Personal ads! They’re … personal! Very.
So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.
Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.
Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.
And now it’s my Sunday ritual for clarity and remembering and stuff like that. Yay, ritual!
Let’s do it.
Thing 1: super secret spy mission!
Here’s what I want:
I’ll be on Official Pirate Queen Holiday vacation this week.
And I want to be practicing things related to sovereignty and being the queen of my life. And being okay with serious biggification.
So I’m going on a super secret spy mission to practice some of that.
I have no idea how this works but here are some of the elements involved:
Ways this could work:
I can wear my ridiculously sexy shoes.
Sunglasses, obviously.
I might go for the “minor celebrity avoiding the paparazzi” look (baseball cap?).
Clandestine meetings with my duck.
Journaling. Taking notes.
And, of course, five minutes a day of Shiva Nata for some of those hot, hot, hot moments of oh that’s the thing I didn’t get before but now I know what to do next!
My commitment.
To be receptive to finding out what the missing pieces are.
To laugh. A lot.
To treat this self-investigative thing (aka Very Interior Design) with playfulness, love and STYLE.
Thing 2: Writing.
Here’s what I want:
Non-blog-related writing.
It can also be non-business related writing. In fact, I don’t actually care what gets written.
I just want time with pen and paper. And to be connected to Writer Me (she of the glasses and the maniacal laughter) and the fact that yeah, I write.
Ways this could work:
Uh, pack journal and notebooks, sweetie.
Without forcing. Without obligation.
Without a goal.
My commitment.
To stay curious.
To be willing to be surprised.
Thing 3: a peaceful resolution to a challenging situation
Here’s what I want:
What I really want is for this person to step up and do the right thing.
But since that’s apparently not going to happen, I want:
Patience. Faith. Trust. Sovereignty.
Stuff like that.
And (another) clear, strong ask. Or a clear, strong resolution. Or a perfect, simple solution.
Ways this could work:
I don’t know.
But I’m open to good things.
My commitment.
To be kind.
To keep reminding myself how different this situation is from the last time something similar happened.
To integrate the lesson: when someone proves themselves to be untrustworthy, get them out of your life immediately, instead of waiting to see what happens.
To remember everything I’ve learned about sunk costs, cutting your losses and the importance of surrounding yourself with people you can count on.
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.
I wanted support with balance and timing, which turned out to be extremely challenging.
And then (related) I was looking for movement with The Game. Which turned out to be the absolute best thing about my week.
I’ll try to write about The Game That Still Doesn’t Have A Name this week. But it was AWESOME. And I got crazy amounts of stuff done.
Then I put out the oh no there are only two seats left alert for Jennifer Louden’s amazing Luscious, Nurturing Get Your Writing Done While Laughing Your Butt Off and Maybe Crying a Little Too Writer’s Retreat in Taos.
And I have no idea what happened with that because I haven’t talked to Jen. But if you have a chance to be there, it’s the best. And I will hug you in person!
Last was Hiro’s Sovereignty Kindergarten, which I still highly recommend. She wrote some very useful posts about it this week.
Like what to do when you’re trying to establish boundaries but the other person resents it. Or what to do when you and your body are at war. Good stuff.
Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.
- Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!
What I’d rather not have:
- The word “manifest”.
- Shoulds. As in, “You should be doing it like this” or “That’s not the right way to ask for things — instead it should be like x, y and z”
- To be judged, psychoanalyzed or given advices.
Wishing love and good things for your Very Personal Ads! Thank you for doing this with me.
Ooh, wishing you glamour, seclusion and mystery in your super secret spy mission.
I can’t even begin to imagine what serious biggification must be for you … you’re already so biggified. Go you!
Here’s what I want:
To let go of some of the unintential worrying I seem to keep doing about things money related in my life. Especially when it’s not necessary and only inhibits what I can otherwise achieve (ie all the time). Non-worrying? What’s that, exactly. Ok I want hope, optimism, focus and clarity in relation to all things money.
Ways this could work:
Being planned and organised
My business stuff could really support me in this process
I’m not sure, but I’m open to possibilites
My commitment:
To be gentle with myself
To notice I’m worrying and give myself some reassurances
To meditate and do some yoga
To care for my business and try to have fun with this
To focus on what’s important to me and to be grateful
Thanks Havi! 🙂
.-= Kerry Rowett´s last post … Change doesnt have to be hard =-.
