very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these VPAs to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

Sunday! Personal ads!

For the 96th week in a row.

Let’s do it.

Thing 1: Figure out what might be the next steps in the soft.

Here’s what I want:

Last week I wanted to be able to make some video of my (highly entertaining!) Shiva Nata classes.

And it happened — astonishingly! — despite my massive stuck related to this particular form of being seen.

And now it’s just a matter of pressing the Pooblish button in a variety of places. But I haven’t. Because apparently I’m not done with this round of destuckifying.

Since everything is all set up and ready to go in the hard, it’s clear that I need to do some more work in the soft.

Ways this could work:

I can nap on it, meditate on it, dance on it and flail on it.

I can write love letters.

And use more Shiva Nata to get whatever the next insights and understandings are that will help me move forward.

Oh, and I can talk to the Interviewer or bring in a negotiator too.

My commitment.

To ask curious, loving questions.

To agree to not push.

To find out what I need, how I feel and what would help make this whole process easier.

Thing 2: Speaking of ease…

Here’s what I want:

I am seeing the dentist tomorrow, and I would like the entire experience to be as ease-filled as possible.

So I’m asking for grace, strength and a sweet, calm, sovereign something-or-other to get me through it peacefully.

Ways this could work:


Wearing my sovereignty boots, of course. It helped last time!

I can take time before the appointment to write up a gwish-list.

And I can check in with the Book of Me and the Revue Anthology for reminders about other things that help and about how great my dentist is.

My commitment.

To breathe.

To adapt the Hello, Day questions for this particular appointment. To use the magic of metaphor. To hand out sparklepoints right and left. To myself, yes.

Thing 3: Lip balm!

Here’s what I want:

Specifically, remembering it.

I have little pots of lip goo everywhere, but I can’t seem to remember to use them until my lips are falling off.

And then as soon as they start healing up, I forget again.

So I’d like reminders. Or a routine. Or a ritual. Or some combination of all of the above.

Ways this could work:

I could ask Slightly Future Me who has already resolved this issue. Maybe she has advice.

And I can remove everything but lip stuff from my coat pockets, so that my hands will do the remembering for me.

My commitment.

To find out what needs to happen for me to have a more conscious, loving and harmonious relationship with my body.

To be receptive to doing (and perceiving) things differently as a part of that.

Thing 4: Rally prep.

Here’s what I want:

Ohmygod! Rally (Rally!)

I am crazy excited about the upcoming Rally, which is Rally #9 and which is going to be absolutely marvelous.

And there’s still lots to do to prepare.

Including some downtime for me, please. Or upside-down time, as I call it. Because I’d really like to be extra-rested before we swing into rallying mode.

Ways this could work:

I have not the slightest idea.

My commitment.

To play, play, play and find out what is needed.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

Let’s see. I wanted a chalkboard, and lots of people suggested chalkboard paint, which is a super interesting idea. It won’t work for my purposes because the wall in question is a bumpy stucco-ey one — I appreciate all the creative excitement though!

My gentleman friend ended up tracking down just the right size of chalkboard, so that’s all taken care of.

I was working on a painful business-related pattern, and got some good thinking and processing done this week. It’s certainly not resolved but the shivanautical insights are helping lots.

Then I was doing some forgiveness work and I’m still doing it.

And I wanted enough confidence to be able to do a Shiva Nata video. And it totally worked because that class was so much fun, and I didn’t even notice the camera. Also, pink power wig! Yay.

Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!

Stuff I’d rather not have:

The word “manifest”. To be told how I should be asking for things. To be judged, psychoanalyzed or given unsolicited advice.

Much love for your gwishes! So happy to have you doing this with me.

The Fluent Self