the point isn’t getting my wish (though cool things have emerged from wishing), it’s learning about my relationship with wanting, accessing the qualities…
wanting can be hard, it is easy to feel conflicted about it, and the reasons for that make this a surprisingly subversive practice…
this is the 368th week of wishing, come play!
welcome the muse / the muse is welcome
contrary to popular belief
[muse] is not capricious
you don’t need to set off on a complicated journey
no search party is required, there is no sense in wondering
where muse has gone or why —
it hasn’t gone anywhere
muse is here
it is just a question of being very clear with the welcoming intention
there is an invitation that needs to be issued
not the kind you send through the mail
a very immediate invitation
like the inhalation-moment of opening the door to welcome
a beloved person on the other side
you don’t knock for the muse and wait for muse to do the opening, no
definitely don’t cross your arms and wait for the knock,
or for muse to waltz in on its own
sure, sometimes it will, breathless, full of excited whisperings
but in general, as a rule,
the opening is your job
opening is the job
think of it this way:
their hands are too full with gifts and flowers
and anyway, just open the door
what it isn’t
in second grade we watched a film strip
about the postal system
a child put a letter into a mailbox
and then we followed the bright red envelope and its wild ride
the striking color making it stand out
amongst its thousands of white-and-beige traveling companions
I can’t remember what happened to the envelope
if it arrived at the house of a waiting pink-cheeked grandma
or something equally cliched
(wait, a memory inside the memory)
actually, huh, I just now realizde
my primary memory of this experience
is the utter exasperation and scorn seven year old me
had for the disproportionate excitement of her classmates
reacting to the visual trick of the colored envelope,
jumping and yelling I SEE IT I SEE IT THERE IT IS
each time it made an appearance on screen
when of course it would, that was the
entire point of the film strip
to a) show the envelope, and b) manipulate us into participation
now I am laughing because I hadn’t realized until now
how impatient seven year old me was, so aware of the rigged game,
the dissonance, the constant gaslighting
a breath of appreciation for constantly-frustrated tiny-me
because this memory-story actually kind of explains a lot,
and also oh wow that poor hsp kid who had to spend her days in
a shouty overstimulating environment,
and a breath of appreciation for me-now who
can more easily understand see how following the grand adventures of a
red envelope might be a playful joyful thing
I might be better at being seven now than I was when it happened
(and also I would be better at being the red envelope…)
okay so that is not what I mean at all
obviously seven year old me was just-right at being seven
and gets all the sparklepoints forever
just noticing that me-now has uncovered a childlike wonder
which feels new
back to musings (yes) on what muse is and isn’t
muse is not the traveling red envelope
not for me,
it isn’t the sending of a request and then, who knows,
if all goes well, maybe you’ll receive a response or a visit
someday, someday
once your envelope has gone through all the envelope places
sure, sometimes it can work like that
or can be experienced that way
for me though, inviting the muse is more like opening the door
the moment of opening says yes, please: Entrez
I operate, always,
on the assumption is that muse is already here
waiting for me to open up
I’m the one who has forgotten to feel for
the tingly sensation, the certainty,
knowing something is here for me, waiting for me to say yes
more example stories of what muse is and isn’t (for me)
have you ever watched The Bold and The Beautiful
it’s a wonderfully terrible soap opera
maybe that’s true of all soap operas, I don’t know,
anyway, I used to watch it a million years ago
always with the sound off, reading the hebrew subtitles
purportedly to improve my speed reading but of course
I got addicted to the drama
anyway, the show centers around two competing fashion houses,
and there’s this recurring and ridiculous plot line
of oh no one of the designers can’t design
because he has lost his muse,
and this invariably means that he needs to sleep with someone
who is usually and inconveniently married to someone else,
and if you didn’t speak english (or hebrew)
no one would blame you for assuming that
“muse” and “getting laid” are actually synonyms
and hmmm okay there is an aspect of truth in this
for me, again, always for me
because damn writing goes better when I’m getting some
and I wouldn’t say no a hot ten minute dose of “muse” right now,
(yes, I miss the long lost cowboy)
not only for the writing boost but other side effects
like Inexplicably Miraculous Good Hair Day and
Can’t Stop Smiling
but it’s mostly a misunderstanding
because, again, muse doesn’t come as a result of
something happening
and muse doesn’t require other people to get involved
muse is waiting for you to get quiet enough
to open to it,
to remember that you can open to it
it is the declaration of receptivity that is
the invitation
and maybe sex is or can be a declaration of receptivity
or a reminder of what it is like to be in that state of mind,
that state of body-mind
this is more of a clue about muse though
than an explanation
what else do we know……
despite what you may have heard…muse is not petty
