Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
Well, it’s just that kind of week.
Luckily a bunch of good things happened, so if you can make it through all the stupid, you’ll feel better.
Or skip the chicken and head straight to your chicken in the comments, which will definitely be more fun than my week, because my week was mostly stupid.
The hard stuff
Thinking everything is stupid.
Pretty sure this is just hormones.
But everything is stupid.
Including sweeping statements and broad generalizations? Maybe. Fine. I don’t care.
The stupid pilates class.
And every stupid thing that came out of the stupid sticklet pilates teacher’s mouth.
Don’t tell me to “melt”.
Don’t tell me to look at my stomach: I can’t SEE my stomach unless I’m flat on my back, because I have boobs.
And no matter how flexible I get, I still won’t be able to see my stomach because I will still have boobs, so saying “eyes on your belly!” in your stupid perky voice is stupid.
Same with “have a perfectly rounded back!” I don’t know what that means but it has to be stupid.
Same with “pretend you’re sawing off your pinkie toe with your hand!” What’s wrong with you?!
Also, I’m apparently in terrible shape because everything is not only stupid but it also hurts.
Extreme noise.
And at my beloved Playground, which is where there is not supposed to be noise.
First construction inside.
Then construction outside.
Then the stupid woman next door with her stupid music playing on repeat until I lose my mind.
If last week was the HSP nightmare? This is worse.
Still stuck with my voice and not trusting it.
Very difficult to write anything this week.
Still processing this realization that my style can be imitated and that I don’t really enjoy seeing how stupid I sound (to me), now that I know what the imitable elements are.
Frustrating. I either need for something new to emerge or to not think about it.
And stupidest of all.
Watching my beloved Wheels of Justice in some of the most disastrous derby I’ve ever seen at the Roller Derby Western Regionals in Sacramento (Rollin’ on the River!).
In the only bout that really truly mattered this year.
Losing the bout that would have placed us at nationals. Nationals! We’re ranked higher than ever before. 4th in the West! One of the top 10 teams nationally!!!
Nope. Apparently not.
Due to stupid skating and stupid mistakes. Losing to the Bay Area Derby Girls? We’ve beat them before. There was no reason not to take them at Regionals.
It wasn’t bad ref calls. It wasn’t a case of the other girls playing crazy-dirty and being thugs, like some other teams. It was us. Not being as good as we actually are.
And it was awful to watch. To know we’re a significantly better team. And to know that we just did not deserve to win anything, based on that performance. Ow.
The good stuff
The rest of Regionals.
Even though we (me, my duck, my gentleman friend), couldn’t make it to Sac because of my teaching schedule, we still managed to watch as many bouts as we could stand.
The highlights!
- Beating Rat City. Because really, losing to Seattle would have been unbearable.
- Putting up a great fight against the Oly Rollers, because that’s pretty much all you can ask for. They’re the #1 team in the country right now, and we made them work a lot harder than they’re used to.
- If we had to give up our ticket to Chicago (Uproar on the Lakeshore!) to someone, at least it was the B.A.D. girls and not Rat City. Or Denver.
Because actually, I adore the B.A.D. girls. When they’re not playing us, they’re probably my favorite team. Well, aside from Philly — oh bless those fabulous Liberty Belles!
Plus, everything is great in the world of baseball.
Hooray for sports-that-are-not-roller-derby.
The Giants won their division!
Much yelling and happiness at Hoppy House.
And hope for the future.
Selma and I will be sponsoring the Guns N Rollers again this year, so maybe we’ll get some more roller derby shivanauts.
Because anything that helps coordination and bad-assery is a good thing.
Terry Gross AND Jon Stewart?
Did you listen to Fresh Air this week?
I think that might be two of the people I admire most on one stage. Awesome.
The Japanese Gardens.
After nearly three years in Portland, I finally went to see them.
And yes, they are that great. That’s some serious tranquility.
Got ridiculous amounts of things done this week.
Piles were de-piled. Wishes were wished.
My list is still ten thousand miles long, but it feels good to have so many things moving.
The monster-sitting collective at the Kitchen Table.
It’s my favorite thing in the entire world.
It might tie with Crankypants McGrumblebug’s Kvetchtastic Whine Bar for best places to visit when things are stupid.
Yay for the Kitchen Table.
I made a Schmoppet video and put it up!
Since I’ve been taking baby-steps towards being able to do this for …. oh, a year or so, this was a big deal.
Also hardly anyone thought it was crazy. Sparklepoints.
And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!
My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”
This week?
The Carb Counting Bagel Pushers
Formerly known as Dope Pusher Bagel Consumption Shame.
Believe it or not, it’s really just one guy. Thanks to Megan for the name.
And some of the lovely presents that arrived this week.
A beautiful ceramic jar.
