Personal ads! They’re … personal! Very.
So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.
Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.
Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.
And now it’s my weekly ritual. Yay, ritual!
Let’s do it.
Thing 1: a solution to my various living situation issues.
Here’s what I want:
Dear perfect living situation in Berlin,
Let’s talk about you.
You have wi-fi. You have a landline where I can receive calls.
You are quiet. I don’t mind church bells or whatever, but jackhammers are not going to work.
You feel safe.
I feel like I belong there.
You have plenty of drawers and such where I can unpack my belongings and make myself at home.
You are affordable — or the money for you shows up when (or before) I find you.
You have a washing machine or easy access to one.
You have a mirror for me to use while practicing
I would be very happy if you were in Prenzlauer Berg, Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain or Mitte, but really, we can live anywhere within the Ring.
Hell, even outside of the Ring. Friedenau. Or even Steglitz. As long as it isn’t somewhere depressing like Pankow.
Ideally, to be able to rent you until the middle/end of October would be perfect. But even a few weeks of quiet would be good.
Here’s how this could work:
I might hear about you from one of my friends or connections.
You could somehow (but not literally!) fall into my lap.
I could stumble upon you.
I could find you on the internets.
My commitment.
My gentleman friend and my duck and I are the loveliest houseguests ever.
We will do yoga and meditate and cook wonderful food. We will be clean. We will appreciate you greatly.
We go to bed early. We don’t do parties. We will love you and everything about you.
And I will keep working on my stuff around this (namely that I’m not sure you even exist, I’m worried about hurting the feelings of the friends I’m staying with, I have mixed emotions about various aspects of this process, etc ).
Please find us. Whatever perfect simple solution exists for this, I need you.
p.s. If the other living situation issue could work itself out too? I need some help there as well.
Thing 2: Sacramento, baby.
Here’s what I want:
I still haven’t officially announced the all-day Biggification + Epiphanies workshop in Sacramento in December.
But I did mention in the Chicken that it’s finally a thing. So several spots got snapped up right away.
And now I’m kind of hoping that the whole thing will fill up on its own without me having to tell anyone about it.
I had been planning on writing a quick email to the California people (there’s a new sign-up thingie on the events page for people who want advance notice on workshops in their area).
But you know what? The people who’ve signed up so far aren’t even in California. None of them. In fact, one of them is even coming from England.
So yeah.
What I want is for this workshop to fill itself quickly and easily with my Right People. It’s a tiny workshop anyway, because there is only room for twelve.
So now it’s just a matter of saying hi, we’re doing a thing so my Right People know about it.
Here’s how this could work:
I could give a little information about the program in this week’s Item! post.
I could do a little post or email or something just saying, “Hey, there’s a thing” so people don’t get annoyed when it books up ridiculously fast.
My Right People could find it. They know I don’t do a lot of live events anyway … so the ones who need this could sense that the time is now and say yes yes yes. And then we can all get excited about it together. Wheeeeeeeeee!
My commitment.
There will be much rejoicing. I’m already ridiculously excited about this workshop since I’ve got a lot of new material. And we have an amazing space (two of them, actually).
Also the shivanautical epiphanies will be outrageously great.
And, obviously, I will madly appreciate every single person who comes. And I will get better at letting people know about events ahead of time.
Thing 3: Time.
Here’s what I want:
More time to work on my Berlin projects. I came here with two things in mind that I wanted to work on (one of them being to solidify the schedule for the upcoming year).
And the living situation stuff has been keeping me on the move and cutting down on work time and scheduling time and planning time.
So here’s my ask:
For everything to happen in the right time, space and sequence.
Or at least to trust that this is what’s happening.
Ways this could work:
I don’t know. But I’m asking for the time. Or for the patience to wait for it.
My commitment.
To use the time I do have wisely. To give myself permission to nap when I need it. To notice when my stuff comes up.
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.
I mostly asked for things to be smooth.
So. The Berlin Shivanaut workshops have been going pretty well. I’ve taught four so far (the fifth is today), and no major complaints.
I do have some issues with certain bits, but in general the smooth has been with us.
(This totally makes me want to say, “May the smooth be with you!” In the spirit of may the force be with you. Awesome.)
