A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.
Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.
Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.
I did a lot of reading this week.
Probably because I wasn’t answering email. Good stuff.
Item! Post No. 8 in a series that has no specific point other than letting off steam and sharing stuff I get excited about.
Item! This is absolutely inspiring!
This post from Amy Mommaerts about art as mental therapy was really touching. One of the lovely things I read this week.
She’s @AmyMommaerts if you’re a fellow Twitterite. If not, argh. Come and play!
Item! What’s wrong with this article?
First time I’ve ever linked to an article about a brothel.
I love how they get divorced because she was working at one and not because he was going to one.
Also, note that it’s Poland. This is the country where I got stuck in an elevator. Still haven’t forgiven them.
Item! This is the best description of blogging that you will ever read ever!
Emma’s post about the joy of blogging knocked me over with how great it was.
I mean, of course I knew this was yet another blog that got started thanks to my Tuesday Blogging Therapy series, and that I was getting midwife credit.
But I had absolutely no idea how tingly and powerful it would be to read about blogging from someone who really, truly gets the thrill of possibility in the medium.
Everyone who hangs out online — even if only occasionally — needs to read this post at least once.
And not just because a. she uses the phrase “may heavy breasted women sing her name down the ages” and b. is referring to me.
Item! Sometimes you will be less than excited about blogging!
And then if you’re feeling slightly less enthused than our Emma about blogging … you’ll want to read Amy Derby’s terrific piece which asks the question, Ever felt like divorcing your blog?
Answer: oh goodness me, yes. Thankfully we’re over that now.
But seriously. Great post. Watch her video there too. Amy tells it like it is.
Item! If you are an artist or otherwise creative you NEED to read this!
This is actually something I’ve been wanting to write about.
How people ask us questions that completely trigger our stuff, to the point that we can’t even understand why anyone would be such an insensitive insulting meanypants.
And then it so often turns out that their question came from a misunderstanding, a lack of knowledge, a lack of confidence, a desire to be kind or whatever.
Their stuff. Not our stuff.
So I highly recommend that you read this terrific explanation of how this process works with one specific question that drives artists and designers crazy.
Item! I am flattered by your title!
How could I not click on a post entitled Havi got me unstuckified?
Pretty great. Also: hilarious.
This guy Rob hadn’t updated his blog in over six months … found our Blogging Therapy series and gave himself permission to stop feeling guilty about it.
And whaddya know … he’s back at it. And he’s really funny. I’m his newest fan. Maybe I’ll see you guys there.
Item! I cannot wait to take this class!
I have a huge secret crush on Cairene MacDonald from Third Hand Works.
And I’ve been really wanting to do something with her that would involve soaking up some of her coolness and also getting a bunch of stuff done.
Also, it drives me batty that she’s not insanely famous. Because she should be. You guys should be beating down her doors. In fact, I’m really going to have to (gently, yes?) biggify the heck out of her this year.
Anyway, she’s doing a class. Called Bite the candy. Because she’s cool like that, like I said.
It’s three and a half hours of concentrated knocking stuff off your to-do list.
With support and smartnesses. It’s only $25 which is so low that I’m going to have to insist on paying more.
I am completely serious. Sign up for her class before she reads this and gets a restraining order or something.
Item! Jennifer Louden is so ridiculously amazing that I can’t stand it!
Did I mention that I’m teaching at her comfort retreat thing this weekend? As in, the night after tomorrow? It’s me and a gazillion super famous people … and I’m giddy with excitement about getting to learn stuff from all of them.
I’ll talking about techniques for working with fear. And Jen will spreading her uniquely non-annoying sweetness and light.
Should be a really powerful weekend.
That is all.
Alas, no more goofy. No more pouncing on objects. No more exclamation points. I’m all out.
Until next Wednesday.
Tomorrow we’re back to our usual programming (patterns, habits, stucknesses, biggification and stuff that I say to myself). See you then!
::blush:: gee thanks ๐
Keep the posts coming (but totally don’t feel obligated LOL). I love reading your posts every day. Even when I don’t totally get it, I feel better after reading it.
PS, still warming to Selma…;)
(Picks self off floor and climbs back into chair)
Wow! I’m glad I already had a cup of tea here with me when I read that – I am fizzing so much I know I am not in the right state to handle a kettle and boiling water.
