by Havi Brooks | Feb 10, 2009 | my personal practice, stuff I think about
Because it’s not enough that I talk to walls … I recently got sucked into an especially bizarre internal conversation. Between me and myself. Which I reported back to you, verbatim. Because having a blog means you can do stuff like that. Background,...
by Havi Brooks | Jan 20, 2009 | biggification
Blogging, man. It’s hard enough without having to worry about getting squished between the pressure to “be yourself” and the pressure to “be like everyone else”. Stupid experts! Contradicting themselves! Gah. Oh, it’s Tuesday again....
by Havi Brooks | Dec 2, 2008 | biggification
We’re at number nine in our weekly series that focuses on ways to make blogging (and other things) seem a little less intimidating. (If you don’t blog and don’t plan to, you can use this “working-on-your-stucknesses” approach for whatever...