The Flow Chart of Spaciousness

This is something that accidentally got invented at the Week of Biggification program in Asheville. I said a thing, probably in response to a question. Then Frank drew it as a flow chart. Then we all decided we needed to get it tattooed onto our foreheads. Which...

Tis the season.

‘Tis the season when it’s customary for anyone with a blog to reflect — either on “the year that was”, or on their own ambivalence about said custom. The last two weeks of the year, I put the business ship in dry dock, and do some...

The Pirate Queen’s Vacationing Notebook

So I’m on Official Non-Emergency Pirate Queen Holiday this week. As you might imagine, there has been much journaling. Thought you might like a peek at some of the bits and pieces in the Pirate Queen Vacation Spiral Notebook. I hope it mostly makes sense. The...
The Fluent Self