Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
Wow. Stuff actually happened this week. Instead of zap crackle smurf hey it’s Friday again.
However, I have no idea what these things are. It’s a blur. Let us see.
The hard stuff
Too much.
Somehow all the projects I am in excitement about were all wanting love and attention at the exact same time.
And I got a bit shaken up.
Not getting to walk as much as I’d like.
It was either too hot or too something or too many deadlines.
We meandered some, my duck and I. But not enough walking-walking. Movement. I get cranky when I don’t get it. We know this. But sometimes it still gets forgotten.
In the “I am a complete idiot” department ….
Apparently we sent out our letter announcing the Week of Biggification … with the wrong dates in the copy.
So it looked like six days when it’s actually EIGHT days (November 3-10).
And even though I have been living and breathing these dates since January, still managed to not get that right.
Oh, and then apparently we sent a faulty link too. Lovely. And I didn’t want to do the annoying biggifier thing of “Oh, wrong link, now I’m emailing you AGAIN.”
Though I still might have to fix that.
More mistakes.
Gah. Jackie was teaching Shiva Nata in Japan this month, and I forgot to look at my List of Things To Announce, and didn’t announce it.
It sucks. Sorry, everyone in Japan.
Also, I feel terrible about this. But not terrible enough to, you know, change my behaviour or anything.
I was at a cafe on Sunday afternoon, doing some decorating of hats, and computerizing with earplugs in.
A band came to play. They didn’t suck. I kind of liked them. But I had writing to do so I kept my earplugs in.
Also, no one else was in the cafe. So Selma (my duck) and I were the only audience.
And they played a two hour set.
[Insert depressing memories of teaching Shiva Nata in Berkeley to a class of two, once upon a time.]
I wanted to do something to … I don’t know, acknowledge their existence. I also really wanted to cheer them up. And give them some marketing advice.
But in the end the easiest thing to do was type away with my earplugs in and do my thing. And then I felt bad about … everything. If they’d had a CD I would have bought it, but of course they didn’t. Anyway. Ugh. Sorry.
Some almost-shoes.
Not so much shoes being thrown at me. And not so much reacting to shoes.
But a lot of negativity, jealousy, envy, resentment, etc being aimed at me this week.
The good stuff
The shoes didn’t land.
I could see them heading in my direction, but I couldn’t feel anything.
It was as if my force field is stronger than it used to be. Or more fabulous. Or both.
Because there was no pain involved. And no way that these particular shoes could reach me.
Verra nice.
An outstanding shivanautical epiphany.
I was dancing out some patterns, and then two hours later … zing!
Problem-solved a huge challenge without even trying to. Love.
My uncle! Is visiting! All is good.
Svevo is here at Hoppy House, and therefore life is especially awesome.
We danced at the post office, ate artichokes in a variety of ways, went plum-hunting, played at the Playground, philosophized about work and creativity and play, and generally had a wonderful time.
Everything is better when he’s around.
Advanced wishing!
First I spent an entire day with a client just working on her wishes.
We took two out of ten and whooshed them into being completely possible, do-able and on their way.
And then discovered that all the other wishes were actually sub-wishes of the first two, and that these were being taken care of too.
Then on Sunday I taught a class at the Kitchen Table on Advanced Wishing and Very Personal Ads — more of a practical, playful approach to figuring out how to be okay with wanting what you want, and then Taking Steps.
I don’t really know how to explain how much fun this is. But it just is.
After two years of the Bolivia post rattling around in my head, I finally wrote it.
And then somehow sidestepped my fears of the Pooblish button and put it to the world.
Thank you for being full of understanding. I completely appreciate this giant community of bright, kind, hilarious people willing to jump into my metaphor sandbox and play with me. Huge.
Foods. Again.
My gentleman friend made his unbelievable sourdough bread again with our Hoppy House yeasties.
And hummus. Lettuce from the garden and tomatoes from the farmers market.
Blackberries blackberrries blackberries. Plums from our neighbor.
Cider from our apples.
Bless this wonderful thing that is summer.
The Week of Biggification. Oh yes.
My wish for this week was to pooblish the HAT (Havi Announces a Thing) page.
The beautiful thing that is our Week of Biggification is now mostly public.
It’s also mostly full without me having to tell people about it.
Here is the link:
Password: pickles
And the schedule. I will tell you in a while about why I am so falling-over-excited about the content and the location. Big things.
And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!
Yes, that’s a Stuism too.
My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”
This week’s band is extra great. I hope they play to an audience of more than one, because they deserve to go big.
Irresponsible Adult Supervision
Last I heard, it’s really just one guy. Hat tip to @soapboxcreation.
And speaking of “just one guy” — you can take this quiz. Yes. Via Emmanuelle.
Stuff I enjoyed this this week.
Actually, I get to pretty much all the good stuff from Emmanuelle, who is a fabulously kooky person worthy of adoration. Like this (ohmygod!) and also beer bottle musical instruments!
And in non-Emmanuelle-related news …
God bless the Onion, especially for this: Texas Vows To Reclaim Title Of Most Regressive State From Arizona.
This wonderful post from Elizabeth about rethinking everything she thinks about Reiki. So much wise and kind in this.
“I like to think of it as a little flashlight that’s going through me, shining a light into dark and dusty and dim spaces and saying, ‘Oh, sweetie .. you really are ok. And if you’re interested, here’s something you might want to look at.'”
That’s it for me …
And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.
Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?
And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day and a restful weekend-ing.
And a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.
“It was as if my force field is stronger than it used to be. Or more fabulous. Or both.”
I am completely picturing you chilling out in one of these – you shake them and suddenly the glitter goes everywhere. Like a snowglobe but… sparkly.
My hard this week is my health issues all popping up at once to bite me. Arthritis, battling with my doctors about whether it’s arthritis or not (On my side: Family history, all the symptoms, on their side: “We don’t think it is.”) and all the pain and lack of mobility that comes with it.
The good: Realising I now have people in my life where I can send out an E-Mail or make a post saying “This is The State Of Jack right now, my health sucks, I’m working on my responsibilities but they will be slow.” and people will get in contact back and say “Dude, sit down – I know you, you never sit down – that bit of writing won’t melt if you leave it alone for 24 hours.” And they understand that a) I am trying really, really hard, and b) I don’t actually want *sympathy*, it makes me twitchy, I hate the whole “Aww, poor you” – I just need people to accept that this is my reality right now, and therefore, this is how things are.
