Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
Not sure how we got here ,but yay.
A special, completely delightful, extra-long Rally (Rally!) had been keeping me crazy-busy.
Let me say that I am astonished that Friday is here so quickly. Hi, Friday!
The hard stuff
High stress Monday.
Which was not good, because that’s when the Rally was starting. Too much to do, not enough time/ways/resources to do it.
Not fun.
Still catching up on sleep.
And not very well.
That is to say, catch-up is not really one of my primary skills. Learning.
Behind on other things as well.
Like Drunk Pirate Council. And pretty much everything in my business. Getting there.
There are three things I really need to do in the morning to keep the peace/sanity.
And each day this week it worked out there was only time for two of them.
I alternated which two, just in case there was a combination that worked better. But it still left me feeling off-balanced and kind of buzzy.
Not walking.
Walking is thing number four that I really like to do in the mornings, and it got shoved to a way distant back burner.
And I miss it.
Moments of being completely overwhelmed.
Which sucks. Iguanas everywhere.
The good stuff
I wrote a thing that I didn’t want to write.
And I was having a seriously hard time of it.
But I used the Deguiltified Chicken Board at the Kitchen Table, and the Monster Negotiation Board, and I did it.
And while the doing wasn’t fun, the having it done feels fantastic. Ten thousand sparklepoints for meeeeeee!
Fractal flowers!
That’s my name for the thing that happens when you work on one thing and it destuckifies all the other stuff you’re working on.
Totally happened.
The mugs showed up! Just in time. Hooray!
We got these fabulous orange mugs for the Playground Galley. They have the Playground logo with the pirate-duck flag (the Jolly Selma!) on them and they are awesome.
And I also got my first opportunity to make good use of my duck paperclips. Twice. Thanks and kisses to Mariko for those.
Ohmygod. Rally Rally Rally Rally Rally. Rally!
I love it so much I can hardly stand it.
This week has been absolutely delightful. This group of Rallions is completely amazing, we are having so much fun together, and I am getting insane amounts of stuff done.
Some epic projectizing, including a Species Chart of all of my iguanas, all sorts of useful chapters for the Book of Me, and quite a few big surprises.
Also, for some reason we ended up with a group of pretty advanced shivanauts at this one, so we have been epiphany-ing up a storm and breaking our brains. Level 7, y’all.
Bing bing bing bing! Rally!
Despite the busy, the blog still got some love from me.
The past several weeks it’s been really hard to get to my morning writing practice (that’s one of the three morning things).
This week I chose writing over the other two things, and while I missed them, it also felt really good to be back. Hi, guys. Missed you.
I can’t wait until I figure out how to re-organize my life in such a way that I’ll be able to have/do all three. But that’s what the next Rally is for, right?
So I got this thing for the Playground that projects stars onto the ceiling.
It is the most incredible and indescribable thing in the world. Like a private planetarium show.
And since we have these ridiculously high coved ceilings, it just looks spectacular.
At Rally we have been turning out all the lights in the evening, snuggling up with blankets and pillows, putting on music and having a star show. It is perfect.
And some of the lovely presents that arrived for the Playground this week.
A giant package of colorful, weirdly shaped post-its from Pearl turned out to be a huge hit and just the right thing.
We were post-it-ing and mapping all week, and together with the construction paper, the glitter crayons and the sparkly pipe cleaners, much chaotic fun was had.
Also Pearl (a Rallygator of Rallies past) is the most adorable and most beaming person you have ever met, and just thinking about her sweet face makes me happy.
We also go an assortment of new wigs for the costumery, plus new posterboard, stencils, crayons and stickers to play with too. Huge appreciation to everyone who is helping this space be even more magical.
And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!
My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”
This week?
Hormonally Hoodwinked
They’re playing in town all week. Except that it’s really just one guy.
That’s it for me …
And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.
Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?
And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day and a restful weekend-ing.
And a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.
Ha, I have totally been hormonally hoodwinked this week – it’s probably about 1-5 of the hard. And that made me kind of, maybe smile about it. And thank goodness this is up because I have a need of chicken, even though it’s only 10.30 in the morning.