Sometimes the smooth came at the last possible moment, but it has been showing up regularly and for that I am very grateful.
Also, Shiva-Nata-ing it up with people several times a week? Good times.
The other big thing was that I wanted my German to come back quickly, and it has. Things were a bit rough until the second night when it just reappeared completely while I was on the phone with Andreas.
Then my gentleman friend and I went to see The Magnificent Seven and we didn’t even notice it was dubbed in German after the first few minutes.
So yeah. Big relieved exhale there.
Comments. Since I’m already asking …
I am adding to my practice of asking for stuff by being more specific about I would like to receive in the comments. And that way, if you feel like leaving one (you totally don’t have to), you get to be part of this experiment too. 🙂
Here’s what I want (just leave them in the comments):
- Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for.
- Thoughts or ideas about ways any of the personal ads listed here could come true.
What I would rather not have:
- Reality theories.
- Shoulds. As in, “You should be doing it like this” or “That’s not the right way to ask for things — instead it should be like x, y and z”
- To be judged or psychoanalyzed.
My commitment.
I am committing to getting better at asking for things even when asking feels weird. I commit to giving time and thought to the things that people say, and to interact with their ideas and with my own stuff as compassionately and honestly as is possible.
Thanks for doing this with me!
Glad Berlin is going well and hugs & sympathy with the living situation thingy. Tadaa… My first ever Highly Personal Ad!
You – a space in my house that would like to be more organized and useful. You don’t have to be huge, in fact small is good. You must be quiet and a little out of the way with space for a table and comfortable desk type chair. You should have good but not direct light and ideally have room for a few books on a shelf. Access to either a window or space for a really nice picture would be appreciated.
Me: Laptop working woman with sore back and eyestrain, sick of perching on armchairs, using the dining table, and clearing all her stuff away all the time. Ready to take myself and my work seriously enough to create a proper ‘grown-up’ workspace without feeling I’m shutting myself in a cubicle. Also ready to take over a little territory in my ‘gentleman friend’s’ home, as I’ve lived here 2 years now.
How this might work:
I could just see somewhere with new eyes and realize you’ve been waiting for me all the time.
A friend could suggest somewhere.
Erm, I could get brave enough to even talk to my very lovely ‘gentleman friend’ about finding you!
I’m not sure what else.
My commitment:
When I find you I will help you to become a beautiful workspace and achieve your full potential. I’ll keep you clean and tidy(ish – well, a little mess is part of being creative). We’ll be blissfully happy together and do lots of wonderful productive work.
.-= LindaH´s last blog ..Blogging and Pubs I’m in a pub with a f… =-.
I haven’t been up long enough to be in Personal Ad mode yet (damned 2 am karaoke neighbors!!) but your living situation request for mercy reminded me of this site:
Don’t know what the budget is, or if you’ve already looked there, but I thought it might be worth a shot.
May the Smooth indeed be with you, dear.
.-= Liz Grandmaison´s last blog ..Highlights from the Maine Strings Project =-.
Havi, I’m holding a space for you to have the quiet, nurturing, supportive home you need in Berlin, however that shows up for you. I’ve no doubt that your Sacramento workshop will fill up before you can say “boo”. 🙂 And time . . . yes, I wish you all the time you need to do what matters most to your heart.
My personal ad today:
Inviting good health to come and live with me and be my love. 🙂
I promise to be faithful, to provide a warm, loving home, clear communication and daily nurturing.
Wishing you all a wide-open path through which your Asks come home to you.
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last blog ..Refugees: Remembering 9/11 =-.
I’m holding your personal ads in my heart and that every one of them shows up in the most surprising, beautiful and timely of ways.
.-= Char´s last blog ..test =-.
Havi, wishing you the most perfect living situation appears and you and your friends understand how perfect it is for you, so there are no hard feelings, only total joy.
I checked out your Sacramento Biggification program when you first mentioned it. #1 let it fill for you effortlessly and let attendees be a total delight to you and each other. and… wait for it…
#2 My personal ad this week is for you to do a 2 day or longer, Biggification or anything program right here in upstate NY.