also not moody, picky, fussy, petulant or passive-aggressive
these are all misunderstandings
it is true that muse (generally) won’t burst in uninvited —
though again, sometimes it does, when it is needed
or maybe in a moment when you needed to know
how much you needed it
or maybe in a moment that is terribly inconvenient
because muse is like OH NO BABE WE ARE DOING THIS NOW —
but most of the time muse is at ease, calmly waiting
for you to notice-and-remember
to issue the invitation
from a state of quiet receptivity and that willing curious yes
weekly family dinner with my aunt in tel aviv,
a marvelous chaotic affair always,
her father, in his nineties, the yekkiest of yekkim,
would absolutely refuse to come to the dining room table
at dinner time unless we specifically invited him by name `
even if someone yelled “dinner is ready” and everyone
started scrambling over each other in the direction of the dining room
he would sit upright in his chair
until eventually my aunt would ask why he wasn’t coming to dinner
and he would say
— lo huzmanti —
— I wasn’t invited —
and she’d sigh and say I’m inviting you now
and he would sniff THANK YOU and come to the table
muse can be the tiniest bit like this
but with a different intent, a different feel
muse isn’t miffed about not being invited
muse just wants you to say that you’re ready
muse will come onto the dance floor
when it’s good and ready
but if you want it to be ready
be brave and ask
and ask like you mean it
issue the invitation
open the door and say yes
like this
moses at the burning bush said hineni
here I am
abraham, jacob, samuel, isaiah
that’s what they all say
when [divine] calls on them
I am here
not just here but receptive, waiting, listening
alive with the tingly awe of this moment
that is a way to tell [muse]
you are ready to play
and like this
Sing, O Muse or: Sing in me, Muse
is how homer begins the Iliad
this is maybe the ancient Greek version of hineni
I’m listening, muse
come through me
I’m opening space for you
I can be the channel for wise me
but wise me comes in when wise me is welcomed
and maybe also like this
my lips hovering a millimeter and a half
apart from the lips of my lover
a moment of almost that is a declaration:
I am fully engaged in this now-ness,
come, come be magnetic and magnetized
with me
it is understandable when we don’t ask
for one thing, the rigged game keeps us too busy
for the kind of getting-quiet-and-listening
that welcoming the muse
for another, we are afraid to know
what we don’t know
afraid of our desires
but —and I feel strongly about this —
there is big power in saying
here I am
and here we are
what do I know about my wishes?
last week’s wishes were seeds of light that went deep
and now all I want to do is listen listen listen
and dismantle all the false constructions and camouflage
that keep my light from glowing (inward and outward)
I will listen for the melody
I will open the door to muse
to Freedom and to Pleasure
Presence and Intention
opening with crown on
full glow
I am here
p.s. you come still walk the path of stones with us
marvelous things come through turning inward and listening
you can also do it to fuck with the patriarchy and undo rigging
and of course participating in this course is a lovely way to
express appreciation for what is here
for the words I write each week and the work of self-fluency
and if all that weren’t enough there is also the course itself
six weeks of a path of stones in a secret online space
plus ebooklet plus deck of cards!
—> here is the sign up link, my loves!
last night I missed the bus back to Portland
which means it was not my bus
literally in addition to metaphorically
and I stayed in a hotel
wrapping up [past-me who was homeless] in
layers of safety and
though, still, nightmares through the night
and today dark circles under my eyes
the wifi password here is get your ship together
which might be the most prescient piece of
treasure I’ve ever received
as Agent Sloan said: what a heart clue
maybe that’s my stone to skip today
how do I wish to put my ship together? what is the feeling of my ship when it is together?
time to get quiet and listen
the superpower of deep listening
July was HARMONY, with the superpower of hearing the melody, and the natural extension of that, which I didn’t even realize at the time of channeling the qualities for this year’s calendar, is exactly where we are now….
August is MUSE, and the superpower is Deep Listening
hearing the melody was good training for going ever deeper and listening to what is beyond the melody
thank you, past-me, for being such a good namer and calling this into being
last week’s wishes
last-week-me wished a wish called let’s channel something new here …
and this wish set some things into motion for me, and both the bridge and the Italian told me something I wasn’t ready to hear, and it was important, and I am listening now….
invitation: come play with me…
you are invited to share many !!!!!! about what is here,
or share appreciation or anything sparked for you while reading, including any stories you wish to let go of, any adventures you wish to welcome
deposit wishes, gwishes, superpowers, qualities, ingredients, intel, possibly in code
safe space for creative exploration asks us to let go of care-taking and advice-giving
wishes are never late because whenever you wish is the right time for wishing
here’s how we meet each other’s wishes: oh, wow what beautiful wishes
I have so much love for this!
