Not What But How

A labryinth meditative walking path mowed in tall Missouri grasses… A small stone circle / space to hold what needs holding I have been away a long time, and there is much to acknowledge and make space for, both here and out in the world, in this timeline we are in of...

Go forth and

Delicious & nourishing: steaming hot soup as a form of devotional practice and clue-finding… Announcement & reminder about the ebook! If you’ve already given to Barrington’s Discretionary last year or this year, you should have received my ebook (by email)...

400 chickens in transit and in repose

Reflecting on both the hard and the good in the week that was… Hello, week: we are here. {a breath for being here when we get here} Thank you, week! This is FOUR HUNDRED weeks in a row we are chickening here together! CAN YOU BELIEVE WE’VE DOING THIS FOR...

The Red Box Clues.

What’s in a red box? I have been busy emptying and releasing, letting go of [a wide variety of things], and part of that has involved unpacking three red boxes I hadn’t wanted to look at. These boxes are full of things I’ve written. Though, really,...

Chicken 335: I am the Ether Bunny!

A look at the good and the hard in my week, a ritual of reflecting. It is Friday and we are here. {a breath for Friday.} What worked this week? Wearing my crown. I wrote a note to myself before going out to a waltz event, and it said sweetie wear your crown. At the...
The Fluent Self