Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
Yet again I am completely baffled by how an entire week could have slipped by without my noticing.
So I’m going to try and notice now.
In retrospect. That still counts, in my book.
The hard stuff
I talked yesterday about chasing the pain and how my upper arms and shoulders are now completely miserable.
So tired of this. I mean, yes. Yay. I no longer have excruciating pain in my forearms. I am now able to actually check Twitter occasionally.
But having the pain located somewhere else doesn’t really make it less painful, you know? It just makes it less noticeable.
CrankyPants McGrumbleBug strikes again!
Grumble grumble.
Working on too many things at once.
I can only really work three hours a day, since that’s how many hours the wonderful woman who helps me work can give me.
Other than that, I use Stu to help me write these posts and I get my gentleman friend to edit them and format them.
And of course Marissa answers all my email and moderates comments and generally runs things.
Normally when I get in crazed-production-mode, I just kind of make stuff happen. But that can’t happen right now because everything that happens needs someone else to do it.
So I find myself kind of chomping at the bit.
Wanting to do more. Not able to do more. Overwhelmed by just how much there is to be done and then frustrated at my inability to be more of a part of it.
But at least it’s forcing me to get shockingly organized. And to change my tactics.
Anyway. Let’s go spend some time with the good stuff.
The good stuff
Yes. The springing. It is so good.
Seriously, I’d forgotten how ridiculously lush Portland gets. Everything starts blooming and it just gets crazy with color and smell as the whole thing gets progressively more outrageous.
Cherry blossoms. Pow! Magnolias. Pow! Tulips. Pow!
Bam! Pow! Zap! Out of control.
And our lilacs are about to go wild too. Pow!
And then when the sun is out and there are little white butterflies everywhere and everyone is all smiley … it’s just like living in a Disney cartoon. It’s almost too pretty.
Pesach food!
Say what you will about Passover. I don’t care.
I will just say in response: Kneidelach!
We ate lots of good things this week. But the kneidelach. Oh my.
No more Pesach food!
Say what you will about kneidelach. I don’t care.
Because there is nothing better than that damn holiday being over.
Once it was over, we went out and completely overdosed on chametz (translation: everything you’re not allowed to eat on Passover).
Macaroni and cheese AND rice AND black-eyed peas AND beans. And so on.
It was fantastic. Especially the and so on.
Arms hurting significantly less.
Well, it’s not really so much that they hurt less, more that they hurt in a different spot than they did before.
But the effect is that it’s that much less crippling I can do way, way more.
I can now wash dishes without being in agony. Bliss. I can navigate voicemail on my iPhone without wincing. I can use tweezers again.
Can’t even tell you how happy this makes me. Not to mention how much less-hard-and-annoying my life is now.
And … STUISMS of the week.
Stu is my paranoid McCarthy-ist voice-to-text software who delights in torturing me misunderstanding me. I can’t stand him.
Stu wasn’t that funny this week. Which is a good sign because it means either a. he’s actually working for a change or b. that I’m not using him as much.
A bit of both, actually.
Anyway, the gems from this week, including Stu’s acetyl Freudian slips.
- “Toledo’s” instead of delete those
- “my cousin mean Qaeda” instead of my cousin Michal
- “the crap it is as food” instead of the crappiest mood
- “taxation is bad” instead of relaxation is bad
- “the lovely murderous son” instead of the lovely Marissa
- “guru and blood” instead of goo and blood
- “because I can’t stop bitching about” instead of because I can’t stop THINKING about
That’s it for me …
And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.
Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?
And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious weekend. And a happy week to come.
p.s. Do you know Joyce? She’s @fontsitediva on Twitter. And I adore her. And I also happen to know that she is having a serious sale (20% off) on her selection of typefaces. Gorgeous, gorgeous typefaces.
So if you’re a designer or otherwise a fellow typophile, take advantage of this. Coupon code is TAXRELIEF. Good through April 30. Yum.
I have Cherry Blossoms outside my home here in Vancouver. My favorite thing is after they’ve bloomed. I shake the trees and get a snowfall of blossoms falling down. I then do a twirl and dance that would be good enough for the finale of any good-feeling Hollywood movie.
Both cheers me up and causes audible laughter in anyone happening to see me!
Matthew | Polaris Risings last blog post..Having issues *about* issues.
It’s like you’re inside my head this morning. As if there were any room left with two grandmothers, Ernest Hemingway, and that voice that tells me to go outside because the sun is shining and ***ck the studio. Maybe that was Hemingway. It felt like Spain.