It is good to have experienced such a clear evocation of the relationship of deep listening to the muse.
I had the idea before, but this has added richness, like a swirl of rum sauce through my ice cream.
Mmmmm, delicious. *licks tiny spoon*
Ahh tiny spoon love <3
Sending you an envelope full to bursting with sparkle points. Alas it is being sent the long way via ship as I try to get my own ship together.
I used to take my morning walks (with my Lexi-dog, of course) and also use that time to Talk With Life. I would start my walking talk by saying “Here I Am” and then listening. Walking. Waiting. Until I ‘heard’ / felt: I Am Here.
It was only a time after that that I learned of the word hineni, and when I did, I felt a full-body shiver run through me.
Hineni is now my all-time favorite word (and I LOVE words!).
Here’s to Hineni. Here’s to Deep Listening. Here’s to ever more clearly seeing the rigged game for what it is, and choosing differently.
Oh I love ‘Talk With Life’!
Thank you for this treasure.
I’m completely lost in a way, as I fit in with Creatives yet don’t identify as one (yet also am widely considered one for some as yet unknown reason–when I ask what they see that makes them think that, they tell me the way I dress, the way I talk and think and express myself, and that I’m besotted with dancing).
So the Muse thing is also a mystery to me, and yet there is a tiny piece of resonance.
Thankyou for the delicious seed planting. I shalt *muse* upon it all *smiles*
I wish for Ease and Flow. And more of my Right People in my life on a consistent basis.
Much wisheny things to you all…
I adore adore adore this post. !!! Such treaure to be savored here.
And in case anyone is on the fence re: jumping into the Path of Stones…the e-book is amazing!!!! It will be something I refer back to forever.
My wishes for this week:
– Nurture and Nourish
– Work and Plan, but keep this a firm (and perhaps distant) second-place priority behind Nurture and Nourish. Also, the Working and Planning should be slow, and pleasurable.
Here I am. (And then I find the [] is here too, was always there, just waiting for me to slow down and find out where I am.)
I remember working out when I was a child – not sure how old, maybe nine or ten? – that *of course* Charlie was going to get a golden ticket, there was 90% of the book left to go: the opposite of what Jane Austen calls ‘the tell-tale compression of the pages’. And now I find a pleasure in seeing things coming, and of course it’s very useful to know how books work now that I write them myself, *but* –
I tend to write far better when I’m wearing fancy knickers. I need to talk to some monsters about getting some more. Perhaps that’s the wish for this week. Where is the me who is OK with spending double-digit numbers on a pair of knickers?
SO much love for every word of this! So many thinsg I’ve been trying to say, and not getting there. Especially about inviting the Muse, and she is already there. Especially about the rigged game that doesn’t allow us enough quiet. I just had a 5 day staycation, complete with mini-DIY Rally and it wasn’t until day 3 that we hit deep, deep leavels of quiet knowing.
Operation Secure the Keep: Years ago, in an effort to metaphor mouse a series of plans and actions and things that scared the hell outta me, I brought in a load of pirate metaphors. Securing the Keep, stashing the loot, paying the crew etc etc. Well last week the husband and I spent time a whopping sum of money having a Rutter drawn up, containing all the maps to all the loot, and setting up protections for the treasure now and when the crew gets it. SO RELIEVED about this.
July was the month of Harmony, and when I pulled tarot cards for the year, July’s was 8 of Crystals: harmony. So that resonated, even if the Harmony was not quite there. Now in August, I am very happy to be welcoming the Muse, to be re-committing to Temple Arts, in the Month of Equilibrium (2 of Cups)
My vows for this lunation is to do something creative/expressive every day, no matter what, and to make progress on Blue Lotus tasks. So much to do!
There has been hard in the past week: bumping up against the game is rigged, in the form of a new coworker who is treated differently because of gender and not because of competence or worth. So frustrating; and so much stuff from then (and now too) to deal with. A breath for anxiety being triggered and wanting to go home and crawl into bed and stay there.
There has been so much good too: a day in the garden at the farm, picking raspberries and eating raspberries. A purring kitten. Grass under my bare feet. A book before bed. New adventures in stone skipping. A breath for all these delightful things.
This was supposed to be a comment on the Chicken post – I will trust that since “all timing is right timing” that all comments find their way to the post they are meant to be with…
<3 salve/superpower of all comments find their home! for sure you are right, that has to be an extension of all timing right timing
here I am!