Personal ads! They’re … personal! Very.
So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.
Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.
Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.
And now it’s my Sunday ritual. Yay, ritual!
Let’s do it.
Thing 1: support with FUNBREWING
Here’s what I want:
The great fun-brewing project starts this week!
Fun-brewing is what I call “fund-raising”, because everything about fund-raising makes me want to throw up.
So we are brewing fun. And we are brewing it for the new Playground. Yes, Selma and I are opening a studio to give this work a home in physical space.
As part of the fun-brewing, we will be brunching (yes, that’s what we call “launching” — borrowed that lovely turn of phrase from the blonde chicken) many things.
In fact, nine different wonderful things will be brunched.
So it’s kind of a busy, semi-crazed time here at the pirate queen headquarters. Understatement.
What I’d like is support, in as many forms as possible.
Support in the sense of staying connected to myself and my fabulously bizarre mission.
And in accessing the qualities I need (grounding, peace of mind, sovereignty).
The support of my friends, colleagues, students, clients, blog readers, commenter mice and Beloved Lurkers cheering for me, and helping me to biggify the hell out of this.
The support of knowing and trusting that this is an extremely awesome thing to do, that will help so many of my right people do important, beautiful and surprising things in the world.
And I’d like to be able to rest into this sense of support so I don’t get overwhelmed.
Ways this could work:
Lots and lots of Shiva Nata to keep me centered and to keep the epiphanies rolling.
I can book an extra session with the magical Hiro. That always does the most amazing things.
I can work on asking for help. And share what I’m working on, which I don’t always remember to do.
And I can stay in touch with the essence of what I’m trying to do here.
My commitment.
To let myself have a meltdown if I need one.
To breathe. To dance. To walk. To move. To stretch. To cry. To laugh.
To not try and go it alone.
To be patient with myself when I can, and remember that patience isn’t always going to happen when I can’t.
Thing 2: Iguanas.
Here’s what I want:
Iguanas are things I don’t feel like doing.
There are kind of a lot of them this week.
Ways this could work:
Talk to my monsters.
Make lists.
Call an emergency Drunk Pirate Council to make some decisions (even though stupid passover means we can only drink wine, which is totally ruining Drunk Pirate Council, for the record).
More Dance of Shiva. More asking for help. More staying focused.
Plus a bunch of other things I can’t think of right now because aaaaaaaaaaaaagh.
Is there an iguana fairy? Because I could kind of use one.
My commitment.
To keep coming back to why I’m doing this.
To keep asking what I need to stay grounded.
To get creative. To ask for help.
Thing 3: Vancouver.
Here’s what I want:
Selma and I are going to be in Vancouver next week for a couple days.
We have pretty much zero time to plan anything because of the fun-brewing madness going on.
So I need stuff to kind of fall into place.
And, every time I go somewhere, everyone I know there wants to meet up with me and I either go into hiding or have an emotional breakdown.
Ways this could work:
We’ve already gotten a ton of hotel recommendations from the Twitter bar.
I could ask Karen to come hang out with me at the best cafe in the world (of glorrrrrious day fame), and then we could announce a casual meet-up with whoever wanted to drop by and say hi.
My commitment.
To give myself permission to not have to worry about this (not that this has ever worked before, but what the hell).
To activate my network, as my lovely friend Pam says.
To state my wish for things to go as smoothly and comfortably as they can. And then to come back to the stuff that needs my attention right now.
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.
I asked for help keeping up with the napping. And — astonishingly — it mostly happened. Some days it couldn’t because of client calls and such.
But just about every day I was able to at least close my eyes for half an hour. And that was brilliant.
I needed help catching up with all the mad piles of work that accumulated during Non-Emergency Vacation. And that worked too.
My First Mate and I plowed through the biggest, scariest pile. There are still a couple of unfinished things, but feeling okay about this.
And I needed pesach to not be the biggest pain in the ass ever, and yay. My gentleman friend set up the seder plate and cooked the entire meal for the seder.
It was beautiful and delicious and all I had to do was show up.
And he’s been spoiling me all week with kneidelach and other yum things. I feel enormously lucky. Thank you!
Comments. Since I’m already asking …
I am adding to my practice of asking by being more specific about what I would like to receive in the comments.