Also, I have a banana.
Hmm… it says I commented, but I see no comment! Now I’m going to be pondering if comments have an existence. If someone comments in the forrest, does anyone know? (And how did they get Wi-fi in there?)
That, or it’s in a spam filter because I included a link. Hmm.
The Hard
STUCK. Well not stuck completely but moving so slowly it is like I am up to my waist in goo. Then getting caught by things that I should have had done but the goo didn’t let me. I hate playing catchup. Mindfulness is hard enough when you are in a routine. I am going to have to work on mindfulness OUT of routine too, as 70% of my life at the minute is out of routine.
The Good
Monday was a bank holiday and the weather was good and we played tourist and enjoyed it as a family.
The goo is easing as the week goes on. Goo at thigh level yesterday. Making some progress.Will keep it up today
My Bolivians took big steps this week. Big Bolivian went to big school. Little Bolivian went to playgroup. Both got on really well and the little Bolivian loves having a uniform too. No Bolivians in primary school now. Very odd.
Lovely visitors planned for the weekend
You have no idea how comforting reading Friday Chicken is for me. My week isn’t actually over yet. There’s one more very long day of preparing classroom space for little ones to return.But here goes,
I’ve been learning that it takes me awhile to acknowledge that shoes are being thrown at me while it’s happening. Mostly I take it, go into a pattern of assuming it’s me and then trying to make it alright for everyone else or else shut down. I’ve gotten better as there’s a shorter time between receiving the shoe and my fledgling sovereignty kicking in (crown is a bit askew).
Noticed it almost right away yesterday (yay) and could watch my pattern unfold in front of me. I attribute this clarity (watching a movie of me move through my pattern) to Shivanauting, as this only started happening after I began the dance.
Tired, very tired, days too long, not enough yoga/swim/shiva/dancing time. Like you Havi, I need lots of it. Also not enough sleep. Plus, mourning my long lovely introspective mornings as I must now be at work early again.
After 6 years of working with a partner who threw shoes almost hourly,I’ve begun working with a fabulous young woman who seems to understand how to flow. Yippee!
Able to talk with spouse about hot button topic without shoes being thrown.
Had dinner with gorgeous son who turned 25 and wanted to spend his actual birthday having dinner with his mom, dad and sister – how delicious.
I think I’m now officially a Commenter Mouse.
– Oh, productivity, WHY have you FORSAKEN me??? I tried so hard to accomplish tasks this week but it was just not happening.
– Lots of change. One son moving out and the other son almost married. Feeling sad and lonely and stupid (b/c I am not alone.)
– Stressed about wedding. Have to find a bridal shower gift. And a dress for the wedding. “Mother of the groom” makes me feel about 150.
– Went from no groom’s dinner, to need to put one together in a month, to never mind, all in about 24 hours. Ugh.
– I did figure out one icky technical issue I needed to address to make progress on a project.
– And I did mostly finish up another project so I could, you know, get paid.
– Had a good dinner with 102 year old grandpa last week.
.-= Avonelle Lovhaug´s last post … What kind of emergency support do you need =-.
I *loved* the video on the answers to the quiz. I am going to be singing that song all day. And it’s so much better than the songs I’ve had stuck in my head all week, so thank you!
.-= Darcy´s last post … A day worth writing about =-.
The hard…
* Busy.. Stuff that had to get done NOW, and no sleep until you do it type busy. ICKY.
* Shoes thrown that I didn’t see coming: and didn’t actually notice until the bruise formed several hours later…
*Because of the shoes, the realization that a lot of people really aren’t as supportive of self-employment as the people I hang out with.
*Carriage wit (to misquote Sir Percy Blakeney, “That’s when you think of the perfect thing to say in the carriage on the way HOME from the party.”
*Fear of my RAT (That’s Romilly Announces a Thing, not a live rat! Although dressing my rat sounds like a good thing to go do, Havi. 🙂
*Various other little things.
The good…
*Wedding of close friends. My best friend and husband’s best friend. To quote her 13 year old son, “it’s about time!” after which he tackled his new stepdad. So good to see.
*The busy accomplished LOTS.
*Because of the shoes, I realized just how supportive the people around me really are about my goals and dreams. 🙂 In particular my wonderful EO.
*The AC upstairs works again! I can get stuff done in the studio now!!!
*The conversation in the comments here this week about my RAT, RABIES, and RUGRATS. Had me literally bending over the desk laughing. I needed that. Thank you. Y’all rock!
.-= Romilly´s last post … Tree of Life =-.
Hi Friday! Hi Chicken! Hi everybody! Charge…
This week’s hard:
-I have no laptop. I won’t have one until Tuesday. The library is closed on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I have mixed feelings about this, because as much as I sometimes fantasize about life without computers, one of my big fears is Missing Something. And I’m not sure how much my laptop will cost to fix. Blech.
-I miss being able to sleep later than 6 a.m. I’m investigating curtains today (the blinds just aren’t cutting it).
-I’m with Avonelle… so much I’d planned to accomplish that didn’t happen. Maybe over the weekend?
This week’s good:
-Starting to get my footing. Nudging toward having a routine. Feeling good about that.
-Cooking! And planning meals ahead so there is more or less daily consumption of protein. It’s a very good thing.
-Friends had their baby! They made it to full term and mother and son are healthy and doing fine. Hip hip hoory!
-The weather is improving… cooling off a little and sunny a little more often. Thank heavens.
Hugs for everybody, and have a fabulous weekend!
The Hard:
Usually there is no hard. Today there is. There is scared lonely landlady and her guilt-ridden bully son making things difficult since I am moving out. In 4 days.
There is the hard of thinking about paying movers and buying a washer and dryer and installing carpet and filling the oil tank and finding the funds for these when people who were going to send me money haven’t yet and the money flow is all backed up and making me nervous.
There is the dread of living in a place where you feel so so so uncomfortable and are worried that the uncomfortableness and bullies will continue even after you leave.
But really, it’s only about money. And I know it’s because she’s scared and lonely and old and sad and clings to all The Hard long after it’s gone. And this, too, shall pass.
The Good:
I’m moving! Yay! Into a new apartment with a landlady who has a life and sees a new tenant as a business transaction not a potential friend who then doesn’t come to dinner enough. (And doesn’t monitor the comings and goings of her tenants.)