I love Very Personal Ads they are as yummy as the cinnamon toast my grandmother use to make for me on snowy days *sigh*
Thanks Havi, Enjoy vacation!
Here’s what I want:
A new way to “see” things. A new perspective. I know I’m locked in to only one way and there are many -there always are.
Ways this could happen:
Write, write and write more. Even rewrite.
I could put on a different hat and be someone else for a while to see what they see.
Walk and do things in the opposite way I would usually do them.
I’m open to ANYthing else that might show up.
My commitment:
To listen to what comes, even if I don’t like it at first.
To ask (thought that’s still hard) for what I need- some free time or time alone, etc.
To create quiet time during my day, everyday.
Best wishes with all the VPA’s
.-= Stacy´s last post … Sum… Sum… Summertime =-.
Man, your spy mission sounds fun! And the challenging situation sounds hard. I wish you luck with both of those. ♥
My ask:
Thing 1 (of 1): Courage.
What I want: I’m in an incredibly scary position right now. I always thought I wasn’t afraid of success, but now that it’s right in front of me I’m totally paralyzed and I don’t know what to do.
I don’t want the fear to go away. But I want to discover the emotional strength to acknowledge the fear and move forward anyway.
Ways this could work: Someone could hold my hand while I take the first steps. Or I could use Shiva Nata with the intention of finding a way to clear the blockage. Or I could plan out what I’m going to do for the next few days, so that it’s not so scary when I have to actually do it.
My commitment: I will be open to unexpected paths to courage. I will remember that I don’t have to defeat or overcome the fear, but I do have to move on despite it. I will remember that people aren’t there because they want to see whether I’ll fall on my face, they’re there because they want me to be great.
Thank you for a year of VPAs!
.-= Chris Anthony´s last post … Writing to offend =-.
Spy mission! Perfect title for it. Oh man I wish I thought like that!
Okay, my ask…
I’ve been having a LOT of trouble lately, and when I confided my troubles to a friend she recommended I get tested for something – something I’d almost gotten tested for years ago that I sort of fit, sort of don’t. But if I fit the diagnosis, that will give me access to a lot of resources I didn’t have before – resources that will give me a huge boost with things I’ve been having trouble with lately, and it’d be a huge step forward. Except, I might not actually fit the diagnosis, in which case it’s back to figuring out what’s wrong with me.
So, uh, I guess what I’m asking for is:
What I want: Help. To be able to integrate myself back into society and not have it be one huge struggle after the other, like it’s turning into. Whether that’s getting the test/diagnosis I may possibly need and the help I may get from that, or finding some other resources that can help me. I need help. I had already thrown in the towel when the friend recommended getting tested and it’s the only hope I have, so I’m very close to giving up. I need help, more help than I’m currently getting right now.
Ways I could get it: My psych could be awesome tomorrow and do her best to help me and give me what I need, and my mother could be very receptive to it, if not my father.
Or I could get some other resources through my psych.
Or I could get lucky. Good surprises would be nice.
My commitment: I’ll try my best to be open to whatever I receive, and I won’t give up for now. I’ll keep going and chase this up and do my damnedest to get that testing, including facing my parents about it and being stubborn if I have to. I’ll hold on a little longer, too.
Mmmm…super secret spy…Greta Garbo meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer! I’m imagining you slinking around on your holiday wreathed in mystery and maybe a black hat with a net veil draped artistically over your lovely face, meeting Selma for drinks in a dim corner of the Savoy. 🙂
My VPA this week:
1. To continue to fill my new home with the spirit of love, celebration, play, creativity and fun.
My commitment: To do Profoundly Silly, Light-Hearted Things each day. Play the kazoo. Make goofy faces. Wave madly to the Mountain Deva. Sing. Dorky Dance. Whatever it takes to anchor the energy I want in my new place.
2. To have all my right people play Sovereignty Kindergarten with me.
My commitment: To write three more blog posts about Sovereignty in the next week. To stay connected to the soul of Sovereignty Kindergarten, spend time with it, and give it love and appreciation each day. To answer all Sovereignty questions that are sent to me on my blog.
Have a wonderful holiday, Havi!
Wishing you all the magical fulfillment of your own Very Personal Ads.
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Can you wear your crown when you’re ill or in pain =-.
what a yummy way to approach those twisted 12th house mysteries! i wanna play too!
Here’s what I want:
Pursue future dreams of financial bigness by embracing my tedious and overly-detailed list of things that need done to move forward towards those dreams.
