Friday chickenBecause it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

Well, it’s just that kind of week.

Luckily a bunch of good things happened, so if you can make it through all the stupid, you’ll feel better.

Or skip the chicken and head straight to your chicken in the comments, which will definitely be more fun than my week, because my week was mostly stupid.

The hard stuff

Thinking everything is stupid.

Pretty sure this is just hormones.

But everything is stupid.



Including sweeping statements and broad generalizations? Maybe. Fine. I don’t care.

The stupid pilates class.

And every stupid thing that came out of the stupid sticklet pilates teacher’s mouth.

Don’t tell me to “melt”.

Don’t tell me to look at my stomach: I can’t SEE my stomach unless I’m flat on my back, because I have boobs.

And no matter how flexible I get, I still won’t be able to see my stomach because I will still have boobs, so saying “eyes on your belly!” in your stupid perky voice is stupid.

Same with “have a perfectly rounded back!” I don’t know what that means but it has to be stupid.

Same with “pretend you’re sawing off your pinkie toe with your hand!” What’s wrong with you?!

Also, I’m apparently in terrible shape because everything is not only stupid but it also hurts.

Extreme noise.

And at my beloved Playground, which is where there is not supposed to be noise.

First construction inside.

Then construction outside.

Then the stupid woman next door with her stupid music playing on repeat until I lose my mind.

If last week was the HSP nightmare? This is worse.

Still stuck with my voice and not trusting it.

Very difficult to write anything this week.

Still processing this realization that my style can be imitated and that I don’t really enjoy seeing how stupid I sound (to me), now that I know what the imitable elements are.

Frustrating. I either need for something new to emerge or to not think about it.

And stupidest of all.

Watching my beloved Wheels of Justice in some of the most disastrous derby I’ve ever seen at the Roller Derby Western Regionals in Sacramento (Rollin’ on the River!).

In the only bout that really truly mattered this year.

Losing the bout that would have placed us at nationals. Nationals! We’re ranked higher than ever before. 4th in the West! One of the top 10 teams nationally!!!

Nope. Apparently not.

Due to stupid skating and stupid mistakes. Losing to the Bay Area Derby Girls? We’ve beat them before. There was no reason not to take them at Regionals.

It wasn’t bad ref calls. It wasn’t a case of the other girls playing crazy-dirty and being thugs, like some other teams. It was us. Not being as good as we actually are.

And it was awful to watch. To know we’re a significantly better team. And to know that we just did not deserve to win anything, based on that performance. Ow.

The good stuff

The rest of Regionals.

Even though we (me, my duck, my gentleman friend), couldn’t make it to Sac because of my teaching schedule, we still managed to watch as many bouts as we could stand.

The highlights!

  1. Beating Rat City. Because really, losing to Seattle would have been unbearable.
  2. Putting up a great fight against the Oly Rollers, because that’s pretty much all you can ask for. They’re the #1 team in the country right now, and we made them work a lot harder than they’re used to.
  3. If we had to give up our ticket to Chicago (Uproar on the Lakeshore!) to someone, at least it was the B.A.D. girls and not Rat City. Or Denver.

Because actually, I adore the B.A.D. girls. When they’re not playing us, they’re probably my favorite team. Well, aside from Philly — oh bless those fabulous Liberty Belles!

Plus, everything is great in the world of baseball.

Hooray for sports-that-are-not-roller-derby.

The Giants won their division!

Much yelling and happiness at Hoppy House.

And hope for the future.

Selma and I will be sponsoring the Guns N Rollers again this year, so maybe we’ll get some more roller derby shivanauts.

Because anything that helps coordination and bad-assery is a good thing.

Terry Gross AND Jon Stewart?

Did you listen to Fresh Air this week?

I think that might be two of the people I admire most on one stage. Awesome.

The Japanese Gardens.

After nearly three years in Portland, I finally went to see them.

And yes, they are that great. That’s some serious tranquility.


Got ridiculous amounts of things done this week.

Piles were de-piled. Wishes were wished.

My list is still ten thousand miles long, but it feels good to have so many things moving.

The monster-sitting collective at the Kitchen Table.

It’s my favorite thing in the entire world.

It might tie with Crankypants McGrumblebug’s Kvetchtastic Whine Bar for best places to visit when things are stupid.

Yay for the Kitchen Table.

I made a Schmoppet video and put it up!

Since I’ve been taking baby-steps towards being able to do this for …. oh, a year or so, this was a big deal.

Also hardly anyone thought it was crazy. Sparklepoints.

And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

This week?

The Carb Counting Bagel Pushers

Formerly known as Dope Pusher Bagel Consumption Shame.

Believe it or not, it’s really just one guy. Thanks to Megan for the name.

And some of the lovely presents that arrived this week.

A beautiful ceramic jar.

More costumes for the costumery from Birdy (thank you!).

This hilarious Sovereignty Mousepad from Mariko. It’s too perfect. Sovereignty and mice. My two favorite things.

A clock that hides in a book! Huzzah.

That’s it for me …

And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.

Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day and a restful weekend-ing.

And a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.

The Fluent Self