Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
I’m in Tennessee! Whee!
Hanging out with Tara the Blonde Chicken and getting ready to teach three days of wacky brain training near Asheville, North Carolina.
Which is basically the best thing ever.
Doing the Friday Chicken while sitting with the Blonde Chicken.
It’s a Double Chicken! Chicken.
The hard stuff
Overworked. I mean, over-working.
I worked through the whole weekend.
By choice, yes.
There was a lot to do and I was excited about doing it and in the zone.
So I don’t regret it. But it meant a lot of tired and grumpy this week until I remembered that I had to suddenly kind of take a weekend in the middle of the week.
Which was annoying too. Because this week was crazy.
Every once in a while, things converge in such a way that every single thing I don’t want to do needs to happen at exactly the same time.
I’m pretty sure Mt. Hood (which, by the way, I still don’t believe in) was in retrograde again.
Because Monday was the day. Phone calls I didn’t want to make. Bills I didn’t like. Conversations I didn’t want to have.
Stupid little mistakes.
Things going wrong.
Little miscommunications.
Seriously, how did we manage to send two people the wrong DVD in as many weeks? How is it that I put in huge chunks of really good, focused work and still don’t get to the things that I actually want to do?
Needing to rest.
Extra-schleepy. Not so much the functioning with the schleepy.
The good stuff
North Carolina! Shivanauts!
I have been looking forward to teaching this weekend of Shiva Nata Wackiness forever.
The plans! They are full of fabulous! The people! They are awesome.
The Shiva Nata! It is the bomb.
Very exciting.
Will fill you in more next week. But I am super happy about this.
My site is having a birthday!
The Fluent Self is four years old.
Though the colors and typefaces are the same and the basic layout is similar, it doesn’t look very much like it did then.
Wow. Four years.
That is the crazy.
Big changes. Many little steps. And but but but but.
So the huge thing this week was that I did something I’ve been wanting to do for over a year.
I turned the blog part of the Fluent Self site into the main thing — so that when you go to the site you get sent straight to the blog.
Because for the longest time it felt like I had this kind of serious, sober front door and a big, fabulous party hidden in the back.
And if you knew to come in through the back door, there was always mad fun to be had back here. But you had to find your way. So many people would just stand at the front door and then go away.
But I thought I had to have that serious front door to explain something about what I do. But though it wasn’t the right explanation any more, I hated to let good copy go to waste.
But but but.
And the truth is, all this not making the change was really (as my friend Janet says) about loss. And about recognizing that sense of loss.
There was just this part of me that didn’t want to change the beautiful site that my ex built for me.
And then … I was ready. And it happened. And I’m really happy about it.
I’m really appreciating my pirate crew!.
It’s not easy running a pirate ship. And I get so much help.
And I am feeling especially grateful for my wonderful First Mate Marissa Bracke who keeps so much stuff off my plate.
Also she helps me in my impossible practice of saying no, and even approves of me saying no.
Actually, she says things like:
Go-go gadget BOUNDARIES! (Wonder Twin Boundaries, Activate!) etc. etc. 🙂
Because she’s awesome.
And … playing live at the meme beach house!
Yes, that’s a Stuism too.
My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”
So this week, I bring you:
A Thousand Middle Columns
Me: “So then it’s like A Thousand Middle Columns.”
Ez: “Dude. I heard it’s just one guy.”
(Special thanks to Wendy Cholbi for this week’s band name!)
twitter link
That’s it for me …
And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.
Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?
And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious weekend. And a happy week to come.
Jealous of you and Tara partying it up at the meme beach house with the other Shivanauts.
The hard:
– Work + lack of motivation to do said work = yuck. Serious yuck.
– It’s been disgustingly humid, and we’ve had to turn the air conditioning on. I hate air, but it’s been one of those times that it’s really kind of necessary for me to function.
The good:
– IT’S A BOOK! The advance copy of my book came on Wednesday. I’ve even forgiven my FedEx guy for dinging up the corner of it when he threw it on my porch.
– I’ve cleared out all but one project from my office. I’m celebrating by taking today off to do some fun things I’ve wanted to do but have been putting off, and taking the whole weekend completely off of having to do *anything* for the first time in a very long time.