Here’s what I want (just leave them in the comments):
- Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!
What I would rather not have:
- Reality theories.
- Shoulds. As in, “You should be doing it like this” or “That’s not the right way to ask for things — instead it should be like x, y and z”
- To be judged or psychoanalyzed.
- Advices.
My commitment.
I am committing to getting better at asking for things even when asking feels weird.
Thanks for doing this with me!
Update on the last VPA (from three weeks ago, which shows to go you how long it takes to recover from SXSW when you are in introvert and schedule improperly): Went soooooo well! Saw many friends, met many new ones and fed my brain, heart and, uh, stomach. Oh, lordy, the Tex-Mex in that town. PLUS, BattleDecks went smashingly, and I got to walk around like a semi-famous person for the next few days. So much fun.
What I want: For my TEDxTacoma speech to come together naturally and beautifully.
Ways it could work: The presentation fairies could pay me a visit. I could stumble on the perfect trigger idea in my Internet or hard-copy wanderings. Someone could say, “Boy, I wish you’d explain THIS about passion, Colleen.”
My commitment: Nei Kung daily, to get the chi flowing and keep me strong. Daily noodling on a file or piece of paper somewhere. Daily walks. Walks rock.
(Wonderful stuff made of magic and unicorns, Havi! I can’t wait to see the playground in person. And eat ANYTHING your gentleman friend makes. I dream of the coffee…)
.-= Colleen Wainwright´s last post … Frrrrriday Rrrrroundup! =-.
Havi, Fun Brewing in Spring to welcome your Playground into being…I’m smiling with delight just thinking about it! A physical home for your beautiful work. A place for your right people to play with making possibilities real. Yay!
Wishing you streams, rivers, oceans of support and celebration every step of the way.
My VPA this week:
For ease, focus, co-ordination, simplicity and flow. So that the entire sequence of things that need to happen next week happen on time, and I can open registration for my Sovereignty teleclass with a joyful heart.
My commitment:
To do the inner work of alignment, and the outer work of connecting with my VA and with my right people.
Taking breaks when I need them.
Staying grounded and present through each of the tasks on my list.
Asking for and receiving extra support from you, from my massage therapist, and from my friends and allies when I need it.
Consciously creating the energetic container for this preliminary work, and filling it with love, creativity and delight.
Acknowledging all the ways in which help and support are flowing to me.
Thank you, Havi, for these Sunday VPA’s. I love the rhythm and ritual of them, and you for making this space for magic to happen.
Wishing you all fulfillment of your own VPA’s in miraculous ways!
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Life Unfolding =-.
Yay Havi, you can do it. Cheers & waves pompoms (even though I am bit of a Zombie Cheerleader today, I promise not to eat your brains!)
I desperately need to switch off and rest properly before I go into a full-blown Chronic Fatigue meltdown due to overwork
How This Could Work:
I could have a brain transplant so that I’m not such a driven adrenaline junkie!
I could do some deep breathing every time I feel myself getting wound up because I want to do more than my body will let me
I could ask for help instead of feeling like I have to do everything myself
I could rest as much as possible – even if it’s a nice day and I’d rather be gardening/making art/doing some crazy internet thing
My Commitment:
Not to schedule anything else for this week
To go hot-tubbing with my wife
To re-read Havi’s free e-book and do the breathing exercises with the face tapping thing because it really works
To par back my to-do list to virtually nothing
.-= Kirsty Hall´s last post … 7 Ways To Evaluate Art Sites =-.
Oooh! Yay, VPAs! I love this!
My VPAs:
What I want:
That prepping and packing for my upcoming workshop in NY goes smoothly and easily, with FLOW and FUN.
Ways this could work:
I could come up with a METAPHOR for packing, to make it more fun. (Enchanting a magical treasure chest..? Already better!)
Definitely go on a WALK.
Listen to fun and/or inspiring mp3s while I do my enchanting.
Set a timer and make sure I take a break when it goes off.
My commitment:
Follow the above.
What I want:
That my workshop in NY is FUN and in FLOW, and effective at helping my students FEEL GOOD about their artwork and ideas, AND that I sell lots of art while I’m there. That everyone leaves the workshop utterly delighted that they came. AND that I feel RELAXED and WELL-RESTED throughout.
