A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.
Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.
Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.
Stuff worth reading.
Item! Post No. 61-ish in an occasional on-and-off series that comes and goes and is sometimes on a Wednesday.
Item! How to get a truck driver to trust you.
Every time my friend Kelly from Copylicious (yes, the one who bullied me into starting this blog once upon a time) writes a post, I decide it’s my absolute favorite post in the entire world.
But they just keep getting better
This one about how to get a truck driver to trust you is brilliant. For so many reasons.
Read between the delicious lines and learn.
But then this: the 34 stages of editorial enlightenment.
She reads my brain.
She’s @copylicious on Twitter.
Item! These are beautiful
Daily photographs from Walter Hawn.
I really liked:
And the cook’s station.
And you can buy prints, which I think is lovely.
Walter is a stand up guy. And he’s @WalterHawn on Twitter.
Item! All universal truths sound stupid because they’re not supposed to be heard with your ears.
Wise, wise words from Frank.
If you’re a Shivanaut, you’ll hugely appreciate everything he has to say.
And if you’re not a Shivanaut yet, please read this.
All universal truths sound stupid because they’re not supposed to be heard with your ears.
“Then things can shift and change because you’re dealing with what’s real for you, instead of trying to filter your reality through someone else’s words.”
He’s @elimossinary on Twitter.
Item! Speaking of.
Erin, another lovely Shivanaut from Australia, passed this one on to me with the hysterical comment “and Shivanauts say ‘duh’ to this revealing scientific research”.
An article from the Boston globe, suggesting that we think with our bodies.
Uh huh.
“The term most often used to describe this new model of mind is ’embodied cognition,’ and its champions believe it will open up entire new avenues for understanding — and enhancing — the abilities of the human mind.”
The applications are way more interesting than anything they come up with in the article, but it’s a place to start.
She’s @erinibbertson on Twitter.
Item! I am Eloise. I am twenty-three.
Got to this via Colleen, of course.
Eloise, all grown up. And working as an intern.
Genius. Thanks, McSweeney’s. Thanks, Sarah Geller. Love it.
“THINGS I AM AFRAID OF: Girls who don’t wear pants, Graydon Carter, the eight-feet tall models who moonlight at Vogue, the cafeteria, everyone in gladiator heels, my boss, the guys in the mail room who don’t respond to my flirting, the bipolar blog editor, everything.”
Item! A sweet post
This bit from Jacquelyn about how abundance works better than fencing is about Facebook contests.
But it’s also about gardening and about business and imagination.
I really like Jacquelyn.
She’s @jacquelynkitt on Twitter.
Item! More monster conversations.
In which Maryann talks down her procrastination monsters in a wonderfully down-to-earth way.
Monster: It’s all the same?
Me. Yes.
Monster. Hmm.
She’s @maryanndevine on Twitter.
Item! I have a crush on Ugly Gerbil
I love everything about this Etsy shop but ohmygod the copy.
It’s so great.
Not only do I want to buy every single one of his charmingly nutty monsters but I want to read every description. This is Chad the Tweedle Bug.
“Chad the amigurumi Tweedle Bug saw what you did there, and he is shocked. SHOCKED I tells ya!
Now fer the love of jeezlepete, step away from the mayonnaise.
He’s got three rows of noodly pincer arms, but he’s much too shocked to do any serious pinching. His mismatched pop-eyes are an astonished shade of deep blue.
I thank you for looking, but Chad can only stare in mute astonishment.”
Item! Comments! Here’s what I want this time:
- Things you’re thinking about.
- A name for a game. It involves patchwork quilts, crowns, iguanas, chickens, points that matter, points that don’t matter and silliness. The name does not have to be related to any of these. Thanks!
My commitment.
I am committed to giving time and thought to the things that people say. Even though asking for what I want still feels awkward for me, I’m just going to remind myself that this is a thing I’m practicing.
That is all.
Happy reading.
And happy Blustery Windsday. See you tomorrow.
That game sounds kind of like Calvinball.
.-= Riin´s last post … Yep- I’m up to stuff =-.
I am itemized!
Thanks so much, Havi!
.-= Maryann Devine´s last post … Deliberately annoying online voice keeps them coming back for more =-.
I get the distinct impression that Chad the TweedleBug is staring at me. His eyes seem to follow me, no matter where I am in the room.
.-= Dick Carlson´s last post … The Seven Habits Of Highly Annoying Clients — And How To Profit From Them =-.
Maybe instead of Calvinball, it could be Haviball?