I’m hiring movers! Yay! I have moved myself (and had friends help me move) at least 10 times in my life and this time I have hired movers. They will carry all my things and all I have to do is pay them! And unwrap stuff and point and say “yes, that goes there.” I am very excited.
I have a choice about how I grow old. And how I behave. I think I fear becoming like her, which resonates through the walls and she becomes more afraid that she is like is and not like she was. Everyone left her, and I think my leaving reminds her of others leaving. And her trying to prolong the leaving is reminding me of other times I felt trapped. But I can remember that this is not those times. And I can maybe write a letter from me now to me then, and maybe to her now or her then (but not send).
This, too, shall pass. It really shall. And I can feel all of these really uncomfortable feelings inside me, and notice all the monsters that are in my brain that are huddling and scared and crying, and I can tell them it’s ok to feel what we feel, and think what we think but that we still need to move our hands and feet to do the things that need to be done.
Chicken! I am so happy to see you today! With some Irresponsible Adult Supervision, just for good measure.
The hard: Was fairly positive I wasn’t going to make it through the first two days of this week. Then, so much to finish at work. Afraid because of all the things I never had time to do in this job that they’ll think after I’m gone that I wasn’t a good employee. Still lacking the motivation to clean up the apartment and infuse some loving energy into it. Would have liked to get some more vigorous movement in this week.
The good: On Wednesday, I began to feel better. I am currently feeling better than I have in several months, and it is a miracle. I can see my real self coming back. There’s lots of stuff to process around all of this. Sleep was easier this week. And I woke up at the astonishing hour of 6 am each of the past 4 days and did some Shiva Nata. And last night I got to go to acupuncture! Delicious sleep after that. Two going away celebrations yesterday, one of which included a really delicious sandwich with garlic-rubbed sourdough. Oh, and mangoes. Food of the heavens. And realized through Shiva Nata and reading the Week of Biggification HAT that something I really want in my life is magic. Currently investigating what that means.
.-= Kylie´s last post … i recognize you =-.
The hard
Accepting that a week with some of my favorite peeps pursuing epiphanies is just not possible. My body would be in one place, my mind in another, and it would be a bummer for everyone to hang with a mindless mammal.
Thing One leaving the nest tomorrow, his first step-out into the world fully fledged. May his first flight from the nest be a soaring, thrilling one.
Leaving the healing, nourishing and loving company a dear and beloved friend, a companion of the cliff faces, and, after a few days of just peacefully be-ing, being slammed pretty hard on re-entry.
Mysteriously not writing for a few days.
The good
Two things crossed off the bucket list: flying on a seaplane and spotting an eagle.
Warrior princess mode activated. Thank god. It’s about time.
Hanging out with aforementioned companion of the cliff faces.
Trusting that decisions will be made.
Showing up. Speaking the truth.
Watching Thing One’s thoughtful preparations for launch.
Happy week-end everyone!
Aye ye!
The Hard: Lost our space for workshops. MS rolled out a patch that broke the robots. Omg: teenagers have so much energy. And ADD.
Let slip about moving to Paraguay and already the Denizens of Here are asking about impending moves to Bolivia. (And also asking why I kept it quiet. /gee Let me think.)
Energy flagging: Big long ol’ day tomorrow (think booth and demo’s and introductions) and the Robot Rolls on Monday. (!!!)
Other Hard: Some members of the family are throwing rocks. But IT had to be done. I am not sorry; I did not cause this. The child needs help. Sad face.
The Senior Citizen passed away. The Cousin – wow – still hangs on – deteriorating slowly. Another dog-friend also passed. Life ends.
The Good: “Moving to Paraguay” does have its up side (aside from the obvious) – people are really helping out with the finding a place thing. They totally get that we are time crunched on several levels – if I tell them.
The Man fixed the robot code. (He is amazing.)
OMG: Teenagers have so much energy. And focus. (It is a great bunch to work with. Excellent parents and teachers and great fun.)
Think: youtube vids on Tuesday 🙂
I am So Excited for Monday to be over. For good or bad -it has been a great run/start. Learned much. Worked hard. Much Fun. But So Tired.
This was a full week Chez Sterne as well.
The hard:
Gravity sucks. Marty took a fall while soireeing the dog earlier this week, scraped parts all to heck. I have had to change bandages. Trying to not empathize so much that I can’t. 🙁
Cooler nights means the chronic neck pain is returning. Sigh.
Impending llama transfer means the living room is not yoga friendly (good bout of yoga = warmer body and lessening of neck pain)
Finding out the headaches are not tooth pain. That may have been last week’s hard as well. It still is hard, because I had a bad episode earlier this week.
Oh, and llamas? They spit.
The good:
Great visit with the inlaws. There were moments which could have been shoes, but I just watched them pass, like watching clouds float by. Amazing. I know part of my non-reaction was from what I learn here. Thank you!!!!
My filling appointment went well, though I do have a tip, don’t look if your dentist uses either of these phrases: “Pass the explorer” or “Wedge, please”
Students are back, which means that baking sales are increasing.
Keri Smith’s new book “Mess” has just tickled my imagination in a way which it was needing. It’s not a mistake, it’s improv! (though I did put back the book that had a spot on one of the pages for a pristine copy, LOL)
Izzy is having a blast making his steampunk clay creations. It’s been fun going through my copious stash to find parts for him.
Hopefully the llama transfer is complete this evening and we can have a relaxing weekend before classes start on Tuesday.
.-= Andi´s last post … The Sketchbook Project- Week Two =-.
Oh, Friday. Why did I think you were Thursday? This has been a weird week.
The Hard:
* I’m starting to feel like the kid at the grown-ups’ table again, but for different reasons. Several times in the last week I’ve had important decisions taken away from me, and various people have gotten really upset because I didn’t want to do what they thought I really should do, even though I had very valid reasons for doing things my way. In the end I caved and did things their way, every time, but I’m starting to feel like the people in my life don’t believe that I can be trusted to make the decisions that are important to me, and I’m starting to feel really resentful that I’m not allowed to do things that are important to me.
* I had to postpone an interview with Fabeku because the software that I was using to record the call completely flaked out, and neither of us could figure out why.
* An off-hand comment from a client has led me to wonder if their expectations of this project are WAY broader than anything I thought I agreed to. I need to nail that down, but I’m not sure how without it looking like I’m trying to get out of doing my job.
