by Havi Brooks | Feb 5, 2025 | my personal practice
Reflecting on the way my dear tree friend extends upward towards the sky, taking up space Entry: A breath for existing in tough times Wow it is hard and scary times right now. The news here (in the United States, where I am) is so bad, so disheartening, so...
by Havi Brooks | Dec 11, 2024 | my personal practice
Reflecting on the promising blue streaks in a sky of clouds, I see you streaks of blue, sunshine-streaks and hope-streaks, shifting possibilities. Announcement / if you want a copy of Emergency Calm Down Techniques I have been reeling hard lately in some cursed...
by Havi Brooks | Nov 8, 2024 | my personal practice
Small joys in hard times: A peach shrub I made with clove-infused strawberry vinegar, friend said it is “fall in a glass”, infusing as a theme. Recalibration time / Challenge time Recalibrating towards (and for) a challenge Towards and for a challenge, towards and for...
by Havi Brooks | Nov 3, 2023 | my personal practice
October brought fall color and the cottonwoods turned yellow, and: small joys Adding sweetness Apropos of nothing and of everything I wrote this down, something Alex Steed said on the You Are Good podcast, it was the episode on The Changeling, he said it and I had to...
by Havi Brooks | Jul 27, 2023 | my personal practice
Happy I guess it’s Thursday now! Last Wednesday we talked about What Would Neal Caffrey Do and narrowing the gap of the meltdown, before that we covered studying The Blade… Today we are talking pugs, post-exertional malaise, what to do when the vibes are off and...