– Two more wholesale orders this week, plus a regular Etsy order.
Hope everyone else has had a week that tips more to the good than the hard.
.-= Lori Paximadis´s last post … it’s a book! =-.
wheeeee!! enjoy your weekend!!
@lori: such good stuff! enjoy your weekend off!
The hard:
– the answer to the stuckness in my throat – fear and terror – not sure exactly of what though (old/new/..)
The good:
– cool breezes through the window after a hot week
– that Yin Yoga DVD (after the first 3 poses, my back was crying with fragileness and I couldn’t help but laugh because it seemed like I really hadn’t done much yet)
– I am learning to talk to my fears
– chocolate milk
.-= elizabeth´s last post … feeding fear =-.
What no Stu?
Hard: I worked through the weekend too. By choice, because one of my Big Events was up where I get to sell comic books to people in strange costumes. There were many strange costumes, but not so much selling. Also, the weekend left me shattered and I’ve been recovering for the entire week. I spent Moday in a daze, and didn’t manage to do any Shiva Nata OR yoga until this morning. 🙁
Nobody buys my books. ;__; I also had a tiny event on Tuesday, where I wasn’t expecting to sell a lot of books, but one or two would have been nice. Thinking I need to be more selective in choosing what events to go to.
Good: Um…
I’m not sure. I was too tired to notice. Did some good talking with the boyfriend. My deskplant seems to be pretty happy. Sleeping is nice.
Learning stuff about my physical limits and what happens when I cross them was not nice, but it’s better to know than not.
.-= Willie Hewes´s last post … If you register your site for free at =-.
Stu still on Vacation, huh? Good for him!
Is the site all ready to start preschool next month? 🙂
The Hard:
Insecurities are not feeling better. Old fears (When everyone but me goes overseas, they’ll outgrow me!) are beginning to feel prophetic (My friend P is settling down! He doesn’t still have wanderlust liek the rest of us! If he hadn’t gone overseas, he would! He’s outgrown me just like I said!).
So many stupid things to finish up for the wedding: Guest book? Fine, but I want something practical that I can put on a bookshelf, not a froofy display piece I’ll nevetr display. Cake server? Sure, but I want a hard-core, high-quality piece I’ll use on every cake for the rest of our lives. Perfume? Uh… I don’t even know where to start on that!
Plus my FSIL’s shower is coming up, and the awesome chick running it has lots of awesome ideas but zero sense of the time (of which I have none; see: wedding!) or money (of which I am the only person in the bridal party to have any, and not all that much).
The Good:
My first Official Personal Ad goes live this weekend (and I will cross-post it to here on the next Personal Ad Day). Exciting!
i have blof posts pre-scheduled for the whole next week, so anything I write from here on out is a Buffer of Awesome (possbily even a Buffer of Freaking Awesome, but I’ll wait and see on that).
The Hopeful:
Shoe shopping tomorrow! I need comfy but semi-dressy flats for walking around on the honeymoon, plus red f-me pumps for my brother’s wedding (the theme is 50s rockabilly/pin-ups). Maybe I should write a Personal Ad about that!
.-= Laura G´s last post … Something completely different… =-.
Also: Blof? Should be “blog.”
.-= Laura G´s last post … Something completely different… =-.
This week has not been a good one. All of the bad comes from one big tree trunk: clinical depression. I haven’t done anything this week. I just couldn’t. Everything from doing a load of laundry to checking the mail overwhelmed me. It’s been building for a few weeks. I went and saw my psychiatrist yesterday and we changed the meds I’m on. I am so hoping that helps.
The tough also means I didn’t get any work done on the workshop I will be doing next Saturday.
But part of the good is I’m going to be speaking at a conference in 8 days! Squeee! About my passion: Women of the Bible. So it’s nose to the grindstone time.
And the absolutely best good that has ever happened to me: My Hubby. Who has been so patient and loving. Last night he made it his mission to make me smile and laugh. Reassured me that I wasn’t a bad person or a bad wife because I didn’t feel good, and took all the snuggling and cuddling I came in for. I married well.
