very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

My weekly practice: writing these Visions of Possibility and Anticipation to get clear on what I want, even when saying it is uncomfortable.

I invariably discover useful things about my relationship with both a) what I want, and b) wanting. Join in if you like….

This week’s wish is complicated. I will have to follow some threads and see where they lead, because I am not sure how I can know what I want about this if I don’t know what it is.

Though who knows, maybe I can.

Maybe this is really about desire. About the (self-granted) permission to want without knowing why, or what the wanting means. Maybe this wish has to do with remembering that fantastic-sounding things are possible, that anything can hold treasure.

Time to explore. What do I want?

Where in the world is San Miguel?

This question makes me laugh because it makes me think of Carmen San Diego, which combines a favorite color and a (secretly) favorite place.

And also because apparently there are endless San Miguels.

So the original question (“Where is San Miguel?”) ends up becoming a new question: Which San Miguel?

And: Why do I need to know about it? Or maybe, also: What do I need to know about it?

San Miguel. San Miguel.

It showed up in a dream.

Did you know? Ever since I went silent, my dreams began to take on aspects of silent retreat as well.

Until they completely transitioned and now I no longer speak in my dreams. That is, I speak the way I do in real life. Through smiling, nodding, scribbling notes, laughing.

My dreams are written now, like my life.

And the dream of San Miguel was all in Hebrew, because it took place in Tel Aviv. I will translate.

The dream about San Miguel.

Ehud and I were at the Shoftim pub. Sitting at the bar. Late afternoon. He was looking at me, eyebrow raised: Nu? So?

I pulled out my notebook: I’ve decided not to keep studying. I’m done.

Ehud: Not to chew? You don’t want to chew?
Me: To STUDY. They don’t even look alike.
Ehud: Your handwriting is a mess.
Me (affectionately): Idiot.
Ehud: So what are you going to do instead?
Me: I don’t know.
Ehud: But this means you’re leaving, right? Where are you going?
Me: San Miguel.
Ehud: Where’s that, South America?
Me (baffled): I guess I’m not sure? Shit. I should probably figure that part out.
Ehud: But you’re really going…
Me: That’s the plan.

Then we both laughed. And then I thought I have go to see [x] and tell him I’m leaving the city, and then I remembered that he is dead, and then my heart was so sad. And I knew even more that San Miguel was the right place for me.

What do I know about this?

  1. It wasn’t a dream about San Miguel. It was a dream about Tel Aviv. In which San Miguel makes an appearance. As an idea.
  2. This is the third dream I’ve had about quitting grad school. Even though the last time I even considered grad school was at least a decade ago.
  3. When I dream something several times in a row: consequences. Consequences? Results. Things move. That’s how I ended up moving to Berlin and San Francisco.
  4. This is not a repeat-dream, not the same dream. Just the same theme.
  5. San Miguel might well be a metaphorical place, like Bolivia.
  6. Hilariously, there is a San Miguel in Bolivia. Real-Bolivia, not metaphorical Bolivia.
  7. I am NOT moving to Bolivia, by the way. You couldn’t pay me enough to consider it. I’m talking mostly about the metaphorical one, but right now they’re so close in my mind…let’s just say no Bolivia.
  8. I once had a brief bittersweet love story with someone named Juan Miguel, which is not the same but… free associating is all I’ve got.
  9. There is a San Miguel in the central coast of California, a place that my former partner in crime and I talk about a lot. And the place Jonathan Stone disappeared to, during the period of the Mysterious Disappearing Stones.
  10. In the dream, my feeling towards San Miguel was warm and hopeful, despite the fact that I didn’t know anything about it or why I was going there.

What don’t I know?

Um. Everything.

That probably is not true. But my perception right now is of vast unmapped territory, and the sweet call of the road. What the Israeli poet Nathan Alterman called “the melody you tried in vain to neglect”.

So let’s start with San Miguel.

You are welcome, anyone reading, to share any and all things you know about San Miguel! Any San Miguel.

What do I want to happen next?

I am going to use San Miguel as a proxy. A stand-in for all my wishes and dreams.

And investigate.

What would change if I took my sweet San Miguels seriously. If I acted like I was going to follow them?