Ways this could work:
Staying focus
Recognizing that completing 9 out of 10 tasks does not equal failure.
Mental flexibility to accept that obstacles and detours are just a part of the road (and recognizing that those detours and obstacles usually imply that the road is building itself to accommodate me)
Knowing that I don’t know so I can be open to NEW-ness
My commitment:
Embrace the process
Avoid the pitfalls of over-thinking by sticking to my list
Accept the creative challenge to accomplish instead of seeking the reassurance of failure
To not be overcome by the imagined shame of past failures while pursuing future dreams.
.-= shindigdada´s last post … Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-20 =-.
(thank you for the dm :))
Thing #1: Calm
I am in worry worry panic mode. Every twinge=cancer I don’t yet know I have yet. I cannot force the pathologist to hurry the f up. I cannot know what I don’t yet know. I can’t do anything with the worry worry panic other than raise my blood pressure and make myself crazy. So what I want is calm–the ability to find that quiet, still place inside me without taking a ton of Valium.
How it might work:
I could notice when I’m starting to panic or project into the Worrisome Future, and I could start breathing again.
I could use Havi’s Naming Exercise when I begin to freak out: redheaded daughter, shaved cat, remote control, blue hoodie I AM HERE.
I could use Whole Brain Posture and notice where the WWP is living, then give it a color and a texture and a temperature and let it dissolve.
My commitment:
To not judge myself for being really scared right now.
To catch myself when I start worrying that I’m making a fool out of myself by worrying over something that probably will be nothing, and see above.
To let myself feel what I feel.
Thing #2: A smooth work week
I have huge projects going, and I’ve been out of the office for a week. I also have 2 (count them, TWO) new bosses starting in the next 10 days. Which means my work world will be a bit topsy-turvy for a while. I want this week to go smoothly, to feel easy, to have the work not add to the anxiety I’m feeling.
How it might work:
I could spend a couple of hours this evening answering all of my email (there are 105 in my email box right now that need attention) so I can enter tomorrow with a clean slate.
I could grab a quick meeting with my current boss first thing tomorrow to discuss my anxiety level and get her permission to say no to things this week, within reason.
I could make a list of all the tasks I need to do, then prioritize them, then focus only on the most important ones.
I could actually take a lunch break (and maybe a walk).
I could delegate to my intern.
My commitment:
To ask for help.
To notice when I’m feeling overwhelmed and to use the stuff in Thing #1.
.-= lynn @ human, being´s last post … On the D-C- “disordered” cells- and trying not to obsess about my yet unposted path report =-.
Do you know how relieved I am that it’s VPA day? Even more than it’s plain old Sunday, and this week is behind me.
UPDATE: I got my release. Not a happy one, but a release. As for help, can I just go on record as saying “Asking for help? Best thing ever!”
This week…
What I Want #1: Continued help with gentle and speedy (okay—timely) resolution.
Ways this might work: Spontaneous understanding. And/or facilitated understanding via loving, level-headed mirrors. Magic? The exact right words/actions just coming to me.
What I’m committing to: Hoodoo notes and doodles. Moving off the subject when I find myself obsessing. Nei Kung daily. Being nice to myself.
What I Want #2: To make it through the Week of Crazy without frying my circuits.
Ways this might work: I might not have as much demanded on me as I’m expecting. My traffic angels might switch over to general protective duty. Other stuff I’m not expecting.
What I’m committing to: Only doing what I can. Plenty of sleep, no matter who looks sideways. Nei Kung daily. More listening than talking (or at least, listening first, THEN talking.)
.-= communicatrix´s last post … Frrrrriday Rrrrroundup- =-.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday filled with sunglasses, glamour, and great writing!
Also, I love the little note you have about the word manifest at the end of the post. I’ve been seeing that word all over the place recently, and finding it to be an incredibly frustrating experience.
VPA #1: To continue the stream of amazing clients.
I have several slots open this week, and I’ve gotten so lucky with the truly amazing clients in the past few weeks. I’d love to see that streak continue to help me finish out the month in a great financial place and personally satisfied.
How this could work:
I could think of a marketing thing that might attract more of those types of clients.
I could keep keep blogging with clarity and honesty and hoping that someone relates to it strongly enough to hire me.
I could ask here if anyone wants work this week (although I hate asking people things like that, I have a monster that dislikes it)
My commitment:
-To keep writing honestly and on a regular basis.