.-= Shawna R. B. Atteberry´s last post … Want a Side of Guilt with that? =-.
Havi, happy fourth blog-birthday! Celebrations all around for its wonderful, magical self. 🙂
I love your new bloggy front door. It’s perfect to click on your site and walk straight into the party.
So yes, hooray for boundaries that let you and your fabulous pirate ship bring its treasures to the world. And hooray for your Shivanaut workshop this weekend.
My hard this week:
Fear, panic, Screaming Meemies, and the gang. Oooof!
Not being at your Shivanaut workshop.
Finding out my blood sugar was way out of whack, which is why I’d been feeling nauseous and weird after every meal.
My good this week:
Switching to a mostly vegan diet and feeling so much better.
Screaming Meemies begone!
Had a long talk with my publisher, and filled in a lot of blanks, which helped with the SM mentioned above.
Wrote a new blog post, first of a series, that I’m very happy with.
Got an offer to publish my memoir, which isn’t finished yet! 🙂
Signed up for Barbara Sher’s workshop and retreat this fall.
Wow–mostly a Very Good Week.
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Sailing the Unknown Sea: #1 =-.
yay! Friday!
the hard:
-dealing with mysterious, annoying health issues (not mine, but someone I love very much)
…that’s pretty much it for the hard. when there are health problems, nothing else seems bad!
the good:
-celebrated 3 years with my amazing girlfriend
-spent 2 and a half days at the BEST cottage ever with 2 hilarious friends
-had some pampering at a spa
-ate a LOT of oysters
-got a mention in this blog! nicest surprise ever!
Happy Friday
.-= Christine´s last post … 3 years with Ali, and a mention in one of my favourite blogs =-.
p.s. Happy 4 years with this blog! to many more…
.-= Christine´s last post … 3 years with Ali, and a mention in one of my favourite blogs =-.
Havi, I love the new front door. I send people to this site all the time, and I am always saying, but be sure sure sure to read the BLOG! and hoping they will find their way back to the party. Much much happier like this that they will find the door open and the lights on! Thank you.
Okay, the hard this week:
Having to lose the big old elm that has sheltered my house as long as I’ve lived here and for fifty-odd years before. I can’t bear to look at the empty space. Which pretty much means not going outside and not looking out my bedroom windows. Much sadness.
A tornado in the CITY which devastated a lot of old trees and houses very close to me. Very scary in the aftermath. Everyone safe though, which is good.
Feeling tired b/c not sleeping well, which makes working hard.
Then anxious about not getting enough done. Oy.
Planning to go away for a much-needed 4 days camping alone, then not able to. Sigh.
The good:
More sunlight for the garden. This doesn’t even feel like a silver lining yet, but it’s real and the tomatoes will rejoice. Also, I can plant cherry trees. And a new resistant elm in the boulevard, to shelter the house in another fifteen or twenty years.
Nobody hurt in the tornado. And boy do we need the rain.
The Heart of Money came! I’m so thrilled. Can’t wait to get started.
My sweetheart. Always one of the good things, went out to dinner with me last night after my tree came down, made me laugh, and talked about Other Things.
Still taking time off these next three days; giving myself a lot of room. That feels good.
Happy blog-birthday, Havi! Blow out some candles…and love North Carolina up for the rest of us.
@Elizabeth. Yes to the Yin Yoga. Did the Spine series for the second time today and ooooohhhhh.
The Hard:
-I didn’t realize how much tension I was carrying around in my lower back. Now that it’s getting slowly pulled apart, I feel like it’s pulling something out of me…emotional roller-coaster this week. (Or maybe this is actually good, and I just don’t realize it yet.)
-Some hard conversations needing to happen, where I feel like no one is listening, including myself at times.
-Jokes at my expense. Mean ones. (Ouch.) Trying to approach it with wisdom, but sometimes I still want to cry. Also, seems like it always comes right when I need to be really focused. And because I’m one of those people whose face turns red immediately with embarrassment, hurt and shame, I’ve been subjected to multiple “thicker skin” lectures, which does not help.
-Scary, scary dreams that are telling me something I know but don’t want to.
