very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

My weekly practice: writing these Visions of Possibility and Anticipation to get clear on what I want, even when saying it is uncomfortable.

I invariably discover useful things about my relationship with both a) what I want, and b) wanting. Join in if you like….

It is known that I am not in favor of using acronyms (unless they are silly and you can make fun words out of them and they are for your own use).

This one is too much fun, and it is just for me, and it is absurd. Therefore I approve it. And I will not expect you to remember what it means.

I have an announcement.

And I am going to try to sneak it in somewhere in this post.

Operation SHBOTW.

I dearly want a writing retreat.

Not to go on a retreat. To go off on my own, be alone, and write. Not in problem-solving mode. Me and the notebook.

This feels like an absolutely ridiculous thing to ask for, given the urgent Situation At Hand and the current State of Affairs, and the Big Crisis that needs to be solved.

But it is what I want, and I am planting it.

I am calling it Operation Ship Havi Bell Off To Write, or: SHBOTW

It’s pronounced like fatwah: sh’batwah!

It is fun to say.

And I want it I want it I want it I want it so badly.

But in order for it to even be a possibility, I first need to take care of monies for the Situation before I can even think about this. Which means Operation Save Our Ship, Operation Siegfried the Magic Otter, Operation Alphabet Buttmonster Carousel, and Operation Wall of Squoosh all need my attention. So that’s pretty overwhelming.

And I need to sneak this in between the Alphabet Carousel rallies (which I will tell you about shortly!), because Rally is where I thrive and get my best work done.

Anyway, this is what I want.

What do I know about this?

It is too much to think when so much is going on. I have the biggest monsters about every aspect of this.

So the real thing that needs to happen is for me to believe that this is a legitimate want to want.

This means: talking it out with the monsters, and coming up with an OOD. This might need to happen in secret agent code, and I think a proxy would help too.

Themes and qualities inside of the wants?

Ease. Spaciousness. Presence. Turning Inward. Grounding. Play. Receptivity. Glow.

And the superpower or sankalpa of Everything Is Working Out Perfectly and I Can See The Good.

What might help?

Writing. Just writing about this. Asking more questions. Being curious. Rolling around on the floor. Conducting. Being in the compass.

What else might help?

Keep up the Divertissement, and trust that it is a fractal flower for this.

But mainly I think this is about fear, and the best way for me to meet fear is with legitimacy and kindness.

I’m playing with…

What if it is okay to want what I want? What if it is okay to want the essence of it? What if there are all kinds of ways that I can connect to the essence?

What I want.

Some of these are secret agent code or silent retreat. Some are qualities and some are dreams. Some are re-asks and some are pre-wishes: tiny seeds for future processing.

  • REJOICING for the long-awaited website redesign (have you seen it?!).
  • A new solution for ear plugs. The one I found works but is inelegant. Bond Girl wants a secret compartment.
  • Heinzelmännchen Wrecking Crew! This is my cover story for a new project, and it is really helping.
  • Finish the stompy rewrites.
  • Be brave enough to tell the story that is not the story.
  • Maybe I will write about Operation Resilience or Toldot. Which is funny because Operation Resilience is the Toldot of Havi Bell.
  • Infinite Booty Shakes! Thanks, Chloe
  • What do we know about the City of Vista? This is both a proxy and not, you are welcome to share things.
  • I am celebrating SIX MONTHS of silence, and ONE YEAR of being a bell. Except I don’t know how to celebrate either of them, other than laughing hysterically. I would like a ritual to reveal itself.
  • Oh, more of this, please. Joyful sleep for Havi Bell.
  • Ticking off boxes on the Grand Spiral Caper Divertissement in the secret location.
  • Intention. Everything is working out perfectly. I see the good everywhere, and I appreciate it.
  • This is where I live.
  • Joyful enthusiasm for the HAT and the carousel! So much excited excitement, please!
  • Guess what, YOU GUYS?! I am ready to tell you about the Alphabet Carousel!!! That was the announcement. And the password is what buttmonsters riding an alphabet carousel say: whee


  • I rest into miracles, and then THERE THEY ARE.
  • I actively choose quiet.
  • Left-handed labyrinth.
  • Perfect simple solutions, suddenly visible!
  • Sound effects for my internal video game.
  • Going to the 9&9, even when it isn’t nine or nine.
  • Ahahaha I am an accidental genius! SOLVED.
  • What do I need? What do I want?
  • Sweet blissful steadiness.
  • Things that need to exit now exit gracefully.
  • Things that need to come in now are received with love.
  • Just child’s pose.
  • I’m glad it’s happening like this, actually.

The qualities inside of the wants:

Quiet. Confidence. Clarity. Love. Steadiness. Plenty. Trust. Laughter.

And the superpower of I Can Do This, Let’s Make It Happen.

I ask for this one every week, but not bored of it yet: I see the secret holiness of everything.

Ways this could work.

It just could.

I can say KAROOOOH! KAROOOOH! I might even sing the britney spears smurfs song to it: will you be my karoooolala?

And I can try remember WHY we are doing this. So that I can a) KAROOOOH and so that I can call Beautiful Bee and tell her that I want to have an adventure again.

I’m playing with…

Seriously, making the chorus of the Britney Spears smurfs song into my Karooooh-la-la anthem.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Okay, last week, aka not exactly that but something to do with it.

Oh man, last-week-me was so amazing and didn’t even know it.

Thanks to her, I now have the Grand Spiral Caper Divertissement (explanation in the Chicken), and I got more done this week than I ever have ever, other than at Rally.

I re-organized the Vault (closet) according to personalities instead of type of clothing. I stopped worrying about the key, I found two temporary solutions for ear plugs, I had joyful sleep and I decorated the HAT! Plus I finished the HAT.

Plus I had a beach day.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Playing. Shelter for the comments.

What’s welcome: Your own wishes, gwishes, visions and personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like. Things sparked for your own process.

I’m receptive to warm wishes for the things I’m working on and playing with.

We ask for what we need, and we give each other space and spaciousness for the process.

This is a place of safety for creative play and exploration, with a very non-dogmatic approach. We don’t tell each other how to ask for things and we don’t give unsolicited advice. We play.

That’s it. Let’s throw a bunch of things in the pot!

As always, amnesty applies. Leave a wish here any time you want.


The Fluent Self