I am Jelly Bean Jones.

Or at least, that was my secret agent name two weeks ago.

I was at Rally (Rally!), and it was Rally J, and I was a jelly bean. A JOYFUL JELLY BEAN. Named Jelly Bean. Jelly Bean Jones.

Actually my primary association with that candy is that they were the favorite of the late Ronald Reagan, which is more distressing and less joyful. Though I also realize now that jelly beans are joyful: they are like an explosion of color.

J is for joy and things that are joyful. Joyful and jubilant.

J is for Jaw-dropping. Jaw-droppingly joyful and jubilant!

J is JUMP. Jumping and bouncing. I am jumping with joy. Or for joy? Joyfully jumping. Or, possibly, I am jumping because I feel frustrated, and jumping will make me feel better. Either way, jump jump jump jump. Jump!

J is for jib, a type of sail. Relevant if you are on a pirate ship, which I am.

Speaking of pirates, J is the Jolly Roger. Or in our case, the Jolly Selma, our pirate duck flag.

J is jewels. All the jewels. I am, after all, on a diamond caper. Bond Girl knows where all the jewels are. And J is the radiant jewel of my heart.

J is jingling, like bells, because I am a bell. Sorry to have just put that song in your head. We will switch it out for another one in a minute.

J is justice, which always makes me think of Wheels of Justice.

J is journeying and journaling, two things that go well together, and one of which is often metaphorical.

J is judicious. Making decisions. Or, as Bryan says, honoring the decisions that my body has already made for me.

J is judgment, both in the sense of releasing and in the sense of discernment.

J is JUBILAAAAAAAAAAAAATION SHE LOVES ME AGAIN I fall on the floor and I’m laughing….

J is jazzed. I’m feeling jazzed! I never say that, and yet it is the most fun thing to say.

J is JAZZ HANDS. I do a lot of these, it is true.

It’s the easiest way to show excitement when you live on silent retreat.

J is juice. I am jonesing for juice.

J is juxtaposition. See above.

J is juggling and J is jiggling, things that can be both harder and easier than they look.

J is the J-lead, in the language of dance it is how you show someone that you want them to turn…

Never Dot The J, says one of my dance teachers, and for some reason that is the funniest sentence in the world.

J is just-right. Just-right. Just-right. Just-right.

J is joie de vivre, which helps me remember that yes, this moment too is just-right, just-right.

And here we are.

May it be so! And come play with me.

Thank you, letter J.

If you want to whisper words or sound effects that start with J, go for it.

If you want to share in any of the qualities and magical words I named here, you can.

They work like the salves in the Friday Chicken: just take some, there is always more.

Whispering loving spells that begin with J, for myself, and for anyone who wants…

The Fluent Self