My commitment is to help you find a beautiful space and people to fill your program. I also promise to remain as delightedly hopelessly clumsy with Shiva Nata as I am now, so no one attending will feel uncomfortable with their own lack of mastery.
I’d also be thrilled beyond belief to offer some meditation practice as part of the program, for the delight of co-creating with you and also so the program didn’t have to be you working all the time.
Ithaca has Moosewood Restaurant, lakes, amazing (!) gorges that you can walk right up to, the Dalai Lama’s official US monastery, and me.
.-= Mahala Mazerov´s last blog ..The Bowl of Stars – A Guided Meditation =-.
Today I am sharing a little of this glorious extra birthday mojo with anyone I adore who might need a little of it.
So it’s yours. Apply Miracle Birthday Elixir to affected areas as needed. Use sparingly: very potent!
.-= Colleen Wainwright´s last blog ..Referral Friday: LOCAL =-.
My person ad for the week, or the next month or however long it takes:
Patience. Patience to sit with all the *stuff* coming up at the moment and let it be. To not have to fight with myself to be able to sit with it. I’d like my tendency to want to fade it, fix it or run away from it to just…. disolve, making it okay for me to be able to not be full of life and zing while this little retreat into myself works itself out and all the MAJOR healing stuff has done its healing wonderfulness.
Compassion for the hard and acknowledgement of just how hard it is to sit with hard stuff, rather than me pushing it away and thinking “it’s nothing”. One day this hard stuff will make sense, it doesn’t now and that’s okay but it doesn’t make it easy. It’s okay too, to be going through hard and that’s the message I want to be able to hold for myself through this.
Lastly through this I would like to constantly be able to look at how I am handling things and give myself a pat on the back, because boy oh boy am I doing a superb job of being mindful with it, being patient and being compassionate and that needs acknowledgement to my very precious self.
How could this come about? I could just remember. All my healing through Reiki and Sacred Sound can help my old running patterns crumble away like cookie crumbs. Meditation and alone time can lead to opportunities for me to explore self love and reinforce what I already know – that I’m fab and okay.
I hope so sincerely that you get the living situation sorted out. It is hard to stay grounded and focused when living situations are a bit full of ick. Sending you lots of love to this and happy vibes to sorting it all out. *Hugs*.
.-= Wormy´s last blog ..Here’s to loving Myself =-.
Person add/ Personal add. It’s all the same isn’t it? Just noticed my glaring typo there!
.-= Wormy´s last blog ..Here’s to loving Myself =-.
The interwebs foiled my previous attempt at this comment. Sorry if it ends up as a double-post.
Your request for living situation mercy reminded me of Vacation Rentals by Owner ( The wonderful photographer Karen Walrond of used them with great success this summer for an extended stay in NYC. They’re international as well. Don’t know what your budget is or if you’ve already tried them, but I thought it might be worth a shot.
May the Smooth indeed be with you, dear.
Havi, my personal ad is three-fold: 1. That you will do a workshop right here in Portland before too much time (how the hell to define that concept, I’m not sure) passes and 2) That I’m able to attend. Finally, 3) That my younger daughter gets well quickly and that none of the rest of us get the flu.
How these things could happen: 1) You could decide to give your local fans a treat! 2) I could make a ton of money with my writing in the next six months and use some of it to attend the workshop and 3) Hmm. Not so sure about avoiding the flu thing…guess we’ll deal with whatever comes.
Update on Previous: Last week was exhausted week, I swear all I did was sleep. I guess I just needed some hibernating!
This Week’s Ask: Simple: Money. August’s good luck fell apart the last 2 weeks with unexpected bills, cancelled projects, and just a lot of lack in money, energy, concentration. Bleh.
How it could happen: New projects could come in. Projects underway could get done. Clients could need work done. Prospects could become clients. I could sell a painting or three. Something could surprise me.
My Commitment: To pay better attention to my rhythms and not let myself slack when I should be working. To contact prospects and see how things are going with them. To schedule in some marketing work and keep that schedule. To be open to new things. To try not to keep hiding under my rock.
.-= Amy Crook´s last blog ..The Power of a LIttle Color =-.