* The house is a mess and I can’t get up the energy to do anything about it, and I don’t know why, because having a clean house is becoming more and more important to me.
* I hate to admit this, but I’m really sick of people asking me how it feels to be 31 (my birthday was last Wednesday), especially when it’s the same people who are trying to take agency away from me (see #1).
The Good:
* I got to hang out with Fabeku for half an hour before the interview was supposed to begin, which was fun.
* I don’t have to worry so much about finances this week, although I’m still nervous about what happens when these funds run out.
* I got to have breakfast with Holly every morning this week, which was nice.
* I’m back on two medications for mental and physical health, and I can already see the difference.
Have a great weekend, everyone! ♥
.-= Chris Anthony´s last post … What if you could do it for free =-.
Cheep cheep cheep (baby chicken!)
The hard:
Little fight w/ husband wherein I feel like failure mom.
Money stress, a little.
Brave call = new project with fierce goddess of an online business mentor.
THE BOOK IS DONE. And out. And editor has approved last payment, so will get check before rent is due again.
Love you all!
.-= Cathy´s last post … It’s DONE =-.
Havi, thanks for sharing your moments of humanness with us. It is very encouraging to see you working through them.
My Chicken this week is pretty much the “the only way out is through” edition. Bleh…
The Hard
Finally got to the bottom of what had been causing the drama in my relationship, and it was a doozy. Far worse than I expected. Worse enough that I had to spend a couple of days pretty much being Stuck and scared and totally miserable.
It can’t be unrelated to that that I hurt my back somehow and was literally “stuck” for a good part of last night, and it’s still giving me little warning tingles when I lift things.
The drama brought up lots of old stuff in myself that I don’t want to look at or think about or remember. Lots of monsters.
Work has… well, I’m sure it’s been fine, but it *feels* like everything that can go wrong has. Hardware problems, software problems, the works.
Also a bunch of bad stuff has happened to my friends. So I’ve been spreading my energy around trying to be supportive to them, too.
The Good:
My friends are amazing. They’re really, truly here for me, even the ones who are far away. Even when they’ve got their own bad stuff going on. It amazes me that I can tell them “um… my monsters are saying that if I make this decision this way, you’re going to think…” and they reassure me that they trust me to be strong and wise, because they know me. And I have to believe it, because otherwise why would *they* go to *me* for support?
And there are good plans to see them over the weekend, too. Tattoo shopping (not for me), yay!
Some of the stuff I’ve found out about myself in the process of digging-out has been good, inspiring stuff. And I’m finding strength and flexibility that I really need in order to continue the work, so that’s good, too.
Had a truly fabulous Indian dinner with the husband, including what may have been a new record for the girliest drink I’ve ever had. Very cheering on a day when I very much needed it.
Writing helps. The fact that writing helps when pretty much nothing else does, makes me know that I’m a writer. And that is something I can be really happy about.
So happy to be back online in real time for a Friday!
the Hard:
-Poison Ivy; so itchy I seriously considered amputation.
This led to wanting to be irritable with everyone, which I wasn’t, but it was so hard to keep aware of this.
-The super hot days when I couldn’t sleep or exercise, and now that I think of it perhaps that was pushing my irritable buttons as well.
-Something wrong with car, might sound expensive.
-Constantly felt like I should be getting more done…
the Good:
-My work metaphor is like a shield from work craziness, it even helps others at times.
-Fabulous fun time spent with best friend.
-Healthy luscious summer food and when the weather broke being able to bake again. blissful.
-Writing got done and a long weekend is coming up, hurray.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and that all those ‘hards’ start softening.
.-= mary´s last post … kitchen distraction =-.
Yay! I love Irresponsible Adult Supervision!
1. Moving to Bolivia
We were given full-time custody of my husband’s 5-year-old offspring as of yesterday. No shared. No weekends off. Full time. Mourning the life I thought I was going to have.
2. Tantrums at Breakfast
See Hard#1. Do waffles really require a tantrum?
3. The crash and the monster mash after some wonderful productivity.
1. Productivity
Three whole days of uber productivity and inspiration…and monkeys
2. Week of Biggification excitement
Took the plunge. Fingers crossed. Pickles.
3. Cheques in the mail
4. Helping with the Band of the Week! Totally tickled.
Can I add in another good? It just happened, so technically this week…
Told someone on my blog that while I appreciated they wanted to help, I didn’t *ask* for help, and they were actually being harmful. I’ve said many, many times that if I want medical advice, I will ask for it. I’ve explained in long, ranty posts about why giving strangers “medical advice” is a bad idea.
And people still do it.
So today when someone did it I told them, look, I know you’re trying to be nice… but you’re being a pain in the [everything].
There was a lot of “Argh, what if she hates me? What if I get another slew of “You’re just being negative, you don’t WANT to get better!!!”” And I realised that no – if she pulled that card, she wasn’t my kind of people and I didn’t need her around.
And thankfully, this person actually backed off. And I made another “Look, I’ve told you all before, but for new folks…” reminder post, and I’m telling myself that if people get huffy about that, then it isn’t my fault – I’m allowed to protect myself.
Bwaaak! Hello, Chicken!
-Low, low energy. Would have loved to have taken to my bed for a day or two.
-I seem to have become the person my daughter feels safe being snappish and snarky with. Um, thanks for the honor, sweetheart, I’m touched by your trust, but there do have to be some boundaries, and can you please remember where they are?
-There seem to be a lot of phone calls on my plate, the kinds of phone calls that make me feel anxious and avoidant.
-At an impasse with a client who is having money troubles. I’m even willing to barter, because this is a long-term client who I hate to lose, but so far we’re failing to come up with any good ideas. Meanwhile, we’re in limbo, which does not feel good, and one of my sweeties is giving me flak about it besides.
+My father-in-law is helping out with my tuition troubles. I hate having to ask, but I’m so grateful for the help. It’s a huge relief.
+Been working on my dissertation proposal this week — tiny little baby steps, but they are steps in the right direction.
+Sovereignty! I’m standing up to people when they treat me in ways that aren’t okay. I’m really recognizing how necessary it is to give myself ultimate authority for the choices I make, even when the people who disagree with me are people I adore.
+Tried Shiva Nata in the morning a few days this week — I hadn’t thought that would work well for me, but I just paired it with my morning pages, and WOW!
+Carved out some time alone in my studio, and found myself playing with song ideas. It felt so good!
Happy weekend, everyone!