The Good:
-Yin Yoga! Hooray, yes yes. In the spine series when he says you might want to moooaaannn, oh yes, I did want to moan, and then all those backbends pulled everything in the other direction. Aaaaahhhhhhhh, yes.
-I started writing again….not the work stuff, but the creative, joyfull-of-life stuff. And yes, it took a long time to get back here.
-The cherries this year are oh-so-wonderful!
What a week, what a week. This one feels soooo long.
The hard:
– Continuing to witness a major relationship between friends breaking down. Triggering my own stuff around caring for people, protecting people, and wanting to be important to people.
– It is SO HOT and HUMID in nyc this week. Just miserable. Couldn’t get myself to go to weekly yoga class last night…just sat, sweating, in front of my box fan with a glass of cold water.
The good:
– Lots and lots of talks with my GFF about our relationship, our emotions around seeing our friends going through a terrible relationship time, and our needs. This kind of also goes in the hard because – hello, it’s HARD – but ultimately it’s really good, and makes me feel really close to her.
– Our new kitty continues to feel more and more comfortable and at home with us.
– Some renewed thinking about my birth business led to me thinking about the self work I need to do to get started. (I actually sort of made myself laugh because basically what I need….is some destuckification. Oh, how funny. I’ve been reading all your archives for months, just really being so into the blog, but not really having any conception of myself as someone who needed destuckification…around my THING. Oh hahaha hohoho.) This is good because I feel pretty inspired and jazzed and can see what might come next.
– I’m in a routine with some herbal medicine my practitioner made for me and it feels really good to have the ritual of it. It also feels good to be good to myself in this way.
I think that’s it! I’m ready for a glooorrrrrrrrious weekend of cheering on the new camper bands at Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls, getting to see my hairstylist – one of my FAVORITE people – for a bang trim, and my weekly friday night date with GFF. This week is pizza from one of the fancy artisan pizza makers cropping up all over the city. Best wishes for a wonderful weekend for everyone else, too!
Oh my! Two mentions of the yin yoga DVD in the comments to a single post…specifically about the spine work…my amazement this week at how incredibly supple my cat’s spine is…These might be the signs I’ve been looking for telling me now’s-the-time.
Forgot to say, also, happy blogiversary to you! Hooray for all you do and share with us.
Happy 4th birthday, Fluent Self! I love birthdays.
– My gallery show ended and I had to go pick up the paintings that didn’t sell. Too many paintings.
– I might have gotten stiffed for some tutoring. That felt really bad. Client says “check’s in the mail,” we’ll see.
– My sweetie and I make a good team! We painted his bathroom last weekend. I did the fiddly detail stuff and he did the big sloppy stuff. It looks great.
– Too many art ideas, not enough time. Not sure if this is a “hard” or a “good” but I’ll call it “good.”
– Fresh ripe fruit! Oh, I do love summer.
.-= Barbara J Carter´s last post … New dot painting: “Blue-Green Square” =-.
Happy Blog Birthday!
The hard:
Putting off til tomorrow what I should’ve done yesterday (class prep for a single student) spent all week kind of avoiding the elephant, then went upstairs this morning and pulled it together in half an hour (the materials part), which left me saying “why do I keep doing this to myself?”
Big huge major blow up with daughter #2 whereby she is acting like a 2 month old again (ie cold shoulder treatment) after accusing *me* of over-reacting
Catastrophizing the blow up, since it started at the weekly stitch and bitch.
The good:
Talking through the catastrophizing with Marty and realizing I have an inner terrier who likes to grab something and not let go. Visualizing the terrier, petting her and loving her, telling her I am safe and she does not need to defend me, then giving her a bone to chew on instead. And it is working! (I did have to build her a nice doggie castle with a moat today, but progress is progress)
Sharing the terrier with my mom via email and her response is that she may try the technique too! (Thank you so much Havi!)
My ink paintings. 😀
Realizing it’s not me, it’s a shoe.
Planning to feed the hummingbirds at Lake Hope tomorrow.
Have a great weekend, y’all!
.-= Andi´s last post … Just Playing Around =-.
Hooray for the Chicken. Hugs all around for the hard. Hoorahs and more hugs for the good.