The hard:
– the aforesaid hormones. Seriously. Had enough now.
– going out to dinner and knowing that I could make the food a lot better. Annoying.
– finding out my yoga classes are suspended until mid-march
– train engineering stuff that means I’ve had to rearrange a photoshoot I was very much looking forward to
The good:
– the meeting someone for my industry analysis went incredibly well and the analysis itself is getting done
– Bought a proper corset! So beautiful. And feels amazing.
– Took some photographs I like.
– Off work. Yay!
– Taking time to just chill out and nap and read.
– Dinner and drinks with friend.
– Going a scary-ish drs appt and it being totally fine.
– Black Swan
– Getting my portfolios and what not all finished and done. So close to finishing the year.
That feels better…
The hard:
The hard and the beautiful were two days off from school due to snow. And I mean snow. 20 inches in two days to bring the total this January to 30 inches.
My dad is very sick and dying. The hard is, well, obvious, but the family relationship stuff is harder.
The Good:
Witnessing someone’s end of days is oddly beautiful even though my dad is not going gently, quickly, or with any acknowledgment that he is going at all. Wishing my family had rituals that would honor this.
Sleeping in cause no work.
Getting time to work on running name for the thing(s).
Guilt free time to visit dad.
Support from my workplace coming in all kinds of forms.
Using my grown-up voice with my older sisters.
Support and space from my lovely and devoted AdMan.
Reading about your process, Havi. I know people have told you this before, but I’ve come to depend on your voice. Reading your posts and the comments are a vital part of my morning ritual.
As a former astronomer, I’m thrilled for your stars Havi! Can’t have too many stars.
Hard this week:
– Having to enforce a boundary I’d hoped not to have to.
– Insomnia. (Which is why I’m Chickening at 5:30am. Yuck.)
Good this week:
– Artist play dates! Lots of them! Whee!
– Walking. Lots of walking.
– Using the insomnia-time to do my volunteer work. Thank goodness for teh internets.
Oooh, Havi. Those star projectors are so cool. And with music! *swoon*
Ok, chicken time.
The hard
– A family member is having a major relationship hard. My heart hurts for them.
– Snow. I’m over it. And that’s enough about that.
– Big projects that I’d love to see done nownownow are taking awhile because of big busyness. This isn’t awful. I’m just feeling a little impatient.
– My studio has been extra chilly this week. Which is a drag because space heaters + uber sensitive mics make making sweet music kind of a challenge. Is it Spring yet?
The good
– Lunch! Today! With sweet friends and big bowls of curry.
– Watching my clients do stuff that blows my mind. That happens a lot. But this week it happened every single day.
– A deliciously full scheduling calendar full of the aforementioned fabulous clients.
– People mailing me chocolate. Really, really good chocolate. Mmmm.
– My birthday is Sunday. And usually I don’t get excited. But this year I’m excited.
– New music. I’m recording some. And I love it.
– Yellow Pac Man Moleskines. Enough said.
Happy chickens to all and to all a bwock bwock!
This was a funny kind of week. A week that didn’t know what it wanted.
I totally want a species chart for iguanas now.
Hard stuff:
There was less falling apart than last week, but a continuing sense of “what’s the point”-ness to everything, making it feel sticky and unpleasant.
Not sticking to my bedtimes makes everything else harder. How many times…?
Good stuff:
The artsy thing I’m secretly working on is shaping up to my satisfaction. This is encouraging.
People really dug my post about my work monster.
Making slow and steady progress. Good signs everywhere.
I’m knitting something pretty challenging for a newb like me, and it’s going well. My learning-fu reigns!
Adding all that up, I have to admit this was a good week. It didn’t feel like one, but it was. I’m going to sit and ponder that now.
Have a good weekend, chickenees!
My hard is going to happen in about two hours… my 4 y.o. son needs to have a tooth removed, bad abscess and cavity situation. It’s scaring me and breaking my heart. I am praying he gets through it okay.
Otherwise, week went very well. The good:
New thing is growing nicely — people showing up and commenting on blog, feel like things are getting done.