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … Beginning to take stock… =-.
It hurts to hear that you had any worry at all about shoes being thrown this week. Am sending you an enormous virtual shield to deflect all the negativity, jealousy, etc. Kind of your own personal force field. Selma gets one, too.
Such a good week here. Did four days of early-morning Dance of Shiva with my 11-year-old, both of us flailing and laughing to start the day. Lots of great goodness from this. Finally got my act together and got my podcast going, after figuring out I just needed to get over my fear. Told my right people that I actually do what I do, which sounds simple but was actually quite terrifying.
The bad? Grumpiness. Moments of oh-so-tired and not-enough-me. Also not-enough-cleaning-going-on-here. But overall, a good week.
.-= Liz´s last post … Little things that are big =-.
Hello, sweet Chickeneers. Sending you all {hugs} for the hard and cheers for the good.
@Havi: thank you so much for mentioning my post. It made my day.
The hard:
– I had an epiphany. It explains a lot but oh, it seems so large and insurmountable.
– Something bit the pup on our hike and we had to quit early because he can’t hike when he stops every few seconds to scratch and lick and .. This is the second time this happened and I do not know what is biting him. I do not, however, think it is bugs.
– I cannot find lighting in this apartment that works well for card photos. I am going to have to figure out a workaround before winter hits, when it will be much worse.
The good:
– I had an epiphany! After a few days of much confusion and flailing and wandering around saying, “Where is my epiphany. I expect a big one.” (hee) it came. And it was huge. And it will be so helpful when it starts to pull apart. Though, I do feel slightly lighter about something related already.
– Possibility.
– A fun card sale; Atlas has fans.
I feel as if I am missing things, but I still have morning brain.
.-= Elizabeth´s last post … the theme is – breathing sky =-.
@andi: When I was in high school, I took my littlest sister to a petting zoo with several of her friends. I was amusing them by talking silly to the llama, when it turned around and…pooped on my shoe. They thought it was hilarious. I think I would have preferred spitting…
Um, let’s see. Chicken, eh?
-Wedding. Lotsa people. I didn’t like most of them. The ones I do like were too busy for anything but their busy-ness. Little Bird fell in a creek while building a “dam.” Pffft.
-Co-worker irritation. You know how someone starts out and you do some stuff to help them learn because you’re nice and want to help (and let’s face it, if you don’t help out at the beginning, the stuff is going to not get done on time and you’ll end up staying til 10 at night), and then that stuff just becomes your job because as it turns out the person really sucks at ever getting up to speed? Yeah. That.
-Mouthy cakes and candy won’t let me just get through the day without constantly telling me they must be eaten. “Resistance is futile” they say. I know it sounds funny, but it sucks to be obsessed with a piece of cake you’re not going to eat for four hours.
-I gave an unqualified no. By that I mean, I said no without feeling like I had to justify it. When someone asked why, I said “because it’s what I want to do.” And then I never even felt guilty about saying it. And then it happened again. And then again. Sovereignty, when I remember it, rules.
-Zucchini, beans, etc., from the garden still.
-First really cool morning today. I could see my breath. I heart fall-winter-spring.
-My sister asked me about my favorite physical attributes, which was a nice way to remember that I like most of myself. Physical signs of aging are kinda cool. My gray hairs, parchment-skin on my hands…I like these things.
And oh yeah:
Mouthy Cakes
Just one guy. But he makes a lot of noise.
Plums. They really ARE scary, you know.
A few weeks ago, I was viciously attacked by two of them – overripe members of the species, both – who thought it funny to fall on my head as I was walking under their tree.
Now gooey plum innards might be an excellent all-natural hair gel (hey, it’s full of vitamins!), but that was a slightly edgier look than I was aiming for that day, so I had to go home and wash my hair.
Needless to say, when I told my friend why I was late to meet her, she 1) didn’t quite believe me and 2) thought I was ein bisschen verrückt (can’t blame her for that, as we all know it’s true).
Aaanyway – it’s chicken time!
The Hard
– Phones, and the people who (over-)use them. Landlines, cell phones, Skype – they’re of the devil, I tell you.
– The unshakable feeling that this week was weird. I don’t know exactly why – it just didn’t flow. Weirdly so.
– More people making more demands on my time all of a sudden. Must be a September thing. Not working for me regardless.
The Good
– Doing Shiva Nata while listening to my audio German lessons, and feeling like I have language-learning superpowers.
– As a side benefit of all this Nata-ing, the complete outline of a new info product came to me yesterday as I was waking up.
– Being reminded how much I love public speaking. Also, being asked to give a series of workshops aimed at the local francophone community. First up: Marketing 101 for artists.
– Still loving my new, Playground-inspired office. Rally on!
.-= Emmanuelle Archer´s last post … Getting hired- it’s all about who you know… =-.
The hard.
– Shoulder still achy. Really tired. Not sleeping well. Meh.
– My camera might be dying. It’s ok now, but last time I used it, it was really opposed to the idea of functioning.
The good.
+ Dyeing awesome sock blanks. Awesome!
+ UPS guy is bringing 186 pounds of wool today. Squee!
+ Wasabi chickpeas. Oh yeah, baby.
.-= Riin´s last post … Random- ’cause that’s how I roll =-.
The Hard:
-Coming back to the mental stuckness of feeling like I’m not progressing forward with any of my Things. I’m stuck in a place being unable to appreciate where I’m at right now. Being too busy looking forward to an imaginary future that can’t possibly happen yet.
-Split my fingernail halfway while attempting to work on a wire metal sculpture. I don’t have the heart to rip the rest off, it hurt too bad and I’m not keen on the idea of recreating the torture scene from “Stir of Echos”. What’s really sick is that I keep playing with it. If I press on it, it clicks slightly. This just reaffirms that I’m a gross child at heart.
-Unable to write a blog post that really wants to come out.
The Good:
-My art professor, in all of her wisdom, mentioned that the stuckness pattern is probably nothing more than me momentarily revisiting the old me. That these revisits are necessary but to take solace in the fact that it’s an upward spiral so I’m just taking a look down as I move on up. I really liked that.
Ahem. Sorry about the yelling. I’m just so excited to start. Why yes ma’am, I would like a steaming plate of hot buttered epiphanies, thank you.
.-= Kaleena´s last post … Tin Woman =-.
Ahoy, me hearties!
