A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.
Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.
Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.
Tee hee! Brevity is funny.
Or, as my gentleman friend’s seven year old nephew says, Gee Whiz! That might be even better than Item!
Item! Post No. 44 in a once-a-week series that is partly responsible for my post-it note dilemma, but also solves part of it at the same time.
Item! Victorian legwarmers!
I know.
This obsession with things sock-related (and fansocks-related) must cease.
But really, how can you not buy stuff from someone called Mademoiselle Mermaid?
Victorian legwarmers: red and lacy. Love.
She’s @MissMermaid on Twitter. Found via my favorite Portland shop — Sock Dreams who are on the Twitters too as @sockdreams.
Item! One helluva wedding vow.
You remember Pace and Kyeli from the milk song, right?
Also from the taxi debacle in Austin.
The girls just got married (I couldn’t make it but the wedding invitations were the most wonderful ever). Plus they live-blogged it, which rocks.
And they’ve been posting about their very non-standard vows.
This one knocked me out.
“… to put my best effort and highest priority toward solving major problems in our relationship, and, if those problems remain unsolvable after a year and a day, to let you go.”
You have to read the rest because it’s fascinating. And brave. And beautiful.
They’re @kyeli and @pacesmith on Twitter.
Item! Thinking about audiences.
A nice piece from Maryann about some of the things people go through when not loving a play (best line ever: My husband is angry at music.)
She looks at it from the perspective of the place giving the cultural experience, at the variety of people experiencing it, and asks smart questions.
“I also expect that sometimes cultural experiences will disappoint, and it doesn’t bother me when that happens.
But here’s the problem with the first problem, the problem of expectation: it would be ridiculous to require that people study up before going to a concert.”
She’s @maryanndevine on Twitter and I adore her.
Item! Aardvarks!
I’ll read pretty much anything Heidi writes because she’s highly entertaining.
But now she’s biggifying up a storm and I could not be more proud and happy.
You need to read this because it’s about aardvarks.
I could tell you that this aardvark was sensitive to cues and respectful of personal space, but that would be, as my Grandpa used to say, a fib. Because, oh no! This was one ballsy and persistent little bastard. (And no, my Grandpa would never have said that, being a preacher and all).
And he’s all, “Oh yeah? Who died and made you the queen of dreamland?”
And I’m like, “Wha –? Excuse me? It’s my mind, you know.”
And he’s all, “Um, it’s my Africa.”
And I’m like, “That doesn’t even make sense. This discussion is over.”
p.s. If you’re going to buy one of her lotions and potions (“for mixed up emotions”), the Chai and the Ease are yum. Selma and I got to sample her wares early.
But I didn’t tell Selma. They were too good to share.
She’s @curiousheidihi on Twitter.
Item! Char wrote a manifesto
Sweet post from Char where she uses my dammit list as inspiration to come up with her own manifesto for her relationship with being a patient and caregiver.
What I really like is how she gives a great mix of “here are super practical things I need to take care of” and items that are more about emotional safety and sovereignty.
I also like the idea of having a specialty dammit list to deal with specific situations that can be trigger-ey. (Note to self: this would be a great exercise).
Anyway, read Char’s post and maybe you’ll end up writing your own.
“I will not leave an appointment without being sure all of my questions are completely answered. If more issues come up than can be answered in the one appointment, I will make a second appointment before leaving the office.”
Yay, Char.
Item! Love letter to a knife.
You have to love Denise.
Her Twitter bio?
Anthropromorphising edibles for over 40 years.
She’s more into food (and more interesting about food) than anyone I know.
And this love letter to her new knife is a perfect little thing.
“Keith, who gave me this weapon of delicious destruction is pretty great too, but he’ll have to wait for a Hallmark-sanctioned holiday to get his love letter.
He loves tools. I’m notoriously cheap. You can see the collision course.
My former nemisis, the carrot? We’re having an affair. I relish the mire poix. I melted carrots into stroganoff last night (Tzar Nicholas is spinning in his grave-y) just so I could fine-dice a carrot.”
She’s @deniseds on Twitter.
Item! Accidental baking soda volcanoes. They’re big in Japan.
Actually, I just really like saying “big in Japan” and then going onto an Alphaville kick for the rest of the day.
This is the post.
