Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
Spooky halloween check-in
So our neighborhood is ridiculously halloween-obsessed.
To the point that pretty much everyone (except for us and the place I’m about to mention) is going mad trying to outdo each other by having more enormous glowing purple spiders on the roof than everyone else.
And then there is this one house with nothing. Just a tiny little wooden stick in the grass by a step that says … in sweet little letters:
Awesome. Okay, on to the week.
The hard stuff
Stupid transitions.
So the move is finally official — after two weeks of being on edge and not knowing.
Which is a good fantastic thing, of course. Because I am moving to the most perfect place in the entire world. Yes, I realize this is, at the core, happy news.
But all this in-betweenness brings with it all sorts of discomfiting layers of oof and aaaaaaargh. There’s the waiting. There’s the fact that — though perfect — it’s still a rental. One that might go back on the market in six months. Plus communication issues with the landlords.
And there’s me trying to stay organized and on top of things while knowing that soon everything will be different but I have no idea what that looks like yet.
And not liking the place where I am now. And trying to record audio while the neighbors are revving up their chainsaws and banging on their drumsets.
I know this really beautiful, wonderful thing is about to happen, and in the meantime meeting a lot of resistance to letting things be the way they are right now.
Just not being in the mood for stuff.
This could be winter hibernation mode, but man, I’m just not in the mood.
Usually I’m so full of crazy, brilliant ideas that I have to remind myself to stop. And what I want to do right now is just schnuggle in bed with a thousand blankets and a good novel.
So I’ve been doing a bit of that. Practicing doing it in the most guilt-free way possible. And at the same time I kinda miss the excitement.
It’s probably time for a mini-vacation. Especially with the move coming up. And of course I’m booked with clients through the first week in December.
And of course I’m not supposed to type that out loud because everyone reading this will hate me.
Not complaining about my good fortune. Just looking for the opening — the window — where I can take some serious time just for me. In the meantime, I’m finding pockets. Which are almost as good as windows.
And writing about time and my relationship to it.
The good stuff
I mentioned we got the house, right? We got the house! Happy happy house!
I cannot tell you how excited I am to have the rental agreement signed. Actually, much more excited about the prospect of having a huge, sunny, beautiful office.
Though I plan to spend most of my blogging time curled up in the window seat under the stained glass window on the stairs.
I’ve never really had my own workspace. Or, come to think of it, significant space for myself at all.
Only once, when for two years I rented my own apartment. It was tiny and in the second crappiest neighborhood in Tel Aviv. But it was beautiful and it was mine.
The “mine” part was so astoundingly great that for the first year I pretty much never left except to go to work. It was so freeing to just have space. Me-space.
And without having to be considerate of roommates or my husband (this was the place I moved to right when we were getting divorced). Knowing that every single thing in this place was there because I wanted it to be there.
Things have changed a lot since then.
I love living with my gentleman friend. I love living with my duck. And now my brother will be moving in with us as well, which is pretty much the best news ever as the rest of us are all crazy about him.
And one of the things I’m looking forward to the most is my big, wonderful office that doesn’t double as another space part of the time. A space just for me that I don’t have to share with anyone or anything.
Seriously I’m so happy I could burst into tears right this second.
One more thing. No. Two more things!
New mailing address!
If you’re the sort of person who sends me checks or fanmail or fansocks or whatnot please note that the Fluent Self has a brand new mailing address.
Though if you’re the type to send whatnot, and for whatever reason you absolutely must send hobo fingers, please send them to Jenny the Bloggess instead. She needs them more than I do.
Otherwise you can send whatever you’re sending to:
The Fluent Self
3527 NE 15th #220
Portland, OR 97212
Non-sucky Yoga Month is almost over!
Well, the month isn’t over, but the non-sucky yoga package thing goes away on Monday.
There were six left last I checked. If you want to do some non-sucky yoga with me, this is where you do it.
Or even if you don’t especially want to do non-sucky yoga but you want to have a happy, healthy back and be super-relaxed and feel generally good about life and know that the time you spend working is more productive and all that ….
Non-sucky yoga, baby. This blog is powered by it. Last chance.
That’s it for me ….
And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it and/or there’s something you just want to say out loud too.
Yeah? Anything hard and/or good (or *spooky*) that happened in your week?
And, as always have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious weekend that is not too full of the *spooky*.
And a happy week to come.
And the Spooky edition is #13. oooooooh…. Spooooky! And superstitious-like. Which I’m not, but whatever. We can play along. Maybe you’re not in the mood for stuff because it’s the grey-days in the PNW?
Happy, happy house, indeed! And how wonderful that you’ll, at long last, have a space of your own! (Pardon me while I turn slightly green from envy; it’ll pass soon.)
Enjoy the sunshine and the window seat, and the not having to share!
Who can blame you for not being in the mood when you have all that waiting for you, and you can’t be there yet? *hugs*
Happy new home! I’ve been dreaming of the perfect bungalow this week (someday…)
Perhaps you’ve been feeling off because your cute hat has gone into hibernation?
Maybe I’ll start a “Return Havi’s Hat Campaign” on twitter.
Hooray for happy house! And good stuff happening even if it brings stress along with it.
I am finally able to do “Step 1” of the 1st level of the Shiva Dance all the way through with only minor mistakes (meaning my hands were USUALLY going in the right direction and landed in the right spot) after a week of practicing it. Yay!