-To talk to my monsters about why I have so much trouble asking for things when money is involved.
-To be timely about my giant pile of email and hope that the email fairy brings me some fun new work.
VPA #2: To start work on my book material
I’ve finally decided to take the plunge and start working on a collection of essays (partially due to an author’s kit care package from my wonderful business partner), and I’m really excited about it. However, it’s a lot of writing, and some of the material brings up a lot of complicated feelings that I’ve been compartmentalizing.
Things I Could Do:
-Write about not just events, but why thinking about them makes me feel this way.
-To read more about non-fiction writing and methods of drafting in a productive and healthy way
-To give myself permission to not do everything at once.
My Commitment:
-To write every day and not edit things as they hit the page.
-To not feel bad about my reactions to the writing.
-To show small snippets of the writing to various discerning and supportive friends for feedback.
.-= Holly´s last post … Friday Roundup- Shoes- The Demise of the Guru- and Free Consulting =-.
OMG! I *love* super secret spy missions, complete with sexy shoes! My shoes of choice? Fire-engine red, shiny patent leather, sky-high heeled, peep-toe pumps…. oh, how I love those shoes….
Item #1 – Progress (with a capital “P”)
What I want:
Ease, flow, and Progress with my current project
How it could work:
– I could show up for working on it and see what happens.
– I could ask for help immediately when I get stuck, even if it seems like the thing I want help with is something I should already know how to do.
– I could respect my true capacity for brain-bending work, not forcing myself to try to work beyond it.
– I could take walks and breaks when I want them.
My commitment:
– To remember that I choose this work
– To feed myself well, stay hydrated, and hug my cat often
– To find joy in solving the puzzle
Item #2 – Stories, I haz them
What I want:
To be inspired to continue working on an article I started writing weeks ago
How it could work:
– I could just *really* feel like working on it and then just do it.
– My calendar could miraculously clear, leaving me with long stretches of uninterrupted time that I could use for writing without feeling like I should be doing something else.
My commitment:
– To give myself permission for it to be sucky
– To offer tea and cookies to the monster who insists that my writing sucks and I’m a total failure because of it
I am rather sporadic, so I have forgotten my last VPA/update.
What I want: to write the page that introduces my new thing, ideally by the beginning of July (which is, oddly, almost here – what’s up with that?!).
How it might work:
I could set an intention for clarity before Shiva Nata practice. I could jot down the little ideas that come to me instead of letting them disappear in my head. I could sit down to work on it for 15 minutes each day, even if I have no ideas in the moment and just write randomness that gets deleted. The beginning might come to me in a burst of inspiration because, once that happens, the rest of it will follow.
My commitment:
I will enjoy my meandering walks with the pup because they are good for ideas. I will practice Shiva Nata even if I forget to set an intention. I will set aside 15 minutes a day to work on it until it is finished. I think I will not worry so much about having it be perfect as long as it is good and right. I will try to remember that things go better when I don’t try to force them.
Happy VPA-ing, everyone!
.-= Elizabeth´s last post … wild and precious =-.
You know you have at least seven super secret spies supporting your super secret mission, right? 🙂
My VPA this week:
What I want: to learn more about my relationship with the idea of “catching up” and finding out how it needs to change (if it does), and how this might happen.
Ways this could happen: I could get insights about it; I could try new ways of doing things and see how it works; I could play the cuddly scientist; or any other way I haven’t thought of yet.
My commitment: to do Shiva Nata on this; to journal on this; to write down the things I notice; to be open to what shows up.
@havi: Oooh, I am thinking agent 99 from the tv show Get Smart- she is always smooth and a snappy dresser.
@lynn: gentle and warm hugs
My vpa:
For things to go smoothly and work out.
Ways this could happen:
Being in the process with what I am currently doing know. I find this is difficult practice, but it helps so much; practice asking for what I want and need, instead of being quiet. Because then people give me- not intentionally- the wrong thing; Let people know I am here- visibility.
My commitment:
To stay in the process. To remember the qualities I want to bring into the world- beauty, light, love, a kind of magic and knowing they sometimes come from the dark places. To cry and request hugs and support when it is very dark.
.-= Erin´s last post … Standing under a gentle shower of snowflakes =-.
Good mojo to everyone’s vpas. Seems like this week’s theme is officially The Week that Crazy Ate.