Ways this could work:
I could pace myself this week.
I could make sure to get plenty of WALKS, which help me think SO much more clearly.
I could trust that everything will actually go well.
My commitment:
I will be easy and forgiving with myself.
I will make sure to walk every day!
I will trust that I am a good teacher and will respond to every situation in fluidity and fully in my power.
What I want:
A hi-def mini video recorder.
Ways this could work:
Someone could upgrade their VR and give me their old one.
I could win one.
I could find a great deal on eBay or CL.
I could get a big, juicy new commission or writing contract (or several!) and have enough money in the bank to buy one without feeling like the money should be spent elsewhere.
I could allow myself to buy one, even though I don’t feel like I “should” right now.
My commitment:
Hmmm… Must keep processing this one. I haven’t figured out my commitment here yet. Something about this one is *scary*. ‘Cause it directly has to do with money, perhaps?
Okay, how about: I will work on allowing myself to have exactly what I want! I will ALLOW myself to have exactly what I want. I DESERVE to have exactly what I want. I commit to having exactly what I want!
Thanks Havi!
.-= Melissa Dinwiddie´s last post … Packing Packing Packing Makes Me Cranky Cranky Cranky =-.
Oh of all the countless reasons why I often think I should be living in Portland, your Playground is looming high and bright and full of merriment! Supports!
Thing I want: My current freelance gig is slowing down, and I’d like a new one, or for this one to suddenly pick up steam. Something longish-term, or open-ended. Flexible, I get to come and go as I please on the days that I please. Good people. Good pay, either matching or exceeding my current rate. Just the right amount of work for me with steady flow, and plenty of time to work and play with all my other stuff.
Ways it could come: It could be the gig J referred me to this week. Someone else might make a suggestion. I’m open to surprises.
My commitment: To be grateful for the lifestyle it provides me. To be easy to work with and flexible and reliable and helpful. To show up and get my work done. To tell people that I’m looking for this gig. (Yes – “to activate my network.”)
.-= Briana´s last post … You mean there’s no magical swell of unlimited time? =-.
Playground! Brunches! Oh, this is happy-making stuff.
Update: Last week I asked for continued safety and support as I continued working on PhD projects. I have been receiving it, in generous quantities. In the epic internal battle of Fear vs. Love, Love is winning, because Love keeps gently reminding Fear that it doesn’t have to be a battle.
Yesterday was a little rough, though. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t.
This week, as I keep working to wrap up the same two projects (deep breath, Kat…) I am asking for a new ingredient to be added to the mix of safety and support: light-heartedness. As much lightness as my scared little monsters can take.
More specifically, I am asking for the panic that has been my study partner through so much of this to please gently move aside, just a little bit, to make room for a kind, wise, witty and clever helpmate. Inner Child, meet Inner Coolest Mom Ever!
How this can happen: Music. Shiva Nata. Going ahead and blissfully writing the wildest, most slapdash crap imaginable, while the inner editor waits patiently to play with it after it’s been dumped out there, rather than trying to clean it all up while it’s still in my head.
My commitment: I will take mindful breaks that support the process, rather than derail it. If I feel like running, I’ll see if I can find a way to run, not away from the task at hand, but further into it.
Here goes!
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … An open letter, from me to me =-.
My alma mater’s mascot/teams are Brewers, so I wish you the best with your fun-brewing!
I’m kind of having asking issues this week straight out of the NVC book. I.e., I don’t want to ask for what I want but still hope to get it. So I’ve been pondering ways to work on that and feel fairly peaceful about it now.
To that end, I have a CAT, similar to Havi’s HATs except the “Thing” I’m “Announcing” is more of a small “t” “thing,” not a product. My blog is 5 today.
I’d love it if y’all would stop by to help me celebrate. (I’m rather proud I found a way to condense 5 years into a list of 10 posts while still playing outside in gorgeous weather this week.)
My commitment: To appreciate my accomplishment on its own merits.
To not take it personally if folks don’t stop by.
.-= claire´s last post … 5 years of TTaT! =-.
Playground!!! I wish Portland wasn’t so far away from the Midwest 🙁
What I want:
Relief from the fear of change on the work front. Besides getting a new program director, the department chair AND dean will be change within the next 2 years. I really like my current chain of command and fear that their replacements won’t be nearly as nice to work for. Not that I know who will be taking their place. Just that I know that they can’t possibly as good as the people we have now in these positions.