May the smooth be with all of us! Yes, I like the sound of that. 🙂 I wish you the perfect living arrangement soon. (Having a new family next door with a little girl who is a screamer – often from the tree outside my formerly lovely and quiet living room – I feel your pain, albeit in a milder version.
My personal ad:
I would like sleep.
It can come however it wishes. Surprise me.
My commitment: To appreciate it, so very much. To not admonish it for staying away for so long. To treat myself gently and with patience until it comes.
.-= Elizabeth´s last blog ..a glimpse of the sea =-.
Thanks to Wormy for the reminder of patience with self. Such a good reminder. O.k.. here goes.
Item 1: The class I’m teaching this coming Sunday, Green Speak: Body and Spirit Medicine from Nature
will fill up with my Right People by Wednesday.
How this could happen: I’ll put it up on my facebook page and send a note out to my herbal email list, and put a couple of flyers up in local herb shops, and give one to my friend who works at Integral Yoga.
My commitment: to be a good ambassador of the plant world, and to let people actually know that I’m teaching. I also will give myself lots of reassurance if I start to stress about logistics.
Item 2: My first ever winter coat that I actually adore, for less than $100! It will be both timeless, and a bit magical in some way– either a beautiful green, violet, pumpkin, or wine color– no brown or black, very warm, but relatively non-bulky.
How this could happen: Someone out of the blue gives it to me. I find it online, and make a good choice. I find it on the street. I find it in a thrift shop. I find it unbelievably marked down in a little shop in my neighborhood that I just wander into.
.-= Kate T.W.´s last blog ..Lynda Barry Rocks! =-.
I hope that you find the absolute perfect living situation in Berlin.
As for me:
Dear trip to Bamfield, I am very nervous about traveling alone with two small children such a great distance. I am worried about being in a remote location and driving on logging roads. I am terrified that my kids will cry the whole way or that I will get a flat tire or that I will arrive there only to discover that I’ve forgotten something critical.
What I need from you is calm, non-screaming children. Or, at least, mostly happy children who nap when it’s really necessary. I need for the car to make it there and back in one piece, and to not encounter any major obstacles on the way. I need help to remember everything important.
In exchange I will let go of my negativity and my pre-conceived notions. I will not freak out over every little deviation from plan. And I will embrace the adventure instead of fearing it.
.-= Amber´s last blog ..Going on Retreat =-.
Hard week here and for some reason just getting harder.
Feeling lost and deflated but really trying to hold a stiff upper lip…
it seems as though every corner I turn and everything I need to do requires money I don’t have. Just when I saved enough money to get the help I need to get a blog up and running a major family money issue hits.
I’m just praying for something wonderful to happen – like a new job that pays a fabulous salary where people would love and appreciate my work.
Or maybe a huge sum of money could come for my project idea. Then I could just LOVE what I do so much it doesn’t even feel like work. I would be so energized that working long hours would feel right and great and everything would be wonderful because I would be helping so many people.
Or my husband could land that totally cool, well paying job he is being considered for.
Oh, and while I’m asking I could really use an angel or 2 right now please. Thank you
May all our ads come true.
All the best everybody!
Aaaah – I like where I live and I have no ambitions to move any time soon, but that post almost made me wish that I lived in Berlin instead, just so that I could invite you to come and live in my house for a while!
Hope you find the perfect place very soon.
My ad: I’d like grace under pressure, plenty of sleep and plenty of zingy energy! ’cause there’s lots happening!
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Link roundup =-.
I don’t reply very often, but Havi, your Berlin living situation sounds very much like my Northern Virginia working situation. I’ve never done this asking for things thing, so here goes, this is me getting over part of my stuck.
The Perfect Green Design Consulting Job
Actually, I don’t want it to be just a job, I want work, meaningful helping change the world and people’s lives work. The perfect situation would be an architecture firm or somewhere similar that I could design things (since I’m almost an architect, it’d be cool to design things with the title that I’m working so hard to get) and that I could make them sustainable and get them certified to prove to the world that they’re sustainable, LEED, Earthcraft House, PassiveHaus, etc. And I’d love for it to be close enough to me (in Northwest Virginia) that I wouldn’t hate the commute, OR, flexible enough that I could work remotely and only do a long commute a few days a week. The absolute perfect situation would be a 3/4 time situation (more than part time, but not full time) to give myself the space to work on my stuff.
