Fluent Self Item!This isn’t really a post.

But I wanted to share some non-post postiness with you.

And excitement and glee!


First thing.

The monster coloring book (and manual) is here!

Sent out last night to the lucky people who pre-ordered.

I just talked to the First Mate, and his inbox is full of happinesses from those of you who have been patiently waiting for this. Mwah!

And, apparently, several people thought that when I said coloring book, I was just being silly.

But no, there’s totally a coloring book in there too along with the manual. That noise you hear? Intense scribbling combined with drawers of colored pencils, crayons and magic markers being dumped on the floor.

Coloring is maybe the most unexpected way to distract your monsters while still engaging with them.

And as a favor to people who asked for extra time, the pre-sale price of the monster manual + coloring book is still on. Maybe for a week?

Second thing.

At The Playground! With me and Selma. This is a brand new thing.

How new? This program doesn’t even have a name yet.

But it’s about:

  • getting over fear of biggification
  • sneaking past the whole “I think I want people to see me but I don’t actually want them to see me” stuck
  • accessing your superpowers
  • coming up with a really good plan (that you’ll actually use)

And since it will probably fill up before I can a. come up with a name or b. officially announce it, you might want to at least take a look.

Third thing.

A one-day Shiva Nata teacher training.

For a few lucky Shivanauts.

I haven’t taught a teacher training since the one I did in San Francisco a few years ago.

This will be amazing. Seven spots left.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, visit the Shiva Nata site. And if you’re interested in the training, here’s what you want to know.

Fourth thing.

I’m kind of exhausted.

Man. I forgot that editing four ebooks for the Extra-Destuckifying version of the monster manual + coloring book also meant checking every single link.

So that was yesterday.

And then the HATs for all this new stuff.*

* HAT = Havi Announces a Thing. Because of my inability to say “sales page” without throwing up a little.

And all the brunching.**

* Brunching = launching. I can’t say that either. Took this (much better) word from Tara the blonde chicken.

Not that I don’t love the fun-brewing, because I do.

I know that my beloved tiny, sweet thing is on its way. And The Playground is for us. Even those of you who are on the other side of the world.

You’re part of it too. Because everything that happens on this blog is infusing that space with good.

Anyway, it’s been a helluva week. And now I’m tired. So I’m calling a nap day.

Fifth thing.

Some completely non-Playground-related stuff to look at.

I imagine some of you might be a bit tired of hearing about my mad obsession with the new studio and everything that goes into that process.

So a couple of actual items (Item!) …

Hoping most of my German readers will forgive me for that one (ich hab euch doch wahnsinnig lieb!)

Sixth thing.

The thank-yous.

My designer and illustrator is so awesome I can hardly stand it. Those monsters are exactly what I wanted. And no, you can’t hire him. I keep him very busy.

Everyone who is helping me with the Fun Brewing.

Especially Hiro.

And everyone in my Kitchen Table program for cheering me on at the Deguiltified Chicken board.

And, of course, you for hanging out here.

All the commenter mice and the Beloved Lurkers and everyone who is even sometimes part of this whole thing.

Cheers from the pirate ship. I’ll be here for a bit and then I’m going to a class (not mine!) and then taking the rest of the day off.

Thank you!

What I want now.

Be happy with me!

Celebration is welcome. We’ve been going full speed ahead for a while now and the cheering would help.

Also, a nap room would be nice, too.

When the Playground is ready, I’m definitely putting in a nap room. In the meantime if you want to whoosh over some symbolic imaginary blankets and cushions, that would be much appreciated.

The Fluent Self