by Havi Brooks | Apr 19, 2010 | my personal practice
So as you might already know … I’m having a baby that’s not actually a baby, but a tiny, sweet thing. It’s a playground. The Playground. A real-life studio for everything that my duck and I teach. And now it’s being born. There is the...
by Havi Brooks | Jan 14, 2010 | stucknesses & stuckification
One of my clients has an elephant. We don’t know yet if it’s the elephant in the room. Or if it’s the elephant that you can only describe parts of. Or another elephant altogether. A student of mine has a hole in her memory. Another one thinks she has...
by Havi Brooks | Dec 3, 2009 | ask Havi
Right. So Fizz — who is @relsqui on Twitter (you know, the neighborhood bar/cafe place where I’m pretty much always hanging out) — said a wonderfully true thing the other day: “Reading @havi’s blog the first time is like reading a message...
by Havi Brooks | Nov 5, 2009 | stuff I think about
I’m at the airport. Again. And thinking about how much I love my dammit list, dammit. And how each time I add something to it, my life gets better. Well, my stuff comes up and then I work through it and then my life gets better. Perfect example: the fact that I...
by Havi Brooks | Nov 3, 2009 | my personal practice, stucknesses & stuckification
Alternate title: “I hesitate to call this the strangest blog post I’ve written so far because I’ve written a lot of really bizarre posts but this one might just take the cake.” So yes. I’m a big fan of talking to blocks and interacting...