How this could happen
I could meet someone that needs me, someone could tell me about a company that needs me, I could be poached from my current job (in a non-icky, with lots of time to tie up loose ends here sort of way), or work could start appearing to transform my current job into the ideal.
My Commitment
To be ridiculously creative and flexible. To respect my future colleagues and clients and to help them respect the world and built environment around them. I will be excited about the work I will get to do. I will create healthy work/life boundaries so that the work gets done and life gets done and my stuff gets dealt with. I will continue to share my expertise and answer questions and provide support to other businesses and people in the area when they ask and I will continue to be a resource for all things green building to those around me.
Whew, feels good to get that out there. Thanks, Havi, for the space to do this.
Hoping your Berlin living space shows up soon.
And yeah, thanks Kate and Wormy for the reminder of the reminder of patience with self. Totally helps.
Also, the Sacramento workshop is half full — and with the most amazing people coming … from Arizona, New York and as far away as England. Awesome.
I’m feeling a bit more optimistic today. Still no word on the apartment stucknesses but planting seeds and learning a lot about how I process things.
Loving everyone’s lovely ads and wishing good things.
Dear my new little business
I would like some marks of success. They don’t have to be big, but it would be nice if they were clear.
They could be one or more of the following:
* Wendy’s and my teleclass on the Gentle Art of Making Money with your Blog fills up.
* My website successfully launches
* Someone calls or emails, and wants to hire me.
* I write a blog post and several people leave substative comments.
I’m not asking for instant success here. I’m asking for some confirmation that what I am offering is valuable to someone out there.
On my part, I commit to continue to blog every day, to tweet every day, and to write the best content for my website (so that when Dawud gets it installed, I can get the content up quickly). I commit to continue to work on my “message” so that it is clear enough for people to hear. And I commit, each week to share how we are doing with Havi’s right people here on her personal ads comments.
Oh “little business” (aka, The Project Nanny), you are so amazing and I am having such fun with you. It’s just starting to be time that we let others in. Don’t you think??
PS: I also send “may the smooth be with you” wishes to all.
Good morning from a reader who is girding loins, leaping into space and trusting that a bridge will appear.
What I want:
1. More of my Right People to find me or present themselves to my notice. I have four clients who are absolutely awesome. I have many more who are just “there,” and one who is rapidly becoming a Major Nightmare. I am becoming much better at weeding out the third group but have no real idea how to attract the first.
2. The Right Assistant, or two. Someone who can help with the day-to-day work and leave me more time to concentrate on marketing and other services for which I am discovering a flair and a distinct liking. Someone who can be my backup person in case I go on vacation, take a day off, come down with the flu, or get run over by a truck. Yes, it could happen. If it happens while I am running naked, it would be a disaster.
3. Calm. Knowing that I can handle not only what is on my schedule, but whatever else the Major Nightmare decides to throw my way.
My commitment:
To be more mindful of my own physical health and my needs in order to achieve the Calm. To be much more open in communicating expectations and requirements from Nightmare Clients. To be aware of limitations and stop trying to schedule everything at once to make people happy.
To spend time paying attention to my Very Large Puppy Girls instead of allatime with That Laptop Thing in the way.
To listen to Pooh and take his words to heart: “You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You’ve got to go to them sometimes.” To leave my corner of the forest and go out where the Right People can find me.
To learn how to spell “commitment.” I’ve tried it six ways and it still doesn’t look right.
To venture out now and then and put things like this out in public with my real name, knowing that Google will archive my name and the phrase “running naked” in the same post forever.
What I’d like: To get better at noticing when the Stuff that comes up for me is really old stuff
How this could happen:
Magic, just going ‘Aha!’, someone (gently!) points it out to me
My commitment:
Even though I’m not there yet I would like to get better at noticing old stuff. I commit to treating myself with as much kindness as I can stand at that moment.
And may the *smooth* be with YOU. I like it. Like passing the peace, which I also like, even though I don’t like church.