The Hard:
–This was a pretty awesome week, I have to say. I guess what was hard had mostly to do with my day job, which had some snafus and fiascos, so that was stressful. Although I had good support from teammates and colleagues, so even that wasn’t as bad as it might have been.
–Still not sleeping very well. Better than last week, but still not enough. My voice is very tired, which is not good, since I have to sing my tuchus (sp?) off in the musical I’m doing.
The Good:
–I auditioned for and was accepted into a solo performance initiative which will basically fund and support my one woman show over the next nine months and help me drive it to fruition. I get to work with other solo artists who are awesome. And it was a nice validation of how far I’ve come, how hard I’ve worked, and how good my show really is (and with this program will get even better).
–Relationship churn gave way to a new level of love and understanding. It was a hard storm to walk through, but on the other side there is light and connection. I feel met in a new way, and I’ve gotten better at asking for what I want and need, and sticking around to see that it happens. Kudos to my husband for reaching out and doing the work, which was not easy for him either.
–Having so much fun in Guys and Dolls. Just fun. Yay singing, yay dancing, yay goofing around with the cast.
–It was my birthday this week and I received much love and hugs and happy wishes. That was really nice.
–Had a great meetup with a new friend who gave me some great insight on my itty biz, and who is helping me to make it real, by letting me do a workshop in her business space.
Happy happy weekend to all, and most bountiful thanks and love to Havi for this wonderful space. Happy 4th birthday to the glorrrrrrrious Fluent Self.
Too much hard to talk about.
-lots of snuggles w my dogs and cat while I’ve been in bed recovering from bronchitis “with a touch of pneumonia”.
glad for anniversaries, birthdays, books (dinged and undinged!), petting terriers, musicals, and all the other good!
hugs for hard.
.-= melissa´s last post … I Talk With My Hands =-.
Wow. Just wow. A week filled to the brim with hard and good. Luckily, they kind of come in “this-but-that” pairs.
-New bloodthinners bring tired tired tiredness and a big helping of crazy, edgy, insanity. Luckily, I’ve felt the crazy come before, so I knew what I could do to combat it. Also, yay for reduced stroke risk!
– Then I got my period, and on blood thinners it’s an extra treat, so I was extra crampy, and cranky, and generally ewwwwww. But the hippie hubby was sooooooo nice and comforting and extra snuggly – and he made me tasty foods and ran me a warm bath and lit candles and just generally diffused my entire crappy day.
– The temp job continues inexorably and though I hope to be done with it soon, it does make the time fly. Also I got to spend three days this week on the floor with the web-dev folks who are *way* more tolerable than my usual spot with the marketing weasels. The job *did* come with a great tragic story this week, and I hope to jot it down before it starts to fade.
– I have engaged Johnny B Truant to do some web/blog overhauls for me. I can’t afford it, but I also can’t afford to leave my sites in their lame states if I hope to get new clients.
– I have completely ignored the dance of Shiva all week. I listened to the “dust off the DVD” where it’s recommended that I do it in the morning. But I’ve been so tired, that mornings are a painful struggle just to get to work. So I’m switching back to my after-work 15-minutes because I need those epiphanies whenever they can come to me.
– And, finally, YAY, because tomorrow, the hippie husband and I are going on our first cruise aboard the SS Jeremiah O’Brien! Fun fun cruising around the bay in a WW2 behemoth.
.-= Casey´s last post … casey_cole: Dudes! First Japan, now Alaska. The Ring of Fire is active. Stock up yer guns and supplies! #SF #Earthquake =-.
Spent a couple of days off-site, and I missed The Fluent Self. Happy Birthday! I probably speak for many when I say we’re glad you were born and are happy to see you constantly growing! Hope we nuture you as much as you nuture us!
The Hard:
-Enduring the first stage of my tooth implant. They drilled into my JAW. Oh gawd the sound of the drill. And I smelled bone!!! I now have a titanium rod in my jaw. I was so SCARED during the procedure, but am thankful for modern dentistry to be able to eventually have a functional tooth where there has been none.
-Not being able to exercise for a few days while recovering.
-The HUGE cost of the procedure, which isn’t covered by dental insurance.