(yeah, you almost got hate mail from me for making me want to try this and then being so frustrated!)
I think you deserve to spend more of your relationship with time in bed… *giggles, thinking about how that sounded* Moving is a very draining event. Not only are you acting as a pack mule, the emotions can take a toll on you as well. An emotional pack mule? *quirks an eyebrow*
ANYWAY, take your own advice and don’t feel guilty about spending some quality time with a book.
Melissas last blog post..What is Time to a Pig?
@Carole – Thanks, sweetie. I feel so much better now!
@Nathan – Of course you’re right. I will feel much more myself with a ludicrous fuzzy pink angora beret. Let the campaigning begin.
@Melissa – Mwah! You’re marvelous for saying so. And of course you are right.
Havi, thanks for giving a name to the snuggliness I’ve been feeling – winter hibernation! That must be it!
My ideas have slowed to a slow crawl, but even worse, by enthusiasm for following through with ideas I set in motion early…well, it’s lacking.
I find that single afternoon of snuggling with Hub, pup and hot tea (with no business book or work knitting or anything the slightest bit *responsible*) works wonders!
Oh, you know what I just (re)discovered? Shel Silverstein books! If you don’t have any, get to the library right away and stock up. It’s a perfect dose of silliness!
Taras last blog post..Introducing: Local Spun Batts – join the campaign – tweet with hashtag #havihatcampaign and bring back the mighty furry felty one!
Or else! (evil laughter)
I love Shel Silverstein!!!
Melissas last blog post..What is Time to a Pig?
Hey there sweet girl,
Congratulations on getting the house that you wanted. It sounds magical and fabulous and like the perfect place for the next phase of your life to unfold. And there is absolutely nothing quite so delicious as having your own space in which to do your work. I’ve had that for years but I am still always so grateful!
And yes, get in bed with your books and your blankets and whatever else you need right now. You have been putting out a LOT of energy lately. A super ton of it and I’m not surprised that you need a little down time. So you have permission from the crazy goddess queen of creativity and overflowing genius ideas to just take a break! ( I just happened to have a conversation with her and she said to pass the word along to you.)
Congrats on the house. And it is well known that moving is one of life’s most stressful things so don’t beat yourself up about how you’re feeling (not that beating yourself up is one of your habits but…). And if the weather is getting you down click on the link comment luv is going to throw up for me. That snow is almost gone now and we don’t think the real winter will set in for a while, but it was pretty crappy the other day. Sunny and beautiful today though.
JoVEs last blog post..Yuuck!
Just finished moving up the street into a much nicer place. And with a roommate, which I have not had in three years. It’s been good. Too easy to hole up and be dark and moody when one lives alone.
Halloween itself hits me badly because I wonder, again, what my kid is doing and dressing up as and all that. I’m a non-custodial parent. There’s been one Halloween – just one – when I was able to do trick or treating and we didn’t do it. I really regret that.
But wonderful brilliance! I’m nearing completion of my book and I have three performing gigs this weekend, Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights. W00T!
Good weekend, all!
Justins last blog post..Christians Pray to Bull (w/pic)
Yay house! Yay sunny office! Yay stained-glass window on the stairs! Woo-hoo!!!
The Bad:
This stupid ear infection that was getting better only to get worse. Has me sitting around doing nothing though I feel fine when I’m doing nothing, but if I try to do anything I feel bleurgh and so do nothing but feel guilty for doing nothing because when I’m doing nothing I feel fine! Aaaaargh!
Well, fine with a swollen, blocked up ear.
The Good:
Had a total veg week (Winter Hibernation perhaps?!)
More bad:
Missed yoga and pilates :'(
More good:
Yummy winter type food! (Definitely not jewish vegetarian friendly though, so I’ll spare you the descriptions)
So glad I’m not the only one who’s feeling sluggish! Even other bloggers are saying this week was a slow down week. 🙂
James | Dancing Geeks last blog post..Photoshop money for charity – it’s legit!
aw, James, I hope that pesky ear quits giving you trouble.
Miss H, I am so glad for you to have a fantastic new office. We need space of our own. Even mighty shivanaut superheroines with ducks need space of our own. I am so happy for you.
Sonia Simones last blog post..The Sweeney Todd Guide to Blogging
Ah! So *this* is why I got so many hobo fingers in the mail.
Jenny, Bloggesss last blog post..Sperm: Apparently squirrels can’t get enough of the stuff
Hola Havi ~
It sounds like you’ve had such a FULL week possum… a FULL month actually…
And I agree the gorgeous goddess Chris ~ wishing you gentle blessings as you go through a hibernation cycle. I’m all new-moon wild with big magnificent new ideas lately so am riding that wave. When it’s time for bed, I’ll bed too.
I call the bed-cycle “wombat time” ~ the wombat is a gorgeous furry Australian animal that creates a burrow and knows when to have burrow time when it needs it, and emerge out into the world when its time 🙂
Brightest Blessings to you lovely soul ~
Goddess Leonie – Creative Goddesss last blog post..Introducing… a worldwide Creative Goddess course
Ah, and I thought this post was all for me 😉
YAY on the house!!
Spookygirls last blog post..In honor of FINALLY being able to use CommentLuv..