So. I’ve been on my Denver trip since Wednesday.
Well, sadly to say, I have been near-Denver. Broomfield, Colorado. I do not recommend it. Except for the tumbleweeds. Which are really cool. And, for the record, I’m sure Denver is AWESOME and I will see actual-Denver someday, and we will like each other very much and kiss each other delightedly on the cheeks, and it will be fabulous.
Anyway. Lots happening. Roller derby championships were full of excitement and heartbreak. Our full-page ad was gorgeous. Getting to teach in Boulder was super fun.
And now I’m ready to come home. Really ready.
In the meantime, notes from the road.
Or from the stateroom. Since this is, of course, an imaginary ocean liner voyage.
As so many things are. When you’re me.
The superpower of recognizing superpowers.
I adore superpowers, as you know. And I ask for a new one every day. Just for fun.
It’s a way to practice noticing.
Then that superpower helps me discover the sneaky surprise superpower that I invariably end up absorbing up along with the first one.
The superpower I asked for on the flight over here was seeing all the ways that everything is working.
And my bonus surprise stowaway superpower turned out to be that I got to be hyper-aware of everyone else’s superpowers. Which was the perfect superpower to have.
Other people have the best superpowers, as it turns out…
The woman next to me on the plane had the superpower of finding something beautiful everywhere.
Her granddaughter, who looked my age but somehow had two kids in college, had the superpower of making space.
The two little girls behind me had the superpower of thinking that turbulence was hilariously funny.
They giggled happily at every bounce like they were on the best amusement park ride ever. It was awesome.
They also had the superpower of purple shoes. Snazzy!
Mordor and the Tacoma Screw.
So I always feel kind of bad when someone comes into Portland and you have to drive them into the city proper from the airport.
Because it’s kind of scuzzy-embarrassing-industrial. And not in a fabulous urban decay sort of way. Well, maybe in the right lighting. No, not really.
But really, it’s a bunch of warehouses and strip clubs. Lots and lots of strip clubs. And you’re thinking, please don’t look!
And the screw factory. Which, weirdly, is not a strip club.
I mean, if I were going to open a strip club… it would definitely be called The Screw Factory.
Has there ever been a more apt name for a venture that involves both nudity and chicken fried steak? I think not. This would also have to be the name of my band, because it is the best band name ever. But is it just one guy?
Oh, and get this.
The screw factory is actually called Tacoma Screw. So everyone pretty much has to think it’s a strip club anyway. Right?
Ohmygod. If it were my strip club, we’d refer to absolutely EVERYTHING as the Tacoma Screw. It would be a drink! A show! A side dish.
Would you like a Tacoma Screw with your fries? Of course you would. Who wouldn’t?
But back to Mordor.
When I said that I was going to Denver with Barrington, Leni suggested in the comments that I view the drive from the airport to the hotel as a scenic visit to Mordor.
I thought she was exaggerating. Being playful. Because it’s a brilliant idea.
But seriously, the drive from the Denver airport really and truly was a tour of some nightmarish sci-fi hellscape.
It actually makes my Portland survey of broken strip clubs seem significantly less distressing. And never again will I avert my eyes in shame and resignation when faced with the Tacoma Screw sign.
First there were box stores upon box stores upon box stores.
Then miles of bleak industrial smoke-stacks and cranes and machinery in this awful blackened steaming fog-soup doomscape that somehow managed to be post-apocalyptic and Dickensian at the same time.
Even pretending I’d landed in a weirdly awesome mash-up between Lord of the Rings and Metropolis did not really make it significantly less depressing.
Then pawn shops. Then another round of endless and identical box stores.
Then horrible planned communities and more box stores!
Obviously I know Denver is marvelous because I know way too many super-cool people who live here for it not to be. But man, that is an incredibly depressing way to enter a city.
A round of Tacoma Screws for everyone! May they mercifully obliterate the memory of that miserable, desperation-filled landscape before I have to do it again today on the way back.
Today my superpower will be finding tiny signs that remind me of the existence of beauty and luminosity and hidden radiance. And coming up with names for drinks.
Notes for Barrington.
I forgot to tell Barrington about the way hotels omit words that are important.
When we OOD-ed this trip, we wrote about the importance of internet access.
But then the hotel said they had high speed wireless internet in every room, and we forgot that the magic missing word there is “complimentary”.
I am putting Barrington in charge of this situation. She can decide whatever she wants. Either we calculate giant internet surcharges into travel expenses or we bring an ipad. Or we write blog posts beforehand and don’t check in with the world while we’re in another city.
But something has to change. Because paying to put up a Friday Chicken is just annoying.
Luckily Barrington is ever so handy at making useful decisions about what to do differently next time. So I’m sure whatever she plans will be fine.
What Would Barrington Do?
Have you any idea how very useful Barrington has been on this trip?
First she talked me out of bringing the massive rose garland, the purple and pink feather boa, and the purple cowboy hat with the feathers.
Because the rainbow snake and the purple wig is ALREADY the best derby boutfit that ever was, and no more is needed. Ever. She was right.
She was also right that I did not need jewelry. And about socks. Socks!
She also packed me way more snacks than I ever thought necessary. But they have all been necessary.
I simply adore Barrington. Even though this is how I speak when Barrington is around.
What happens next?