“Vinegar and milk evokes for me not sunny Italia, but elementary school science class. In which we learned that adding vinegar or citrus to milk makes a clumpy, sour mess. It might be turned into some kind of cheese, but it’s not something you’d want (or be allowed) to drink.
They release new flavors regularly. I’m keeping an eye out for baking soda volcano.”
She’s @japandra on Twitter.
Item! Update from the land of the Peculiar & Hilarious Shivanauts!
The “peculiar and hilarious” thing comes from Melynda’s sweet bit about Butterfly Wishes.
The latest shivanautical realizations and epiphanies, including some destuckifying (mine) and a sweet bit about a hedgehog (not mine).
Also, Elizabeth talks about how doing Shiva Nata helped her see energy.
It’s neat, because she’s smart, creative and reassuringly skeptical about things woo and woo-ish. Which makes it that much more fun.
Item! Comments! Here’s what I want this time:
- Things you’re thinking about.
- A permission slip (if it’s for me, I’d like one for a nap, please) for someone you like. That person can totally be you. In fact, if you want, you can do both.
My commitment.
I am committed to giving time and thought to the things that people say. Even though asking for what I want still feels awkward for me, I’m just going to remind myself that this is a thing I’m practicing.
That is all.
Happy reading.
And happy Blustery Windsday. See you tomorrow.
You were at the wedding in spirit! We felt you, right there, in the second row. We even left spots for your gentleman friend and Selma. (:
*big hugs* Thanks, Havi.
.-= Kyeli´s last post … Good news! I don’t hate men! =-.
Have to say–just went over to the Shiva Nata part of the site to see what it was all about, watched the video, and was all ZOMG I’ve done that before!
This was back when I did theatre much more and more often, and took a lot of “movement” classes which combined everything from Alexander technique to martial arts.
Also the version we were taught in class was a copy of a copy, because theatre people tend to modify things for their own purposes, but still.
Anyway that is my item for this Wednesday. ^__^
And congrats to Pace and Kyeli!
.-= Blue´s last post … Where Does The Money Go? =-.
I want permission to forgive myself for the things I’ve done that I shouldn’t have done.
Come to think of it, that’s an excellent thing to pray on, too. Forgiveness of self, forgiveness from God — yin and yang, is it not?
(Super deep philosophical musings … must be time for me to go to bed now.)
(Speaking of bed, nap permission granted! Naps rule.)
.-= Heidi´s last post … Checklist for this evening =-.
Havi, you always find the most wonderful things for your Item! posts. I’m envious at your treasure-hunting skillz.
And for everyone else…I just want to say that I’ve also tried Heidi’s magical cremes. They truly are wondrous potions! I highly recommend!!
.-= Victoria Brouhard´s last post … Quitting the Man: 34 Days Since Freedom =-.
I always love your items!
+ I’d like to give you permission to curl up on a Blustery Windsday and take a nap, possibly prefaced by Pooh Bear.
+ I’d like to give myself permission to cancel on social commitments I don’t have the capital for at the moment. No guilt, just staying in and making good use of what I do have instead.
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … Decorated! =-.
Man, I love all of the items. Aardvarks! Hedgehogs! Wonderful wedding vows!
I love the permission slips idea. Here are mine:
I’m handing myself a permission slip to say no to all the socialising invitations coming my way. Sorry, need to refuel, still love you all!
Another permission slip goes to Heidi: permission to forgive yourself granted.
Another one to Havi: full permission to take a nap. It’s hibernating hedgehog time, after all.
And the last one is an open permission to take care of yourself to whomever needs to do so.
ooo lovely stuff. I have been looking around other people’s blogs linked in here Havi and what a friggin inspirational crowd you all are. Lovely little chickens!
Victorian leg warmers. Aardvarks and creams for mixed up emotions. Goodness. When I have succeeded in creating an actual income that one is on my must buy list! Lovely!
Permission yes yes yes for all of us, Selma included of course, to take time off/away to nap, to rest, to trust that it’s really gooood to to practise the stuff of looking after ourselves, even when it’s really hard not to. (She says typing with burning shoulder ache from recent tendencies to type too damn much! PATTERNS! Eeeeyuck!)