Plot outline for ghostwriting thing, yay!
New system “3 things I must do today” is working better than I could have dreamed.
I’m cooking! Literally. Have cooked food all week, most of it good.
Thanks, guys. 😀
Oh, Chicken, I have missed you! So happy to have time this week, to chicken, and breathe, and just be.
Havi, I can’t wait to see your star-show!
Good this week:
+ A bit of spaciousness, after weeks of intensely creative focus leading up to the launch of my new digital program, last week.
+ Astonishing outpouring of love and support from friends and colleagues–online community love.
+ Big shift in the internal ecology of my life since the launch. Feels like my world has righted itself in ways I can’t quite see yet, but can definitely feel.
+ Rich, wonderful conversations with women who are experiencing the fullness of their lives in deeply exciting ways.
+ Lovely, long talk about parenthood with my son and daughter-in-law, who is three months pregnant. They’re overwhelmed, bewildered by all the changes happening in their lives, and so very happy.
Hard this week:
– Resting in the place of inner stillness from which I can move and act and do all that needs my attention.
Hugs for everyone’s hard, and celebrating the good with you. Wishing you all a beautiful weekend!
Love, Hiro
Almost didn’t do this today until I saw @Cathyyardley’s “three things” comment – Yay! for you. Hope all is well with the tooth.
The Hard:
-Some stuckness around what to do next for TAB
-Weird ear whistling has started – must see Dr
-Family health issues appear worse
The Good:
-Great questions from wonderful people led to insight on the next right thing to do for TAB
-Talked with fantastic new people and made connections
-Took a day OFF – all the way OFF – and am doing it again (dare I say, regularly)so less tired, more creating
-No RUSH-RUSH this week – whew!
Sister who decided to poke and pick the family tree looking for bad stuff instead of beautiful stuff.
An eye that is puffy and sore and I don’t know why and I don’t want to have to go to the doctor because it will interfere with my snow frolicking time.
Snow! For shoeing and skiing and general merry-making.
Fruits and veggies delivered to my house!
The perfect amount and type of new clients here.
My bowl of fruit drizzled with almond butter for breakfast.
A whole beautiful day of possibility in front of me (read? clean? ski?)
Ah, yes Hormonally Hoodwinked, gets you coming and going (no one told me peri-menopause was a lot like puberty except different).
Ennui and lack of motivation most of the week.
Trouble with my sweetie. Relationship stuff. Seeing old patterns and wanting to change them.
Circling the airport on asking my client why she sent half of what we had agreed on in December. I am not sure if she’s not getting as much attention as she thought for the $ or if she just forgot. It’s not really an issue until after next week (because she paid for eight weeks’ worth of coaching with four weeks’ worth of $).
Angst over applying for a residency that I really really want. I thought it was for a month or two, not the whole year. Causing friction in my relationship.
Needing a wise friend to talk to. How to reconcile being in relationship and having your own life/wishes/dreams?
I decided to have a hibernate/pajama day to quit fighting with the ennui. It helped.
Tuesday playdate on Wednesday, living room floor, big sketchbook, magazines and a chocolate mint candle.
My MOO postcards arrived and are absolutely gorgeous. Sending out 10 today.
Car came back from the mechanic. Hooray!
Mondo Beyondo journalling led to me admitting a desire that I had always dismissed as vapid. The next day a class at Daily Om showed up with the exact instructor I had mentioned wanting to study with in the journalling.
Friday! Hi Friday. Let’s chicken.
This week’s hard:
-So very many little and big things surprising me by going wrong (I got sick, my tire broke and I can’t fix it until Monday, I prepared the wrong stuff for class, airport chaos…). Bugger.
-Money guilt. I thought we were done but apparently not. Bugger again.
-Sleeping out of whack. Given that my one project for the month was for sleeping to be well within whack, and suddenly it’s the end of the month, this is rather discouraging.
-Avoiding work is going to come back to haunt me very soon I think. Oh dear. Maybe I can haunt it first…
The good:
-I am in a place where there is snow right now! Snow, how I love you. You cause me to not have to take stupid amounts of antihistamines.
