Friday chickenBecause it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

What an unbelievably full week.

Just full.

I’m still kind of reeling from how busy it was.

Lots of unexpected hard, lots of unexpected good — most of it hidden inside of the hard. And just a lot. In general.

Let’s see.

The hard stuff

Oh, the misunderstandings.

And the multiple ways in which a simple misunderstanding can get tangled up into a giant plonter of a no-longer-simple misunderstanding.

Assumptions piled on assumptions.

Lots of detangling. And more left to do.

Conflict from last week still unresolved.

Another Playground-related thing. Being pushed. And not knowing what to do about it. And not liking any of it.

So now I’m past the vomitous angsty pit of stomach despair phase.

And past the this is impossible to deal with phase.

Past the part that is all about the sad.

But I would really just like to get this cleared up.

Discovered a fairly large administrative disaster.

What fun.

And apparently this problem has been going on for months. Wow.

So we got to discover lots of GIGANTIC FIRES that we didn’t know about while they were happening. And they’re totally irrelevant now. Which I guess is good.

Anyway, that was extremely unnerving.


1. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. So they say.

2. Being thirsty is a legitimately uncomfortable experience for horses, who will often express their frustration. All they want is to drink but where is the water?! This happens regardless of how often you lead them there.

3. This often remains true even if you’re right next to the water and you splash in it and drink from it yourself, and point to the giant sign that says in horse-language: WATER! HERE! IT COSTS NOTHING! GO AHEAD AND DRINK IF YOU WANT SOME!

4. Sometimes you just have to accept that there isn’t a whole lot you can do about this. It is not your job to get the horse to drink.

5. I’m not always good at #4.

* I’ve been teaching since I was fourteen. Thinking creatively about new ways to approach learning is what I do. Good things will come from this as always. The narrative will rewrite itself. No advice, please.

Mosquito in my bedroom.

I protest.

“Giants baseball! TORTURE!”

Love hurts. Not always, but on occasion it has been known to.

And loving the San Francisco Giants is a painful, complicated thing that involves some of the most incredibly agonizing moments imaginable.

I’m trying to quit. But of course there is no such thing.

The good stuff

Baseball. I still love it.

The excitement. The beautiful. The astonishing athletic feats that make all the doom worth it.

And yes, still in it.

Roller Derby!

After our disastrous bout with the BAD Girls that killed our chances of going to Chicago for nationals …

Chicago came to us. And it was outrageous. The fourth ranked Western division team (us!) took apart the first ranked North Central division team (them).

Final score? Portland’s Wheels of Justice: 134. Windy City: 90. Gah. We should so be at nationals.

But it was a fantastic bout.

Also Casey and Cairene were there to scream with us, so it was even more fun than you’re already imagining.

Reordering and reorganizing.

Fall cleaning mode is in full swing.

We launched a whole new batch of systems changes.

I managed to get rid of eight categories in the most tangled section of the pirate Log.

So needed! And it only took 90 minutes and not days, like I imagined it would.

And then I closed TWENTY SIX troll doors, and oh the happy. Breath of fresh air.

It’s not hot anymore!

Selma gets to wear her scarf. And I get to wear layers again. This is a good thing.

I am both much more attractive and much nicer when I get to wear layers.

It’s almost flannel sheets season, and yay.

The massive Getting Done of Things!

This week. It was so intense.

Time off.

Even with all the madness, I managed to take a day and a half off.

And go for walks in the sun.

Making up for all the teaching weekends. Slowly.

Stuff I read and appreciated this week.

This post from Amy with lovely reporting on the Rally.

This piece from Maryann on resting and actually doing it.

Then Alison took my metaphor mouse exercise and did something amazing.

This beautiful and touching obituary detailing the absolutely fascinating life of David’s father Louis. Zichrono livracha.

And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

This week it’s ….

Paper Dorks.

Yes. My favorite kind of dork. But it’s really just one guy.

And some of the lovely presents that arrived in the mail this week.

A handmade rug for the Playground. Another costume. A calendar.

And a fox mask! Brilliant.

That’s it for me …

And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.

Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day and a restful weekend-ing.

And a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.

p.s. ANNOUNCEMENT! Not mine! Josiane will be teaching an entry-level Shiva Nata class in Toronto on Monday. It’s pay-what-you-want, and if you are anywhere near Toronto, you should go.

The Fluent Self