Personal ads! They’re … personal! Very.
So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.
Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.
Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.
And now it’s my weekend ritual. Yay, ritual!
Let’s do it.
Thing 1: ease and smoothness with lease-signing.
Here’s what I want:
As I reported on the Friday Chicken, we finally found the — gasp — perfect place for the Playground to live.
My wish/hope is that we sign the lease this week.
And that the whole process is simple and straight-forward, with smoothness instead of bumpiness.
It would be so great to just breeze through this thing so that my focus and attention can go to the crazy and fabulous things that are going to happen in the space, now that we have it.
Ways this could work:
I can keep reminding myself that we are in excellent hands. Hope, our realtor, is smart, competent, fun and as wonderful as her name implies.
And while I’m reminding myself of things, also these:
That, as Hiro says, what’s mine is mine.
That the space has found me.
That no matter what happens, it will be something that has good in it.
I can breathe. I can do Dance of Shiva on it. I can try to maintain play and silliness in the face of all this not-knowing.
My commitment.
To do everything I can to stay grounded and centered.
To whisper sweet nothings in the Playground’s ear.
To give it presents.
To remind myself of all those things I have trouble remembering.
To notice all the places of pain in me from past negotiations, and to talk to my pain and remind it of everything that is different now.
To be hugely appreciative of the ease and the smooth as it comes, and to learn what I need to learn from this.
Thing 2: adjusting that invisible crown again.
Here’s what I want:
I have been doing huge amounts of internal and external work on the sovereignty thing: doing my thing and not caring what other people think.
Standing my ground. Being gracious. Taking responsibility. Trusting my own sources of power.
Feeling everything that comes with the invisible crown.
And it’s been awesome. There’s a whole new depth and strength to my sense of what sovereignty is and how it works.
What I’d like help and support with now is maintaining that enormous sense of queenliness (and all its related qualities) that I’ve been feeling over the past few days.
Ways this could work:
I can stay mindful and still have fun with it. Introduce rituals. Make up goofy dances. Wear my hot red sovereignty boots and stomp around.
It could just happen.
Intention too.
I can spend some time this week mapping out what this might look like. Doing some writing. Maybe some more personal ads.
My commitment.
To experiment.
To notice everything I can.
To plant seeds. To give myself reminders. To laugh. A lot.
Thing 3: Changes. Oh, more specifically than that?
Here’s what I want:
It’s really time to make all sorts of changes to the Shiva Nata website.
It’s gone through an incarnation or two since I first built it (hi, HTML) in Berlin, but it’s really out of date.
So: either I’d like to make a bunch of changes, or at least come up with a bunch of ideas about what I want to start doing with that.
Ways this could work:
I suppose — oof — I’m going to need to take a look at some of my stucknesses around this.
I can also brainstorm with my gentleman friend and other people who will be sensitive about my stuff and not propose seven thousand things that would be great but that I have no time for.*
So it seems like the main thing has to be just giving myself some softness around this.
Permission for it to take time.
Permission for me to be in avoidance.
* Yes, I know we need new videos. And a results page. And to rewrite every word on there.
My commitment.
Tiny little steps.
To dance up a storm until the epiphanies start streaming in.
To be hopeful.
To remember that I don’t have to do everything at once, and that little pieces count.
To notice when I’m not able to be patient with myself. And to be kind. If I can.
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.
The first thing I asked for was emotional and financial support with fun-brewing.
And while I got both of those, in many ways, the main thing I received from that ask was that I was asking for the wrong things, in the wrong way.
I had some huge realizations around that, and will write an explain-ey sort of post that goes more into depth about what I’ve been learning about support and asking for it.
I also asked about support for my Guns N Rollers and we’ll see how that goes.
And the last bit was about caring for myself. And I must say it’s gone really, really well. Surprisingly well.
All in all, good stuff. Hard to believe it’s only been a week.
Comments. Since I’m already asking …
I am adding to my practice of asking for stuff by being more specific about what I would like to receive in the comments.
Here’s what I want (just leave them in the comments):
- Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!
What I would rather not have:
- Theories.
- Shoulds. As in, “You should be doing it like this” or “That’s not the right way to ask for things — instead it should be like x, y and z”
- To be judged or psychoanalyzed.
- Advices.
My commitment.
To getting better at asking for things even when asking feels weird.
