by Havi Brooks | Mar 2, 2011 | not hating on yourself
It’s story time today. Ten years ago this May. I don’t want to write about this. And definitely not in the mood to go into all the details. So. Ignoring the mechanisms, the how and why of my world falling apart, some relevant pieces: In May of...
by Havi Brooks | Aug 26, 2010 | my personal practice
Among the many weird, marvelous and extraordinary things that happened at the Rally (Rally!), this one was possibly the most surprising. After some badass spiral practice, I chose six questions and we let those questions be like stones skipping through water. We...
by Havi Brooks | May 12, 2010 | my personal practice
Note: If this post makes no sense, which it probably won’t, go read this one. That post also makes no sense but it kind of sets the stage for this one. No pun intended. Since it also has a deus ex machina and confetti, it’s fairly awesome. One more thing....
by Havi Brooks | Jul 20, 2009 | ask Havi
Note: it is almost impossible to get on the Ask Havi list. This person got in by a. being one of my clients or students, b. flattering the hell out of my duck, and c. making life easy on me by being clear about what the question was and what details I could use. Turns...
by Havi Brooks | Jun 8, 2009 | working on patterns & habits
So you’re walking down the street and someone throws a shoe at you. Except that you weren’t walking down the street and they didn’t really throw a shoe at you. Also — as it turns out — there is no shoe. But never mind that. What really...