More costumes for the costumery from Birdy (thank you!).
This hilarious Sovereignty Mousepad from Mariko. It’s too perfect. Sovereignty and mice. My two favorite things.
A clock that hides in a book! Huzzah.
That’s it for me …
And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.
Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?
And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day and a restful weekend-ing.
And a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.
Holy smokes! What a wacky week it was.
The hard:
– the relentless struggle to get prepared for class means too many late nights
– student workers out sick resulting in schedule chaos
– email scam nails former colleague and results in many weird conversations with former students who apparently are very gullible.
– intern from another school says he is going to show up and then cancels less than an hour prior to start time. Twice this week. Internship terminated.
– legal matters raise their ugly head after months of hiding.
– many miscommunications with students. Draining.
The good
– new nutrition intern rocks!
– student who didn’t get sick rocks!
– progress on research data
– another student successfully passed exit exams and will graduate!
– dissertation committee approved
– dissertation prospectus completed. Excited about the approach that I am taking with my topic.
– awesome fall weather
Have a great weekend!
oops. I sent before finishing
trying again,
Random thought:
The answer to why single socks go missing in the laundry-
Every time a shoe gets thrown, a sock goes missing somewhere in the world.
Oh dear, so sorry for all the hard, Havi!
The hard:
– Feeling rather under the weather, battling with a cold.
– So tired due to the above.
– Figuring out that I am sharing my place after all: with XL size spiders. May have to sleep with closed windows after all which I hate.
– Constant multi-tasking at work.
The good:
– Friday off, and I am in Berlin and I will have a solid two hour nap after this.
– Seeing a wonderful performance last Sunday.
– I really like my new place despite the spiders.
– Lots of fruit, lots of veggies.
– Coping better with my cold than I usually do with colds.
Have a beautiful weekend, everyone. Sending autumnal sunshine to all of you.
@judy — I like that!
@Havi — ohhh, so very sorry to hear about all the stupid. When I’m having a hormonal week, I tend to think that everyone thinks I’m stupid, which is no fun either.
Okay. Chicken.
-Procrastinating on lots of little things. Argh. It’s like having cobwebs and dust in the corners of my brain. It’s making me sneeze — metaphorically, at least.
-Cold cloudy mornings make me want to stay in bed longer than my schedule allows. Wishing for more sleep, and mad at the world that seems to deny me this.
+I got a sweet compliment on my singing from the guy who stands next to me in chorus. That was unexpected, and delightful.
+Spent some good time working on the dissertation proposal. So far, it’s still more pre-writing than actual writing, but some writing as well, and above all it’s time and energy and love, so I’m giving myself credit (and sparklepoints, of course).
+Some lovely moments with my daughter. Among other things, we did a dramatic reading together of a play that I’ve been wanting to do for years.
+Mini-vacation coming up this weekend! We leave tonight. So excited!
Sending my love and wishes for glorrrrrriosity all around. I am so very happy to be here with all of you!
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … RE-re-invention =-.
Stupid Pilates class was clearly stupid, but that was a hi-larious little write up. Sawing off your toes with your hand? What?
Also, my No You Can’t Go Out Of The House monster is having a field day with this. “You see! You see! THAT is why you don’t go to yoga classes or anything because it’s going to be exactly like that!” *Sigh* Yes, dear monster, it’s OK, I’m not at any great risk of ending up in a pilates class right now. We’ve got Salsa tonight, remember?
Anyway, my week was also the stupid, because:
– Recording on black and white and with to-the-penny specificity that my little business did not make any money last month was sobering. No surprises, but eek!
– My sleep rhythm is all messed up. No sleeps, no yoga, no yoga, no sleeps. It’s vicious.
There are also reasons that my week was cool:
– Got some nibbles as well as actual real life new clients. Whew! Just a dry period then, not disaster.
– I did really well at the Let’s Not Read Stuff That Upsets Me game, and won lots of sparklepoints at it. Even though it was really hard because everyone kept talking about the It Gets Better project, and the… um… situation with that.
Crap, now I feel bad about Purposely Closing my Eyes to How Awful The World is. And worrying about getting enough sleep and sparklepoints while the blue Danaube turns toxic red and teenagers hang themselves in barns. 🙁
Oh, yeah, that was the other thing that was stupid about this week: I think my monsters are teaming up with my hormones. Not exactly sportsmanlike of them, I think.
Let’s finish on something fun: I made pesto. Yeah. And flapjacks with jam. They’re excellent. I think I’ll have one now.
.-= Willie Hewes´s last post … OK- I’ve Talked to my Monsters and I’m Still Scared =-.
Oh, Havi, I totally know what you mean about the stupid. There are definitely weeks like that for me, when EVERYTHING is stupid. Yuck.
