Friday chickenBecause it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

Yeah, you kind of have to say the title out loud.

And then finish the sentence.

Like this: one hundred, and for the record I shouldn’t have to explain myself.

Or: one hundred, and for the record this is actually a perfectly cromulent title for a Friday Chicken. Yes.

The hard stuff

The harsh corners.

My bed at Mabel Dodge Luhan house (in the most fabulous room ever) had a … footboard? Is that what it’s called?

At the foot of the bed there were large carved wooden protuberances, at any rate.

Harsh bed frame corners!

And I have giant purple swollen bruises from (repeatedly) walking into the harsh corners.

Even after I macguyvered a ridiculous solution involving many blankets, it was still kind of … ridiculous.

Ow. OW.

Getting SUGARED.

Ugh. Disaster. Awful and annoying and miserable.

(Background: I quit sugar ten years ago and am incredibly sensitive to it.)

So first, the reaction itself:

Extreme agitation. Pounding heart. I get so hyper and so uncomfortable and so disconnected from myself.

My knees knock together, I can’t stop touching things, I speak way too fast and way too much and I can’t focus on anything. It sucks.

Then, the coming down:

Tears. A long, agonizing, sleepless night.

And also the frustration with myself for not asking.

I always ask. I even asked about the not-suspicious-sounding bleu cheese sauce (yes, it had agave syrup in it and yes I avoided it like the plague).

But I thought I could have curry with my rice. One bite said otherwise. Oh, regret.

And then more sleeplessness.

Somehow that rough night of being hyper and discombobulated set off a kind of chain reaction.

Because I couldn’t sleep the next night either.

Everything is harder without rest. And rest became one of the big themes of the week, in all sorts of interesting and challenging ways.

Something I really needed got all wet.

So I put it on the roof to bake dry in the sun. But then in the afternoon the skies opened and it got soaked again.


Slipping into an old and familiar pattern I thought was long done with.

Painful yearning for something you know is bad for you, you know you don’t want, you know you can’t have.

It comes with its own particular flavor and imprint: part pain and part delight.

So addictive. So soothing and distressing at the same time.

A week without my gentleman friend.

Sadmouse me.

Oh, and this is the sweetest thing. He said:

I am the Captain of Loose Ends when we are apart. 


The good stuff

Slightly further along in my quest to achieve oneness with green chiles.


Seriously, I love New Mexico so much I can hardly stand it.

The number of minutes between me getting off the plane in Albuquerque and me putting green chile sauce in my mouth was … not very many. Possibly two.


And Selma and I went to our favorite place for green chile stew. Twice. Probably also going again this afternoon.

My room.

Aside from the bed (and the harsh corners!), this was the most incredible thing.

The giant veranda, with the view of trees and mountains. Hours and delicious hours spent writing outside (I’m writing out there right now!)

Watching the rain. Smelling the rain.

The claw foot bathtub in the tiny room, with windows that D. H. Lawrence painted and thick wood beams across the ceiling. Heaven.

Oh, and access to the roof.

Dancing on the rooftop.

Doing Shiva Nata up there.

Bare feet on the roof, trees above me, mountains in the distance. Birds overhead and at eye level.

I have no words to describe how magical this was.


Oh, this lovely group of people at Jen’s Writer’s Retreat.

With daily Shiva Nata blowing my mind and everyone else’s.


There is no other way to describe it.

Spontaneous joyful singing. Love, contentment, gratitude, wonder.

And of course Selma and I had great fun teaching Old Turkish Lady yoga and various destuckification practices.


So many people on Twitter were so lovely to me when I was strung out on speed oh right, sugar.

They kept me company and made me laugh.

Especially Kirsty, who wrote a very long and very wonderful story to help me fall asleep. Thank you!


I got shocking amounts of writing done this week.

Brilliant, kooky, unexpected, hilarious, sad, powerful, surprising, new things.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Yay.

So pleased with the Very Personal Ad I wrote Sunday, that set the tone and the feel for all of my writing this week.

Being queen.

Lots of work this week on being powerful and sovereign and gracious, having strong, flexible, loving boundaries.

It turns out I am finally getting better at this.

Great things I read this week.

About the Bechdel Test (Alison!).

And Jolie’s sweet and marvelous post about what not to do: NO KISSING!

It’s about composition, but it’s about a lot of things.

And … playing live at the meme beach house!

Yes, that’s a Stuism too.

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

This week?

The Harsh Corners.

Yes. YES. It’s just one guy.

That’s it for me …

And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.

Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day and a restful weekend-ing.

And a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.

The Fluent Self