by Havi Brooks | Oct 23, 2008 | biggification, stuff I think about
So last week I had the excessive hubris (yes, of course hubris is always excessive, but mine somehow especially so) to think that if I answered a question-I-get-asked-all-the-time right here on the blog, I could save myself some time and energy and not have to answer...
by Havi Brooks | Oct 13, 2008 | ask Havi, not hating on yourself, working on patterns & habits
Wow, it’s the shortest Ask Havi question ever! If only the answer could be just as short … hahahaha. Okay, here it is. “Um. How did you quit smoking? (she asked quietly and sheepishly) Actually, the subject header of this woman’s self-described...
by Havi Brooks | Jan 9, 2008 | mindful time management, noozletter, stucknesses & stuckification
Ask a stupid question, get a wrong answer I know, I know. “There are no stupid questions”. And yet, it turns out you and I are probably asking questions every day that are getting us into trouble. I’d hate to write one of those boring articles about...
by Havi Brooks | Nov 14, 2007 | noozletter, not hating on yourself, working on patterns & habits
The worst thing about Thanksgiving The worst thing about Thanksgiving is the flood of email, newsletters and essays trying to shove another dose of gratitude down your throat. Don’t get me wrong. I’m seriously pro-gratitude. Done right, it hooks you up...
by Havi Brooks | Sep 10, 2007 | calm techniques, noozletter, working on patterns & habits
Gee, thanks for the paradigm shift Hanging out in the waiting room of my doctor’s office the other day, I meant to catch up on some work. Instead, I got distracted by a handout called “The Top Ten Ways to Calm Down and Get Rid of Stress”. Or...