I would rather like to interview Barrington. Maybe instead of doing a spangly Revue.
What does she think worked well? What would she do differently next time?
And how is she going to help me exit and recover? Ah, notes from the road.
That’s what’s next…
Play with me. In the spacious commenting blanket fort
So those were my notes from the road. That’s what I’m thinking about.
In the meantime, let’s play!
You can invent names for strip clubs, you can interview your own Barrington, you can wish for bonus superpowers. Whatever you like.
If you feel like it.
I would also like imaginary snacks that do not exist yet, so if you can help me come up with some, that would be fun.
As always, we’re all working on our stuff. We make this a safe space for playing by letting people have their own experience, and not telling each other what to do or how to feel.
p.s. You guys! I’m back tomorrow! And there will be details about Shivanauticon. Are you excited? Because I am so excited that I can hardly even sit still.
A Tacoma Screw, I think it should have Vodka and Huckleberries in it. And a little flag that states; I’m Your Huckleberry.
I was going to post a recipe for the Tacoma Screw, with vodka, orange juice, and apple juice made from Washington apples. But huckleberries! Wow! Preferably huckleberries from Mt Hood.
The title of this post reminded me of a road trip to New Mexico, and my first sight of tumbleweeds tumbling. Somewhere in the Texas panhandle, we left the highway, and we were followed down the street of this small town by a tumbleweed that was not tumbling but dancing! It started to bow over one way, then righted itself and bowed the other way and the spun around, until I (the driver) had to pull over because I was laughing so hard.
Memories. If I’d had a Barrington, she might have packed a video camera so we could have recorded the dancing tumbleweed.
And Leni’s advice: Mordor! I’m going to remember that.
I once worked in a club called The Roxy. The bottom leg of the R on the sign was damaged. Which made the club The Poxy. Next the Y died. Our boss couldn’t figure out why we all laughed hysterically and customers stopped coming in. Why wouldn’t men want to come to a sports bar with scantily clad waitresses that called itself “The Pox”?
As far as superpowers I want the superpower of happy bellies. Everything I baked would make the bellies they went into happy.
I went to my first roller derby bout last night, and had a great time! I’ve been imagining possible derby names: Katatonic? KatManDoom? Kat Smash Fever?
Imaginary snack: Chai Spice Popcorn. I may need to figure out how to make some now.
Imaginary snacks – I always want fruit chews that have actual fruit in them, and with real juice in the center, like the 80s Freshen-Up or Tidal Wave m but not synthetic at *all*. Like a dried apricot with nectar in the center!
Also, I’d love the superpower of more concise language to convey my meaning. I’m often a bit wordy. 😉
Sending a pre-emptive Welcome Home to you and to Barrington!
The tipsy ladies behind me on my flight back from Miami had the super power of believing they were part of Rudolph’s team during take off. “It’s like we’re reindeeeeeer!”
“Tiny signs that remind me of the existence of beauty and luminosity and hidden radiance” – what a lovely sentence. The theatre where I work is on one of the most ugly roads in my city but there are beautiful gingko trees outside. The leaves are of the brightest yellow ever and they have almost all fallen down already but they make me smile every morning. Yeah for gingko leaves amidst ugly architecture.
Maybe marzipan wrapped in gingko leaf would be my imaginary snack.
Augh, yes, MORDOR. I am still stunned by the awfulness of that airport drive. Back in the day, when Henry VIII was still president, and the Denver airport was in a different place (*and* it had a nicer name), you could see nothing but open rolling space between Denver and Boulder. Tumbleweeds. Wildlife.
And a weird little shack with a giant smiley face and the legend “Jesus loves you.” That’s when you knew you were really home…
I think it’s some kind of law that airport-adjacent must be that weird mashup of gritty industrial + naked babes. We here in Cleveland add in the delight of the worst maintained roads in the city and a housing project. But I think it’s that way everywhere that has any kind of critical population, too. Even Honolulu’s airport is surrounded by the same, plus a crazy heavy-metal bar at which I have seen some really great 80s bands with an audience of dozens (ex’s deal).
And we also have a place called the Screw Factory, although it’s not close to the airport. We (Cleveland Handmade) put on a great show there right before Christmas every year, and it’s a blast. Not only did they used to make screws there, but they used to make Templar cars back in the 1910s & 1920s, which you can still see up on the third floor. The first floor is still industrial, but floors 2 & 3 are slowly being taken over by artist studios. Very cool place.
Picturing Barrington holding the feather boa, etc., raising an eyebrow an eighth of an inch, and saying: “I should scarcely advocate it, ma’am.” (Or “miss”, if you prefer).
I am very thankful for Barrington. My own Barrington packed my tweezerrs, which is something that I always wish I had because trying to pluck an errant hair with ones fingers never goes well at all. And yet, I always decide that they are not important enough to pack. This time, I was so delighted to have them in my bag when I wanted them!
The superpower I asked for the other day was the ability to cry without my usual side effects of red, snuffly, puffy, nose and eyes. I must say that it is working stupendously. Why did I not think of this years ago!
What superpower do I want today? I want the ability to expand pockets of time so that it feels spacious and luxurious. Yes. That would be a very good one.
I raise my Tacoma Screw to you!
Tacoma Screw: a glass filled with those wonderful curlicues of citrus peels, soaked in the liqueur of one’s choice. Mmmm.