The hard…
– Trying to complete a project this week, but ran into 3 really hard bugs. THREE! That is too many on one project. Ugh.
– Feeling like I am starting to catch a cold. At T minus 2 days until my son’s wedding, this is bad, bad, bad.
– Wedding is making me miss my dad, who would have really enjoyed this event. Funny how even though it has been more than 4 years since he passed away and we didn’t get along, I’m still really bummed out sometimes that he isn’t around.
The good…
– Figured out one of the 3 really hard bugs. If I can solve another one today, I’ll be happy.
– The cold hasn’t gotten any worse. Vitamin C must be helping.
– Son’s wedding! Everything seems to be coming together. I’m sure it will be beautiful, so long as I don’t trip during the rose ceremony. Fingers crossed!
Have a great weekend!
.-= Avonelle Lovhaug´s last post … What kind of emergency support do you need =-.
Sorry that the stoopid got into your week Havi and yay that for Regionals which were good and that thing called baizball which I’ve never been able to get.
The sitting, swinging, standing, gesticulating, grabbing, spitting, waiting, waving, running, walking, – yeah I just don’t get it.
So the hard this week
It was here. It was right here. And then just as suddenly it was gone. Poof. Vanished.
So now I’m wondering where it went and what it’s going to come back like and *sigh*.
The good, the glorious good
Fall weather
SOCKS!!! I realize I really like socks.
The Schmoppet video oh emm gee too cute. I love the secret bar.
Chewy spicy ginger treats.
I finally cracked open the monster coloring book, colored my first monster with the new twistable crayons. (I got a chill just saying that.)
Projectizing FTW
Did I say chewy spicy ginger treats – mmmm?
Mastermind members
Skype and the power of it
Hearing a friends voice after many months of not hearing it
The good could go on and on. But I’ve gotta get on with enjoying it so …
Happy Chickening Everyone and to all a good friday!
.-= LaShae Dorsey´s last post … Awareness of Choice- It’s all cake =-.
Pretty sure it is in the stars. In my case everything was ugly and disgusting.
I love your style and frankly I think it is inimitable. You constantly evolve and invent new things and surprise. I have seen on some ocasions people stealing (borrowing) words, phrases and concepts from you. But then you come up with something new and the others began to sound so … hm… osbsolete? 🙂
@Havi– The instructor at your pilates class should talk to the teacher at my local yoga class (on which I’ve completely given up). They would have a lot in common.
@Judy– I’m envisioning a Save Our Socks program. With an adorable spokessock. Every time you throw a shoe…
Right, this week.
The hard:
-More tired. Oh tired. Why must you persist in my life? Why can’t I be friends with my body and sufficiently rested?
-A record bad Monday morning. After being awakened by a frightened barking dog, I slipped in the shower (did not break anything, but scared the bejeezus out of me), banged my knee on my desk and scraped it a bunch, forgot to eat breakfast, forgot basic division (246/2 = 223? really?), and broke my car. It just threw me off for the rest of the week.
The good:
-I have a job. I don’t have to go into debt to continue to participate in the program I’m in. Even though it will be tough to handle everything, this is so very good, and completely unexpected. I have high hopes.
-It’s cooling off outside. A little anyway. But I’ll take the improvement, believe me. Maybe soon I will be able to do all of my errands in one day instead of having to strategically split them between mornings! That would be amazing.
Hugs for everybody’s weeks and weekends!
Oh, the stupid. I know that one. Accompanied by a lot of foot stomping.
This week’s hard:
– Having to admit that summer is over. And those three outdoor projects I had so carefully selected from the dozens I would like to get done so that I could focus on just those and actually accomplish something? I only got one (mostly) done.
– Frightening couple of days when it looked like my beloved laptop was on its last legs.
– Had been hoping to take today off, but realized it just wasn’t going to happen because I forgot about a few things I have to do next week when I was making up my work schedule for next week, so I have to do stuff today so I don’t get behind next week.
This week’s good:
– Laptop problem was a totally wacky, totally fixable thing. And still under warranty, so no charge to fix it.
– Despite the oops about next week’s work schedule and having more sitting on my project shelves than ever before, I’m on top of all my projects and feeling calm about them all.
– Decisions finally made about our flooring, after almost two years of paralysis about it. Yay!
Happy Friday, Chickeneers!
.-= Lori Paximadis´s last post … Rocky River Fall Arts Festival =-.
Oh, chicken, here we are again!
This week was mostly lovely.
Good this week:
+ Took deliciously, ridiculously good care of myself this week. Two massages. Did healing, restorative things every single day.
+ Finally wrote a new blog post.
+ Epiphanies, realizations, fall mists, October sunshine.
+ Community choir! Fall session started last night. We ended the night with a song whose lyrics are one word:Yes. 🙂
Hard this week:
– Friends I love going through difficult times.
