by Havi Brooks | Aug 30, 2010 | stuff I think about
So I promised to tell you more about the spectacular projectizing Rally (Rally!) and then forgot. The Rally (Rally!) was completely inspired by this post, which in turn was inspired by scooter rallies, and which I was inspired to write about because of my gentleman...
by Havi Brooks | Mar 18, 2010 | mindful time management
On January 12th of 2009, my duck and I decided to go on Email Sabbatical. The plan? To not read, write, or think about email. I called it the let’s see what 2009 will be like without email experiment. A month later, we wrote about it. In a post called The Great Email...
by Havi Brooks | Jun 11, 2008 | mindful time management, noozletter, not hating on yourself
Hey! The way you’re trying to motivate yourself: totally not working We all know the “hey, look, I’m not doing that thing I said I’d do” feeling pretty well. And yeah, it’s not fun. When that sinking feeling shows up, you start...
by Havi Brooks | Apr 30, 2008 | mindful time management, noozletter, stucknesses & stuckification
But I just don’t have time! There is this weird and yet totally understandable thing that happens to people (and by people I mean: me and everyone I know). It happens when you find yourself in deep procrastination avoidance, in deep freak-out mode, or both....