A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.
Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.
Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.
Don’t ask.
Item! Post No. 58 in a semi-ongoing sometimes Wednesday series that mostly keeps me from going crazy but sometimes also adds to me going crazy.
Item! Shifts and transitions!
Item! Shifts and transitions!
Josiane writes. Many smartnesses ensue.
“Interestingly, while I don’t feel like those issues are resolved, it feels like they’re no longer as relevant as they were before – as if I had somehow sidestepped the problem, or as if they didn’t fit in my new reality.”
She’s @kimianak on Twitter.
Item! Monster Chart.
Yes, this is a monster chart.
Which is useful. Though it doesn’t list the kind that don’t eat cookies.
Also, I approve of anything called chart porn.
Item! I have a crush on this seder plate.
Yes. This one.
Except that I already have the most gorgeous seder plate in the world.
And collecting? Probably not going to happen. So I just gaze from afar and admire.
Item! The anti-crisis loop
Only the wonderful Cairene could come up with an anti-crisis loop. And then map one out for the locals.
“Oh, and no agenda. The Anti-Crisis Loop is about spontaneity – not planning or problem solving. Goodness knows your crisis is demanding plenty of that from you – and this is about taking a break from it.”
She’s @thirdhandworks on Twitter.
Item! This might be my new favorite website
Oh his site is stunning.
It’s Corduroy Audio.
Just look at this contact me page. The music is lovely too. Really, I just want to move into his website.
He’s @JackCorduroy on Twitter.
Item! Ducks in a German castle!
Yes. Well.
I don’t know what else to say but it’s fabulous.
And good to know that I’m not the only one who obsesses over ducks. Actually, I do not obsess over ducks but I am madly in love with one specific duck.
Via Cindy who is @CindyMorefield on Twitter.
Item! Ballast monster!
Everyone needs one.
This is the wonderful Lindsay, finding hers.
“Because no sooner had we asked, than the boat was being magically lifted, James-and-the-Giant-Peachwise, by hundreds of samba-butterfly-crew butterflies each attached to a gossamer thread”
She’s @gurubody on Twitter.
Item! A kerfuffle! And some shoes.
We talk a lot on the blog about the throwing of shoes (when someone says something mean) and our reactions to said perceived shoes.
This is an instance of someone taking the time to answer the shoe-throwers in a clear, determined way.
And it’s super interesting.
“Be creative. Be resourceful. Care about the past, and rethink things for the future. Don’t be a jerk.”
That’s @yarnzombie on Twitter. Found via Sally who is @sally_j.
Item! Ezra Pound Cake.
I followed Yarn Zombie to Ezra Pound Cake.
A woman with a master’s degree in English literature who became a baker. You already love this, right?
The pictures are delicious. Even if you don’t eat cake. Which I don’t.
Her real name is Rebecca Crump and she’s @ezrapoundcake on Twitter.
Item! My latest obsession. Something about raindrops.
Yes. Raindrops.
You make music with them. Kind of.
Do this when the internet makes you crazy. And then take a nap.
Seriously. This is almost as great as those singing horses (remember?).
Got this from Leonie who is @goddessleonie on Twitter.
Item! Update from the land of the Peculiar & Hilarious Shivanauts!
The “peculiar and hilarious” thing comes from Melynda’s sweet bit about Butterfly Wishes.
Frank — bless his beautiful, nutty heart — made a digital Dance of Shiva widget for Apple’s dashboard. AWESOME.
We had a post from Elle called Watermelon Static, and a post from Char about sleeping. And I wrote about gaps and the finding of them.
Frank is @elimossinary, and Char is @CharsFirstStep.
Item! Comments! Here’s what I want this time:
- Things you’re thinking about.
- Reassurance that Pesach will actually be over at some point, eventually, because this happens every single year. But not recipes. I have those. Just reassurances.
- Excitements for my Monster Coloring Book which is ridiculously close to done.
My commitment.
I am committed to giving time and thought to the things that people say. Even though asking for what I want still feels awkward for me, I’m just going to remind myself that this is a thing I’m practicing.
That is all.
Happy reading.
And happy Blustery Windsday. See you tomorrow.
Brain is still waking up, but I had to say I *love* the name Ezra Pound Cake, it immediately reminded me of my favorite pretend musical mashup Fatboy Slim Whitman (the sampling cowboy yodeler).
Love love love the Easter Island ducks.
Checking out Yarn Zombie now.
Hope you have a glorious last day of March!
.-= Andi´s last post … Years of Experience =-.