-I haven’t accomplished much with sleep, but I have accomplished a lot of useful thinking and observing on the subject of time. It’s helping.
-My hormones have been behaving themselves. I am shocked and delighted. Thought it would never happen. (perhaps they are secretly plotting to hoodwink me but at the moment I don’t care…)
-Being in snow, I am also in the world of chaos. But so far I’m doing pretty well with insulating myself from it. That’s a definite plus.
-Trips! Going for my birthday and for spring break. Both are going to be more fun than I can stand (almost). And at the very least I won’t be celebrating my birthday alone in my apartment, so that’s a really good thing.
-String! It does a Beth good.
Happy Friday and happy weekend to everybody. Hugs and tea all around.
Here, have some extra sparklepoints. And butterfly kisses too. Mwah!
So, chicken, huh? I honestly am so befuddled by last night’s events that I can’t even begin to get my head around the rest of the week.
-When people are blatantly assholes, but are doing it in a way that you can’t quite tell if they mean to be an asshole or they’re just ignorant.
-When people are blatantly assholes, and their assholishness lifts the curtain and allows you to see that 1. You are far more comfortable in your skin than you realized. And 2. Being creative for a living (as my husband does) is meaningful and worthwhile.
–Driving in snow and ice. Uncomfortable with this in general (especially after my recent car accident) but had an especially hard time driving home on Wednesday evening, when even the interstate was snow-covered and I kept passing accident after accident. Terrifying.
–Wanting to feel able to declare that whenever the public schools are closed, I get to stay home too…but not feeling able to give myself the power to make that choice. Bleah. My daughter wants me to stay home with her, I want to be home, yet because I can get out and about in the snow (just barely), I keep on doing it.
–The vehicle that I’m borrowing while my car is being repaired has four-wheel drive. Four-wheel drive. It’s my new best friend.
–Went to an excellent local beauty salon to get my hair done, which is far from an everyday occurrence for me. It’s a lovely shade of red now. Fun!
–Even though this feels a bit like a hard thing, I know that deep down it’s really very good: my partners both have confidence in my ability to drive in the snow. They don’t baby me or come to my rescue; they do offer advice and encouragement.
–Candide rehearsals! We’re in the home stretch now; the performances will be the first two weekends of February.
I hope your weekends are filled with lovely things!
Ohhhh my. Chicken, chicken, chicken.
I too have been Hormonally Hoodwinked, Hijacked, They’ve Had Their WAy with me damn it.
But I really do feel as if another Leila has come alive and taken over. Tears, rage, bad behavior. My bad behavior. Exhausted. old triggers, new unknown triggers, triggers triggers triggers. Harrrrrd.
I want to hibernate more than ever now and am hoping that the two day weekend will allow it. Please.
Getting up in the morning,.
The Good
Having a capacity to go to work each day, when in the past this would have proved too much.
Not pushing myself to do stuff this week because of the tired.
Meditation stuff soothing support.
Noticing how I feel in the morning – noticing the words, noticing the sensations, noticing the history attachted to getting-up-in-morning-for-work.
Putting on some cheerful 80’s pop and Katie Perry in the morning – instant pick me up.
Loving playing with images and words on the blogspace. Creativity and ease coming together.
New camera still making me grin.
I’m seeing some really hard hard here this week. Much love to all of you.
I’ve been erratically taking notes on the good and the hard that is my week, and will just post the poem that is my notes 🙂
The hard:
I’m £50 short on the rent and have to scrounge.
No money for other bills.
Scary post.
I think my rat may be in need of dentistry.
I’m tired.
A WHOLE DAY of procrastination. NOTHING BUT.
Friend saying I might be too mentally ill to be at work (as in long term, not just needing a few days off)
The good:
Helpful friends
Getting some work done
Realising how much I need rest
Being told my procrastination is normal bipolar symptoms
Getting shrink appointment for Friday
Probably on mood stabilisers next week!
Finally wrote very hard LJ post I’ve been angsting about for weeks.
Found a banana!
Re-read some of Dissolving Procrastination and found goodies.
Happy birthday, Fabeku!
