
– to recover that “everything is ok and you are definitely on the right track”/yummy feeling that I had last week. cuz nothing has changed. everything is, in fact, ok.
– to regain the excitement and enthusiasm I was feeling about going to the March Rally! and get rid of the “are you seriously going to do something that DECADENT for yourself when you have no job and no clue what you are going to do next?” feeling/voice/nastiness. cuz, hell yeah i’m going to Rally!! i totally deserve to do something for me and i just know it’s going to be totally amazing.
– to find the space to have some compassion for myself around how I am dealing with my mother’s illness, and, well, my mother. cuz really, it’s ok. i’m doing the best i can.
i feel a little better already. yay.
My brain went from Guest Information Binder –> GIB –> jib, like the sail at the front of the boat.
I can’t hear “Captain’s log” without thinking about a Dave Letterman Top 10 list joke from years ago. It involves Captain Kirk. I’ll spare you the rest. . .
Two thoughts about the binder thing-y: You’ve got titles, such as Playing Around in the Playground, and you’ve got the way people refer to it, such as the info pack or the binder thing-y. If you use a short title, people may call it that, or they may call it the info pack. If you give it a long title (as a work in progress), people are likely to shorten it to something useful, unless they call it the info pack or the binder thing-y.
Seems to me that what you call it is a work in progress.
I just started reading your blog. Wow.
Here’s what I want:
Thing 1: The money to come in.
My husband was forced to retire more than a month ago and the retirement income hasn’t started yet the way it was supposed to. I’m pretty angry about the way it all happened and every time the check doesn’t come, I get angry all over again, and I’m tired of that.
Thing 2: Us to enjoy our time: fun to be had.
We’re suddenly together a lot more than we used to be and he can’t do a lot of the things we used to enjoy together. So a lot of TV-ing and reading is going on and not much else.
We’ve planned a trip that starts midweek, and I really want this to be a fun thing.
Thing 3: Stuff to get done somehow
Sometimes I just sort of drift through my day and at the end of the day, somehow, it’s all done. Then there are days when everything is an effort and I can’t seem to get anything done because, though I want them done, I don’t want to do them.
How this could happen:
It all seems related; I get stuck on something, like the paperwork that wasn’t done so that the retirement income could start, and then I can’t move from there. So:
* magical de-stuckification could happen!
* I could think about things in a new way.
* fun could find me while I’m doing the things that need to get done.
My commitment:
being open, focusing on what I want to happen without thinking about how it is going to happen, self care, and positive thoughts, and loving what is.
(Welcome folder)… Guest 101… Pirate’s ABC… Navigation Guide… Shore Map… Compass Rose…
My vote is also for PlayBook. Since it is for a playground and it’s a book. But more than that – even though it isn’t very hotelly – it refers to a book that a team has that lists everything they do together on the field. I think that has a nice feel to it.
But it’s your book, so I hope you find a great name that works for you.
I actually had a gwish come to fruition yesterday and today. So – AWESOME!
The other thing that came to fruition was a balagan, but that’s to be expected because it involves Israeli bureaucracy and people who don’t care about their job. But it still has all the marking of ‘yiyeh b’seder’.
And what I really need this week is:
Calmness and grace in dealing with the big change coming up. (So far so good on that one…)
Finding creative solutions to 2 items that need creative and good solutions.
A productive week with all projects, including personal ones.
I did the scary thing AND I have had plenty of research ideas. Yay.
This week…
VPA 1. The photographs I’m going to take today – ooo I have so many ideas ans so many high hopes of what you’ll look like. What I want is for you to be beautiful and the process to be fun, relaxed and joyful. I want to remember that I don’t have to show these to anyone.
How this could happen:
– play some music that reflects the mood
– relax for ten minutes before
– let myself goof off/try weird ideas
My commitment:
– remembering that perfection = death
– treat it as an experiment
VPA 2. There’s a few bits and pieces I need to do today really….and keep not doing.
How this could happen:
– make a list and break it down into baby steps
– take time out to consider why I might be procrastinating
-use the procastination dissolve-o-matic
My commitment:
– to try to like myself even if I’m procrastinating
– to notice patterns
– to do one baby step at a time
VPA 3. A monster negotitation…you’ve been living with me for so long, that it’s only now that I’ve realised that you’re not the truth. I want to talk to you, work out which parts are mine and which aren’t. And this is painful and scary and part of me really, really doesn’t want to look you in the eye because I’m scared of what you might say. Or that you might be right.
How this could happen:
– KT goodness
– setting some time aside to journal
– making myself feel safe beforehand
– remembering I don’t have to have this ‘sorted’ in one go
My commitment:
– comfort! safety! snuggley place and a calming drink.
– remembering I can stop any time I want
oooo, excited now for how these will play out.
Last week I asked for clarity about my Improv-group. And (yay) I now have some of that. So my thing one is:
Get a helpful response from the person I want to talk to this about. I chose to send an email to one of the other players that I am closer to and talk to her about my misgivings and about what I feel for the group. This could work by her calling me, or by some other way. My commitment is to actually send the email and then take care of myself and pay attention to myself.
My thing two is:
To get another cup of tea. It’s also a self-care thing. I need to pay more attention to that. This could work if I get up and make the tea. I commit to doing that and to not being angry at myself if I forget.