-Losing track of dissertation in the midst of all other life stuff. Working on finding my way back, though.
The Good
-That I got through the hard! I feel so brave! I’ve been avoiding this dental procedure for YEARS.
-Blogging on my site more.
-Got a couple nibbles w/respect to the job hunt.
-Packing in preparation to move in w/my very own gentleman friend. Excited about making a life together.
-One more hour to go till the weekend!
.-= Dawn´s last post … The Phinish Line =-.
Happy 4th Birthday!!!
The Hard:
– Putting our kitty that has been our companion for over 14 years to sleep on Tuesday. Very hard.
– Dealing with a student who failed his exams because he didn’t properly prepare. Of course, he is finding fault with everything I did. So explain to me how the other students in the class all passed and that your score was so much lower than everyone else’s?
– Being kept in the dark about some major changes that are happening in our program in the coming few weeks. My acting boss wants to tell me, but is being shutdown by higher ups. I will be on the frontline dealing with the students when all the crap hits the fan. NOT HAPPY that I’m going to be blindsided. NOT HAPPY AT ALL.
The Good:
– A dear friend who has patiently listened to all my venting about the above work situation and who comforted me through the last few tearful days with our kitty.
– My acting boss, who while she can’t tell me directly what is going to happen, has dropped just enough hints that I’m about 90% sure that I’ve figured out what is going to happen. It will be an ugly fall.
– My doctoral program starts tomorrow!!!
– And, my loving hubby, who did everything he could to keep our kitty comfortable these last few weeks of her life.
Happy Blogiversary! I love that people can just come in the front door now, so the party and your awesomeness are open for all.
The Hard:
– Having little patience for things I usually enjoy, like reading comments, participating in discussions and hanging out on Twitter. Despite, or perhaps because, these things are turning into real positives for me and my business.
– A bit of creeping ick that might be allergies, might be an oncoming cold, might be something I haven’t thought of, but is just dogging my energy without manifesting into anything real.
– Had to back-and-forth with a client far too many times because she wasn’t reading what I was sending (and later admitted this was so), creating more work for me and costing her more money.
– Did some Shiva Nata and my biggest epiphany was “ow” — had to stop before I’d intended to because of the grinding pain in my shoulders. Still working on a good way to fit this practice into my life, because they’re motions I want to be able to do!
The Good:
+ I got paid today! I love it when rent is covered so far ahead of the 1st, instead of barely maybe on the 6th.
+ Feeling just more abundant in general, with work, with money, with confidence.
+ Made progress in several ways with Antemortem Arts — got the CSS done for the site, got an awesome new commission, decided to start things off with a sale. Despite my worries and bigness-stuckness-avoidyness, I want this enough to make it happen bit by bit!
+ Got to do a happy illustration project for a friend, and felt good after thinking for a day about giving him a friend-price for it. Then having him offer more, which I could smile as I refused. Gifts are awesome, sometimes, even if it’s just the gift of extra time and care spent on his wee project.
+ Had a good balance of ins-and-outs, and got most of my to-do lists done this week. I keep surprising myself by being on track with all my projects!
+ Had a piece of art post to a community to a good reception, and many smiles (and no shoes) came my way this week.
+ Have discovered that Pod-the-kitten is a jealous little brat, which is a good because it was fun to watch him play “mommy mommy me me pay attention to me!” whenever someone came by this week. Also spent some quality time spoiling Bella-the-cat the other night, just sitting and petting her and ignoring the world. Cats are brilliant therapy!
Way more Good than Hard this week, and I even knew it ahead of time this time! Even the weather’s been cooperating.
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … It’s Coming Right for Us! =-.
Happy Blogiversary! Love, love, love the blog right up front now, just jumping right in as soon as I arrive.
Hmm, my week… I haven’t done this for a while, may be disjointed, and definitely in no particular order.
*Insomnia last night from too many things whirling in my brain.
*Odd swelling under my left eye this morning, plus painful blemish meant feeling uncomfortable and looking as though I’d been hit, which made me self-conscious all day.
*Slow days at work with nothing to do but try to look busy, a definite downside to temping.
