by Havi Brooks | Sep 21, 2011 | my personal practice
Yesterday I told you a long and complicated but also awesome story about a perfect simple solution. And there were other things I wanted to tell you about perfect simple solutions and resolutions but I didn’t get around to any of it. But really the main thing we...
by Havi Brooks | Apr 28, 2011 | working on patterns & habits
It seemed like the kind of day for some permission slips. Permission to not know. Or not know how. Permission to not have to follow everything to the end, whatever that is. Walking out of the movie is okay. So is changing the project. Permission to wish for aspects of...
by Havi Brooks | Sep 15, 2010 | my personal practice
Who knows what madness was going on last night. But I woke up this morning with that clenched, tight sense of GAAAAAAH Seventeen million things to do that all need to be done right this second or everything will fall apart completely. Having spent many years getting...