My third thing is about having another successful week of project movification. I want the project to move forward towards finished and feel good about it. Last week I moved a lot and wrote and did. This could work the same way as last week. Or it could work in a different way. I commit to trying out different ways until one works. I also commit to not beating myself up if it doesn’t work.
Twelve days ‘on’ in a row?? That’s an amazing achievement and one I hope you don’t have to repeat for a LONG time! Good luck and best gwishes for the recovery 🙂
Re the binders – in my last job we called these ‘Bibles’. Which I realise is totally unhelpful to you in a wide variety of ways.
I like ‘Playbook’.
At my fave b&b in Key West (the Artist’s House), they called it the Welcome to Key West Guide, and it was so cool that restaurants were categorized: “swanky and spendy”, “mid range casual”, ” do NOT eat the clams here”, “local hangout, cheap!” etc, but also all the bars:
Straight, Gay, Women only, Fern, Gay Fern, Leather, Gay Leather, Leather-Fern, Leather Karaoke, Fern Karaoke, Biker, Gay Biker, Gay Biker Karaoke, Buffet fans only…
Plus a map with all the liquor stores highlighted in pink.
It was as much fun to read as being in Key West, because you could tell the guys at the B&B had had fun in putting it togethr. And they solicited input from guests: “The Hideaway is no longer Gay Leather, it’s now tourist karaoke only…”
It’s like a Local Treasure Map.
Hello, and a little delurk from me! I’m a bit late with this Havi, but I work in an office with a loud disruptive anger making person that sounds like your coffee shop people. My husband bought me some beautiful tiny in ear sennheiser earphones (these)and now I have lovely calm or cheering music quietly in my ears and he does not disturb me. I think they were a bit expensive but for the lack of rage very much worth it. As with anything they don’t completely cover the sudden *REALLY* loud shouts etc but in general absolutely ace. I put them in and the irritating chatter vanishes. Peace. We also called our bindery thing the “bible”. Not so helpful. What would a Pirate Bible be, I wonder? The Pirate Code? More of a guideline…
And so to my very first VPAs…
What I would like: To discover what I might be able to change to make my working situation better – my job is getting to the point where it is making me cry, and making me more ill to boot. I can’t go on like this, but financially I can’t stop right now without a replacement either. I need to find myself a light at the end of the tunnel, a way to make it better or a way out of the pickle I’ve got myself in so that at least my head feels better about it.
Ways this could work: I could have a genius business idea that finally makes sense, and all the little bits fall into place. I could find a way to bear being here, I could suddenly rediscover my enthusiasm for my job. I could win the lottery. I could find something that is not work to focus all my thoughts on so work matters less. I might have a little contemplation time to myself in a peaceful way and a path become vaguely there to me.
My commitment: To spend a little time thinking in a more focussed way about this, rather than constantly getting distracted by the waves of panic monsters that just shout “WahIhateitmakeitstop!” “the end is nigh!” it isn’t.
What I would like: To stop eating everything in sight. Oh, how the food calls to me, and how comforting it feels. It’s not really the answer however, and I’m just causing another problem for myself long term.
Ways this could work: I could find an answer to the above and then I wouldn’t need to eat so much to feel better. I could find other ways to feel better when I want to eat to fix things, like baths and nail varnishes and lists or hand cream when I am at work. I could not have the food to eat in my desk drawer. I could just be nicer to myself about everything, and then I wouldn’t have to worry about it all so much.
My commitment: To try and up the healthy content of the snacking and cut some of the chocolate. And to try and wait 5 mins before I cave each time. To *try* and be less mean to me.
Ooh. I feel all better Just typing these very long things. Thank you!
*WHOMP!* Official Stamp! Recovery Monday is a thing.
Thing I want:
A clue about the adventure or place.
How it could work:
Well, I’d like it to fall in my lap. Please 🙂
My commitment:
To write the adventure a love letter. Or note. Yes, a note.
Thing I want:
Steadiness in my work — in the energy I have for it and the effort I put in.
How it could work:
I could be open to an easier way.
My commitment:
To attend to the accoutrements, the set up. The mise en place. (Thanks, Cairene!)
Invocations before working.
Thing I want:
More information about the quality of Home. (Real or online or imaginary-carry-it-with-me.) And related nesting.
How it could work:
I have this body buzzing feeling that tells me I’m onto something, but… that’s all I know so far.
My commitment:
Congruence. Shiva Nata.
Most places I’ve been to call the book of information a Compendium…
Oooh, the first thing that comes to mind about the binder is that maybe it’s like the Playground’s “Book of Me.”
But I also like the suggestions to call it the Playbook, or PlUM, or one of those other play-on-words names.
Secret handbook for Playgroundians!
Your First Day on the Playground!
Shhhh…don’t tell anyone these things about the Playground!
Playground Love!
You website has enchanted me so much that you and your playground is all I have thought about since I hit your site by pure co-win-si-dental chance. I love it and I want to let you know, I will be a part of it. My name is Lyndsey and I am stuck. My book of everything you need to know in the city of Munich and my current project is called the munichAlist. A list of everything you need to know. It seems to be growing into something much larger than I ever imagined it and I do not know what to do?!?! Well this is my cry out for help and by the way I have two kids under three, I believe this is the last opportunity I have before my monster slowly takes over and it is handed to someone else. Only for me to once again loose a great idea because of lack of following through. –Am I really posting this, yes I am !