Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
Checking in again …
Everybody say chicken!
That was fun. Moving on.
The hard stuff
Oh the sadnesses.
Seeing that poor, scared cat get run over and die. And not being able to handle it at all. Seriously. Just freaking the heck out.
I don’t even know how to explain how sad and distraught I was. You know? Ach, this gorgeous fluff-muffin of a pumpkin cat. And the minivan which didn’t stop. It didn’t stop. So agonizingly horrible. Sad and senseless and painful.
Honestly I don’t remember the last time I cried so much.
To the point that people who came by truly thought that I had either run it over or that it was my cat because really there was just no other way a human being could come so unglued.
And then this woman gave me a hug, because we’re in Portland and told me that death is part of life and I was sort of like yeah, you’re right but also sort of like, go away, you don’t understand.
My gentleman friend came and picked me up because I was a wreck. And he comforted me and told me about how he once hit a dog (the dog was okay, gott sei dank). and I decided that maybe my plan to firebomb all minivans was a little overreaching.
So yeah, hard hard hard.
It’s officially winter.
The truth is, I’ve been working for a few years on this particular pattern of dreading the change in season … trying to become the kind of person who likes all kinds of weather.
And I’ve certainly resolved a chunk of it. But still had that punch-to-the-stomach feeling this week on the day when it became obvious that there was no way I’d be able to even start my morning meditation without turning on the heat.
And putting on long underwear and ridiculously fluffy socks.
This will be my first winter in Oregon so everyone has been warning me about the rain and the grey and how depressing it can get. I’m not especially worried about that part.
I love rain. I like grey.
Really, I’m not impressed by grey or wet.
But the cold. Not a fan of the cold.
I’ve survived winters in Michigan. And one awful one in Wisconsin, which made Michigan winters look like a joke. I’ve even made the mistake of visiting Chicago in December.
Heck, I lived through winter in East Berlin … in what was for all intents and purposes an abandoned building where the only heat was a coal furnace.
So yes, I can handle it. But mmmmmrphgh. There may be some whining.
The good stuff
My wonderful, sparkly, effusively awesome brand new girlfriend aka super-famous self-help superstar Jennifer Louden was in town to eat biscuits with me give a workshop, which was insanely great.
Also she pretty much mentioned me and how important my work is about once a minute so I spent the whole time blushing embarrassingly charmingly.
We did a ton of really neat journaling exercises, some of which I’ve been adding to my morning routine, and the whole thing was just awesome insight after awesome insight.
If you have a chance to take any kind of class with her — and yeah, she’s doing one by phone on Wednesday — ohmygosh do it!
My life: I don’t even know what to say. Yay!
Speaking of biscuits …
This weekend I’ll be — ahem — buttering biscuits with the brilliant, charming and fabulous Colleen the Communicatrix!!!
Given that I just had breakfast with Jennifer Louden last weekend, the percentage of breakfasts with people I’ve wanted to meet for ages is totally on the rise. Through the roof! Statistically speaking, of course.
Pretty soon it will just be Mark Twain and the Dalai Lama that I haven’t breakfasted with.
I’m not even eating right now!
Yes, it was Yom Kipur this week. And yes, that’s why I haven’t answered your email yet.
Anyway, this year was the easiest fast I’ve ever had. Didn’t even get hungry until about two hours before it was over. Plus I hardly fell apart at all during yizkor (memorial service).
Usually I spend the day after Yom Kipur doing nothing but snacking. Just because I can. But this year that kind of loss consciousness or whatever you want to call it hasn’t been showing up. So yay for that.
The teleclasses!
I taught two teleclasses this week, and I must say that much ass was kicked. In a good way.
Naomi and I always have a rocking good time on the non-icky self-promotion calls but this week’s theme (what to do when you’re not getting encouragement and support from your friends and family) is so, so huge.
And it was just the most fun ever. You know life is good when a. you’re thinking “I have the best job in the entire world” and b. people are sending you email titled “This is f*cking great!”
Also, if you missed my “Hey, I’m doing a random freebie call” Tuesday about how to get into a regular-ish exercise-ey routine when you don’t have time and you don’t feel like it, it was a blast.