On that note, what I want:
For my own Week of Crazy to be infused with some of those carefree Childhood Summer qualities that are surrounding me with super-powered nostalgia. I want to have fun while getting things done, easy-peasy. (Hahahahaha. See, I’m laughing already.)
Ways this could work:
I could realize that summer is a state of mind. I could laugh when everything gets even crazier. I could remember that things. always. get. done. No matter what. They just do. Might as well be playful when I can.
My commitment:
To protect my energy. It’s impossible to do what I need to do or act the way I want to feel when I’m tired and crunchy. (However, obsessing about protecting my energy tends to have the opposite effect. A loose, gentle hold.)
To make teeny gestures to keep in touch with people in lighthearted ways. So I feel connected and supported. And Summery, dammit! To make plans for one really happy, carefree activity to celebrate the week’s end.
.-= Briana´s last post … A case of the pre-launch awkward blurts =-.
Hugs to people wrassling with the hard in their VPAs. I love reading these every week, not only do does having lots of people asking make it seem more ok, just reading them seems to make the world more full of possibilites.
Anyhoo update: I did manage to get everything I wanted to done, despite things not going so smoothly. Amazed and grateful. My foot is still in pain and I’m still incredibly limited in what I can do.
VPA 1: Mission wrist arm/pain be gone
What I want: the pain in my right arm/wrist to go..begone.
How this could happen:
The nerve that I think is slightly trapped could become untrapped
My commitment:
To go to the dr
To rest
To acknowledge that I kind of feel like the universe is punishing me through my body, and work with these thoughts
To keep asking for help
VPA 2: Mission bits and pieces
What I want: this week I have lots of ‘bits and pieces’ that need to get done for various projects. I want to get them done, but without last minute panics and forgetting things. I want harmony and flow.
How this could work:
I can write a list of all the things I need to do
I can use my diary to schedule them in
I can use the Procrastination tricks on some of the things that have been hanging around for a while
shiva nata
I can trust I’ll do it
My commitment:
To still allow myself time for rest
To remember the world won’t end if it doesn’t get done
To be proud of what I’m accomplishing
To enjoy (if I want to)
good luck with the holiday!
my ask 1
to get more interesting work for money
How this could happen
it could fall into my lap !
I could see an ad
or I could start something entirely new
my commitment
to be open to all possiblities
my ask 2
to make enough money to go away for a month in august
How this could happen
I could get a job
I could get a tax refund
I could get paid for some work I’ve done
My commitment
to pursue all of these
my ask 3
to get my creative projects back on track
How this could happen
recommit to them in spirit and action
Ask: Can our house please close before July first? We’re not getting that tax credit that’s jamming up the works, so we’ll “only” be paying 2K extra if we miss the first. But that 2K would cover the truck and all the other costs associated with moving. From an emotional standpoint, I also just want to sign on the line so that this 45-day dance can conclude with a happy ending.
Ways this could work: Our awesome mortgage broker, Raven, could pull some extra secret paperwork surprise to get us ahead of the pack, without jeopardizing anyone else’s deadline. A bunch of those other folks could file for extensions, so we could slip on by. A minor miracle.
My commitment: To quickly help Dave field any more paperwork that comes in. To be extra supportive as he goes into a really challenging job the same week our housing thing is coming to a close. To throw extra good into the city hoping for a little good in return.
Good luck with the writing, Havi. If you have a writing implement of preference, maybe take that too if you think of it. Or pick one up on the road. (The look, feel, & sound of writing with my cheap but cool blue and silver fountain pen in my sketchbooks always pleases me.) And, of course, have a lovely spy mission holiday!
Last week, I wanted to get back into a physical practice to be in my body more which worked pretty well as I called a truce with my body. Looking forward to reading Hiro’s post about it.
I also wanted to get past a couple of design stumbling blocks. Sandra very kindly answered my grammar question which helped me get halfway through.
This week, I want to finish the other half, i.e., my postcard template. I need to find, create, settle on 1 design element for it.
How? Maybe write out the stumbling block which is the disconnect between what I can draw in hand versus in Photoshop. Peruse image fonts. Ponder colors. Perhaps test out some possibilities to see if I prefer geometric or vine-y. Finish reading The Book of Codes for inspiration.
Commitment: Spend time on it pretty much. Have patience. Remember 1st things 1st to reduce my ultimate workload.
.-= claire´s last post … Sketchbook- page 35 =-.
This is probably not the normal format but it’s my first time.