Thanks for doing this with me!
I’ve learned so much from you about being deeply patient, caring, compassionate. I support you with great enthusiasm in taking every single bit of the time you need to work on the Shiva Nata website. When things ripen for you and find their way out here in the world of bouncing electrons, they’re exquisite and so helpful. I’d rather wait patiently and kindly for whatever is next for you than to have you rush and not enjoy what you’re doing or for your process not to have what it needs to fruit and ripen. Wishing you a delicious process filled with marvels and wonders, however that looks for you. hugs and smoochies from one of your beloved lurkers! ;o)
Hi Sweetie,
Wow! I can’t believe I’m the first commenter here!! I don’t think THAT’S ever happened.
Congrats on getting the new Playground. Can’t wait to see what found you!!
And those new red sovereignty boots sound like just the ticket for a “do what she pleases …. dammit “….. pirate queen.
I’m asking for more clarity this week:
on how to create more space for myself
what it is that I truly want.
I also need to get clear on how to approach a long standing body/medical issue that has created a lot of limitation and grief in my life. I just recently got some information about a potential solution that is not guaranteed and not without difficulties. I want to find a way to make a definite yes or no choice.
Thanks again for the making the space to put our asks out into the world!!
.-= chris zydel´s last post … Perfectionism, Being A Creative Troublemaker and Drama That’s GOOD For You. =-.
Progress on Last Week: I got my 3 Monster clients! I’ve got two in progress and one waffling about what she wants, but it allowed me to buy the snazzy version of the Monster Coloring Book, which is awesome. Also, I sold a tiny painting on Etsy, which has further muddied the “what will I do about Etsy” waters, though not much. I am being totally avoidypants about my Art Clarity, so I will clearly need to re-ask.
Thing 1: More baby steps, less avoidypants.
What I want: A better sense of what steps I need to take, what my options are and which choice is the right one for me, in order to start making a good living off my art.
Ways this could work: I could do more of the good things I have already this year, like Cartoons and Monsters. I could get a definite sign about what I need to do in the form of an ebook, advice, ebook I’ve already bought, or epiphany; or all of these things could come together to make it all very clear.
My commitment: To keep thinking. To make art. To allow myself to not want to do it. To drink tea and rearrange the house and make things more comfortable for myself and my Monsters while I contemplate things. To try to move forward without rushing things.
Thing 2: For my back to stop hurting right now, wtf
What I want: For whatever I angered doing not much at all to calm down and stop hurting so I can get on with the business of cleaning, cooking and doing all the nifty, happy-making things I have planned for today.
Ways this could work: Tylenol. Spontaneous un-ouching. Whatever happened earlier to stop that.
My commitment: I will keep up the tylenol, do some stretchies, and let my minion do most of the heavy lifting. And try not to let annoyance make it all worse.
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … Hooray! =-.
Wishing you the perfect blend of lease-signing mojo for your beautiful new Playground that found you!
Update on previous: I wrote a post!
This week’s ask: I’d really like to feel less overwhelmed, more productive in a flow-y sort of way, and to write at least one more post.
How it could happen: No clue. I could sleep better, so that I feel more energetic. More poof!-y type ideas for posts.
My commitment: To continue w/ Shiva Nata and meditation. To be kind to my body this week. To listen to my own ideas however quiet or small or silly.
.-= Victoria Brouhard´s last post … The Shmorian Thing-Finding Methodology =-.
Oh hi.
Progress report. The thing that I was VPA-ing about for ages came through. The negotiations are finished. And I have biggified! Moving back to my fav city! (the P-Town itself). I even managed a wonderful vacation in Barcelona. Fab. I seriously am feeling really wonderful about this.
What else?
A new VPA. I am asking something difficult of myself. And I would like to just work around the edges of accepting my shape. My body. Whatever size it may be. It’s not even that big, but there’s always this nagging battle. And it feels unfair to this lovely capsule that just carts this spirit around. I feel that it deserves love, not resentment.
So I’d like to just work on sending love to myself, and accepting whatever shape I’m in this week. Just one week.
How could this work? I don’t know. Perhaps just noticing the negativity. I’ll start there. And perhaps some magical love could wash over me whenever I notice I’m hating on myself. That could be nice.
My commitment. I will try. I will notice. And I will listen to my body. What it’s saying. That’s it. This is something that I’m working on. Accepting my shape.
