Perfect Simple Solutions.

The perfect simple solution is a phrase I have borrowed from Hiro. This phrase is actually a sort of perfect simple solution itself, in that it elegantly sums up its own magic in its name. A perfect simple solution is perfect because of its simplicity. The unexpected,...


So right now it’s Rally (Rally!). This is Rally #13. Which is rather an astonishing number of Rallies to have rallied, if you think about it. Didn’t we just come up with the idea?! And we — that is to say, me, fourteen other people and Selma the duck...

Of course the answer is always HAT!

So I was in Ashland last week. And there was a hat store. And the rule of Havi states that there is no such thing as passing a hat store and not going inside to try on all the hats. And then to acquire hats! Or a hat. Because HATS! If Wile E. Coyote needed to trick me...

The questions

So I’ve basically been in bed for three days now. Except for teaching the Shiva Nata class at the Playground last night, which was crazy and beautiful and impossible to describe. But mostly bed. Recovery mode from the weekend that may or may not have been eaten...

Woman in search of a verb.

So this week is Rally (Rally!), and it’s Rally #12, and it is already the most ludicrously magical, silly and wondrous thing. Have you ever loved something so much it makes you want to cry from happiness that it exists? That’s how I feel about Rally....
The Fluent Self