by Havi Brooks | Aug 5, 2008 | noozletter, working on patterns & habits
Taking care of yourself when no one else willWhile I was teaching in Germany this summer, I got to spend some time with an old friend of mine there. He’s going through some intense heartbroken misery right now, so that was pretty much all we talked about. Anyone...
by Havi Brooks | Apr 30, 2008 | mindful time management, noozletter, stucknesses & stuckification
But I just don’t have time! There is this weird and yet totally understandable thing that happens to people (and by people I mean: me and everyone I know). It happens when you find yourself in deep procrastination avoidance, in deep freak-out mode, or both....
by Havi Brooks | Mar 5, 2008 | noozletter, working on patterns & habits
It’s never about lazy (although we always think it is) When people talk to me about their habits, and especially about the big, frustrating “why am I not doing the thing already” procrastination cycle, there’s one word that invariably comes up:...
by Havi Brooks | Dec 26, 2007 | noozletter, stucknesses & stuckification
New Year’s resolutions that don’t involve beating yourself up I love New Year’s. Not the whole party thing of course, which is not at all my cup of tea. My cup of tea is a hot, steaming … well, cup of tea. Preferably with yerba buena leaves...
by Havi Brooks | Sep 24, 2007 | calm techniques, noozletter, not hating on yourself, stucknesses & stuckification, working on patterns & habits
Step 1 on the way to calming the heck down (the one everyone skips) Whenever you’re flipping out or just having a bit of a “moment”, the tendency is to jump in right away and search for the way out. And when you don’t find it, you feel more...