Oh, the iguanas. I think it must be mating season or something. They seem to have taken over the house, peeking out from around corners and under cabinets and popping up every time I open a drawer. But at least they’re kind of cute, and sometimes amusing.
This week’s hard:
– Expensive car repair. Not totally unexpected, but I was hoping it would cost about half of what it actually did. Ouch.
– Migraine out of nowhere. I hadn’t had one in years, and now two in two months? I am so *not* doing this again.
This week’s good:
– Car is very happy now and one less thing to worry about.
– A week of mostly hibernation, tying up a few loose ends, flitting from one nonurgent thing to another, and sometimes just generally spacing out. Lots of time to brainstorm and doodle.
– Extra-warm fuzzies from one of my galleries.
– A little nudge from a friend opened up all kinds of new ideas and inspiration, and I’m having a ball running with it.
Happy Friday, Chickeneers!
The Hard:
– Decisions; about what to do, about executing, about what not to do, about stuff
– Piling; facing the piles not yet dealt with, the new piles that are creeping in, both real physical piles and piles of emotional/mental issues
– Being okay; with how things are; and that they are not where I hoped or planned for them to be
– Telling the truth; even though it is not a secret
Accepting help
– Waiting for a much needed refund that is two weeks late
The Good:
– Executed and accomplished some writing objectives
– Yoga for creaky boomers class; yay stretching and flexibility
– Sleep; oversleeping several days this week, obviously I had a sleep deficit
– Had a whole day where my elbow did not hurt; like it had never been injured
Hello, Chicken!
The hard this week: emotional stuff! Shoe throwing! Messiness! Adjusting adjusting adjusting.
Feeling panicked about not being able to access the internet as much as I like to.
Tired. Full brain. Much new things. Many new people. And oh the thumb and shoulder.
The good:
SUN finally. Parts of today and yesterday. And maybe more tomorrow.
When I will go to the market, yay! Around ten, I suppose. The real market. With foods and things.
And then a whole weekend almost entirely just for me and whatever my things happen to be. Wahoo!
Planning for: beach walking, sleeping, and at least some toes in the ocean. Also, cooking like I mean it. And No Rushing Whatsoever.
Figuring out some of the internet challenge. Working on other bits of it. Not giving up but letting go of the unhelpful stress.
The possibility that The Wonderful Thing might happen.
Really good roommates. Amazingly good.
A lovely space with spaciousness and grownupitude.
Good client things.
Yay, chicken! Thank you, Havi!
Friday! Yay It’s Friday!!
The Hard:
– Well enough to go to work, sick enough to not have energy for much else.
– Back ache from sitting to much while I was sick.
– Bit of insomnia.
– I am avoiding the laundry – which means I have had nothing clean to wear all week. EWWW.
The Good:
– My dad asked me to explain Fluent Self (or Fluent One as he called it), and that was a hilarious conversation. 🙂 I assured him it was not a cult.
– Feeling much much much better!!
– Made time to do shivanata, followed by shavasana. Am learning that I need to learn how to rest, and need to set my home up to allow for restfulness.
– Weekend ahead to get my website refreshed and ready for Tuesday, when one of my weddings is published in a magazine!!
– Bought a new lens and I get to pick her up today. 🙂
– FABULOUS shoot with a gal that I met at the Sacremento day – soooo much fun, and great shots!
– A few days of summer. It was gorgeous. It’s back to being January now, but those few days really raised my spirit.
Hi there, fellow Chickeneers! So happy to see so much good, and sending the biggest of hugs for all the hard. And here is mine:
Hard bits
– The Monday phonecall where I got raked over the coals
– That post-raked-over-coals feeling wherein I doubted myself a lot
– Insane busy times, lots of to-dos piling up anxiously behind me wanting to be done
Gooder than good bits!
+ Hired for my very first freelance grant assignment!
+ Dinner last night with the original rallions, plus Audrey! Fun times! Amazing food! Plans and such! Heart-happy me.
+ Thursday, the Day Of Much Doing = big success
+ Started an indoor cycling class to feed my secret tiny sweet goal (of biking to work — shhh!).