Item!~ No longer invisible. Out in the open. And best of all I don’t have to eat my hat!! because I said I would if I didn’t get it done this weekend,… my remodeled website is UP Yay! (sighs with relief.)
Now to focus on the remodel of the studio-. Demolition and painting were finished last week so here is what I want/need;
I need the carpet guy to find the perfect carpet for me at a totally ridiculously awesome price, and trade the installation for yoga sessions for his wife like he said he wanted to.
I need for the carpentry guy to be able to remodel my awesome pillars with ease and little expense, and also to rig the lighting so it will be on a dimmer switch and perfect.
I could find the perfect light fixtures at a super price or on sale, and they could be more than awesome.
I could find time to rest and relax between all my personal appointments, private clients, and doggie clients. I am feeling a bit stressed as I look at my schedule but I know it will all be a-ok. (ohmygosh prayforme!)
Oh and I need rescheduling dogs for this weekend (or at least lighten the load) to be super easy so I can set up a “lock my door, turn off the phone, do no work, no shopping aloud, FLOAT in a lake of YOGA and SILENCE at home retreat” for my weekend when the kids and hubby are gone. And then I shall revel and relish in a “nothing that has to be done” weekend.
You all are awesome and I love that you are here on this site sharing your experiences and hopes and dreams. Best of luck to all of you on your Item/s of the week!
Thank you for putting words on my VPA this week. It is actually a take off of your wish number 3. I didn’t really know how to explain it – thanks for getting me started.
My Wish: a peaceful resolution to a challenging situation
Here’s what I want:
What I really want is for this person to step up and be honest with me, and do the right thing.
I want to trust myself and lean into my own ability to know what’s best for me.
I want to clearly communicate my needs – without apologizing, without blurring boundaries and being so “friendly”, and in a neutral way.
Ways this could work:
I don’t know.
But I’m open to good things.
Continue to meditate on how to handle this.
My commitment.
To be kind to myself.
To keep reminding myself how different this situation is from the last time something similar happened.
To integrate lesson number 1: when things start getting uncomfortable for me in relationships, address it in the moment rather than letting things accumulate to the point that the relationship is now so cluttered with misunderstandings that it’s difficult to move forward.
To integrate lesson number 2: decluttering relationships is like cleaning up a room – works best for me to do it in small spurts as soon as i notice there’s an issue and not let things build up to the point where i just want out of the relationship.
Now I have “Secret Agent Man” playing in my head. My all time favorite spy was Emma Peel, loved watching The Avengers reruns on the CBC with my dad 🙂 Sunglasses are definitely a must for you and Selma!
I haven’t asked for a while, kind of been drifting in the VPA soup. Had several responses to the ask for ease of sales of art (yay sales! easy ones!). Still in the waiting for other asks. And that’s ok.
This week:
What I want:
Perfect timing with my art and my family. I have an upcoming show (theme Dogs and Cats) and want to make work for it. I also want to have a camp experience at home this week (including juggling, face painting and water balloon fights). I want smooveness in the transitions between being “art making person” and “family fun making person”, and the ability to be in the moment of each role.
How this can happen:
Letting go of expectations.
Accepting that a schedule as such this week is a suggestion, rather than a commandment.
Shiva Nata when overwhelm hits.
My commitment:
To stand aside and let the art and fun flow through me. To not judge. To allow myself to be silly.
.-= Andi´s last post … How to Display Your New Art Quilt =-.
Yay! for super secret spy missions! I’ve decided they do make for the best vacations 😉
I’m happy to report that both of my VPAs from last week were mostly answered, though not exactly in the way I had imagined… though I suppose that’s part of the fun of writing and being open to the possibilities 🙂
So. This week’s VPAs?
#1. To be strong in my sense of sovereignty, particularly in the day job.
I’m feeling unappreciated and undervalued, and it’s been wearing me down. I would like to remember to wear my crown while I’m in the office, and more than anything I would like for the day-job energy-suck to not affect me so much.
Ways this could work;
I could take a few minutes every couple hours to rebuild my bubble, and fill it with me.
I could magically find the money to sign up for Hiro’s Sovereignty Kindergarten.
I could leave little love notes to myself in places that nobody else would find them.
I could deliberately seek out the people who do appreciate me, and enjoy appreciating them in return.
My commitment;
To have patience with myself when my bubble gets thin and my me-ness starts to leak out.