Hugs for everyone’s hard, and celebrating the good with you. Wishing you all a beautiful weekend!
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Down to Earth- Making things happen =-.
It was a hard, stupid week for so many people in my circles. Here’s to next week containing more harmony and happiness. In the meantime —
* Huge unexpected bill = monster jamboree.
* Still no easel time.
* Not enough dance practice.
* Friends not getting along.
* Passive aggression. Repeatedly having to quell own urge to throw shoes in reaction.
* Washer eating holes in sarongs. I hate mending.
* I see my sweetie tonight! and some of his nicest friends, too! (Long-distance motorcyclists’ reunion.)
* Writing mojo back in the house and painting the walls.
* Time with friends. Friends getting along.
* Getting my car back in time to shlep the doggie to/from the vet.
* Friends and neighbors getting many mentions in this year’s Best of Nashville
* Got the fauxPod and porta-speaker working. Four-hour drive with spazzy car stereo not quite as daunting now.
Good weekend and best wishes to all.
.-= Mechaieh´s last post … safety and shelter =-.
@Havi, so much hard! But you express it so wonderfully that I couldn’t help but laugh. Also, you make me want to love baseball again.
@Helen, I totally agree w/what you say about Havi’s style.
My week!
The Hard:
-Oh the waiting to hear back about a job.
-Obsessing over waiting.
-Having to talk to coworkers/supervisors about decision.
-Disagreement with bf that can’t be resolved.
-Old fears about transition.
The Good:
+I got a new job!!!!!! After months and months of applying, and hoping, and despairing, I found what looks like a fantastic fit. Quiet, smart people in a relaxed environment. Relief!
+Excitement over the change.
+Happy over much-improved commute due to new job.
+Potentially being able to leave work early today.
+Cupcakes for a coworker’s going-away party. I get to have them at mine too!
+Doing literacy volunteer training. I’ve realized I really need to be of service, and so far, this is kind of blowing my mind (the training, the way it makes me think, and the privilege of serving).
LOL @ your stupid pilates class, but that really sucks, and I’m sorry 🙁
My week was a pretty even balance of good & bad.
The Bad:
-Food poisoning on Sunday, which resulted in no work on Monday (which means no pay)
-Fiance having to work split shifts, which means I get to sleep alone
-New puppy having a significantly hard time learning where it is appropriate to potty
The Good:
-Made nice progress on a class presentation
-Made a new friend!
-Found a tiny bit of time to have all to myself and enjoy some yoga
-Did really well with my meal plan, trying to stick with it and be a healthier me
To start out with…
Some years ago, a Pagan group I was involved with discovered that something we’d evolved as an integral part of ritual was being used as standard across different parts of the US. People had come to festivals and seen it, and it had clicked with them, so they carried it back and did it EXACTLY the same, word for word. At first, we were all a bit gobsmacked. Then we were highly amused. Then one or two of us got irritated that it was being done without “credit”. And then we understood: There had been a need, and this thing we did, that filled the need so well that it became part of “the tradition”. We began to hug our Little Secret to ourselves and enjoy the fact that others had got so much out of it.
@Havi – if people are imitating you, it’ll be because they VALUE YOUR VOICE. No-one writes like someone whose writing they think makes them look stupid, they write like people they admire, and people that those around them admire. Someone’s seen the way you write and it has inspired them. They may grow in a different direction over time. It means your influence is working in the world, spreading out in ways you hadn’t imagined. You are literally CHANGING THE WORLD.
Just saying.
So, the Hard:
– Procrastination – not as bad as at other times, though still there
– Damn finger – I managed to chop me instead of a vegetable while sleep-deprived and recovering from flu. Still hurts like billy-oh
– Missing 2 sewing classes – I can’t pack my sewing machine and kit because of the finger
– Totally forgot an insurance thing – panic-stricken! even though it’s actually OK
– House looks like no-one has cleaned it in a fortnight – largely because no-one has – GROSS!
– Spouse is depressed by horrible commute being made worse by university traffic and boss refusing to let him go 10 minutes earlier to catch the bus that cuts 45 minutes off his travelling time – he comes home grumpy and can’t make up his mind whether or not he wants to be cheered up
The Good:
+ Less procrastination! – let’s hear it for friends who point out good strategies and buoy us along!
+ Contacted the people giving me my qualifications – no, it is not too late for me to get coursework in! They’re glad I contacted them! They are all supportive and friendly! W00T!
+ Got zooming with coursework!
+ Wanted to Do A Thing, came here and found PRECISELY the posts I needed; then went and stumbled over several resources that made me go AHA!! – did The Thing and feel FAB!
+ Spouse has agreed to a reiki session – hurray for feeling useful!