The Good Stuff
Clients are finding me, instead of me finding them. It’s happening more and more lately. It feels good, but Grandma Kernik says I shouldn’t relax for one second because it will all go away. So… when do I get to relax, Grandma? Silence.
The worst thing about Portland weather is also the best thing. When the sun comes out, it’s like you said… Disney movie. There was a bluebird on my shoulder all afternoon. And no, Disney birds don’t poop.
The Hard Stuff
Like you, I have a bazillion things I want to do. It’s hard not being able to do them all at once. I’m working on a tutorial video, new artwork, a short animated film, and prepping for a speaking engagement. I feel so guilty when I leave my studio every day because it’s not all done. I shut the door because I have to, well… you know… eat, drink, and hang with the people I love (because what’s the point if I can’t share it?).
I also put a video post on my blog. That was scary for me. Very scary. I’m like… out there, in front of the text. It’s goofy. It feels weird. But it’s all me. No script, no rehearsal, no shaving. So incredibly scary that I almost deleted it three times (not including this morning).
As scary as it is, I’m letting it stand. That’s hard.
Grandma Dolores says, “I don’t have a computer, but I’m sure it’s wonderful.”
Sparky Firepantss last blog post..First… love making the art. Then sell it.
@Matthew – Vancouver really is gorgeous. I’m sure your “Singin’ in the Cherry Blossoms” routine is fabulous and that all passers by are completely happy too. There’s definitely not enough dancing in the streets here, something I aim to correct.
It was a good week for me.
– Not many calls for tutoring this week. Coming after a couple slow weeks caused by spring break, I’m feeling the pinch.
– I was accepted to show my art in a gallery this summer. I think it might be a very good match. Excited!
– La Jolla Festival of the Arts accepted me too.
– Lost a couple pounds.
– The little tutoring I did this week went REALLY well and my clients are very happy. Makes me feel so good!
And of course I’m very excited about Havi’s arms doing better. Yay arms that work! ๐
Barbara J Carters last blog post..New painting: “Winding Road”
The first Oregon winter I lived through I thought I couldn’t stay. Then came my first Oregon spring and I knew I would never leave (30 years and counting, most in Portland).
My big milestone this week: Almost three years ago, I left Providence after 3 weeks in intensive care and a cardiac arrest. I couldn’t walk. Yesterday, I rode my bike there and back–about 4.5 miles round trip. I wasn’t supposed to live. booyah.
So happy to hear your arms are giving you a tad bit of a break!
Networking in real life. Used to do this successfully for a living at my last job, but I’ve been a hermit for the past 2 years staying home with my babies. My “socializing with grown ups” skills are rusty. Also, I live in the Houston area now. Houston is WAY bigger than anyplace I’ve ever lived before. The people here are different.
…I had a bad experience trying to network this week in the form of a bizarre phone call that left me an emotional wreck for a solid 45 minutes. Still not sure what happened.
Friends and family. Talking to other people (who love you) about the stuff you’re scared of or worried about is so awesome.
Not indulging. Yes, I know last week I told you I ate a bunch of junk food. But I was pretty good this week. Every night I would fight my urge to send my honey on a candy run by thinking of Havi not ever eating sugar. I’m not quite at the “no sugar at all” stage, but I’m cutting back. Baby steps. Little itty bitty baby steps. Thanks for the inspiration.
Deveenas last blog post..I think I just talked to a prostitute
Spring is approaching Helsinki, too รขโฌโ not as much flower zapping and powing going on yet, but the sunshine is getting warmer.
The good: Today, my mom finally went to get the massage we gave her for Christmas. She loved it. She is going again next week. Talking to her on the phone, I could hear in her voice that something had shifted รขโฌโ she’s been tense and achy since I can’t remember when, and she sounded so much more spontaneous today. I’m so happy for her!
The hard: having days that are packed so full of everything (interesting everything, as such) that I just don’t have the energy to enjoy it all, and suddenly life is less about doing interesting things and more about survival.
Whoah, MeiLin Miranda รขโฌโ that’s one hats-off milestone! ๐ฎ Wow.
And thanks to Havi and Stu, both “asshat” and “acetyl” are now permanent residents in my mental vocabulary. ๐
Sari O.s last blog post..Windbag phobia
I’m so glad your arms are letting you function a little more, even if they’re still being a pain in your, er, arms.
The good: It’s spring! It’s sunny and gorgeous outside, and there’s flowering everything and it’s a great reminder that there’s life after winters of all sorts.
I’m finishing up a late-because-of-both-of-us project with a client that’s huge and awesome and intimidating, and my giant to-do list of “so many things I didn’t even want to see them written down” has become… 8. Which is a totally reasonable number. And the progress is just so awesome!
