very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these Visions of Possibility and Anticipation to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

Thing 1: Talk to Bond Girl.

Here’s what I want:

Bond girl is my alter-ego and also my new proxy for everything. How would I do thing if I were a Bond girl?

Talking to Bond girl solved all the challenges with reintegrating into daily life after my two weeks of Extra-Silent Radio Silence Silent Retreat at the Vicarage.

And being Bond girl also delivered some exceptionally marvelous (and hilarious) epiphanies last week at Rally (Rally!).

I want to talk to her. Specifically: about how all the missions appear to be equally vital and time-sensitive!

Because right now it seems like there are at least a dozen Important Things that all need my attention and need it now.

(According to the latest and consistently-consistent monster-count, there are seventeen billion Important Things.)

What do I do, Bond Girl?

The qualities inside of the want:

Curiosity. Receptivity. Connection. Internal support. Trust. Faith. Play.

And the superpower of Willingness to Be Surprised.

Ways this might work:

Well, Bond Girl will know if I talk to her.

She will know how this is okay, and how it is all actually right timing even (especially!) when it doesn’t look like right timing.

She will know about fractal flowers and surprising ways it can work. And what can be dropped. She’ll know where to start and how not to get overwhelmed. She will remind me about how to stay in a state of joyful, loving focus.

So really it’s just a matter of getting the time gremlins onboard with taking the time to talk to her. As a form of conscious entry.

I can ask my Internal Scientists to pull out the very compelling data they’ve collected about how the quality of my work improves the more I turn inward first.

I’m playing with…

Patience. Being curious. Asking questions. Dressing like Bond girl, because: costume.

Remembering and calling on the secret Vicarage-superpower of quietly trusting (with a smile and a shrug) that All Timing Is Right Timing.

Thing 2: Operation Watch This, Baby.

Here’s what I want:

There is a situation that currently appears to be a challenge. A big one.

Note: This is not at all the same thing as Watch This Baby. Commas are important!

Except it isn’t really a big challenge because Bond girl is very clear that this is actually not only Not A Disaster but really the best thing ever. Apparently I will be thrilled a few months from now about how this fell apart, so I might as well get on board now.

In the meantime, I need a perfect simple solution please so that neither I nor the First Mate get depleted and exhausted.

The qualities inside of the want:

Spaciousness. Calm. Support. Community. Play. Welcoming.

And all the superpowers of fairy godmothers and frequent flyers.

Ways this might work:

Maybe there is a way that the Frequent Sail-er/Sailor Rewards & Treasures voyage could be activated here too. Interesting…

I can bring this up with the Knights of the Blue Table. I can bring it to the Red Rose Missive and Wednesday’s secret agent session with Our Man In Marin.

And of course, I can keep talking to Bond Girl.

I’m playing with…

Right now, in this moment of silent-retreat-induced peacefulness, I really and truly believe that a solution is going to reveal itself.

So I want to hold on to that feeling.

And if it disappears and I forget, I will go to the conducting vault and conduct some more peacefulness.

And if I forget about that, then I will cry and take a bath or have a nap, and it will be okay.

Thing 3: Operation Dock Deck Five.

Here’s what I want:

I’m going to take a silent retreat on this one.

The qualities inside of the want:

Readiness. Willingness. Sailing. Integrity. Celebration. Joyful delight. Embarking. Humming. Glowing. Radiance. Resonance. Steadiness. Calm. Anticipation. Warmth. Waving from shore.

The superpower of Wait This Could Be Fun If I Let It.

Ways this might work:

You know how on a ship it’s all maintenance all the time? Something is always being fixed, painted, refinished.

Well, someone sat down and came up with a schedule for that.

Also I think we could use some Heinzelmaenchen.

I’m playing with…

Trust, trust and more trust.

Planting the wish that this will be both easier and more fun than I’m imagining.

Can this happen on Toozday? I hope so. Let’s find out!

Thing 4: Sparking the sparks! Vocal excitement about Stompopolis!

Here’s what I want:

Now that Stompopolis has reached her sailing speed and is operating, fully functional, stopping in ports, opened to new mice…

I want people to play with!

And I want joyful excited whispering and note-passing about ohmygod Stompopolis and how this is the most spectacularly magical and extraordinary place in the world. Because it is.

The qualities inside of the want:

Celebration. Discovery. Channels. Joyfulness. Receptivity. Playfulness. Peacefulness. Dance. Doors. Opening. Flowering. Anticipation. Emergence. Expectancy. Sparks. Twinkling.

And the superpowers of being a speakeasy and All The Right People Find Us In All The Right Ways.

Ways this might work:

I would love it if you guys would follow and play with Stompopolis on Facebook and Stompy Twitter and adore our pictures on Instagram (Stompstagram!).

I want PDX-ers and people who live around Portland (the Younger) to get pop-in passes and play, and for far-away Friends of Playground to arrange secret visits.

I want excitement and hopefulness and secret happy whispers.

What else? I could talk to Hope and Dana. I could bring this to the Knights Of The Blue Table. I can play with this at the Floop when the Floop sets sail. Yay Floop!

I’m playing with…

Holding this spark in my hand. Smiling at it because it is so beautiful and now is the time.

Noticings about the things I want this week…

Receptivity is big. Playfulness, unsurprisingly.

And it’s all about releasing attachment to the way I think things should be happening, and let the way that they are happening be okay. Or: change course if I want to. But I’m changing course because I know that everything is good, not because I’m scared or distracted.

Bonus wishes, please!

Some of these are secret agent code and some of them are things I’m silent retreat-ing on. Some are qualities that will help. And some are almost pre-wishes: tiny seeds for future processing.

  • Mission: Belated Mishloach Manot.
  • Mission: the Red Rose Missive.
  • Clews about a certain bathrobe.
  • Hush Hush Hat.
  • 16 sets of Sunday clews. V is a clew!
  • Winning At Pants (is it…just one guy? Hahaha. Chicken joke.)
  • Renaming parts of chickens for extra-congruence.
  • Operation 6 Week Wonder.
  • 36 things you may or may not know…
  • A bag with someone else’s name on it.
  • Clew mat for Rally…interesting.
  • Joyful re-entry!
  • Update the about page.
  • Hermes of the winged feet.
  • Loving-focus and good surprises.
  • The Grand Vicarage Chicken Revue. And also reporting back on VPAs.
  • Another verb for standing watch? Let’s ask the Officer of the Watch.
  • This is right. This is right. This is right.

I’m playing with…

Trust, trust and more trust.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

I wanted a hot date with Incoming Me, and boy did Rally ever provide that. It was smoking hot. Then I wanted ease-filled transitions, totally happened.

Also I wanted Rally #24 to be amazing. Hahahahahaha. Rally is always amazing. This one was somehow especially so.

And I wanted the superpower of Joyful Presence. Got it. This was a remarkably good week for wishes, apparently. Or maybe I’m just getting better at figuring out what I want. That is also a possibility.

Playing. Shelter for the comments.

What’s welcome: Your own wishes, gwishes, visions and personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like. Things sparked for your own process.

I’m receptive to warm wishes for the things I’m working on and playing with.

We ask for what we need, and we give each other space and spaciousness for the process.

This is a place of safety for creative play and exploration, with a very non-dogmatic approach. We don’t tell each other how to ask for things and we don’t give unsolicited advice. We play.

That’s it. Let’s throw a bunch of things in the pot!

As always, amnesty applies. Leave a wish here any time you want.


The Fluent Self