Things I’m thinking about: I’m reading Anathem, which is a fun novel about societies structured for very long term projects (and what they learn from it), so I’ve been thinking about slow work vs. fast work. I do agile software development, which I’d call fast work, but there are other things I work on, like knitting, that are slow work, and I’ve never done a ten-year project, let alone a hundred or thousand year one, like the characters in the book, so it’s interesting to ponder what different approaches are useful for.
.-= Audrey´s last post … Toffee =-.
I can’t get this video out of my head. Lenny Kravitz, in New Orleans, is sitting on a balcony when he hears a choir (at a pavilion down the street) performing an arrangement of his “Fly Away”, and he goes to observe and is invited to join in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBgZNINN6MU
That’s delight right there. 🙂
.-= Chris Anthony´s last post … Everyday delight =-.
@Riin – Calvinball! Nice! Love it.
@maryann – only because you’re full of smart. 🙂
@Dick – Chad the TweedleBug is most definitely staring at you.
@Audrey – ooh, interesting. I’m going to have to look that up.
@Chris – neat! Yay. Thank you.
I’m thinkin’ this was a really fun post! Thanks!
Ok, while knowing nothing about the game I do think it would just be fun in general to have game called “Duck, duck, pirate”.
I think your game is called “Queen of the Farm.”
(boys can be queens in this game, too.)
Ooh! You could name it Points On the Chicken! It’s hard to name a game without knowing much about it, but crowns and iguanas and figuring out which points matter are all about ways of seeing the world. And crowns & iguanas are ways of seeing the world in your own unique way & experiencing situations differently than other people might.
So Points On the Chicken contains both chickens & points, and is a reference to Richard E. Cytowic’s book, The Man Who Tasted Shapes. In the book, he talks about a synesthete he knew who tasted shapes who once remarked that the chicken he was cooking wasn’t spiced correctly, because it didn’t have enough points.
Okay, so admittedly that’s a totally weird thing to name a game, but it is an interesting book if you’re ever looking for something fascinating to read about brains & perception. 😀
I’m thinking about a life-game planner that I’m in the middle of creating. It’s been a puzzle fitting all the pieces together, mostly cause there are a lot of them. It has crowns and chickens and points that matter, points that don’t matter, and more than its share of silliness. There are no quilts and iguanas (why are there no iguanas? Note to self…iguanas!) I call it Plan-it You, change your life, change the world. Your game could be called Plan-it Chicken, Crown the iguana and win points that don’t matter unless you’re a quilter!
I very much enjoy your posts. And since I live in Ashland, the Playground is almost in my backyard. I hope to make it up for a playshop in the not too distant future. And my game has pirates but no ducks… please don’t tell Selma.
Hats off to Chad!
As for the game, it just reminds me of snakes and ladders; though I’m not sure why.
I think that “pirate” has to come into it, as in my mind, your chickens scurry around on board while the iguanas rest on the deck, sunning themselves.
Shall keep thinking 🙂
.-= Rose´s last post … Visibility- Walking the Path =-.
Okay, so… you’ve got the Book of You. Maybe you should have the Game of Woo!
Although that kinda sounds like a marriage game.
.-= Blue´s last post … Week 9- Cleveland Park Library =-.
Hmmm…a name for the game…Patchwork in Progress? Pirate’s Progress? Not silly enough, perhaps. I’ll keep it on the back burner, and see if anything bubbles.
Thinking about my newly-adopted 8-month-old part-Siamese cat, and how simple it can be to add something fresh, new, and exciting to my life.
Also, looking forward to the day when I get to follow all these links. It’s been kind of a crazy week.
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … Intention =-.
game names: my first thought is “Pin the Chicken on the Iguana”
But I have to say that I love Lindsay’s suggestion of “Duck, Duck, Pirate”
.-= Andy Dolph´s last post … Under the Sky in an Inflatable Planetarium =-.
Oh my goodness. I AM an ITEM! Yes yes yes yes yes! I didn’t even want to write a blog post this week because then I’d have to start all over again, at comment zero, and I’ll never write a post anyone will like again. But it wasn’t even a good post. Just a list, and anyone could write a list. I can’t write. Oh dear. See, here I go again.
.-= Kelly Parkinson´s last post … The 34 Stages of Editorial Enlightenment =-.
Thank you, sweet Havi, for including me in items!
On vacation, limiting my electronic involvement – but peaked at my reader and there it was!
.-= Jacquelyn´s last post … Build Your New Website on WordPress =-.