Friday chicken

Reflecting on both the hard and the good in the week that was…

Hello, week: we are here.

{a breath for being here when we get here}

Thank you, week!

This is the 396th week in a row we are chickening here together….

or “checking in”, if you prefer to enunciate.

What worked this week?

Changing the metaphor in order to ease my painful anxiety about entering a dance competition. I’m in Monaco on a wild caper to recover the jewels, and when in Monaco, one might as well gamble at the fabulous casino…

It’s just part of the gig, it doesn’t actually matter if I win or lose, only that I act like I belong there. Whatever the results of my evening of gambling, it all supports my mission. The comp is not the point, it’s just part of my cover story.

This is the best!

Today, for example, I bribed Lady Ellerton’s secretary to put me on the guest list at the party at the Ellerton mansion (translation: I paid the entry fee to a dance convention), then explored the casino in Monaco (the hotel where the competitions are taking place), and even attended a three hour seminar on how to maintain a good poker face (or what judges look for in comps, which is actually kind of the same thing).

I also acquired my chips (registered for my first two competitions!), so this weekend I shall be gambling (competing) in a glamorous casino (not a casino), looking smashing, not giving a fig about how I do, because I’m there to enjoy myself!

And now I’m suddenly and miraculously not stressed out about competing. Play is healing, and changing the metaphor is so liberating and I am a genius, the end!

Next time I might…

Remember that the national Day of Uncontrollable Sobbing — which I celebrated correctly — very often coincides with four days before moon time.

Naming the days.

I’ve been naming everything lately, it’s incredible what a difference a name makes. I name each day and then read them together at the end of the week like an incantation of sweet clues.

This week was the week of true currency, and here were the days:

Outrageous self-love. Beautiful day. Wild and serene. Sanctuary is mine. A day for me and my yes. All smiles. Gambling in Monaco.

Upcoming biopic if it were based on this week…

We’re Over Here Now, Turn The Page.

If you feel drawn to comment on aspects of my week, I will take love, hearts, breaths, pebbles — I do not need advice or cheering up, though presence and sweetness are always welcome

8 breaths for the hard, challenging and mysterious.

  1. More mystery injuries and mystery scratches. A breath for this.
  2. Got followed on the street by a catcaller, for two blocks. I’m a woman, so it’s not like this is the first time some creep has followed me, but this was different because it was on my street. It was only 7pm but pitch dark, and I was so discombobulated that I panicked and disassociated and ended up running to a neighbor’s house, after which I somehow made it to a nearby shop where I texted my former housemate to come get me and drive me the few blocks home. A breath for safety first, and for grounding. And for the quiet revolution.
  3. Knowing that this person knows where I live (he saw me exit my house) freaked me out to no end, and for several days I was on edge and not able to fall asleep for ages. A breath for these…. what should we call this, side effects of misogyny and patriarchy? For these terror symptoms and for what they point to. And a breath for healing.
  4. So as you know, I am leaving my home, and what’s next is a mystery. I had two good possible plans for where I might spend March, neither was 120% yes or even close, but both were perfectly acceptable, and then both fell through on the same day, within hours of each other. Wise quiet me knows that this is all for the best and these are the right doors to be closing so that I can see the ones that need opening. But me who has had the rug pulled out from under her so many times was, while not remotely surprised, reminded of old pain. A breath for trust, clear seeing, true yes, All Is Well and Now Is Not Then.
  5. Two people dear to my heart misunderstood me this week in such profound ways, and both had been carrying around a false story about me for weeks without bringing it up, so that it became embedded as truth in their minds, with no way for me to offer another side. This was very painful, and also whoa entirely new layers of my stuff about being misread, and the ensuing IMPENDING DOOM that my monsters are convinced is imminent. A breath for me from then, a breath for me from now, a breath for truth, a breath for my light and my steadfast loving heart, may they be seen and appreciated.
  6. Perhaps not entirely unrelated to the above but 94% related to an obscenely painful bout of PMS, this week featured two days of overwhelming rage at everything, followed up by two days of intense grief and crying my eyes out. And I don’t mean just tears. I mean Desperate Sobbing and everyone at the diner looking awkwardly at the ceiling because my grief was so all-consuming and messy and uncomfortable. Among the many, many things that had me sobbing include: the bar kokhba rebellion, yes, even though it was two thousand years ago, I’m still upset about it. Also that if Hillary Clinton were a man, everyone would be say, “okay sure, he’s a thousand times more qualified, more presidential, more talented, more capable, more everything than anyone else, so this thing is over”, but instead I have to listen to otherwise intelligent people saying they won’t vote at all if she gets the nomination. I’m going to stop here, because it was a long list, let’s just say everything made me cry. A breath for permission to grieve whatever my body needs to grieve.
  7. So many times I can’t even hear my yes because too many monsters, and then I just make monster-fueled decisions, and here’s an example of how this turns out: I won’t pay $25 for a cab ride, when I can just take public transit, and what would have been a fifteen minute ride turns into a two hour debacle, during which AT ANY POINT I would have paid $25 to just get out of that situation. For example while stranded on a non-moving train with twenty screechy cheerleaders and their moms, all with matching side ponytails. Or while waiting in the pouring rain for a bus that was twenty five minutes late and still fourteen minutes away. Not only would I have paid the $25, I would have paid to buy an actual car, drive home, and then later drive it off a cliff because to hell with cars. In the moment it seemed like a reasonable plan. The point is, this all happened because instead of getting quiet and tuning in to my yes, I let my monstering determine my course of action. A breath for hey maybe this time I will learn this lesson well enough to not repeat it, and a breath for compassion, because rewriting the rigging is hard work.
  8. Inhale, exhale. May all misunderstandings and distortions, internal and external, dissolve in love if not in laughter. May peacefulness prevail. Trust-more love-more release-more receive-more. Goodbye (and thank you), mysteries and hard moments of this week.