Thanks Havi
Yous the best xo
I can’t remember whether I wrote up my VPA last week, or just left them in a notebook. Despite having the cold of doom, I’ve managed to get quite a bit of uni work done. Not as much as I’d hoped, but the VPA of not hating on myself for not having as much done as I felt I should – probably stopped me trying to kill myself working this week.
This week.
I’m a situation where all my wonderful, familiar negative patterns are running riot. One of those, oooo, I know I shouldn’t, but it just feels so goooooood things. Even though I can see it ending badly. Still, I keep on with the doing it. VPA – stop doing the thing.
How this could happen –
instead of thinking ‘shouldn’t’ which makes me want to do it all the more, remind myself of the reasons I really don’t want to be doing, even when I do.
acknowledge the strength of the patterns and desires, talk to the monsters.
My commitment –
not to hate myself
not to hate anyone else
to be gentle
VPA #2. Deadlines all over the place. I want to meet them (well, duh), without forgetting to enjoy and learn from what I’m doing. Some grace and clarity would be nice to.
How this could happen:
Not letting the panic monster take hold, but acknoledging that he’s only goading me because he doesn’t want me to miss the deadline, fail the course, end up spending the rest of my life doing terrible jobs – being poor and homeless, and OMG, no wonder he is panicking! 😉 Some cuddling of the panic monster and redeployment as a cheerleader. Oh dear, very entertaining mental image here. (note, sorry, Havi, I appear to be using your comment section as a personal journal)
My Commitment
A little bit at a time.
Hug the panic monster and use him wisely.
A sprinkling of the self belief.
And number #3. I’m being wanty this week. I’m going to a fair/conference thing on Tuesday – lots of meeting the people. I want this to be smooth and for me not to feel like I have to pretend to be someone else.
How this could work:
shiva + journaling
remind myself there is little point in people liking me for being someone I’m, uh, not
remember it’s not a prison sentence, I can leave if I don’t like it
My commitment:
to give myself permission to be a bit ‘argh’ and feel scared
Yay, yay, yay! VPA’s are CLEARLY magic. I leave in One Month for my summer writing retreat near my parents, in the mountains, with a research library, and a deck, and flowing water, on top of a hill. For 12 whole weeks. yay, yay, yay!
So. Once more with feeling?
My ask: My best friend and I started our blog adventure together in part to celebrate the improbable persistence of our friendship despite 2000 miles, major life changes in the past ten years that have taken us in really different directions, and a shared nerdiness that we hope finds its right people. Now we’ve reached our first gut-check on the project.
Some miraculously–and, simultaneously–clear moments to focus and have conversation would be great. And while we’re at it, a little new energy for us both around it.
Ways this could work: Hmm. Weird since there’s two of us. And my sovereignty is, um, singular. Help? Havi, I like your “it just could.” Magic.
My commitment: I promise to slow down to speed up this week. And I commit to making sure I’m 100% present before I pick up the phone with her. Also, I commit to taking joy in baby steps. How about a bonus three totally solo walks this week too? Yes.
Could be that I have the totally wrong ask experience here, but off we go!
.-= Elizabeth´s last post … On the trail of the Pick-A-Pickle Fortune =-.
“To notice all the places of pain in me from past negotiations, and to talk to my pain and remind it of everything that is different now.”
You’ve written about meeting yourself where you are, recognizing how things have changed since then, many many times before, but I just grokked it when you mentioned negotiations. Or rather grokked how it’s still a huge stuckness for me. Uf. Moving on…
this week’s VPA: I have a week of the place to myself which makes it optimal for working and a long list of things to do. I want focus to help me get through a lot of it while remembering to enjoy the vacation-like aspects of solitude too.
possibilities: Remember it’s OK to be flexible and adjust plans to be more efficient in the long run. E.g., work out the kinks in the methodology before introducing a lot of new elements which would have to be revised along with the rest.
Also, flexibility’s good when it allows you to take an opportunity that you didn’t foresee when you made the list.
Keep up with the yoga. It’s on my list in any case.
Commitment: the fun stuff on my list? remember it’s fun and enjoy it instead of trying to tick everything off. To work and play.
.-= claire´s last post … Sketchbook, page 20 =-.
Hoping for some easy breezy lease-signing. Can’t wait to see how it all comes together.