+ Found a beautiful container in which one particularly angsty pattern can play and harmonize and work itself out and it feels AMAZING to not be giving it the cold shoulder anymore.
+ Being called “the hybrid whisperer” today (because I can soothe hybrids) and having Claire call my blog a “gorgeous freaky chimera of power and goodness.” <3 <3 <3 <3
Hello Friday! Glad to see you.
That thing where I wanted my first step in creating an armature for my life, the one where I go to sleep at 11:00. Yeah, I didn’t take into account jumping four time zones in two weeks. So, still working on it.
The hard:
Spending twenty some hours in airports and on planes, then arriving early morning and wanting to sleep all day.
Discovering that I had waited too late to book the place I wanted and having to spend an extra week in a place that is more expensive than I would like
The good:
I’m in Rio.
For six weeks. Feels good to be a bit more settled.
I have a kitchen, which means I get to cook. This means I get to eat vegetables whenever I want. Way more important than one might think.
Getting closer and closer to SxSW and meeting people I know through the interwebs. Also, seeing people I already know. Awesomeness.
Finding out that spell check thinks awesomeness is a word.
Continuing to make progress with TSC. (I’m announcing a thing on Monday)
Both of the guys I’m sharing the apartment with seem genuinely nice.
I think the French bakery down the street is really French. I may be able to assuage my cake craving with real cake. Also more important than you might think.
Hello all,
the hard:
-Having to wait for money to come through and work on a -fifty pound budget for a week in London. Uugh.
-Questioning my ideas for why I am over the other side of the world agian.
-Wondering how I will start up a new circle of friends once again when the last 6mths was soo full of hard.
-Having the full of hard in a nice easy to read report card that has more Fs on it than I have seen in my entire schooling and university carrier combined.
-My poor stomach is not dealing with this transition very well. Am going to need to pull out the green tea, more fruit and vegies and yogurt to get over this.
The good:
-Figuring out why I am over here, my sexy diabolical plan and how I am going to go about it
-Finding a D&D game. This is surprisingly important.
-Finding good coffee in London and having more places to go to in coffee adventure mode. This is mucho important.
-Having the first part of my plan work cos hay I planed it and I am awesome.
-Going home for a wedding and getting a chance to see friends that I have not seen in far too long.
Oh yeah, Friday, most welcome. Especially as this looks as though it may be my last free weekend before March. This, I guess, is part of the:
– Stories of shoe throwing that colleagues have told me about. Feel sorry for them and the shoe thrower at the same time.
– Sleep still not good
– Endless circles of thoughts about one stupid money issue again.
– Two too late nights (including this one).
– Lack of sunshine, return of cold weather.
– Lovely evening with lovely person.
– Yoga morning and evening.
– Phone conversations with husband and missing him.
– My energy level picking back up again.
I am off to bed, wishing you a wonderful weekend, chickeneers!
Hello, fellow cult members, I mean Chickeneers!
(Hehe, JillianKay!)
This week:
The Hard
Monday is my last day at work after 34+ official years and almost 40 sequential years as an employee with a particular Federal agency.
– Having difficulties with computer transfer of files so I can take some useful, personal, and work-product-related stuff (that I might use later) with me into retirement. Lots still to do over the weekend.
– All the Fear of Change monsters are out in force. Having to shovel snow to get a break! And the Procrastination monster is pretty smug about everything going on at almost the last minute.
– Too brain-tired to set up my new computer at home til next week.
The Good
+ I can look back and know I co-created at least one Really Useful (and Persistent) Change in the agency during my career. Plus I met and projectized with a lot of very decent, kind, and hardworking people.
+ Got home Wednesday night before the big snowstorm; didn’t get stuck in traffic for 8+ hours like some commuters.
+ A week of awesome posts and comments in The Fluent Self. Even the monsters are impressed, so relevant!
+ The rest of next week after Monday has a decently filled schedule so I don’t get stuck in “What do I do now?”
+ Next weekend with family!
Yay for chicken-eering!
(Is that a chicken with an earring?)
