So yesterday at Rally (Rally!), I was reflecting on my mysterious project.

And here’s part of a train of discoveries from the rabbit holes:


Apparently puppies sleep 90% of the day. For the first few weeks of being alive.




That seems like a really good plan.

In fact, it seems like that much hiding, shelter and processing would also be good for any tiny sweet thing.

For any Gwish.

For anything you really care about.

Pause, pause, and then more pausing. Paws!

So then I tried to ignore it.

In the afternoon my body wanted to nap.

But I was having so much fun playing with my project and hanging out with it that I couldn’t bear to go to sleep.

I said, How about we interview Slightly Future Me about the project instead?

Slightly Future Me gave me two useful pieces of information.

And I’ll tell you the second one:

Puppies are smarter than you.

She was right.

So I slept on it.

I planted the thing I wanted to know about my project into the nap and decided to fractal flower it by sleeping.

Then I woke up and did some old Turkish lady yoga, and then about six different outrageous shivanautical epiphanies made themselves known to me.

Which I can’t describe yet.

Being that intensely alive requires a lot of prep time.

Puppies are smarter than I am. They are also more trusting about sleep than I am.

These are related.

Ninety percent of the time.


That’s a lot.

That’s how much I could dedicate to the hidden parts — the processing and recovery and entry. And it would be a valuable investment of time too.

You know what else puppies are good for?



Joyous fidgeting and exploratory movements!


Slow sleepy breathing.

Puppies live yoga.

You can’t hurry a puppy.

So why do I try to hurry my deepest wishes and desires?

They’re just doing their ninety-percenting so they can play when they’re ready.

Play! And the giant commenting blanket fort.

Tragically, I do not have any puppy photos for this post.

You can help. Possibly.

The public needs adorable puppy pictures! Share.

Schmoo schmoo schmoo! Puppies!

Other than that, we can play with the concepts here in whatever way we want.

As always, we all have our stuff. We’re all working on our stuff.

Each of us is in charge of our own experience with this. We avoid giving each other unsolicited advice. We’re supportive and welcoming!

That’s it. Love to the commenter mice, the Beloved Lurkers and everyone who reads.

The Fluent Self