Of course, there is always the possibility that I could hit the “chain of command” jackpot and have 3 new people in place that would be great to work for. Or even a smaller prize where at least my program director would be a decent soul.
The uncertainty both of the timing of the change and the players involved is causing me major freakouts. I’m a “Wednesday” child – you know “Wednesday’s child is full of woe”? I have 20/20 vision for the dark side of any situation and blurry vision for the good side. And I know intellectually how irrational this is but the stomach still goes into knots thinking of the permutations.
Ways this could work:
-I can remind myself of all the other sucky management situations that I’ve survived in the past. Including the recently departed director!
-I can remember to listen every night to Havi’s Destuckification meditations that I’ve put on my iPod. I ALWAYS feel better afterward.
-I can remember to take some deep breaths when the waves of fear hit.
-I can remind myself that in a little over 2 years I will have my doctorate and can pick up my marbles and go play somewhere else if the new situation is really that awful.
-I can share my fears with my best friend who completely gets the whole fear of change thing.
-I can remember that I do get a vote in the selection of the new program director.
My commitment:
-To stay grounded in the present and to put my energies into the very real tasks at hand
-To do all that I can to lay the groundwork for the evolution of our program so that the new director can just hop in and keep moving things along as well as bring his/her own enhancements.
-To stop beating myself up over my irrational fears. Just acknowledge them and move along.
V stands for very exciting on a previous VPA.
Two or so weeks ago, I asked for a way to spend the summer closer to my parents. I committed to being patient. This week, an offer showed up in my inbox to be a free roommate in the new house of an old friend, no more than an hour away from Mom and Dad. And I didn’t even ask to be in a college town with access to the library for my writing, but I got that anyway.
In fact, that makes me so happy, I only have a little ask for this week: that the rest of the details for the plan fall smoothly and easily into place over the next 6 weeks.
My commitment, patience again. Meditative walks while I’m working on it and while it is working on itself. And an openness to ways it could work that I haven’t imagined yet.
Happy week to everyone.
.-= Elizabeth´s last post … A Tale Told at Knife Point =-.
Oh these are all very exciting.
@Elizabeth – what a perfect solution. I’m so glad!
@Colleen – Wheee! How perfect. And yeah, come back anytime. My gentleman friend will be glad to provide the coffee.
@gadgetgirl – brilliant ask. Very clear. Love it. Sending good … whatever needs to be sent for that one.
@claire – happy 5 years! That is absolutely lovely.
@Kirsty – Zombie Cheerleader! Mwah!
Sending everyone big love for their asks and whatever else you’re working on.
hugs all around.
Things have been progressing on their own, so I haven’t VPA’ed in a couple of weeks. Plans are solidifying. Things are seeming more realistic and more possible. And the hard decisions don’t have to be made right now.
What I do need is clarity and understanding around biggifying. I just discovered that promotion of any kind is all tangled up in this sort of victim/powerless mentality. I understand the theory, but I can’t seem to apply it in a useful way. I want to jump up and down and scream “pay attention to me!!” But that’s not terribly effective on the internet. And its just plain weird in real life. So. My ask this week is for useful, specific, empowering information on biggifying.
Ways this could work
I can continue to mine the archives for posts on biggifying
I can keep digging into the marketing = powerlessness issue until its unraveled and replaced. Or at least the monsters of marketing victimization have been appeased
I can play with my brand new shiva nata ebooks until my DVD arrives
My commitment
To be patient with myself when I can’t apply the concepts to my personal situation
To stay open to new ideas
To not beat myself up for not getting it, not getting it fast enough, sucking at it
To allow myself to write crappy copy as much as necessary
To accept that being lousy at biggifying doesn’t mean I’m a failure and its not permanent situation
Happy Spring Holidays all. Be safe and prosperous ’til we VPA again.
I only recently found your website and I’m so thankful. I really feel like the universe is looking out for me at the minute – giving me little hints and nudges in the direction of a spectacular life. I think maybe I’d been ignoring in the past.
I love the idea of asking for things so here goes, my first try!