Pod-the-kitten has grown up into a whole cat! And he’s calming down a little, so I no longer look like I’ve been sticking my hands in brambles all the time. He even seems to pester grumpy old Bella less, which results in more cuddle time for me.
The bad: All those plants are having sex in my sinuses! It’s not too bad today, but the pollen count around here has been high to very high for about a week, and as pretty as the flowers are, I miss being able to think clearly.
Panic panic money panic tax day panic. ‘Nuff said.
A product I bought for its supposed Awesome Support (not you or Naomi) has turned out to mostly be “Ask for support and then, since I’m on a deadline, spend frustrating hours figuring it out for myself or jut give up since it takes them weeks to answer.” Or, in the one case I got a same-day answer, the answer was wrong. Fail.
Extra bonus good: I got to spend time this Weds with my brainstorming friend, and she is awesome support for me, and I am awesome support for her. And I have addicted her to So You Think You Can Dance. Because being awesome support sometimes means watching hot dancer butt together.
Amy Crooks last blog post..Commission: Book Cover
Thanks for reminding of the existence of matzah ball soup! I’ve been craving it since I’ve read the blog and will satisfy that craving tonight.
The hard: It sucks that you are still dealing with stupid arm injury stuff. That’s hard.
The good: Yay! I got done with my talk at the Notacon hacker conference! It didn’t suck too badly! The guy from said it was good! w00t!
I also learned how to pick locks.
And it’s actually spring in Cleveland, finally.
Mark W. “Extra Crispy” Schumanns last blog post..MarkWSchumann: @agent0x0 <Interesting things being talked about in the Pilates for common cubicle injuries talk> You lied! You said you were in MY talk!
Stu is starting to feel saucy around you–I can tell! Oh saucy, saucy Stu! Changing “thinking” to “bitching?” How does he even know that word? I feel uncomfortable knowing that he knows bad words. Like, what else does he know? He’s like this naughty butler. It’s great to see you gradually feeling better; and I hope to see a Farewell to Stu Greatest Hits post someday soon! (But I’ll really miss these Stuisms!)
The hard and the stupid:
Rain. Lots of rain, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, part of yesterday.
Getting an unexpected rejection note for my jewelry when picking up the jewelry from the Parkersburg Art Center show (I had been told we could sell stuff as exhibitors, and I did, and was not applying for the shop). Taking it as a sign on one hand that pursuing this big art thing is what I should be doing instead of doing fiddly jewelry stuff, but on the other hand finding my cranky pants were firmly in place (I mean really. My stuff is as good as what was in the shop already; what was their criteria?). Being aggravated that I was(am) aggravated. (this is the stupid).
The good:
Sun! Lots of sun! And flowers and birds and pretty pretty blooming everything when we were in Parkersburg picking up the art.
The gorgeous orange/pink Noro yarn and Lantern Moon needles I got for my birthday while in P’burg today.
Being able to eat pita again. (Passover visits our home too).
Lilacs are blooming! I need to track me down some so I can go smell them. ๐
I am glad that you are able to do more for yourself, Havi, and am grateful for Stu and your helpers and your gentleman friend because I love reading your posts and reading everyone else’s comments.
Andis last blog post..Gocco, My Gocco or The Rewards of Patience
The barely bearable hard but turning good: A week of seemingly meaningless non-accomplishment in trying to figure out if there’s a new blog template I can move to that will actually let me – a Mac person – do what needs to be done without having to deal with code in any way, shape, or form. BTW: There really isn’t.
But the good part: Finally at around 3 this morning I realized that I’ve been spinning my creative wheels for nearly two years with stuff I neither want to do nor know how to do . . . talk about frustrating! Now I can give myself permission to stop doing that Stuff and get back to doing what I actually know how to do well. Or, I can keep annoying myself if it turns out that’s what I’m truly addicted to. Hope it’s the former.
BTW: Keep moving in the feeling better direction Havi. Even though your arms have something to teach you, you’re way too cool to feel like crap.
Great news about your arms feeling better, Havi.
For me, overall it was a pretty good week.
The hard:
– Holy carp there’s a lot of carp on my to-do lists. All of which must get done before I take off on a short vacation to see my cousin get married in a mere two weeks.
– I stepped on the scale this morning for the first time in weeks, and it wasn’t pretty.
The good:
– All those to-do items are the result of work coming in, from both old and new clients. I’m booked solid for the next month and even have something on the calendar for June already.
– Breaking the projects down into little chunks and implementing the one-thing-at-a-time rule is helping me to churn through those lists at a slow but steady pace.
