Ten things?

Who knows what madness was going on last night. But I woke up this morning with that clenched, tight sense of GAAAAAAH Seventeen million things to do that all need to be done right this second or everything will fall apart completely. Having spent many years getting...

Not everything requires a response.

Among the many weird, marvelous and extraordinary things that happened at the Rally (Rally!), this one was possibly the most surprising. After some badass spiral practice, I chose six questions and we let those questions be like stones skipping through water. We...

Epiphanies without a filter.

My favorite thing about Shiva Nata is not even the ridiculously clear information it gives about everything in my life. It’s not even the permission to be terrible at something (you have to be terrible at it because being terrible at it is the way you get the...
The Fluent Self