What I’d like: For all the new growth and bits and pieces to come together a bit more. To coalesce into some recognizable new form, like a succulent wreath.
To be clearer about what I mean by that: I would like a routine to emerge out of the new habits I’m forming. Since I resist routines, I’d like the new activities, and the times to do them, to feel like exactly what I want to be doing at the moment.
How this could happen: I could notice more, better, when what I’m doing at the moment feels like exactly the right thing and then try doing it again at that time the next day. My household could notice the above and show its pleasure. Or, chaos could suddenly reorganize into a new and better equilibrium. Or someone could invent a magic spray that I could spritz at opportune moments.
My commitment: To remember water, soap, fresh ingredients, and clear space. To invite longer walks, handwritten pages, and studio time.
.-= Lisa Firke´s last blog ..A Passage That Won’t Be Appearing =-.
I love watching how Havi’s and others’ ads get answered, even when “stuff” lets the doubt creep in.
My update: I was able to get into the first doctor’s office I tried and really liked the staff.
What I’d (really, really, no filtering/reality-checking)like now: A part-time job that comfortably pays my bills so I can continue to devote major energy to my budding business. This job will involve my writing/editing/project management skills and will be in a fun, supportive environment.
How this could show up: oh, the best way is through connections. Someone who knows I’m looking will need help/know someone who’s hiring. I could find it in job listings.
My commitment: to keep an open mind while holding to my standards. I will be a great match for the right job and bring all my skills and talents to it.
Here’s What I Want: a right name for my blog.
My Right Blog Name will bring a smile to my face and I’ll feel a sense of “yes, that’ it!” when I hear or see it. It will inspire me to fruitfulness. It will be easy to say, spell & remember.
Here’s How This Could Work: I could brainstorm, doodle, meditate, ride my bike & not think at all, open a book & point randomly to a word. Someone could call me up & mention something & the name could pop out at me. I could just pick a name, and the fabulousness of the blog itself, could make the name into the right name. It could work in a mysterious way that I haven’t foreseen, but am blessed by, nevertheless.
Here’s my Commitment: I will start the blog anyway, right name or not. If the name is late to the party, I can just shift my blog over to the new name when it shows up.
Uh, wow. That last bit surprised me…
I’m new to reading this blog (found it through the Art of Non-Conformity) and WOW! I love it! Keep sending links to friends saying read this, READ THIS, it’s amazing and, dammit, there’s a duck called Selma!
Ok, I’ve never done this before but here’s a personal ad:
What I’d Like: to find the determination to break unhealthy eating habits and increase daily movement. To believe and actually build a business to support myself and clear my debt.
How This Could Happen: I mentally kick my butt when I’m heading to the shop on the way to work (where pasties and chocolate are normally purchased!) and steer myself directly to the office instead. Get up half an hour earlier and do one of the twenty exercise DVDs sat on the shelf (dusty and lonely!). To stop being a perfectionist and just get something out there for people to buy, tie the fear up for a bit and just do it. By me realising that if something doesn’t sell the world will not end I just need to change the product. Welcome my inner whispering creative Goddess and shut the door in the face of the Mr Shouty internal pessimist.
My Commitment: To respect myself enough to realise becoming healthier is a love for myself not a punishment. To love and cherish my new business knowing I am building freedom and meaning in my life.
Hmm, that felt a little weird but kinda cool too! Thank you for this very inspiring blog :o)
Oh, Havi, whenever I have a quiet moment, I send good vibes for your right place to find you.
Answered ads!
Art sales, Shiva Nata DVD ordered, still waiting on the award check to actually arrive, work was made so smoovely I could hardly believe it, even with the upheaval of last week.
This week:
What I want:
More smoove in the studio. Last week I made really quick and painless progress on a piece for an upcoming museum show. I would like the pieces to continue to come together so seamlessly (ha ha ha, since they’re quilts :).
How this could happen:
I have the exact right piece of fabric and it catches my eye.
I could have an epiphany while sewing and know what to do next.
The elves could visit my studio and make sure everything I need is right at the top of the pile/thread drawer.