+ Spent time with Toddling Bolivian – hilarity ensued
+ Got the deeds to the house – not legally necessary these days, but damned interesting historically
+ Went to my Grandma’s grave and chatted – I needed that
Moving! Ack!
And painting! Because I have a show coming up and not enough paintings! Aaack! Stress and fatigue!
But it’ll all be worth it in the end.
.-= Barbara J Carter´s last post … The Art Studio is Moving =-.
I VERY FREQUENTLY have times when I feel that everything is stupid. Usually it goes, “Everything and everyone is stupid except me and this chocolate chip cookie right here.” And then I eat the cookie.
Hugs on everyone’s hard stuff.
This week’s hard stuff:
– Feeling like I have no time for even basic life stuff like buying dish soap.
– GIANT horrible PODs (Piles Of Doom!)
– One really strong bout of anxiety at the J*B
– Compounded with shoe-throwing about artitic endeavor stuff
– They don’t post Bones on Hulu until it is time for me to go to work. HOW IS THIS FAIR?
– No time for NYCC. All my friends will be frolicking with SPIKE and I have to miss out. boo.
This week’s good stuff:
– Made time for working out earlier in the week
– Planned social time was lovely & included yummy food
– Good vibes from class & coaching
– Weekend o’ rehearsal! And then performing! and more rehearsal!
Oh dear Havi. Many, many hugs for the stupid. I feel it too.
And guys I am so in love with having a hamtastic solemn commercial with a spokessock speaking up for all the socks that have disappeared when shoes have been thrown. Ha! “Please, won’t you save just one sock?” Tee hee.
I chickened at greater length on my blog this morning, but let me just summarize because oh the stuck. Oh how it was everywhere.
– Stuckness all around. And drama. Not mine, but affecting me in weird peripheral ways.
+ My daughter turned 1, that was pretty cool. Even though I’m pretty sure we like her new puzzle more than she does.
– So much stuck. So much.
– Plus crappy tea!
Hugs to everyone for all the hard going around. I know next week will be better, because I know it deep in my Annoyingly Happy heart.
.-= Jesse´s last post … Friday check in- Inadequate tea edition =-.
Maybe this was just the week for hard? Hugs to all on the hard stuff, and best wishes for the next week being happy and healthy.
The Hard:
-The back pain has come back, with a vengeance. I lay awake all last night because it hurt to breathe and I had little shocks of muscle spasms all night. I am resisting taking painkillers, but I can’t do yoga or work out either because it’s so bad. So hard.
-Family stuff. I’m at home taking care of my dad, who has cancer, and it’s been a hard week. My parents and I don’t see eye to eye at the best of times, and being here is sort of like living in a giant box full of eggshells.
-Work, which is crazy. I have tons of clients and projects and I love them all, but the back pain is really taking a toll on my focus and on my stamina.
The Good:
-My clients, who are always awesome and fun and make me happy to get up and work, even when I hurt.
-My favorite blog restarted this week!
-Taking long walks around the pond here with my dog when I feel good enough to.
-Beautiful weather on the east coast which I had missed greatly.
.-= Holly´s last post … Friday Roundup- On Crunchy leaves- amber stones- and prizes =-.
Dear Havi,
On the topic of imitation of your unique voice – we all know where the style is coming from ;). You’re a writing fashionista. Like Rihanna – she tries something and everyone follows but she’s still the Queen of Rock
n Roll Pop. True awesomeness and original thought shines right through.
The Schmoppet video is truly wonderful. I long to know more of the Schmoppet and his ways and opinions.
I have a plan with four stages, the first of which is about sleep. And it involves stickers. Every time I go to bed at the right time and get a good night’s sleep, I get a sticker! Clearly I am a child, because this seems to be working. 🙂
This Week: 3 stickers so far!
Oh, the stupid. I hate it too. Especially the hormonal stupid. As I get older I notice it more and now give myself permission to hate everything and not get anything done during the hormonal stupid. I don’t schedule anything; I don’t talk to anyone unless I want to. Anything that does get done is a total bonus.
There should be a special hell for really bad fitness instructors where they are doomed to an eternity of taking each others classes.
@Jesse – crappy tea is TRAGIC. And there’s no excuse for it. Ever.
So, chicken…
– The LOUD. Everywhere. There are waaayyy too many chainsaws in the world and I’m pretty sure every single one of them was in my neighborhood this week. Yep. Still there.
– Client not paying me and me not calling him out on it. This isn’t the first time they haven’t paid in a timely manner. I thought we had it worked out. And still not paying. I’m angry and resentful.
– Gentleman friend trying to quit smoking this week = extra cranky GF. Trying to be patient and extra kind to him as he works through it.
+ Several good nights of sleep in a row has me feeling pretty perky today.