8 breaths for the good, reassuring, delight-filled.

  1. Playing the “find eight good things” game at the afterparty all week. Appreciation-breath.
  2. Metaphor magic! I have gone from TERRIFIED of competing (just yesterday) to actively excited and looking forward to it because I’m going to destroy it out there at the blackjack table by having the time of my life, and it is going to be awesome, whether that is acknowledged by the outside world or not. A breath for speedy transformation, and for the beautiful healing that comes from play, and acknowledging the power of words.
  3. We finally got the house ready to show and posted the ad for the house! May we find the most wonderful renters in the world, amen. A breath of thankfulness.
  4. And miraculously, I am not falling apart even though I still have zero idea where I’m going to live or any details about anything, and I’m not worrying, which is the superpower — the superpower of I Have Forgotten How To Worry — that I’ve been asking for all these weeks. A breath for things can change faster than you think, and for being receptive to perfect simple solutions.
  5. Dancing up a storm. Last weekend I danced nine and a half hours in one day and I can’t remember how many the next. Tango workshops, zouk workshops, nightclub two step, blues, ballroom. DELIGHT. Ankle is fine. I feel good. A breath for this big joy.
  6. The thing I was most worried might be happening over the past few weeks is not actually happening, and there was a good explanation for why I thought it could be happening, this is a relief and a good reminder to breathe and trust in All Is Well. A breath for clarity.
  7. I got back to my lost yeses. A breath of gratitude.
  8. Thankfulness. Treasure in the form of sweet words and good clues. Everything is okay and so much is good. Nothing is wrong, even when I want to believe it is. Now is not then. All Timing Is Right Timing. Thank you for this grand adventure. A full breath of deep appreciation in my thank-you heart.

Sparklepoints, superpowers, salve, fake band of the week!

Current ops and forward movement!

More progress this week on the Studio Op, Wild Montage, and The Fountaining. Set off to Monaco to retrieve the jewels! Percolating on the Wild Wild Nest and Operation Jubilation. Thank you, fractal flowers.

I am bestowing vast quantities of sparklepoints upon myself like a fairground stripper, and you are welcome to do the same for you.

Superpowers I had this week…

Last week I asked for the powers of I Have Completely Forgotten How To Worry, To The Point That I Can’t Even Remember What It Is Like, and the powers of I Think I Am Completely Utterly Wildly Amazing.

And yes, I had these for moments and glimpses, and once for an entire day, and it was incredible. More please!

Powers I want.

I still want new dance friends to go dancing with: All The Right People To Play With Show Up, or the superpower of Just Right Companionship.

And mainly I want the superpower of Oh This Is Great News, and I want it about everything.

The Salve of Playful Rewriting.

These invisible salves are distributed here by way of internet magic. Help yourself! Take it in a bath, as tea, a cocktail, whatever works for you. Not only is there enough salve, there are also enough ways to receive it.

This salve is made of:

Play. Possibility. Presence. Pleasure. Chocolate.

Put some on at night and release everything that is done while you sleep, and smile in your dreams.

Side effects include bursts of laughter, clapping your hands in a moment of pure glee, delighting in a good challenge because you are totally up for it.

Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I make up bands, which are all just one guy. The Meme Beach House is the venue.


This week’s band is my favorite:

Retrospectively Pugilistic

Their latest album is Kitsch N Karaoke, and it turns out this band is just one guy.

Photo taken just for us in Lubbock, TX by Jesse — thank you!


We are doing some reconfiguring and Congruencing, and the shop will disappear soon, so if there was something you wanted to buy, go ahead and do that before it’s gone. More explanations about [reasons] to come, but it’s all good stuff, and if something is speaking to you, this is a good time.

And this is the last chance to acquire a pack of stone skipping cardsPASSWORD: sweetdoors — because I’m moving out and won’t have anywhere to store them or the shipping materials, so get them this week, they’re amazing! And while you’re at it, sign up for the not-exactly-a-course where we embark on establishing a loving playful practice of self-inquiry, to access previously-hidden gems of internal wisdom and whatever else we might need. Dates coming soon!

How was your week?

Come play in the comments. Share something from your week, take a breath, or just say hi! No rules, my format doesn’t have to be yours, we’ve been doing this every week for years now and there still isn’t a right way.

Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. We lovingly refrain from giving advice.

And of course it’s always okay to comment under a made-up name, whether for play and delight, or in the interest of Safety First.

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — jump in whenever you like. Blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers too!

The Fluent Self