I love the idea of a Monster Coloring Book. Now that you have mentioned it (this has probably happened before and I have forgotten), I can’t stand the idea of there NOT being a Monster Coloring Book.
Speaking of monsters, this morning I’m thinking about how all of my Monsters look like various versions of me, and wondering how common that is.
.-= Chris Anthony´s last post … On being an adult =-.
Wow… you always give me a lot of new things to think about and new blogs to visit. I yearn for the day I finally get to the point of interestingness (and not just the “get it outness” phase that I am in now) because I can see the creativeness sparks.
And yes, Pesach will be over eventually and it will be great the way it is no matter how it is because it JUST WILL BE 🙂 (And thanks to you, I am learning so much about Judiasm and its gorgeous, wonderful, awe inspiring traditions!! :))
Yay Monster Colouring book!! 🙂
.-= Pam´s last post … Pam’s Dating Manifesto… =-.
Super happy big yay for the Monster Colouring Book!
I wiggle and dance every time I think about it.
@Pam – thanks for the reminder that things end and are good.
@Chris – right? Exactly. That’s how I feel about the Monster Coloring Book. How could there be a world without it?
And yeah, lots of people find that their monsters are versions of them, in various forms (or hats?). Very common.
@Andi – Fatboy Slim Whitman? *googles* Nice!
Oh, isn’t Selma offended that the first chart (talking to beasts) puts ducks in the “mostly useless” category?
Of course, having been squeeked at by Selma, I can’t disagree that she’s not big into the talking.
(oh, too many negatives in that sentence!)
Yay! Coloring!
.-= Tara´s last post … Yarn Every Day Month (2nd annual!) =-.
There must be a monster colouring book. The stars will it.
Don’t have anything more to say at the moment. Thanks for the good stuff!
For all the windows users out there that are wanting a Dance of Shiva widget on their desktops, Kludget Engine will let you install that Dance of Shiva widget if you install it first. The Kludget Engine can be downloaded here: http://kludgets.com/download/
oooh! Corduroy Audio. Some nice instrumental music in the “portfolio” section. “Tomorrow Now” is a beautiful little piece.
.-= Christine Bougie´s last post … Donations And Pre-Orders (Raising Money For My Next Album) =-.
Yay! I followed every single link today, and it made a terrific study break. I’m still playing with the raindrops!
Yes, Pesach ends — but before it does, I’d better see about treating myself to some matzoh and cream cheese. The matzoh always tastes freshest and best at this time of year! (Oooh, and matzoh ball soup…)
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … An open letter, from me to me =-.
(Pesach is Passover because it passes and then it’s over)
(Is that too horribly lame? Sorry…)
Thanks for brightening the end of a very dark day, Havi.
And yes, Pesach will pass! Truly, it will.
And YAY! Yay! YAY! for the almost-done monster coloring book!
.-= Melissa Dinwiddie´s last post … Lean In: Poem by Emily Long =-.
Your monster coloring book is that close to done? That’s totally excitement worthy – and excitement inducing, of course! Yay! *happy dancing and clapping*
Thank you for item!izing one of my posts again, I really appreciate it. Today was full of crabbiness, and this provided some of the much needed brightening up! 🙂
.-= Josiane´s last post … Middle of the night musings =-.
While checking out the monster chart on chart porn, I found this gem:http://www.whitevinyldesign.com/solarbeat/. It’s a moving, sounding model of the solar system. I’ve been listening to it all afternoon!
.-= Liz´s last post … Funeral for a furry friend =-.
Pessach in Israel.
Can’t buy any chametz, even if I wanted to. (I kind of like that, actually…)
– Start of Rant –
Every year, I make a big fuss about Pessach and do the whole cleaning/kashering thing. And then this year I said NO. I’m not doing it.
I’ve got an irritating flatmate and I just DID NOT WANT TO. I’m just not feeling that charitable.
So he “kashered” for Pessach. This is a guy who can’t even wash a dish properly. So I’m sending him a giant “Whatever!” because it’s not even clean, much less kosher. Blech.
– End of Rant –
Otherwise, everyone is out and about with their friends and families. If they work, it’s mostly half days and the weather is marvelous!!!
Chag Sameach!
Am I the only one for whom the text on the site is strangely huge?
Yay monsters! *waves little flag*
pesach will, indeed, be over soon. i have already eaten all my favorite recipes, though (apple matzah bread pudding? check. spinach/ feta pie? check. matzah mac n’ cheese? check) hence, nothing to look forward to.
still, pesach brings good things: days to think about big ideas and the time to think about them at leisure—blessed time!
chag sameach!