+ Progress on a home-improvement project that has been on the list for about 8 years.
+ Spontaneous invitation to tea with a friend I hardly ever see any more. Nice!
+ Enjoying the wonderful fall weather this week. Sunny and bright, with that autumnal crispness.
.-= Chris´s last post … Obsession and what came after =-.
Stupid must’ve been going around this week, too bad there’s not a vaccine for that.
The Stupid:
Not double checking my paperwork for the High Fiber show and finding out on Sunday (the 3rd) that I should’ve shipped on Friday (the 1st)
My parents are driving six hours tomorrow morning for a three hour party and then driving home tomorrow night.
My hormones have apparently decided that a three week cycle is the current normal. Blergh.
Return of temperature induced neuralgia and stiff neck.
Four hours’ sleep yesterday when I had a talk at 5:30PM.
Nothing fit right when I needed to dress for the talk last night, primarily because the weather decided to go back to highs near 80F.
The smart:
Because the highs were near 80F when I went in for the talk, my neck and neuralgia symptoms were nearly non-existent.
My talk went very well!
Hand-knit fishtail scarf and fuzzy bear hat helped to alleviate some of the pain. And I looked cool at the same time 🙂
I was able to ship for the show on Monday and the work only arrived one day later than it would’ve.
Because I shipped earlier than I thought I had to, this week was a lot less stressful than I thought it would be (with talk prep).
Carla Sonheim’s Silly Workshop.
Dream Lab Fall 2010 over at Mondo Beyondo.
Because my parents aren’t spending the night, house cleaning can be at a total minimum 😉
Here, and y’all, because I was able to give good talk and be gentle with myself thanks to everything I’ve learned here over the past nearly two years. 🙂
Sunday, I’m going walking in the woods!!!
Happy weekend, y’all!
.-= Andi´s last post … The Sketchbook Project- Week Two =-.
It’s so hard to “just be yourself” when other people are trying to be you too. You’ll find a way through it though; the essence of your voice isn’t about grammatical quirks or habits.
-Computer froze and ate a nearly-complete blog entry.
-Husband’s exciting job interview turned out to be a glorified pyramid scheme. Back to being unemployed.
-Working overtime and not getting enough sleep.
-Sacral pain. Again.
-Frustrating staffing changes.
-stupid stuckness about money and “selling out”
-I’m going to be a shivanaut!
-Taught one of my students to say “Rock on!”
-learned to treat whiplash injuries.
-rewrote the lost blog entry BETTER.
-recognized stuckness for what it was and stopped being mean to other people about it.
-the workshop for teens I put together was small but fantastic!
.-= Kat´s last post … Birthday Party! What I Have Learned- What I have Gained =-.
I must have a Sovereign Helper Mousepad! Where can I find these things!?
I had a pretty tough week, and now, to top it off, I’m looking for the Schmoppet video link, but I can’t find it.
Maybe you posted on YouTube?…Nothing under “schmoppet”.
Googled “schmoppet,” “Schmoppet video,” “Havi Schmoppet Video.”
“Maybe she’s SELLING the video,” I thought, so I checked your Shop page (Hey, on the right day, I might buy toothbrushes from you.). Still no luck.
“Is it a Shivanata demo?” I wondered as I checked Wasn’t there either.
I concluded that it might only be accessible to Kitchen Table people –like the Lions or the Knights of Columbus: The Secret Society of the Schmoppet.
And now I’m just kind of depressed.
The Schmoppet is on Facebook! The link is at the top of the Fluent Self page, marked “Do stuff on Facebook.”
I hope the Schmoppet brightens your day, Rupa! 🙂
@Alice- Oh, thank GOD. Bless you.
The good:
It’s been my first week of travel again, and so far it’s been mostly good. I ran into one girl I knew from Xela in San Pedro, which meant we both got to go out at night since we weren’t alone. Also met a girl traveling through Honduras and Nicaragua during the same time I will be, we may travel together some.
Work is slow enough for me to be able to take the time to do the things I want like caving and diving.
I’m getting to do things like caving and diving
The Hard:
I’ve been avoiding writing this week. Traveling has been a good excuse, but still just an excuse. There appear to be things I need to put down on paper that I am afraid of looking too closely at.
Realizing that I’ve left my taxes to the last week. Again.
Leaving my leather jacket in a restaurant and having it disappear.
.-= Kathryn´s last post … You want me to talk about me =-.
Chicken? Already?
Also — Chicken? Thank goodness it’s finally Chicken!
Yeah. One of those weeks that totally flies by despite being the longest week in recorded history. My sense of time is totally squirrelly like that.
The stupid. Oh the stupid. Technology is great when it works. Last night it so completely didn’t work.