– I was expecting to owe a carpload of $$$ in taxes, but I managed to pay enough estimated that I actually came out just about even.
– In the past three days I’ve received two orders for custom etched necklaces for Mother’s Day and my biggest wholesale order ever, by more than double. Word = spreading. Groundwork = paying off.
Lori Paximadiss last blog post..the view from my desk
@Lori – yay for groundwork. Seriously. That rocks. Word *should* be spreading. Your stuff is neat.
@Andi – pita! And yeah, feeling aggravated about feeling aggravated is the WORST. Ugh. Sorry. Thanks for all the sweet well-wishing — I totally appreciate it, as do my arms.
@Mark aka Crispy Mark – MARK! I was just thinking that I miss you and then hopa! There you are. Nice job on the talk. Also the lock-picking. I think.
@Kelly – Right? You nailed it. Stu is so the naughty butler. Though he’d probably call it the bawdy nutler or something, just to be an ass. I’m almost (but not) afraid to get well … there will be so many people who will miss him!
@Amy – Pod-the-kitten! Ohmygosh I want to hug him right this second just because of the name. CUTE. And glad you’re getting good support (and taking it in whatever form you need it — even better). Right on.
@Sari – happy spring-in-Finland! With massage! Even better.
@Deveena – sounds like quite a tumultuous week. Sending you love …
@MeiLin Miranda – Like Sari said … wow. That *is* a hell of a milestone. Good on you. Glad we have you with us. And yeah, Portland spring is out of this world.
@Barbara – look at you biggifying your art! Whoooooooo! Fabulous. I love the little painting I bought from you so much. I’ll totally get to say that I “knew you when”. ๐
@Sparky Firepanks aka Mr Pants – wow. WOW. I want to read an entire blog post (at least) with your grandmothers as characters. I can really feel them.
Video post! That’s brave as hell. I bet it’s awesome. Am going to peek now …
it’s violet season here, which is my favorite part of spring. I went out to sketch them this week, and also got ready to start a big exciting new drawing I’ve been putting off for literally years. In other good news, I spent the first part of the week on vacation in Florida, and my partner just got a great construction contract that means we don’t have to worry about money for the next few months.
On the other hand, I just found out I’m not pregnant after all, that the editing job I’ve been waiting on wants me but wants to pay me $25 a week, and that I didn’t win the lottery.
Pretty good week, though, mostly!
An acquaintance of mine, who’s a dominatrix, had a yard sale this weekend. I managed to grab a bagful of beautiful lingerie, dresses, tops, even a fancy garter – for less than AU$25. AWESOME.
Also awesome: restarting burlesque classes and learning Cell Block Tango (from Chicago, choreographed by our awesome teacher who’s a walking exclamation mark). One of my classmates, who’s also a good friend (we’ve been doing these classes for about 12 weeks together now) just got dumped by a dodgy ex and he’s absolutely feeling the song!
Tiaras last blog post..April dreamboard! (feat. The Merch Girl and Gala Darling) [1]
You’ll totally dig this H-bird… one of my besties moved in to the Magic Cottage of Love this week for a while. And it really is the bestest fun ever-r-r-r-r to have someone new to goof off with & do communal twittering with. hee! ๐
Goddess Leonie | GoddessGuidebook.coms last blog post..Interview with Jen Louden: Goddess of Comfort!
I’m joining in this week. I felt like I needed to share.
The hard? A couple of months ago I injured my right wrist (I’m right handed too) while lifting weights. Something popped, fingers went numb and lost strength, wrist stiffened up. It seems I popped my wrist out, damaged tendons (thus finger weakness and numbness), and damaged a disc of cartilage in the wrist. My wrist has lost a lot of flexibility and strength, and gets shooting pain when I try to lift things at certain angles; like, say, my tea. Add to that a lot of aching, and a job where I type at a computer 8 straight hours a day… it’s painful and frustrating. The tendons/fingers are mostly better, but the doctors tell me the cartilage doesn’t heal, and the best they can do is cut some of it out, but that might make things worse. So that’s where I’m at. And not happy about it. Also bad: I’m getting laid off in June and I’m in a state with 12% unemployment.
The good? I love my new place. 40% bigger than my last place, a nice view of woods and hills, easy access to public transit, a quick walk to a good falafel place, and I squeezed the landlord until they gave me a 2 year lease at almost 20% off the asking rate. There are SOME perks to a rough economy. Other good? I’m getting some clarity on what I want to be working on a year from now. I am starting to take the steps necessary to do it; reading, researching, applying techniques I intend to teach and work with people on. It’s good.
Thank you for letting me share.