My commitment:
To show up at the studio. To be kind with myself when I am afraid I’m going to mess it up. To be willing to walk away if things start going badly, and come back later so that love is still in the piece.
.-= Andi´s last blog ..Fabric Gardens =-.
May the smooth be with you – love it! (Also, Smoove B, with
Confidential to a certain new bicycle: I want to spend more time with you, but I’m also still secretly a tiny bit afraid of you. Let’s see what we can do about that, okay?
.-= Sandra´s last blog ..Occupational hazard =-.
Two heartfelt personal ads…
1)What I want: Some way to work less hours, so that I can spend time with my daughter and doing things I love, AND still have enough money to live on. Ideally I like to have 2 or 3 afternoons a weeks free OR finish work earlier every day.
How this could happen:
I could find a different job with shorter/more flexible hours, maybe the possibility to work from home and still earn the same salary.
I could start working more efficiently and leaving work earlier every day (instead of being bored trying to fill the hours) and see if anyone cares.
I could wait until I get my promotion in January, then talk to my boss again about the possibility working part-time.
The company could suggest part-time out of the blue.
My husband could get a part-time job with a higher and more regular salary
I could find a job I really, really love and which fits ME.
Or I could start my own business
I could have another baby…(see number 2)
Something could happen that is beyond my imagination
My commitment:
To make working less my number one priority.
To work on my Stuff surrounding work = worth
To start looking for different job opportunities and believe that working less hours while still supporting my family is POSSIBLE
2)What I want: A baby, a little brother or sister for Juliette, another little person to add to our family.
How this could happen: Stork? Immaculate conception? Or the normal man-woman way.
My commitment:
I commit to caring for my body, giving it only healthy, loving care and preparing it to be a healthy, vibrant, tox-free home for my baby’s first nine months.
May the smooth be with everyone this week x
.-= Shazza´s last blog ..To marathon or not to marathon? Opinions needed! =-.
I am frustrated with my most recent Very Personal Ad because, well–to be whiny about it–it didn’t work! I wrote it three weeks ago and asked for What I Wanted (sorry, I don’t feel comfortable being specific) to happen by September 15th. That’s today. Game over. I lose.
So I was looking at the ad again, and I realized that I had kind of crammed several Wants into one long ad, and I had also been vague on a couple of points–they’re implied, but not stated. And last but not least, I noticed that my “commitments” weren’t very committed. I didn’t say “I will,” I said “I am willing to…”–which is a different thing altogether.
I think I gotta write a new one. Maybe I’ll start by writing an ad, here and now, for the ad I need to write… (make sense?)
What I want:
A Very Personal Ad for (specific thing I didn’t get yet) that WORKS. So I get the thing I want.
How this could happen:
I could take some highlighters to the original ad, color-code it to identify which two or three separate ads the colored bits belong to, and then write two or three small separate ads.
Or I could just start over. Write a new ad from scratch.
Or I could try drawing/collaging/mindmapping what I want before I write it down.
My commitment:
I will keep asking for what I need from the Universe even though it didn’t seem to work before.
I will use what I’ve learned in the past three weeks about (specific thing I Want) so that I can write a clearer ad this time.
I will be precise, brief, and decisive in the language I use.
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..Retrospective: Be Very Afraid. And Then Draw It Anyway. =-.
Am I allowed to put someone else’s dreamy personal ad? It’s inspirational…!
Astronaut Needed
.-= Joel Corriveau´s last blog ..My Life Got Green Lit: I’m Awesome Busy =-.
I can’t see/hear the phrase “The Magnificent Seven” without that Clash song going through my head.
Anyway. I am finally going to try this, because now I know what to ask for. I will probably post a full-length one on my own site.
I am looking for my “Right People”. I would like them to support me, energetically and financially, and in return I will give them a loving, warm place to come to, kick-ass shiatsu treatments, my love and care beyond the treatment room, my utmost professionalism mixed with humor, and my undying appreciation.
How It Could Happen. Word of mouth, as I’ve found the right people already with me. (More of them please!!) The magic that comes as part of the lease of my New Office will totally draw everyone in.
.-= Gina´s last blog .."Balance"? Yeah, So What? =-.