I’m very interested in seeing how the invisible crown straightening goes. I’m still trying to figure out the whole “doing my thing and not caring what other people think” thing. – talk about a work in progress.
Update on my VPA (in February!)
Rest, ease and comfort – all accomplished in varying degrees. Mostly because I got some medication to get my hormones back in line and I feel so.much.better.
.-= Tami´s last post … Very Personal Ad #1 =-.
Wishing you every ease as the Playground comes home to you. What’s yours is yours. (Brilliant, Hiro, as always.)
Today was my first solo walk after a bad fall 2 weeks ago. All the trees & bulbs are in flower. It was glorious. Tonight was my first shower in 2 weeks, too. (Cuts on my hand finally healed enough to get wet.) It was bliss.
I’m feeling tender and a little trembling, just enough to see ordinary miracles everywhere. It’s an appreciation I would like to keep.
The Life is Short reminder also has me revising my work in the world. Calling me to skip past the nattering preludes and just offer the most powerful thing I have to teach.
Doing that, having everything I need step by step, that’s my VPA.
.-= Mahala Mazerov´s last post … Testing the Benefits of Meditation… in the Emergency Room =-.
Dear Havi,
I have two thoughts I wanted to pass on to you…
#1 – I think the Shiva Nata website is actually pretty good already, which I hope might help you to give yourself the space you desire around that….
#2 – It is so incredibly awesome that you have a realtor named “Hope”
Be well!
.-= Andy Dolph´s last post … Projections for The Armed Man =-.
good wishes and love to all with their VPAs! What’s ours is ours! Loving that ginormous idea, too.
my vpa is for a loving, light, play-filled investigation into self-acceptance. i just got back from what turned out to be a wonderful, investigative, very much still being processed coaching weekend. i feel a little tender, and tender towards myself, and really want to focus on loving self-acceptance this week, as i pilot out all my new lessons. so: loving. light. joyful. playful. seeing my own magnificence in me as much as i can.
how this could work:
staying gentle. meditating. lovingkindness. shiva nata. a little bit at a time. magic support. loving small things.
my commitment:
loving the little things. reminding myself to be gentle. look at myself with eyes of love and compassion. treating myself like i would treat someone i madly loved.
Thank you!
@Merry – what a beautiful way of putting it. Thank you. And a big hug to you. Hi!
@Andy – oh that is helpful. Appreciated. A lot.
@Chris Zydel – hey lady! I love you! Sending so much support, and the wish that the decision comes to you with grace and ease in the right time.
@peg – nice. Very inspiring.
@Amy Crook – oh boy. I LOVE that last week’s VPA came through for you like that. Wonderful! You have serious VPA seniority now, you’re like the veteran of the VPA society. 🙂
@jessie – mmm. I am borrowing yours because it’s beautiful. From your mouth straight to heaven, as they say.
@Mahala – so sorry to hear about the fragile. Sending love for the hard, and wishing you strength for everything you need.
@Tami – yay for better medication. And “invisible crown straightening” — exactly. It’s a subtle science, at least from where I’m standing right now.
@claire – “Commitment: the fun stuff on my list? remember it’s fun and enjoy it instead of trying to tick everything off. To work and play.” I LOVE this. Adding it to all of mine. Beautiful.
@Elizabeth – ohmygod. I just cannot believe how your personal ad came true so completely and perfectly. It’s brilliant. Wishing all the right things for your new ask-adventure. It sounds very exciting.
@Victoria – yay! MWAH!
@jane – That was awesome. And as for “using my comment section as a personal journal” … go for it! That’s kind of what it’s for, so no worries. 🙂
Big love to everyone, wishing wonderful things for all your letters in their bottles … and support for the hard work of being in the process of stuff moving and changing. xox
Ooh, I hope the lease signing all goes smoothly!
I just realized that my VPA for a digital video recorder has been answered in an unexpected way: I mentioned my plans for a video camera to a friend, and she offered to loan me hers to play with until I’m able to get my own. Sweet!
Too tired to type new VPAs here, but I guess what I’d like is clarity around what I want, and the ability to ask for it!
.-= Melissa Dinwiddie´s last post … Weeding My Friendship Garden =-.
UPDATE on “last” week’s (really #40, but hey, numbers are only a number): I could have done more noodling and the fairies could have done more providing. So.