Permission: To have no clue how to alter behavior like irritability when interrupted, even though the kin that I love feels so attacked and horrible when I get antsy. If I could just shame myself into NOT being like that I would. But the shame just sits there instead and stops me from…feeling good…or altering a darn thing.
So permission to be nice to myself even though I feel guilty and find it hard to like myself when the kin that I love says stuff to me that hurts a lot because she feels attacked by my antsyness. Aghhh. Hard.
Permission: To love myself even though I don’t know how to ask for what I need sometimes because it’s too damn trigger-y.
Permission: To get confused about Sovereignity in relation to these things.
Hope:That things change, even the really hard stuff like this
Hugs to all
Heh, heh. Was listening to Tom Waits this morning in the car…”Big in Japan” was the first song that came on…
Ooooh, permission slips. Fun!
Havi (and anyone else who needs a break): Here’s a hall pass. I used to use them to skip out of class and do whatever I wanted for the rest of the day…usually going over the college campus and hanging out with people who weren’t dolts. (Bad! I know…) Anyway, use yours however you’d like!
Permission slip for myself: I am allowed to ignore the shoes for now. They’re kind of making a mess, but maybe I can make some shoe art out of them or something. Anyway, I don’t feel like taking them seriously, or being hurt by them or anything, so they can just hang out and be shoe-ish. Also, I have permission to ignore half of the things on my too-long to-do list today.
.-= Emily´s last post … When in the Desert, Don’t Forget Water…or to Look Down =-.
Lots of permission here today 🙂 Here’s a blanket permission to love yourselves and nurture yourselves in whatever way you need at the moment (naps, listening to your favorite music, journaling, etc).
I give myself permission to make another stitched piece if that is what I really want to do, even if it doesn’t fit in with what I “should” be doing as a “serious artist”.
I give myself permission to be all goofy with the knitting for a while.
I give myself permission to take some steps toward those artist residencies and solo shows that are part of my biggification plan , and also permission to feel scared.
It is definitely a blustery day here today, sending you all thoughts of honey and tea, and hope the heffalumps and woozles stay far far away. 🙂
.-= Andi´s last post … Wishcasting Wednesday =-.
Mostly, I’m thinking about pettiskirts and how to make them. If I’m going to be making children’s clothes then they will be clothes of whim and fancy. Therefore pettiskirts http://tinyurl.com/ycocw89 are required.
And these lovely olivia dresses http://tinyurl.com/yf2snja.
Mostly that’s what I’m thinking about.
And going boarding in the cairngorms in February. Can’t wait. http://www.aberdeen-grampian.com/ especially sincee I might get to hang out and drink a wee dram with @magswallis!
.-= Wormy´s last post … Unexpected Progress =-.
@Emily You rock! I was just about to comment about that song too. 😀 I love that song because it was my first exposure to Tom Waits beyond childhood (my dad was a fan but didn’t listen for a long time) and it was the only time I’ve heard Waits on the radio (tragedy!).
In other news, I seriously need to work on my dammit list. That’s a good goal for the end of the year. My next year is going to be about Grounding, Sovereignty, and Clarity.
@Wormy I would love to give myself to wear petticoats in public. I need to find a way to embrace my urban hippy self AND my inner cowgirl. lol
@Amy I give you permission to wear pettiskirts in public with cowgirl boots! You’ll look absolutely amazing!
.-= Wormy´s last post … Unexpected Progress =-.
That’s all I’ve got. Just wanted to write Pettiskirts.
.-= Sonia Simone´s last post … What Makes Marketing Hard? =-.
Whoa! Havi! Thank you for itemizing me! And in such good company. You’re the best.
P.S. My husband is also sometimes angry at paintings.
I give permission for my students to not know what the hell they’re doing.
And I give permission to myself to sing Alphaville’s Big in Japan for the next month, thanks to Havi.
Wow. Thank you for itemizing me, Havi. And with so much goodness! I just love the sound of “lotions and potions for mixed-up emotions”. It’s like a catchy song.
I am thinking about Cheese Whiz. Because Gee Whiz made me think of Cheese Whiz. And wondering how it tastes. Is it at all like cheese?
I offer up a blanket permission slip to each of us to do something for ourselves that makes us feel loved and cared for – whatever that might be right now.
.-= Elizabeth´s last post … atlas is home =-.