To allow myself to hide from the boss-man occasionally, if I really really need to.
To nap when I get home!
#2. A few Right People.
I would like to find a few of my right people; people who need help with their thing, and are willing to pay an awesome helper mouse to do so. (Look at me, all owning my awesome helper mouse-ness!)
Ways this could work;
They could just magically find me.
Someone I know could send them my way.
My commitment;
To be open to finding my right people in unexpected places.
To let my allies know that I am looking for a few right people (and actually asking them to help… eek!).
To nap when I’m feeling overwhelmed!
.-= Heidi´s last post … Power Napping 20 =-.
There’s a VPA I’ve been tiptoeing and tap-dancing around for weeks now. It still scares me.
What I want: a perfect, simple solution to where the rest of my tuition for my PhD program is coming from.
How this can happen: I don’t know. Hit me, Universe. I’m open.
My commitment: To keep giving my best to all of this, whatever my best is at any given moment, and to remember that part of giving my best includes doing my best to not beat myself up.
Sending loving wishes and fairy kisses for everyone’s VPAs. It’s good to have this space to share them.
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … Intention =-.
Wishing you everything in your ask, especially the boots and sunglasses and other celebrity accoutrements. My ask is a quick one.
You know how, as a general rule, babies are only born when they’re ready? Well, my (extremely metaphorical) tiny, sweet thing has just announced, out of the blue, that it is ready to come into the world. Today. RIGHT NOW. So, here’s what I want: to trust my tiny, sweet thing, and all the internal work I have done to bring it into being, even while my thoughts are racing through the list of things that are not ready. Ways this could work: A little Shiva Nata here, a little breathing there, and to just focus on all the love I am feeling for this delicate thing and the Right People it is reaching out for. My commitment: To just love and love and love and love. And love some more. And to run out right this second and buy a crib!
.-= Sarah Marmoset´s last post … Symphony =-.
Oh how I wish you a peaceful very secret mission. You deserve a week to dream new dreams.
My VPA for this week –
To LET GO of the grief that has filled me this month after the death of my Golden Retriever, sweet Noah, and then the death of my mentor, friend and surrogate mother Betty. This month has been filled with loss and it is eating me up now. I am accidentally breaking precious things and just feel like things are slipping from my hands and heart like sand through a sieve.
How this can happen: Hmmmm. Tough one. I’ve asked this several times this month so I’m open to the answer. Totally. Probably need to ask for help.
My commitment: Meditation. Increasing the gratitudes. Connect to my Goddess in prayer and reflection. Ask for answers. Ask for a fullness of being. Put the grief in a container that can hold it just until I am ready to sit with it in small chunks.
I’m being a teensy bit stealth about this ask prehaps because I’m a teensy bit embarrassed to be asking. but i get everything I VPA for so here goes:
my ask: to meet a man I want to date for more than 20 minutes. someone I want to be in a relationship with. someone who holds my attention.
ways this could work: since I’ve everything else, maybe I’ll try nothing. that whole stop looking thing that sounds like such nonsense.
my commitment: to do nothing? is that a commitment? yeah. i think thats the right commitment. to do nothing until next VPA time.
Until next time~
Woohoo time for some VPA’s. I’ll be honest, as much as I’ve been meaning or intending to get these done weekly, they happen FAR too infrequently for my liking.
My Ask: Focus Baby, Focus!! I really need to sit down and actually focus on myself and my business. I have a lot of things swimming around in my brain and I need to trust myself enough to let it out.
How It Can Happen: It can just show up and tell me that the time is now. It can show up in short or long spurts through out the day. It can come from outside influences.
My Commitment: I will create a space for this focus. I will allow it to be a part of my life. I do my damnedest not to fight it when it shows up.
My Ask: The right clients to find my new program and sign up to work with me.
How It Can Happen: They hear my preview call on Weds or after. Someone tells them about it. They somehow find me…Twitter,FB, LinkedIn, from some place I’ve posted or commented, etc. The Universe just makes it so.
My Commitment: Once again, to create a space and allow for the right people to find me. To be available. To reach out to my friends and colleagues and well, ask for their help. To trust that it will happen and then LET IT GO.
.-= Katy´s last post … Toot Your Own Horn- =-.
Loving each of these so much.
Sending glamorous secret spy wishes for all of these, and may you all get help at the right moments.
Such beautiful Very Personal Ads. I feel really happy and inspired reading these. So thank you for that.