The hard. I have a Family Thing this weekend. Family Things require stompy boots and extra eyeliner. Always. Dammit. My family inspired my Big Girl Panties list. As in “Girl, your relatives are Bat Shit Crazy and too old to change. You’re just going to have to deal for a few more years.”
Day Job nuttery.
The good. Love Of My Life has booked two clients for his new biz. Woo Hoo! Go You!
No matter how crazy my relatives are, and no matter what a zoo Day Job is, my cat loves me to pieces.
Can’t wait to see spokessock’s PSA! Someone IS doing this, right?
Hugs, @Havi. Although I have to say, your pilates story was really funny. And it’s a bit encouraging to hear that other people that I admire also sometimes find everything stupid.
The Hard:
I’ve been isolating again, and that’s bad.
I’ve been getting rolled by The Overwhelm.
Doing everything humanly possible to avoid amends. Not even sure what amends needed doing, but the mere thought had me running.
Three. Frickin’. Day. Migraine.
If I get another sign that I need to “let go” I’m going to scream.
The Good:
Realizing why I’m traumatized by “I’m sorry.”
The headache finally going away. I want to bottle that sensation.
My son saying he loves me more than ice cream and monster trucks.
Hugs, everybody who’s hurting or stuck in the hard.
.-= Cathy´s last post … The Embarrassing Purse Story =-.
Cliff Notes Chicken:
Had ’em both.
CliffNotesChicken: Because sometimes?
You just don’t want to give that damn week any more energy.
But I’ll gladly give every one of The Chickeneers energy and sparkles, in the expanded directors cut edition, complete with author’s notes and mixed metaphors.
So a big fat !Yay! for everyone’s goods, plus soft, gentle ~hugs~ for your hards, a double helping of laugh at the pilates absurdity, and I just *have* to say this again….
.-= Tori Deaux´s last post … Social Media- A Rant About Relationships =-.
Oh so much compassion-commiseration-empathy. I dislike the instructor-directions-from-the-boobless moments, but in retrospect I *eventually* find ’em to be more funny than annoying. My “favorite” was in a kung fu class, the (male) instructor declared that such-and-such was the Only Correct Way to get into the “goat-riding stance”. I caught his attention and did the move exactly the way he’d done it… but, er, my chest can only be described using letters in the *middle* of the alphabet. My arms did not meet in the middle the way his did. In fact, the motion sorta squished things around in comical – but not very defensive – fashion. I refrained from making a Three-Stooges-style “honk” sound as I did it. He blushed and told me to “uh, come up with something else for that. I won’t count that off on your test.”
Anyway, chicken.
Hardest thing this week?
The teenage boy and the husband did a Lifetime television moment. There was a lot of testosterone, not listening to each other (and therefore increasing their volume), and so much hurting, and storming out for “a walk” that lasted long enough to induce driving-around-looking-for-the-boy panic attacks.
I mean, I thought things like this were just a literary device. or a Hollywood cliché. (Can you tell I’m a newish stepmom and had moved out on my own by the time my brother was a teen?)
The boy came home safe and sound (we live in the country, so I guess the danger was being run over by a drunk… cow?). Father and son were apologetic and forgiving and loving and everything was resolved…
Well, except for the part where I was all twitchy and emotional and had insomnia for two days. Guh.
But there was so much good this week that as I was writing my check-in on my blog, I had completely forgotten about it until I was trying to remember how the insomnia started.
Fuzzy socks! Fresh flowers! Husband on the front page of the paper (in a “local businessman thinks local economy is fine and people can chill out” way, not The Other Lifetime Television Way)! Made the two Very Scary Phonecalls! Joined Twitter! Progress on remodelling the basement! Did Tarot readings in gypsy costume at our Halloween Hafla (bellydance performance+party thingy).
And the happydancingest thing of the week? I got the Shiva Nata DVD in the mail, with this sweet and super-encouraging note in it. 😉 And I’m flailing around like a spastic monkey and loving it. Both the husband and the boy are intrigued and want to try it, too.
Oh, dears. Hi. Happy Friday.
The hard:
The dishes just kept piling up this week, which meant that I did dishes for half an hour each day instead of spending that time writing or exercising. Needless to say, my body is itching to get out in the world and sweat.
I’m going to Ireland next week, and I’m nervous about it. I’m scared that I have this opportunity to travel, and I won’t have researched enough or know the good places to go or be brave enough to talk to new people.
Wanting to spend more time with my blog, but not knowing what it needs, really.
The good:
Got quite a bit of writing done on the train this week, which means I’ll have posts ready while I’m away in Ireland.
Despite my fears, I’m really excited to go to Ireland. I adore cold and gloomy weather.
My new job employs many other queer people! It’s amazing! Oh, and also, it is so much less stressful than my last job that I can barely wrap my head around it. And I’m doing good work. And people are recognizing the fact that I’m doing good work.