Themes and qualities inside of the wants?

Trust. Freedom. Wonder. Delight. Safety. Presence. Glowing. Wholeness.

And the superpowers or sankalpa of Anything Is An Adventure and What I Want Is Possible.

What might help?

I’m sticking with the OODs.

I will play on the Floop.

I will talk to Agent Wilkinson about my secret wishes, the ones that I do know something about.

I’m playing with…

There is a version of me who knows. There is a part of me who trusts. There is a me who can take steps without having to know all the details. There is a me who has ALREADY BEEN to San Miguel, and can tell me what I need to know.

What I want.

Some of these are secret agent code or silent retreat. Some are qualities and some are dreams. Some are re-asks and some are pre-wishes: tiny seeds for future processing.

  • This week is the First Fountain. So. FOUNTAINING.
  • WHAT IF WHAT I WANT IS POSSIBLE?! What if I already have aspects of it in ways that I don’t even realize? What if its qualities exist in many possible and accessible forms?
  • Keep up the left-handed texting.
  • Redo 404?
  • More prelaxation!
  • Operation Wall of Squoosh. Tiny steps.
  • Everything is sorted. SORTED!
  • Preparation for Operation Bond And/In/Around Bend.
  • I watched Glee and I MAPPED (shh, napped), and woke up with a really big clew that is so big that I can’t process it here because it scares me. Well, it does not scare me. Its (potential) implications scare me. I want to play with this clew.
  • UMIIO. Unless Mood/Inclination Indicate Otherwise.
  • Toldot.
  • Back to AIR(plane) mode. Access Internal Resonance. By putting the phone in airplane mode.

The qualities inside of the wants:

Synthesis. Resonance. Remembering. Releasing. Grounding. Play. Wisdom. Plenty.

And the superpower of Things Resolve Themselves While I Am Not Looking And Then I Laugh For Hours.

I ask for this one every week, but not bored of it yet: I see the secret holiness of everything.

Ways this could work.

It just could.

I’m playing with…

How can quiet solve this?


The Alphabet Buttmonster Carousel — a pass to as many rallies as you can make it to this year for the cost of a little more than one Rally — IS the most exciting thing and unusual thing I have ever offered. Password: whee

First Sail days (where all the bonuses live) go until August 16th, which is in A FEW DAYS.

I broke all of my rules about pricing resonance in doing this. I went way, way, way below the Lowest Possible Number, because we were in an emergency.

I fully anticipate that each of these Carousel Rallies is going to be even more incredible than regular Rallies, because of a variety of reasons that I will tell you about later. So if you can make it to more-than-one, do this. It’s the best deal we’re ever going to have on this ever. By a lot.

This is THE WEEK where this extremely unusual price is still happening (you can also do nine payments). But after this week, that is no more. I don’t usually give a heads up on these things. This is it. <3

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Okay, last week, aka sustenance and synthesis.

Last week I asked for something about sustenance and synthesis, and that was wonderful, because this past week has been significantly less rocky than the past few months, even though nothing has noticeably improved. My ability to respond with internal peacefulness has improved.

There was an ask about rewriting the perception of AMBUSHED, and that worked really well. I processed the hell out of it on the Floop, and am feeling so much better about all the ambushes.

There was something about Isolated Occurrences, Not Trends. And I was able to remember that the thing that is happening is just the thing that is happening, nothing more.

I wanted to find the treasure in the hard things, and I did. And I wanted big progress on Siegfried the Magic Otter, and that happened. Thank you, last-week-me, and thank you, Very Personal Ads, for making sure that I plant some new seeds now and then.

Playing. Shelter for the comments.

What’s welcome: Your own wishes, gwishes, visions and personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like. Things sparked for your own process.

I’m receptive to warm wishes for the things I’m working on and playing with.

We ask for what we need, and we give each other space and spaciousness for the process.

This is a place of safety for creative play and exploration, with a very non-dogmatic approach. We don’t tell each other how to ask for things and we don’t give unsolicited advice. We play.

That’s it. Let’s throw a bunch of things in the pot!

As always, amnesty applies. Leave a wish here any time you want.


The Fluent Self