Thing I want: I would like more messages to be sent to me that help me understand my direction. I want my *knowing* for what I should do to deepen. I’d also like a few cheer leaders to wave pom-poms from the sidelines whilst I muster up the courage to make difficult decisions.
How this will happen: being quiet and really watching the world. Finding ways to document my thoughts. I will talk about my feelings when it’s necessary.
My commitment: I will let my thoughts sit inside me without analysing the meaning or being judgemental. I will be gentle with myself.
I really like VPAing here. It feels like a comfortable and safe place to say what I really want, what really matters. So much so that I’m going to take a big deep courageous breath, and make some really big significant juicy requests. Okay, here goes.
Ask one:
A big significant juicy raise at my beloved day job. The start date for the new rate would theoretically be April 15th, although I don’t know if that means the paycheck I will get in mid-April will be at the new rate, or the hours I work starting in mid-April will be at the new rate.
Ways this could work:
The biggest, bravest, most direct, most obvious thing I could do would be to talk to my genuinely decent, compassionate, menschlich boss, who is sometimes a little inscrutible but is always respectful. It’s been a year since my last raise. It’s not unreasonable to talk to him about it. But I also need some courage to do that.
My commitment:
I don’t know. I don’t want to commit to talking to my boss in case I chicken out, and I don’t want to beat myself up for being too scared to talk to him.
Hmm. Here’s what I’ll do. If there’s no raise in the paycheck I receive in mid-April, then I’ll commit to talk to him.
I’ll also journey for help on feeling legitimate about earning more, and help on getting the courage to ask.
Ask two:
Along the same lines, I want to take a step forward in being proactive and responsible about money. I want to do this by keeping track of what I spend, and while I don’t quite feel brave enough to ask myself for a budget this VPA (maybe soon) I at least want the genuine openhearted willingness to log the way my money moves in and out. Not as a s’posed-to, but as a comfortable willingness to keep track.
Ways this could work:
I think this is a job for Metaphor Mouse!
My commitment:
I will spend some time writing and thinking about this, with the help of a metaphorical mouse with big ears (good for listening).
I will stop and notice and just hold open a moment of being, when I spend money. Not to necessarily change how or what I spend, just to put room for a breath, a little more awareness, in those moments.
Ask three:
I call it my beloved day job for a reason. It truly is beloved, but it truly is “just” a day job. I want some movement on my Thing, but most importantly, I don’t want that movement to happen only through a grinding s’posed-to. I’ve been making lots of notes and that’s been fun and exciting and lighthearted and free. I want to keep that same feeling-tone, but I want to move a little more into action.
Ways this could work:
I can journey on it.
I can continue making notes.
I can type up my notes in some more official-looking form.
Maybe I can put wordpress up on my newly purchased domain, even if I don’t put any words into it yet.
My commitment:
I will pay attention to how I’m feeling about it, and if the grinding s’posed-tos come in, I will stop and back up, so that I can find the fun again.
I will be patient with myself and with my Thing. There’s no deadline here, there’s just a natural unfolding.
I will remember that if I’m not being genuinely loving and trusting, my Thing can’t be either — love/trust for me, for itself, and ultimately for my Right people. So if I’m not doing it in a way that’s real, and truly loving and truly trusting, then I’m not getting where I want to go anyway.
Best of love and trust for all of y’all’s VPAs, too! May we all be, do and go where we want to!
Havi, the support you are asking for in relation to your big fun-brewing project is reminding me that I’ve been meaning for a while now to tell you this: please let me know if there is anything you think I could do that would be helpful to you (be it related to the great fun-brewing or to anything else, really). Seriously, if there’s any form of support you need and for which you can see me play the role that would fulfill said need, I’d be happy to hear about it and have the opportunity to help.
With love,
.-= Josiane´s last post … Middle of the night musings =-.
Gosh, I’m too shy to leave a VPA here. But I’m working on getting over that. It’s still really hard to even admit there are things I want. Actually, that just made me giggle! :^)
But I just wanted to come out of Beloved Lurkerdom to say a big WOOOTWOOOOT (not like an owl, although that could work too) for smooth and wonderful fun-brewing and brunching!! How bloody exciting! 😀
Bugger. My question mark there is actually a (Javascript?) heart that got made into mashed potatoes.