Hard :
A broken record of pain. Damn, getting old is not so much fun when you don’t recover from things like you did when younger. (Even ten years younger.) Crone-dom brings wisdom, but also brings fragility. (Thank goodness it does get rid of hormone freakdom, though.)
Now have the fun of MRIs to look toward. Already should be glowing from all the Xrays that were taken from head to toe.
I was reminded by pixie campbell what a wonderful thing smudging is.
There’s ritual, and music with singing bowl sounds and native flutes, and crystals, and relaxation, and the wonderful smell of sage.
And healing.
The day after I smudged, despite having interrupted sleep, I actually had some energy left in me following PT.
And today I found the wherewithal to walk to a wonderful bookstore/metaphysical store to find some more smudge sticks of luscious white sage. I’m used to almost daily walks, so this was really wonderful.
Saw Kit Kitty on my way home and meowed and purred with her while she rubbed my legs and I rubbed her body and chin. Really have missed her immensely!
Made some new card designs, and got more clear about stamps I’m going to carve for more cards. Fun with glitter! and paper! and confetti! and glue! Yay!
Wonderful, blessed weekend to all!
The Hard that was good: /sigh technical difficulties forcing me to learn new tricks. (also, actual keyboard stickage of the Shift key. Sorry.)
The learning of A Thing about Me that I do not want to believe or accept: there is a screaming-child temper-tantrum gently being calmed by my Monster Choir. /sigh I am tired of the screaming child.
The good: Learning, Snow, A chance to Play, a lovely neighbor, the growing
Happy Weekend!
Ok, I don’t know how it got to be Saturday, but better late than never.
The Hard:
– Totally wiped out this week. First a cold, then a migraine that made me throw up, even though I hadn’t eaten anything. Ugh.
The Good:
+ Released my first pattern yesterday ( for a really cool hat, and already sold one! Yay!
+ Opened an artfire shop because I’m sick of etsy’s fees ($56 for a month’s fees? I don’t think so). I’ve been uploading the very large backlog of stuff.
+ Taught my first dyeing class earlier today and really enjoyed it, and my students seemed to enjoy it too. I can get into this teaching thing!
+ Vegetarian ghallaba for dinner last night and leftovers for lunch. Nom nom nom.
Oh, I missed last week’s chicken and VPA and I missed them!!
The hard:
–Money worries. Worry worry worry in my belly.
–Feet hurting again when I went to water exercise. I thought they were done. Darn.
The good:
–Someone emailing to say yum yum about my blog.
–Writing a blog post, running into a monster, and smoothly switching over to talking to the monster. And it worked, and I finished the post.
–I. Love. Working. With. Clients!!! Several successful sessions and good feedback.
–Started taking thyroid. Very hopeful that it will help with the Sleep Swamp. Hopeful!!
–Back to warm healing water exercise!
–Finished index job and author negotiations smoothly. Ready to start the next one right away!
Wow, a lot of good.
Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!
Someone threw a nasty shoe at me on my 365 Jars project blog and was all sorts of mean. I cried, hyperventilated and got all sorts of bent out of shape very late at night/early in the morning.
I had a couple of days where going on my daily jar walk was no fun because I was walking to the refrain of ‘bullshit jars, bullshit jars’. Much frustration over giving the shoe-thrower rent in my brain.
I had to do my taxes, which brings out my monsters big time. Stress, stress, stress.
I’m behind on paid work and feeling guilty, guilty, guilty.
And I haven’t blogged on my main blog either – more guilt.
And there was, surprise, surprise, a whole lot of overwhelm and monsters.
Awesome, wonderful loving support from my Twitter peeps over the shoe-throwing.
Getting to the space where I could see that the shoe-thrower was very angry about something and it probably had nothing to do with me and even if it did, screw him, his messed up feelings are not my responsibility.
Being able to delete the comment on my blog, let the shoe-throwing go and have my daily jar walks become fun again.
Going to see Black Swan with my Beloved.
A friend talked me through my tax filing and we did it on Skype together – Colin, you’re a maths god and a wondrous person!
Setting up a better accounting system so next year’s taxes will be quicker and easier to deal with.