*Re-reading Getting Things Done and realizing just how disorganized my life and my stuff is and how much work I have to do.
*Cell phone bill with stupid roaming charges that I swear weren’t charged the last time I was calling from there. Time to overhaul cell service, I think.
*Rereading Getting Things Done and realizing I want to make a concerted effort to get rid of things and figure out what to do about things that are basically in stasis because I’m in constant overwhelm.
*Sparkly clean apartment! The three of us pitched in and did all of those things we tend to let slide, in anticipation of tomorrow’s landlord inspection. There were moments of drudgery in the midst, but now it’s done and feels all fresh and new. Plus, housemate cooperation!
*Putting up a blog post after ignoring the space for far too long.
*Tweetup: seeing increasingly familiar faces and meeting new ones over coffee and breakfast.
*Returning to my zafu, albeit in small increments. I realized I missed meditation and I needed to make time in my schedule for it again.
*Using some of my temp job downtime to get some writing done.
Sorry so long, as usual. I do tend to go overboard when I get the chance. Thanks, as always, Havi, for the space.
.-= Faith´s last post … What I Noticed on My Walk Home =-.
Happy 4th birthday!!!
The hard: Plenty of hard, but I don’t even care because…
The good (scratch that) The BEST: is Marissa worked her first 1.3 hours for me and got more done than I could have managed in a week. I finally, finally, truly believe I can get my meditation work into the world where it can feed everyone’s loving heart, and my head injury and all the rest that goes with it can’t hold me back. No real words to describe how that feels.
.-= Mahala Mazerov´s last post … Skillful Answers to Disgraceful Questions, Part 2 =-.
Happy blog birthday! (blirthday? hmm.)
Another thumbs-up for the design reshuffling too.
This week’s hard:
*I should be there right now, hanging out with you guys and possibly cooking tasty no-sugar things for everyone. I would have just enjoyed a road trip up a part of the east coast I’ve never seen. I love Seattle and all, but chasing work sucks and this is WEAK SAUCE.
*I have a poorly-defined role at work right now and it’s frustrating to feel like I don’t have enough work, and too much work to do, at the same time. Ugh.
This week’s good:
*Being an item! Was not expecting that at all, and it totally made my day. Thanks. And all the AMAZING people I have started working with as a result… wow! I can’t even begin to thank you enough for bringing me together with cool people I can help out.
*Feeling really good about what I’ve figured out my life is supposed to be about. And getting lots of signs that the thing really is the *thing*, that I’m not just making it up.
Feeling the biggification this week. *super cheesy grin* I’m not in NC, but the world hasn’t ended yet. So there’s still hope for me. Have fun getting your wacky on!
.-= Shannon Bowman´s last post … Hey Baby, What’s Your Sign? =-.
The Hard: Being in Minnesota and not able to rendezvous with Selma at the airport in North Carolina. (She’d promised me an exclusive interview on what it was like to own a Havi — the good and the bad — and some insights on what you should consider before getting one of your own.)
The Good: Spending time with my 90 year old dad and brothers here in temperate Minnesota, rather than being home in Hot Columbia, South Carolina.
Aside: I was in the midst of re-designing my site to hide the blog behind a “general” page, partly because that’s what Havi did — and everyone knows that she’s really smart. Thank god I kept procrastinating…
.-= Dick Carlson´s last post … Seth Godin On The Tribes We Lead =-.
Oh, interesting! Happy bloggyversary. I walked away from the front door here a few times before hearing the music from the party out back.
Hard: thought I was doing really well on pacing myself and not procrastinating on a big project… until I splatted into a brick wall on the home stretch. Ow.
Good: Took some baby steps toward a bigger writing goal. Harder than expected, but packed with learning.
Started learning some amazing techniques for dealing with the procrastination. 🙂
.-= Sandra´s last post … If I ever go looking any further than my own back yard =-.
Hey Havi:
Just wanted to wish you a Happy Anniversary and congrats on your new front door.
You’re doing awesome things and changing the world by sharing your experiences and providing space for us to share what’s up.
I’m too tired to even think about my week – and I’m very grateful too.
.-= Char´s last post … test =-.