I get to have a date with my girlfriend at my favorite restaurant tonight. So far, I know it will involve kombucha and vegetables. Which is all I need to know.
Happy weekending to all.
.-= Kylie´s last post … things i’m good at =-.
@R: the sovereignty mousepad can be found at anthropologie. It’s made by in New Orleans.
The hard:
Having trouble starting a habit of a certain meeting
Never enough sleep
The good:
a roll of paper and a typewriter
decisions begetting actions
I really do think that the Boobless Instructor needs to be a fake band. That is all.
.-= Jesse´s last post … Friday check in- Inadequate tea edition =-.
– The bloom has come off the rose at what I thought was my dream job. Or at least my dream job for now. Lots of stinkin’ thinkin’ over the work and the place I work.
– Cramps. That. Will. Not. Relent.
– Lots of “I don’t wannas.”
– Upset, albeit brief, with the fiance over something ridiculous. I’m still right, though.
– Feeling paranoid/left out with girl group and not sure how to feel as if I fit back in. Or do I really need to?
– Anxiety continues to rear its butt ugly head during my days.
– Exercise every day! First time in a long time that that’s happened.
– No booze all week. Again, first time in a while that’s happened.
– Considering going back to school so I can do what I really want to do. Like seriously considering it.
– Being someone’s counselor/confidant. I love feeling needed in that way. Especially when what I offer is useful!
– Good counseling session and more body wellness stuff planned for tonight.
– Loving my beginner yoga class on Monday night. Instructor is not a d-bag at all.
– My fiance, for trying so hard and being loving to me even when I’m a dinkus.
Thanks, Havi, for having a forum to get all this out! I feel lighter, more free. Bless you.
thank god it’s chicken! tgic – i think i said that a couple weeks ago, but i think it needed to be repeated.
i’m doing the hormonal stupid dance too. pretty much every other thought this week was, are you fucking kidding me? not pretty. at least i kept my thoughts to myself. for the most part.
i miss the days of hormones making me sad instead of mad. i’m sure everyone else is too.
the bad:
see above.
and i’m bone tired. all the time.
revamped email system made me send an important time sensitive message to MYSELF instead of the intended thereby delaying their response by DAYS. who sends themself an email and doesn’t notice????
sick kids – it must be fall.
serious case of inowannas. – stupid stuff, but inowanna anyway. and i’m not gonna. damnit.
the good:
yoga – twice.
cardio exercise makes me feel better. twice.
excellent salady healthy yummies. many times.
burrito as big as my head.
long distance phone dates with lifelong friends.
laughing really hard numerous times this week.
prince songs from the 80’s – musical genius.
.-= Tami´s last post … Song of the Day =-.
Wait, how did it get to be Friday? And why would anyone want to saw off body parts? I have a strict policy against that.
The hard:
Um…well, I can’t think of anything off the top of my head. Huh.
The good:
+ I finally worked out how to do ribbing and circular knitting on my knitting machine. In the past two days I’ve made 3 hats and 7 scarves, and they’re all awesome. And I have more ideas for more stuff to make.
There was probably more, but I guess I’m too tired to think of it. And rabbits are staring at me, waiting for me to feed them. And after I feed them I want to go make more scarves!
.-= Riin´s last post … What I learned at my first fiber show =-.
The Hard
– Tiiiiired. Something is just sapping away all my energy this week, mental and physical, and all I want to do is nap.
– No naps, too much to do, not to mention the loud.
– Having “you haven’t done enough! your clients will hate you!” monster guilt.
– Workmen arrived early for painting and door things. Did not want.
– Worried about moneys in a very non-useful way. Sigh.
– Wavering in and out of a shy-hermit-hedgehog “nobody good likes me” place.
– Stalled on a number of my Things.
– Did not find Count Chocula at Safeway. Must try Target.
The Good
+ They saw my blue doors and they had to paint them black (to match the snazzy new security/screen doors). They actually sanded the old paint, then applied 2 coats of black like competent workers. It was a little bit awesome.
+ Halloween socks!
+ Cleaned ALL the laundry!
+ Saw lots of friends this week. Somebody good does like me! Heh.
+ Did two weebles I’m very happy with for Halloween.
+ Did find Easy Mac, which I have missed since I ran out and kept forgetting to replace.
+ The weather is settling into the best bits of fall.
+ Kittehs, still fluffy and full of love. Also, did not sneak out of the house during door shenanigans. Amusingly, it was the old, shy one who tried (but was thwarted).
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … Naomi’s Jack- and her Monster =-.
Most welcome! 🙂
Will there be an ongoing need for kyool costumery? I may well come across more tidbits on my way.
If so, will be happy to send them along to you. 🙂