The Hard: The deep funk. Don’t feel like I accomplished anything this week. The voices in my head are not kind or helpful. It’s made worse by thinking it probably won’t subside for at least another 2 weeks.
Anxious because the frames I looked at last night for photos I thought I’d give my parents for their 50th anniversary next week just weren’t right, so I didn’t get any. And now I’m not sure if I want to do framed photos anyway. There are already so many framed pictures leaning in stacks against walls because there’s not enough wall space for them all at their house.
Apparently gold is the standard thing for 50ths. I hate gold. Thought about getting a fancy cake, but my mom’s bday is exactly 1 week later and then mine is 2 days after that. People who want to go to Bolivia, if you can, schedule your arrival at least 2 weeks away from other familial dates of import.
Anyway, I fear their 50th will not live up to…. mom’s unspoken, even countermanded, hopes. My dad sucks at picking up cues. Argh.
Not even ready to pull teeth to see what she’d like for her bday. Just working on my list is irritating me. The approach of my bday often has its own funk-inducing qualities.
The aerobics I thought would perk me up on Monday really didn’t. Also it had 2 insane plank & push-up sequences I’d forgotten. Despite my seriously half-assed attempts, my shoulders and triceps are still sore today.
Not working out enough rest of week.
Weather never cooperated for top of mountain shoot I wanted to do.
Book I’m reading has ~80 info packed pages all in tiny footnote-sized print. I still have 40 pages to go. Grr.
Computer came on with a sign-in screen it never does today and wouldn’t accept my password.
The Good: I shot 608 photos. Many with possibilities.
Though I am in deep funk mode, there have been moments of reprieve or distraction.
Bleach started showing new episodes.
Managed to keep my calm enough to figure out how to fix my computer on my own. Think I will clone my hard drive while it’s working though.
Discovered I already have a sketch for Sunday, I just need to scan it.
9″ diameter hibiscus bloom.
The Medium that may be useful: apparently you can request anniversary greetings from the President for 50th anniversaries (and a handful of other things) if you’re a US citizen. You should request it at least 6 weeks if not months in advance though.
.-= claire´s last post … From the vault- Phoenix Rising =-.
Too many plates spinning and dropping a couple.
My antique laptop is trying so hard to do the things I want her to but just cannot, poor thing.
Husband finally threw out my favorite pair of (Bolivian) jeans, not because it was inappropriate that was still wearing them, bless him, but because they got covered in banana sap.
Had a lovely gathering Wednesday with my people. So nice to be able to speak the mother tongue once in awhile.
Not only did a stranger let me harvest her bunch of bananas (insisting I take them ALL), but gave me two papayas for good measure. Sweet.
Hugs for everyone’s hard. Celebrating everyone’s good. xo
.-= Rupa´s last post … The Dancing Minstrel =-.
TGIF everyone, as my mom says.
The Hard:
-Chronic back and nerve issues are kicking my butt today. I have back spasms that are strangling some nerve ends, and the doctors pretty much swear that there is nothing that I can do but wait it out. In the meantime, I’ve got horrible itching and pain and numbness from it, and it’s moving down my body in freaky and bizarre ways. I’m thinking about looking into homeopathic remedies; does anyone around here know anything about this? I could really use some advice.
-I’ve had a rough week, and a good friend of mine has had a rough week, and we’re doing the thing where we’re trying not to talk to each other about it and instead we’re just kind of being grumpy and talking past each other. I really don’t know how to fix it.
-I have 8,000 words to write in the next week, and I know that I need an outline. I’ve never been great at outlines, and I’m having trouble getting my butt in the chair to get through the process.
-My dad has cancer, and it’s causing all kinds of family problems (mostly from his total refusal to tell everyone he has cancer). Lots of parent worry and anger and stress, etc.
-Possibly having to move back to Delaware to deal with my family stuff and help my mom out, while running my business. Ugh ugh ugh.
The Good:
-Chris got a super awesome client who is paying him crazy amounts of money to do his delight thing, so he’s happy and we’re pretty much set financially for the next month, and possibly beyond.
-The customer love challenge is producing such fantastic content, and I’m having a great time reading about everyone and meeting new people. I love our business community.
-All the clients I had this week loved their stuff and want to maybe subcontract to me and I love making people happy with my job.
Have a great weekend everyone!
.-= Holly´s last post … Behind the Curtain =-.
The Hard: Moving continents, a bit suddenly. Goodbyes. Disorientation.
The Good: Blackbirds, family, hot cheese, English telly.
Sorry – my brain thinks it is 4am. 🙂
Laters, Chickeneeeeerrrs.
.-= Andrew Lightheart´s last post … Moving =-.
@Holly: I did a reiki session for a friend who was having back spasms a while ago that sounded similar (itching aside). I remember her mentioning that she was seeing a chiropractor and a myofascial massage person and they were helping. Possibly not exactly homeopathic, but I thought I’d mention it anyway. Sending wishes for moments of ease and rest.
.-= Elizabeth´s last post … the theme is – breathing sky =-.
Svevo is here? Do I get to meet him sometime? All the wonderful stories I’ve heard have made me most curious!
The hard:
– foot still broken; bleh.
– client still disorganized and project NOWHERE ready for a launch they want in a week.
– low, low energy continues for no apparent reason.
The good:
+ night out with some local girlfriends
+ steady work
+ three Shiva sessions this week
+ received special surprise (physical!) mail from Elizabeth; fun and wonderful.
+ still loving our house
This is a splendid habit! At a previous job we had mandatory “As and Os” (Achievements and Objectives) we had to send to our manager in an email every Friday. Blech, all of those words sound dull and corporate. But chickens! With quests! This is an idea I can get behind 🙂
A summary of my second-ever chicken:
– Lazy monster is stealing my days.
– Difficult conversations are difficult, and take up more brain power than they are worth.
+ Dance class!
+ Home cookin’!
+ Boyfriends who visit on long holiday weekends!
>> Talk to lazy monster.
>> Unclutterify.
>> Have a serenely happy Labor Day.
That last one goes for all of you, as well!
.-= Sarah L´s last post … Friday Chicken 2 =-.
The Hard:
– Running hard into the current wave of “be yourself online to find your right people” + “people buy from people they like” since experience + monsters tell me that when it’s a personality/popularity contest, I’ll always lose. Gah, Stuff Stuff Stuff!