Thanks so much for your kind words!
I’m happy to report that I am still utterly in love with blogging, and that I have met several *amazing* people just this week alone and feel a lot less lonely and freakish in the world.
It’s just so… intimate. Reading your blog has taught me a hell of a lot, but most especially about letting yourself open up, trusting that this amazing whole blog connection kaboodle will bring the right people to that space. I’m amazed that my blog is allowing me to be open enough to be intimate, yet still feel safe.
One day, when I have enough pennies, I will join you at the table, if you’ll have me. Until then, I will bask in your sunshine here. Thank you!
Emma Newmans last blog post..Being brave enough to show some ankle รขโฌโ Part One
Here I am reading emails and some feeds through Outlook, not even awake yet.
Click on Havi’s… reading…reading..something looks familiar… don’t catch that it’s my name…but, the article name looks familiar
Left brain says to right brain, “That’s your name duumazz”.
Then it click’s in….Holy Cannoli’s Bat Man!…that’s me…LOL
Amy Mommaertss last blog post..A lesson on Greatness…From an Old Pulling Mare
@Rob – You probably don’t want to say that here where she can read it!
@Emma – Oh hooray. Stay as long as you like. And I am honored to have had even a tangential role in the amazing space that is your blog.
@Amy – oh, you are fun. Of course it’s you! That post was all kinds of awesome.
Wow! I’m with Emma and Amy – all flush and goosepimply to see my name in print on the Fluent Self blog, especially in the same sentence as “huge secret crush.” Back at ya’ baby – this is a big giant mutual love fest because I’m crushing just as big on you (and I don’t think it’s a secret).
I would be completely delighted for you and your lovely readers to bite some task candy with me. And the price, well, I consider BTC something of a gift (although, chances are Havi’s biggifying will get to me, gentle or otherwise, so you might want to seize the moment).
Cairenes last blog post..My Resource Family Tree
Adding my last name to my comments on your blog, Havi, because you’re holding a royal flush of Amys.
Seriously, I just clicked on every link. Mmmm writing on creativity.
Amy Hoys last blog post..Pricing your consulting: You’re doing it wrong
I’d like to thank you for your blog, honestly. You’ve got no idea how much it has helped me. Made me think (which is a good thing) and gave me ideas (which might not be so good. ๐ ) And right now I feel freaked and scared, but finally things begin to move – and that feels good. It feels like breath of fresh air after I hold my breath for ages.
So, thanks. ๐
Carina Kadows last blog post..On Passion and Art: I’m just scared.
another yummy wednesday up-me-ante / calm-me-down / pick-me-up ๐
Hi Havi: Ditto Amy Hoy–I followed all the links.
This blog of yours is one of the best ways to find other talented and interesting souls. So much reading & learning to do and I am so enjoying the journey and connections. Best thing of 2008–finding your blog! All my best to Marissa & Selma.
I still can’t believe you aren’t responding to any email. I’m jealous. At least we can contact you right here in the comments.
Karl Staib – Work Happy Nows last blog post..Help Employees Connect to a Larger Vision
Thanks, guys.
@Karl – I’m right here, my dear! ๐
@Claire – Right on. Enjoy! I’m super happy to have met you too. Yay, Twitter.
@Joyce – *blows kiss*
@Carina – That’s so great … THANK YOU!
@Amy HOY – seriously, we’re racking up the awesome Amys. I love all this great stuff people are writing. Seriously, I used to complain that there weren’t that many blogs I really enjoyed. And now there are a gazillion, including yours.
@Cairene – *swoon*
Hi! I’m a long-time lurker, who originally found you via Jennifer Loudon’s newsletter (or blog, I can’t remember which one.) I just wanted to say I’m so looking forward to hearing your talk at the virtual retreat!!! Sadly, I won’t get to hear it live, b/c I live in Israel and it’ll be Shabbat. Sigh… But I can’t wait to her the recording when it’s available. ๐
Ok, back to lurking…
Have a peaceful Shabbat and know that I’ll be thinking of you too.
p.s. I’m a lurker on *most* of the blogs I read, so know that that’s perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with some quality lurking. ๐