What I want: The pieces of this TEDxTacoma speech to come together easily and yes, quickly, so I don’t have to feel like I should freak out at all.
Ways it could work: I could talk them out in logical bits. I could suddenly see how the parts fit the best way. I could wake up tomorrow and the Presentation Fairies could have thoughtfully rearranged the bazillion index cards lying all over my dining area.
My commitment: I have cleared the decks (haha)! I will devote time, AND I will take a head-clearing walk, eat right and you know, continue on with the Nei Kung and the fun and the rest of life, so I am reminded of why I want to do this in the first place.
Okay, Very Petite Amazons: do your stuff!
.-= Colleen Wainwright´s last post … Frrrrriday Rrrrroundup! =-.
I want “The Ash Monster” out of the way . This is what our biggest tabloid calls the volcanic ash 🙂
I was supposed to land in Spain more or less this very minute, but airports are still closed in this country.
I re-booked my flight and now I am asking for air travel to function again on Wednesday. It means a lot to me to be to be able to spend a few days with my aunt and uncle in Spain and I would love to be able to get there, even if it will for less than a handful of days.
My committment: I accept the situation as it is.
I’m so excited for your playground space and have everything crossed that it all goes ahead smoothly.
Progress on Previous VPAs: Some of these are still pending, but I did have some interesting epiphanies and some odd syncronicities, so I’m hoping we’re in the process.
This Week: Clarity.
What I want: A sense of where to go next – I need a compass for these charts/maps. I’d like to know my options and what steps each option would need, as well as which choice is the right one for me, in order to bring more happiness and support (monetary or otherwise) into my life.
Ways this could work: I caould received a sign via a blog entry, shivanata epiphany, twitter, advice, a quote, book or meditation.
My commitment: To keep thinking. To keep writing. To write letters to things. To dance up a storm until the epiphanies are a steady flow in my life.
.-= Rose´s last post … Summer =-.
VPA: I desperately need to get out of this Chronic Fatigue crash
How This Could Work
I could rest more even though it’s boring
I could get a big pile of books & go to bed
I could call my gardener & get her to come round & do some of the stuff I’m stressing over
I could go back to the hot tub place this week
My commitment
All of the above
.-= Kirsty Hall´s last post … ‘52? Exhibition =-.
My VPAs from last time are still on the go — I’m getting work done on the novel, albeit slowly, and I’m feeling a bit more positive about it. I love Claire’s comment above about remembering that the fun things on my list are supposed to be *fun*! I’m thinking that that might help out. The article-writing; well, I’m sending out pitches, and I keep trying to think of more things to write about, and hopefully the effort will in due course pay off. And I *am* working hard on the Balcony Book, which I’m really excited about!
This week, only one VPA: to have the confidence and self-trust to have a potentially difficult (and definitely scary) conversation with someone I’m close to. Made more scary/difficult by the fact that I’m not sure how clear I am on what I want. I’ve been trying to get clear, but… it’s complicated, and there are many things that I want and some of them are contradictory.
How this might work:
– I might just start things off and the other person might jump in at their end and it’ll all come together in a positive way that lets us both find a solution that we’re happy with.
– I might come to a clearer idea of what I want and where I’m going.
– I might have a sudden blinding flash of insight into how things are and what can work better.
– someone might say something that will kick this off.
– the other person might start the conversation (unlikely but would be good!).
My commitment:
– To keep thinking about what I want, and where I’m at, and doing shiva nata.
– To connect with my own sovereignty, and focus on what *I* want and where I’m at, and not take on the other person’s reactions as my stuff.
– To be brave and actually start talking.
.-= Juliet´s last post … linky linky =-.
@Havi: Wonderful wishes for the signing of the lease. As they said in Almost Famous, “It’s all happening.”
My Update: Miraculous things have been happening. It’s like magic, truly. I asked for ease and sanity as I transitioned off antidepressants, and I’m had all that and more. So much sanity. So much ease. Plus incredible self-learning every day.
My VPA: Figuring out all the details of sharing my photography with the world.
How this could work: I could share my photos with people on my website, Flickr, Facebook, at craft fairs and on Etsy.
My commitment: To schedule time to put photos in all the above places. To do copious amounts of journaling and meditating on how all this will work (and how it all fits together). To give myself permission to be afraid of sharing my photos and all money-related aspects of this sharing. To also give myself permission to be proud of my photos and really excited for them to be seen. To sit on this egg until it hatches.