– Launched a big sale and still nervous about how it will go, especially since everyone else is in the midst of Customer Love goodness
– A bunch of my fave blogs are doing more video, which I hate
– Need to write myself a design brief for redoing one of my sites, and am totally blocked and avoidy
– Feeling like I’m letting one client down because her stuff (which isn’t urgent) keeps getting pushed off
– Had yet more loud earlier this week, and am just feeling run down and tired from 2.5 weeks of loud and off-time sleep
The Good:
+ People are signing up for Love Notes!
+ I decided that the love notes counted for customer love and signed up for that, too, even though I’m running the sale concurrently.
+ Had a great evening out Weds
+ Got a nice big paycheck and have had client work going relatively smoothly of late
+ Working on some very nifty illustration projects and hoping I can do more like them soon
+ Heat wave broke before it could really get to me, and today is utterly gorgeous out
+ Finally the remodeling is done, the exterminators are gone, and life is back to the usual quiet (now if only the neighbors’ dogs would shut up)
+ Got some household stuff I’d been wanting & needing on a spontaneous trip out with a friend
+ Drawing stuff for a living is awesome
+ Still feeling hopeful that people will buy art this month
+ Happy cats are happy and don’t seem to have been too adversely affected by the heat wave this time
+ Finished 2 tiny paintings & am pleased with the results
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … Red =-.
(looks yearningly back at August, crying out, “Wait, oh wait, I hardly knew ye!”)
– feeling spread thin and thin-skinned
– scrubbing at things that don’t get clean
– effing yeast infection
– mentor
– friends
– hazelnut-flavored coffee
– just received a contract for two tweet-fics that will appear @picfic tomorrow. Woot!
Sha-bwak shalom, o chickeneers! 🙂
.-= Mechaieh´s last post … August going out to the tin trumpets of nasturtiums =-.
Hello, my name is Shawna, and I am officially barren baby! My tubal ligation was a week ago, and I’ve basically been on vacation the last week. I gave myself permission for it to be okay and let my body do it’s thing. Heating pads and guilt-free naps are wonderful things. And now I’m getting achey in my hips and tight in my shoulders, I know it’s time to start moving again. I read two novels and a memoir this week once my brain cells returned from the general anaesthesia. Before that I watched movies including Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, Under the Tuscan Sun, and Coraline. The novels I read were Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees and Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness, and the memoir was Princess Kasune Zulu’s Warrior Princess. Now I need to get a review written up on Warrior Princess for Emerging Women. I plan to start getting back in the work groove tomorrow and Saturday (Sunday is my sabbath and computer-free day).
For some reason I didn’t spend that much time on the computer this week, so I have no idea of what’s happening in the blogosphere and am way behind on my RSS feeds. I’ve popped in and out of the Twitter bar, but I’ve just wanted something solid in my hands to read: a book or magazine. Reading off of the computer screen just was not happening for me this week. But I read 3 books in 6 days, so not complaining (or yeah and I’m reading a 4th: Sophia by Caitlin Matthews).
People have been wonderful. A friend brought us dinner earlier this week and another friend came over and did some much needed housekeeping yesterday. The Hubby is going to take care of the rest of the housekeeping this weekend. The Hubby has taken wonderful care of me, including chocolates from my favorite choclatier (which just happens to be located in our building).
And a heads up for anyone considering laproscoptic surgery: sometimes the carbon dioxide they use to poof your tummy up so they can see, seeps under your diaphram and your shoulders hurt like hell for a couple of days until your system works it out. I thought my scoliosis was getting worse. Naomi may not be able to adequately swear to describe the pain. No mention of this was made as a side effect of the surgery, so just know it could happen (it didn’t happen to My Hubby when he had his gall bladder removed).
But I am feeling back to my normal self and am looking forward to getting back in my normal groove. I am almost done with The Book Proposal! I plan to finish it next week! Then I can go back to my novel because I am really jonesing to write me some fiction! Squee!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
.-= Shawna R. B. Atteberry´s last post … The surgery went well and I’m doing fine =-.
havi – i’m happy your uncle makes you so happy. i wish i had one of those.
@judy – happy last weekend of summer before school starts. good vibes to get all your ducks in a row before the kidlings come next week.
the bad:
-super-duper NEG-A-TRON co-worker. dude, i’m trying to eat my lunch here. it’s 6 days into school, how rotten can your class BE already????
– other staff is taking their sweet time getting ready to work with students. what do they do all summer????
-back2schoolnight – it’s super stressful (mostly because i’m afraid of parents) and it feels like another workday. so if that’s the case, i worked 6 this week instead of 5 and i’m not used to working any….
– staff meeting the day after the long night… with items that could have been sent in an email.
-hello, insomnia. i haven’t missed you.
– t-i-r-e-d.
– not so much on the yoga. when will i get back into my groove?
the good:
-my class is *totally* responding to my more positive discipline style/program.
-i feel much more relaxed because we are able to get to all of our work and still have a little time for fun.
-my students are motivated to work! i heart fred jones.
more excellent feedback on my teacher interview series.
-new principal already WAY more better than last. can’t quite put my finger on it, but what ever it is, it’s working.
.-= Tami´s last post … Song of the Day! =-.
Is it chicken time already?
The Hard:
Returning to not one, but now two, part-time jobs the day after returning from vacation. Job 1 required me to be solely responsible for the place as boss is still gone. Job 2 is a position that should have started 2 months ago, but we weren’t able to hire in the right person, so I’m filling in for the year. *Way* too much to get done by deadline and the job duties are still squoodgy.
My house (never mistaken for Ms. Stewart’s) has gone beyond critical mass. School starts for the kids on Tuesday and that seems to increase the entropy level in the house. But too tired/distracted/overwhelmed to spend time making it better.
The Good:
Spent 10 days on vacation, visiting my childhood places and wonderful relatives. Somehow we managed to only see the cool ones! And MOUNTAINS! I’m still in awe of Rocky Mountain National Park.
Watching my 101 year-old grandmother watch one of my boys play piano for her (she played for her church until she was 95 and still plays for the old folks) – and then to have her tell me she would remember that moment “forever”. *sniffle*
Ten whole days in a car, bookended by plane flights, with my hubby and four kids (13, 15, 18, and 20). And they had a great time! No fights or sneers or eye-rolling. It was amazing!
