by Havi Brooks | Jul 2, 2009 | my personal practice
Or: A number of surprising realizations and a typewriter. Okay. Kind of left you trailing last time … let me catch you up. If you will recall, I’m getting my stitches taken out (part one) by someone fabulously incompetent. Or hilariously incompetent...
by Havi Brooks | Jun 30, 2009 | my personal practice
So the other day I’m in the surgery room waiting to have stitches taken out — — and before you completely freak out because you are my mother, let me reassure you that it was not a big deal at all and it was just a thing being removed by the...
by Havi Brooks | Jun 22, 2009 | my personal practice
Last week Liz McGowen wrote a terrific post called Tina and the Troll. It was inspired by some of my wacky conversations with monsters. And it’s fascinating, because she borrowed my concept of using a negotiator to mediate the hard parts and took it somewhere...
by Havi Brooks | Jun 15, 2009 | my personal practice
So usually when I talk to monsters or have long conversations with walls (or otherwise engage with my stucknesses in semi-wacky ways), there’s a lot of talking involved. Words. Because, you know, I’m that way. Verbal. Not always necessarily all that...
by Havi Brooks | Feb 19, 2009 | my personal practice, stucknesses & stuckification, stuff I think about
We ended on something of a cliffhanger last time. So I should probably give you a tiny bit of background. The very short version is that I talk to walls. And myself. And a duck. Really, if you keep reading now, you’ve no one to blame but yourself. 🙂 The...