So… <3
.-= Meg´s last post … If You Can’t Handle Talk Of Vaginas, Look Away Now =-.
@Meg, I appreciate your shyness about asking for what you want. I’ve been nervous to do this as well, esp for the reasons you cite.
It’s my turn for my VFVPA (Very First Very Personal Ad).
What I Want:
-The courage to write. Specifically, to write a book. Based on my dissertation, which I just completed. I want the courage to believe that my ideas are good enough for others to see.
Ways This Could Work:
-Regular writing, especially free writing to brainstorm. Generating ideas is invigorating and may stimulate courage
-Staying engaged in writing and academic communities to keep ideas flowing and to maintain a sense of community
-Talking with friends and colleagues about my ideas and asking them to be my cheerleader
-Talking to professors and other scholars who may be interested in this idea
-Presenting my work at academic conferences to get input and to bolster my self-confidence
-Regular journaling about the process to work through my fears
My commitment:
-To write regularly
-To trust myself and my ideas, and when I don’t, to go to my “toolbox,” a set of tools I use to remind me who I am, where I’ve come from, what I’m capable of, etc. Toolbox components might be old journals, talking with old friends who know me well, or using cognitive strategies to talk myself down from the ledge
-To read inspirational and practical books about writing, esp transitioning from dissertation to book
-To dedicate time to self-care so I can address my worries
Great! Funbrewing for you means good stuff for us.
Seems like a lot of us have work stuff on our minds. It’s the beginning of the new work year here, April 1, and that’s definitely got me thinking about what to do next. Formulating a VPA around that…
.-= Sandra´s last post … Twitter life =-.
There are some times when I wish I lived in Portland more than others. This is one of those times. Wishing all the fun-brewing support that exists.
I’m looking for sanity and ease while I ease off antidepressants. This feels like the biggest request EVER, and yet, still, I’m sure that you’re out there, Sanity and Ease. And I very much want to make your acquaintance.
Ways this could work:
I could take care of myself in all the ways I know how.
Anyone who reads this could make recommendations of things that have helped them.
I could meet someone who has successfully transitioned off antidepressants and talk with them.
My commitment:
Practicing EFT.
Sleeping as much as possible.
Making nourishing meals.
Making time and space to feel feelings.
To request help from people to get things done.
To be forgiving of myself.
.-= Kylie´s last post … The Awesomest Playlist Ever =-.
@Kylie – wishing you much sanity and ease with the transition. I actually know a couple of people who’ve done it. Not sure if they’d be open to talking about it but I can make some inquiries.
@Dawn – what a terrific first personal ad. I love it — especially the part about the toolbox, which is a really good reminder.
@Meg – hi! Thanks for the big WOOOTWOOOOT (much appreciated), and no worries. I absolutely get how completely terrifying it is to even acknowledge to yourself about the wanting of things. Have been working up to this practice slowly over *years*. 🙂
@Karen – good for you! Sending Metaphor Mouse your way and hoping it helps.
@Tresna – cheering! cheering!
@everyone – you guys are the best. reading these ads is always happy-making for me. Thanks so much for all the support and kindness. And wishing good things for all your wishes. xox
The last few days have seen some pretty, uh, extreme violations of decency inflicted on me and someone I care about, followed by a complete betrayal of trust. My VPA for this week is to allow me the time and space to be upset about this and work on some healing.
Ways this could work:
not listen to the voice that says I ‘should’ feel x or z, or ‘get over it’, or not be hurt or betrayed, but also not stagnate in my own bitterness about it
realize that people do these things for their own screwed up reasons – it’s their stuff that has just been inflicted on me, it’s not a reflection of me as a person
talk about it with the many wonderful supportive friends I have
go to the gig I was looking forward to going to but am now feeling a bit shaky about, but acknowledge my feelings to the person I’m going with in case we need to make a quick get away
shiva nata, journal and acknowledge old hurts that this has stirred up.
My Commitment
To take the time and space I need on this
To remember that the world is not full of bad people
To cry if I need to
@Havi: Thank you so much. If you do know anyone who’d be open to discussing, I would appreciate it immensely.
P.S. The monsters are adorable. I just had to say it.
.-= Kylie´s last post … spring has sprung =-.