.-= Kylie´s last post … spring has sprung =-.
Update: Oh, I can’t even remember! All of the VPAs that I write in this space come *true*! It’s magic!
My VPA: Clarity. Peace. A direction.
I’m looking for all of these three in the combination of my online work (classes! yarn!) and in my real-life yarn shop (classes! yarn!). I’m feeling a bit split-in-two and I would very much like to feel whole + put-together.
And to get there, I need clarity and peace, but above all, I need to know WHERE to go…or at the very least, which direction to begin walking with my work.
Yarn? Classes? Writing? All three? How?
How this could work: I could just, like, know. Maybe through a Shiva-piphany.
Or through journaling.
My commitment: To practice patience.
And to keep my eyes and ears and mind open, to see the direction wherever/however it appears.
.-= Tara´s last post … Not on a Monday =-.
Wow, I’ve got some big things that I want today.
What I want:
For each moment to be a practice of mindfulness.
What I’ll do to get it:
Use my focus powers to stay mindful and to remind myself to be mindful throughout the day. And to notice where I get stuck or caught.
What I want:
To magically live without having a “real job”. By that I mean, man, I don’t want to “go to work” and get a salary or anything like that. I’ll work, I love working, I just want it to be necessary work, helpful work, joyous work. Why should I be paid directly for it?
What I’ll do:
Be where I’m needed. Watch out for opportunities to help, even if I won’t be paid. Accept the generosity of others.
Ok, that’s about all I can put down right now. See you later!
.-= Eric Normand´s last post … I think I’m ready =-.
My heart is full of gratitude for the richness of this past week, when Havi, Selma, and Havi’s Gentleman Friend have been here for a visit.
What’s emerged from our sometimes wild and goofy conversations is a new teleclass: how to prevent and recover from Internet Hangover.
My VPA this week:
That anyone who wants to learn how not to disappear down the rabbit-hole of the internet–only to emerge hours later feeling stunned and confused–will sign up for this class.
My commitment:
To offer a safe, supportive space to understand and transform the patterns that suck us into Internet Hangover.
To teach clear, useful, practical techniques for staying present, connected and sovereign while on the interwebs.
Wishing you all the magical fulfillment of your Very Personal Ads.
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Playful Discovery: The Cure for Internet Hangover =-.
I want to find the *right* webmaster/wordpress helper-outer, who actually listens to my request not to be the kind of person who thinks that I *need* to be placing pillar articles and getting affiliate links and all the usual, grubby rah-rah-rah techniques and understands my VERY CLEAR brief, that credibility, quality content and ethical SEO is what I really need right now.
And who doesn’t cost the earth. And who will do a bit of this and a bit of that, but in a creative, partner-y, help-y way, rather than the ‘I’ll take your money and run’ way.
I know you’re out there. I just have to find you. Soon.
Wanted: a dissertation topic. I have some ideas, and some ideas are having me, but it’s all still evolving, and nothing is quite definite yet — and I’m going to need to make a decision soon. So, I am asking that my Right Topic — or even simply my Good Enough Topic — find its way to me.
How this could work: Plenty of journaling, plenty of Shiva Nata, and then even more journaling. Essentially, I’m getting excited about the idea of writing my way into this topic, first freely and loosely, then with increasing focus as the possibilities begin to take shape. Also, I can ask others to bounce ideas around with me — but if I do that, I need to remember to protect my sovereignty, because no matter how many midwives show up to help me, this is still my baby.
My commitment: To treat this challenge with love, tenderness, and a spirit of play. To greet any ideas that approach me with gentleness, respect, and an open mind.
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … When the going gets tough… =-.
Hmmm…I’ve never done this before, but I’ll give it a shot.
My VPA: I need courage to start working on getting an MFA in creative writing. That, and the money, because I have to get a BA first, so we’re looking a pretty big tab. But I have a feeling that somehow the money will come if I don’t chicken out and give up (hee–I wrote “chicken up and give out.” What does it mean??)
My commitment: Keep writing anyway. And even if all I can afford to do right now is take ONE CLASS PER SEMESTER, do that. If I had done that 8 years ago when I first thought about getting a degree, I might actually have my BA by now.