It’s a rainy Windssssssssday here in NY. It was pouring buckets of wetness (I’m Havi-ing again!) all over and I got grumpy. Well that is until I saw the Victorian legwarmers. I’m an all-things-Victorian woman, even writing my thesis on society’s scapegoat prostitutes of the Victorian era (as seen in high art, of course).
Dear, I’m blabbing about me again. What I’m trying to say is that I want those warmers. They are amazingly well done. I don’t have the chutzpah to wear them in public, though. Forgive me?
.-= Lydia, Clueless Crafter´s last post … Basel Miami 2: Critique My Art Aesthetic =-.
@Lydia – wear them with heels over skinny jeans or leggings. They will look like *the* most awesome, cunning boots in the whole world. You won’t need chutzpah to wear them, you will *be* chutzpah.
But then again, total permission to love them and not wear them. Some times, things are better viewed from a far and imagined in glory. 🙂
.-= Wormy´s last post … Unexpected Progress =-.
@Wormy I’m totally going to take you up on that. 😉
And I lovelovelove ‘be chutzpah’!
@Pace & Kyeli – congrats on getting hitched! I’ve been checking out your site lately, too. I love the manifesto.
permission slip: everyone is allowed to sleep-in tomorrow…um, except for me. I have a really early rehearsal. (early for a musician, anyway)
.-= Christine Bougie´s last post … Best Of ‘09: Challenge =-.
Oh! This one came to me a couple of hours ago while I was making dinner, and it gave me chills:
Even though I am under a great deal of stress and am very busy, I have permission to be calm and happy.
And I freely distribute carbon copies of that permission slip to all who wish for them.
(P.S. I also grant permission to nap, or to go to bed early — to sleep if you’re sleepy. That one, I don’t feel able to give to myself at the moment, so will someone please take an extra nap for me?)
.-= Kathleen Avins @spiralsongkat´s last post … That tiny thing with feathers, which is hope =-.
Thanks for all the permission slips. These are so beautiful they really need to be their own posts.
Also: Pettiskirts!
@SecretWormy – I can’t wait until you open shop so I can promote the hell out of it.
@Maryann – ! I like your husband more and more, the more I hear about him.
Yay, Wednesday. It pretty much never fails to cheer me up, so thank you for being part of it.
Whoa! Hi. The Aardvark got itemized! Humble thanks.
[Um yes? What’s that?… Oh OK]
Aardvark wants me to convey his hello to Selma.
I’m up to my eyeballs in shea butter, equally freaking out and excited (they are kind of neck and neck) about wearing these big-girl (business) shoes.
Thanks for the lift-off boost.
.-= Heidi Fischbach´s last post … Aardvark Essentials has been cleared for lift off: 3-2-1… =-.
Gee whiz! Thanks for item!izing Milk and Vinegar! And thank you for bringing everyone else into Alphaville with me. You would think that would stop running through your head after a while, right? Wrong. It’s easy… arggh.
Also, I can’t believe I didn’t know that Tom Waits sings Big in Japan. (I can’t believe I’m admitting that. Where have I been?)
I’d like to give a permission slip to my sweetie to relax and just do what he can with this running/training thing and not permanently cripple himself. Hm, maybe I should actually give him a permission slip for this. Interesting.
For everyone else, naps all around! When I’m in charge, everyone will have a 100% guilt-free nap policy.
.-= Sandra´s last post … Tea sparkling =-.
Permission slip for Havi: fluffy blanky, slippers and Dynasty reruns on TV.
Permission slip for Lucy: time to start the wind-down towards the holiday. glass of red wine, chicken and salad, reruns of dynasty on the TV.
Permission for all itemisers: as many blankets, lie-ins, naps and hall passes as you need.
Permission for my ex: to think and feel anything he wants to about me. Honest! Because I have finally figured out that what he thinks about me is his stuff, and wanting him to think something different is my stuff. Whew.
Permission for me: to choose friendships and relationships that nurture and support me. To accept that relationships change and what was once a supportive and wonderful thing can become irretrievably unsupportive and painful — and to let go of as much guilt over those transformations as I can.
Inspired by Andrea: I too give my students permission to not get it.
Permission for me: to not have a job for a bit, and not feel like crap about it.
Permission for me: to have a stuck re: an ex.
And yes… even just typing that out helps my lungs expand a little more when I breathe.