Today I saw

I’ve been doing this thing at the Frolicsome Bar. The Frolicsome Bar is what I call our Facebook page because saying Facebook page depresses me so much that I forget that I actually like to hang out there. It’s kind of a ritual and kind of a game and kind...

Just another showdown.

You know how in cop shows they never stop and take a moment? We’re having a giant fight about how I’m too close to this case and also (subtext!) how we shouldn’t have slept together and now I’m flipping my hair and marching into the...

Throw it in the pot.

This is a thing I picked up from Tapas about six years ago. It’s completely brilliant in a fractal flowers sort of way. The idea is this: Everything you’re choosing to do for yourself probably has some sort of purpose or intention. But don’t stop...

Steal a peek at the Book of You.

Background! The Book of You is the ongoing project that emerges from collecting notes about how we function and what our patterns are and what we need to feel safe and supported. Notes, observations, insights, moments of bing!, plus all the stuff you know about...
The Fluent Self