Time to catch my breath before plunging into next week…
not enough time/energy to keep up here, even as just a lurker.
getting more emotionally and physically drained the longer I am here.
feeling half bad, because its all my fault things are crazy, and half okay because its my WEDDING dammit. We could have just eloped, but we would actually like to share it with our families. We wanted to keep it small (75) it was not us that felt like they HAD to invite over 400 people…. UUUGGGHHHH and round and round in circles that conversation goes. exhausting.
It is incredibly difficult to hang on to sovereignty in a situation where there is a celebration/ceremony about something intensely personal being hosted by someone else. They get to make decisions and demands… It is like an all out attack and my resistance is wearing thin.
Oklahoma. small town Oklahoma. ugh.
Fox News and the hold they have on this community and my family. They watch, believe,agree with and love Fox News…. it makes me sick.
mom melt down. there was crying and yelling and she was so hurt and insecure and throwing shoes, more like steel toed boots. ouch and yikes and so very hard.
Dad seems miserable in his life these days. I would be too, in his shoes, which makes it harder to witness. it breaks my heart and I feel so helpless.
in light of all this, feeling guilty for wanting so badly to go home to Portland and my life there. guilt for it feeling more like home.
I’m just going to stop with the hard for now… there is just too much.
Light at the end of the tunnel. Knowing there is a HUGE payoff for getting through all this. I get to make and hear the best kind of promises from the person that matters most to me. I get to dress up and dance and eat good stuff and see lots of friends and family. it will be awesome.
mom realized she was just exhausted and melting down and apologized.
we are close enough and have so much love between us, the stress doesn’t phase it. we simply move on and forward and keep loving each other. she is such a great example in that way. we have honesty, good, bad and ugly and I am so thankful.
small town support and friendships and family legacy. We were SO spoiled with a wedding shower. incredible. and I know it was mostly to honor my mom and that is great. so many sweet old ladies I knew when I was little, the ladies that carried my parents through the roughest times in chemo… humbling to be gifted things and wished well and prayed for by them.
time with my nephew and niece and sister has been so much fun. I really am missing out on a lot being so far away.
Missed Friday AGAIN 🙁
Hooray for the GOOD that everyone experienced and BOO on the HARD.
The Hard:
– Big shoe thrown at me last night – it was actually a “relay” shoe as the comment came second-hand. But dang, it still hurt. I know the person passing it on didn’t mean anything malicious by repeating the comment, she just doesn’t realize how much baggage I have with the originator. Been brooding about it all night. Annoyed with myself that I just can’t move on and stop letting myself be defined by the originator of the shoe. He ALWAYS makes these types of comments to everyone because he can’t possibly believe that anyone could have a better idea on how to approach a project than him. Must be a tough burden going through life being all-knowing {insert rolling eyes here}. Yes, I want throw shoes back at him in the worst way. But instead I will try to take the higher ground and rise above the fray.
– FedEx totally screwed up the delivery of an overnight package causing major mess with completing the last of my data collection for a project that has been consuming my life for the past 9 weeks.
– Equipment failures resulting in having to rethink what I will do with my students in the lab next week. Darn new technology.
The Good:
– FINISHED with my data collection for my research project!! Managed to get complete data (4 visits per subject) for 16 subjects as I had originally planned despite people backing out, rescheduling multiple times or just dropping off the planet.
– I have someone to help me with organizing my data for analysis!
– Feedback on my dissertation proposal that will help me re-focus and move forward.
– Career Day event where we brought in 4 alumni to talk with our students was a success! We will do this annually now.
Happy long weekend, everyone!
Forcefields! I need the capacity to throw those out at will, like the girl in the Incredibles. Need to start working on that…
This week’s hard:
– Spent a lot of yesterday in a waiting room with a TV blaring soap operas and horrible talk shows, and my poor old iPod’s battery lasted less than 30 minutes. There was no place else to go, really, since no one was able to tell me how long things would take, and I wasn’t able to get very much of the work I brought with me done.
– Speaking of work, people who can’t follow crystal clear directions. Clearly they know better since they’ve never done this before and I’ve had only 19 years of experience. Gah.
This week’s good:
– Nice little road trip last weekend with my sweetie.
– Despite a lot of craziness and last-minute running around and wrenches thrown into my carefully planned schedule, I was still able to flow with it and stay on track with what I needed to get done this week. And the little I did get done yesterday was a bonus, because I really hadn’t planned on accomplishing anything at all yesterday.
– Some great new ideas swirling around in my head. And free time this weekend to work a bit on them.
Happy weekend, everyone!
.-= Lori Paximadis´s last post … Friday Really =-.
As for me, this is a Sunday chicken for a change.
The hard:
– Time flies by just too quickly and I only have three days left at home before a temporary 6 months move.
– Occasionally annoyed by family patterns during my holiday.
– Outdoor time is over.
The good:
– 8 beautiful days in the mountains.
– Tons and tons of fresh air.
– Long hikes up and down mountains every day; the physical and meditative side of the whole hiking thing.
– Breathtaking views.
– The best and clearest water I have drunk in a long time.
– Very yummy and healthy food. Accompanied by very good wine.
– Discovering a pretty magic spot on our way back home.
My first time reading The Friday Chicken and it will now become a tradition. Thank you SO MUCH for putting some kookiness in my otherwise already too serious and troubled Sunday morning. Sounds like your week was hit pretty hard by Mercury going retrograde…communication breakdowns, etc. It will be over on the 12th. Bless you Havi for poking at my inner reverent irreverence and waking it up. Sunday is suddenly not so suckie.
ox M and the Cat.
Ok, so a bit of a Johnny-come-lately this week – but never mind. I’m sure the chicken will forgive me this once.
The hard:
– inertia – just don’t really feel like doing anything, especially working on my novel. Annoying as I actually really want to work on it.
– coupled with odd moments of boredom and a feeling of pointlessness
– random drama
– blatantly vexing someone on my course because I realised my mic on my headset isn’t working when we were trying to discuss something on the phone
The good:
– an amazing birthday lunch followed by a fun afternoon of drinking wine and hanging out
– buying a simply fabulous dress to wear on hallowe’en
– lots of time spent doing yoga, snuggling up with the cats and books
– my hair is now blue and turquoise. Fabulous.
– having fun being me in sometimes surprising ways
– lots of birthday wishes, great cards and thoughtful gifts. Lucky me.
– delicious Chinese food
– chilled out leaving drinks for one of the girls at work
– I’ve just been bought a glass of wine and peanuts…
All in all, a pretty fabulous start to the next year of Janeage.