Feeling fairly Alabama Crimson.

So yesterday I was feeling so many feelings, lots and lots of feelings, related to a particular [Situation X]. Actually, this situation and I have been having the feelings together for a few months now. And, as you might suspect, I’ve been working/playing with...

April naps. May embarks.

Oh, April, you are napping now because today it is May. Naptime for April. Until next year when we meet again and we are new. I am laughing to myself a little, because April naps was one of my secret April wishes. To take lots of naps and let the naps take me…...

This is what I’m feeling.

I keep talking with people this week who are … who are feeling conflicted about feeling ambivalent about feeling whatever they’re feeling. There’s got to be a better way to say that but I don’t know what it is. It’s as if we forget that...
The Fluent Self