A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.
Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.
Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.
Still making piece with MacSpeech Dictate. By which I mean getting the world’s biggest ass-kicking.
Actually, I mostly love it. Because it’s mostly awesome. I just have trouble remembering the six thousand commands I need at any given moment.
My only hope is that eventually when the world is taken over by robots who run on dictation software, I’ll have a small advantage over say, people like you.
Anyway, brevity reinforced this week by a. my supreme frustration and b. my still-to-be-improved editing skills.
Luckily for you, lots of good stuff to read and think about this week.
Item! Post No. 12 in a series that, despite all odds, apparently isn’t going away just yet.
Item! Lunchlady Tomba!
I love this blog. I’m not even sure why. I just do.
For one thing, it’s called Lunchlady Tomba.
Also, this:
“I don’t expect to write the great American novel. I don’t even expect to write more than my own story but I think it’s a pretty readable story.
What a great post. This woman has mastered the art of “hi, this is me”. The art that is — as I keep saying — the core of blogging genius.
Item! We have accidentally inspired people to be astonishingly honest.
Speaking of the art of “hi, this is me” …
This post by Terry Heath called Removing the Stick From Up My Ass is pretty terrific. You know, despite the references to my “whore duck”.
No, the thing about this post that is so very useful is that the writing actively models the excrutiating process of writing the words that are in your head.
You know, the “oh god, am I really going to say this?” process. And that, I think, is even more powerful than just doing it.
Because wow. Tell me you can’t identify with this because I totally can.
Even as I typed it I wanted to go back and change “ass” to “rear”. What does that tell you about me?
It’s 5:00 a.m. and I’m up. I’ve been trying to figure out who I am online and my place in the scheme of things. Apparently I’m the sort of person who sits up worrying about that sort of thing.
Item! This is incredibly sweet!
I tried to avoid reading Valentine’s-Day-related posts because I don’t get it and I don’t care, but this one actually blew me away with its insights on love and creativity.
Also I am so going to have to get one of Leah’s paintings. I am especially liking Key to Winter.
Item! Speaking of pretty …
I don’t know what’s gotten into me and my modernist sensibilities, but yeah. I’m also completely loving Rowena’s sweet flying girls.
Though I have zero idea how to go about buying one. Are they for sale? Because I totally want one, if they are.
Item! Upcoming courses.
Man, I love taking courses. I used to be all about indulging my auto-didactic tendencies but lately I’m realizing that the group format is just ridiculously powerful.
Non-guiltified accountability is so freaking helpful. Plus I appreciate someone else giving me a curriculum. And it’s a great way to meet some neat people.
Anyway, Lisa Baldwin aka @zenatplay is doing a course on “clearing the clutter you can’t see: the stuff that’s quietly stealing our time, energy and attention.”
Looks terrific. Also, very, very, very affordable.
I’ve never taken any of her programs, but I dig her style and can absolutely vouch for her being a smart cookie and a sensitive, thoughtful human being.
It starts Monday the 23rd (next week). Go see if it’s your thing!
Meanwhile, Jen Hofmann’s six-week Inspired Organizing course starts tomorrow. I don’t know if there is still room but if there is, jump on board. This is my second time taking it and I can’t wait.
Item! There is only ever one pattern. Or: all patterns are related.
Sarah Marie Lacy made an especially genius observation this week while talking to her inner control freak.
Yep, it’s fear in disguise. In disguise in disguise in disguise. They share a lot of the same catchphrases, which is a good clue.
Me: Okay talk, kid. Why exactly do you have to control everything?
Control Freak: Because if I’m in control, then everything is safe.
Me: Safe? Hey, wait a second…are you just my fear wearing a different hat?
Control Freak: Uhh…(looks the other way)…Maybe. Yeah. Um. Probably. Definitely.
Smart girl. Smart enough to recognize an old, old, old pattern — without being impressed by it — and then go do something about it. Consciously and patiently.
You know what? When people really start getting the essence and the intention of this Fluent Self stuff we’re always talking about here … it rocks. My. World.
Item! We are all alone. Together. Uh huh. Still.
Hat tip to George Osner (who is @gosner on Twitter) for sending me this link to this brilliant piece of Wondermark cartoonage.
As he points out, it kind of neatly sums up a lot of what we were talking about in The Clan of the Outsiders.
That is all.
That’s enough, right?
Happy, happy reading. Happy Blustery Windsday. See you tomorrow.
Let me give you a big “Awe Shucks!”
Thanks for mentioning my blog.
Juliannas last blog post..Fiddle Sticks and Other Grumblings
You found Julianna!
And she found you!
Julianna totally rocks my entire sock drawer, and possibly my other drawers as well.
She is just amazingly amazing, as Zaphod Beeblebrox would say.
Fear has many hats, too. I loved Sarah’s post, but then Sarah is just chronically wonderful.
Joely Blacks last blog post..And now, I’m off in my little boat by myself
I just adore you. I’m am so utterly baffled and excited that you’re taking my class for the second time. The last one got you writing a personals ad to your Hoppy House and moved out in a mind-blowing 8 weeks.
Don’t know how we’re going to top it, but knowing you, you’ll top it. π
Hoping the “typing by hand” is a sign of good things to come!
Hugs to all,
Jen π
Thanks so much, sweet Havi, for the mention!!
Leahs last blog post..Cup of Cocoa with the Blahs
I’m a smart cookie! A sensitive, thoughtful human being, even!
Thanks so much for the love-up, Havi. I adore you.
I’m honored to be mentioned in your post. But then, I guess really you’re the one being honored because you really did inspire me to be as honest and real as possible. That is, you and your whore duck.
The whole “honest” thing is really scarey. Not because I’m afraid I’ll reveal something deep and dark about myself, but because of the distinct possibility I won’t. You see, as people read and appreciate the Havi-Inspired honesty I start feeling stress. How long can I keep this up without my inner critic taking charge again or my capitalistic tendencies decide these things should be . . . capitalized upon?
What if people figure out I have no idea what I’m doing? Honesty is a mixed blessing.
Terry Heaths last blog post..It’s Messy When You “Should” All Over Yourself
@Terry – if people figure out you have no idea what you’re doing and you can shrug and say, “Yeah, I’ve been saying that all along!” … it’s not a big deal. The big fear is being knocked off one’s pedestal. But if you don’t let them put you there to begin with, there can’t be any knocking down. Well, that’s how I look at it at any rate.
@Lisa – yes you are! I’ve always thought so and I’m generally right about things.
@Leah & Jen – *waves enthusiastically*
@Joely – Chronically wonderful… what a great thing to be. Also, this is the 2nd Zaphod Beeblebrox reference this month. Something must be in the air.
@Julianna – keep writing! I’m embarrassingly addicted.
Wow, Havi. I just found this. Thanks so much. I am soon to be opening an etsy shop, so they are almost for sale. π
I’ll be sure to make a thousand announcements when I finally work it all out.
And I have modern sensibilities, too, but these paintings keep coming. Maybe that’s part of why they appeal to you? Whatever, I’m glad they do.
rowenas last blog post..Flying Girl Lets Go, or Trust That The Seeds You Plant Will Grow