We had 111 people sign up officially, and then switched services and then there were presidential debates so it ended up being a cozy 27 of us. And it was just really fun.
And you can listen to it here (mp3 download) if you feel like it.
Warning: 100% unedited. Sound quality semi-sucky. So you might have slog through a bit of us being goofy and making weird noises and then some weird noises that aren’t us.
Several people emailed to say how much they enjoyed it (one woman wrote: “Great topic — been wondering this for about 27 years now!”)
And this one was so so great:
“It’s always refreshing to hear a very non-bootcamp “suck it up, soldier!” take on a daily practice. It’s far less threatening to the rebellious teen that still rages on inside of me sometimes and thinks that bootcamp-ish rules are so “The Man” and, therefore, damnable.”
Hooray! That’s exactly what we’re going for.
That’s it for me ….
And yes, absolutely join in my Friday ritual if you feel like it and/or there’s something you just want to say out loud too.
Yeah? What was something hard and/or good that happened in your week?
And, as always have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious weekend. And a happy week to come.
My first Friday Check-in: yay!
This week has been hard and good. First, as the Scottish autumn sets in both me and my lady friend have been having more pain than usual (we both have severe chronic pain). And Havi’s tale of the cat had me sobbing for a good hour or two (yep, I’m not so manly that I’m above a good sniffle!).
The hard: made several phonecalls, including a ‘stranger’ call – thus setting aside for a while a major phone phobia. Yay 🙂
The good: many cuddles, a lovely pub dinner (mmm curry) and a “Hooray” certificate from Havi.
You know, I sent out TWO Hooray certificates this week, and neither one to clients. Very unusual. And very cool!
Mmmm curry!
I’m enjoying this season more now that I am in someplace that has proper seasons. For me, cold is so much easier when it is sunny and dry. I suspect Portland is like England and I HATED that kind of winter. Here is more like Michigan and I love it. Go figure. Right now, more like New England. In fact, I think I should go take photos of the maples lining my street to put in my blog header.
JoVEs last blog post..Another Canadian science supplier
Ho ho, there, missy-ma’am!
I hope you and that duck worked up an appetite over the holiday, being all conscious and stuff. I like to chow down, and I intend to take full advantage of all the good chow PDX has to offer!
communicatrixs last blog post..Staying Awake in Seattle, Day 12: Hump day
The good: Friends. Work I love. Conversing with deer (which went something like “Hey. Shoo!” and in reply, “Munch. Munch. Stupid human.”) Hiking in one of the most beautiful places of the world.
The not-so-good: Missing Wednesday’s call. Frost on the car this morning. Dogs freaking out, begging to be let at those deer. Still not finished the project that is sucking our life away (but oh, so close).
Have a great weekend!
Tzaddis last blog post..Being Thankful
The good: Meeting Havi in person! Having Havi like my workshop! Teaching a workshop – god, i love talking about change and teaching. Staying with Mark Silver and his wife Holly! Interviewing wise people like Oriah Mountain Dreamer and Amy Weintraub and Pam Slim about fear and getting comforted from it and more to come. Getting excited about a creative project again. Doing Dance of Shiva – still at the very beginning of level one. Birthday dinner with girlfriends (not my birthday). My sweetheart breaking through into a good mood from his own stress. A burp fest at dinner with our kids. Two walks in the sunlight fragrant woods. Crisp sunshine. Talking to Havi’s gentleman friend about design – he’s brilliant. Cuddling in bed with above mentioned sweetheart. My daughter being sweet. My daughter going to her first High School dance.
The bad: knowing my retirement money was shrinking vastly, knowing people are afraid, being disappointed in Obama for not answering the debate questions more directly, dealing with my own ever present anxiety over creative future, missing exercise two days and Dance of Shiva one. Being so friggin frustrated with technology and my slowness with it. Deciding my therapist is clueless. The sadness of missing my dad and my marriage and my daughter being a baby. Drinking wine and eating cake and feeling tired because of the sugar.
Wow, this is a fantastic exercise. I think I may make this a blog thing for me, too. Thanks Havi, you are so inspiring.