Friday chickenBecause it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

Not sure how we got here ,but yay.

A special, completely delightful, extra-long Rally (Rally!) had been keeping me crazy-busy.

Let me say that I am astonished that Friday is here so quickly. Hi, Friday!

The hard stuff

High stress Monday.

Which was not good, because that’s when the Rally was starting. Too much to do, not enough time/ways/resources to do it.

Not fun.

Still catching up on sleep.

And not very well.

That is to say, catch-up is not really one of my primary skills. Learning.

Behind on other things as well.

Like Drunk Pirate Council. And pretty much everything in my business. Getting there.



There are three things I really need to do in the morning to keep the peace/sanity.

And each day this week it worked out there was only time for two of them.

I alternated which two, just in case there was a combination that worked better. But it still left me feeling off-balanced and kind of buzzy.

Not walking.

Walking is thing number four that I really like to do in the mornings, and it got shoved to a way distant back burner.

And I miss it.

Moments of being completely overwhelmed.

Which sucks. Iguanas everywhere.

The good stuff

I wrote a thing that I didn’t want to write.

And I was having a seriously hard time of it.

But I used the Deguiltified Chicken Board at the Kitchen Table, and the Monster Negotiation Board, and I did it.

And while the doing wasn’t fun, the having it done feels fantastic. Ten thousand sparklepoints for meeeeeee!

Fractal flowers!

That’s my name for the thing that happens when you work on one thing and it destuckifies all the other stuff you’re working on.

Totally happened.

The mugs showed up! Just in time. Hooray!

We got these fabulous orange mugs for the Playground Galley. They have the Playground logo with the pirate-duck flag (the Jolly Selma!) on them and they are awesome.


And I also got my first opportunity to make good use of my duck paperclips. Twice. Thanks and kisses to Mariko for those.

Ohmygod. Rally Rally Rally Rally Rally. Rally!

I love it so much I can hardly stand it.

This week has been absolutely delightful. This group of Rallions is completely amazing, we are having so much fun together, and I am getting insane amounts of stuff done.

Some epic projectizing, including a Species Chart of all of my iguanas, all sorts of useful chapters for the Book of Me, and quite a few big surprises.

Also, for some reason we ended up with a group of pretty advanced shivanauts at this one, so we have been epiphany-ing up a storm and breaking our brains. Level 7, y’all.

Bing bing bing bing! Rally!

Despite the busy, the blog still got some love from me.

The past several weeks it’s been really hard to get to my morning writing practice (that’s one of the three morning things).

This week I chose writing over the other two things, and while I missed them, it also felt really good to be back. Hi, guys. Missed you.

I can’t wait until I figure out how to re-organize my life in such a way that I’ll be able to have/do all three. But that’s what the next Rally is for, right?


So I got this thing for the Playground that projects stars onto the ceiling.

It is the most incredible and indescribable thing in the world. Like a private planetarium show.

And since we have these ridiculously high coved ceilings, it just looks spectacular.

At Rally we have been turning out all the lights in the evening, snuggling up with blankets and pillows, putting on music and having a star show. It is perfect.

And some of the lovely presents that arrived for the Playground this week.

A giant package of colorful, weirdly shaped post-its from Pearl turned out to be a huge hit and just the right thing.

We were post-it-ing and mapping all week, and together with the construction paper, the glitter crayons and the sparkly pipe cleaners, much chaotic fun was had.

Also Pearl (a Rallygator of Rallies past) is the most adorable and most beaming person you have ever met, and just thinking about her sweet face makes me happy.

We also go an assortment of new wigs for the costumery, plus new posterboard, stencils, crayons and stickers to play with too. Huge appreciation to everyone who is helping this space be even more magical.

And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

This week?

Hormonally Hoodwinked

They’re playing in town all week. Except that it’s really just one guy.

That’s it for me …

And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.

Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day and a restful weekend-ing.

And a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.

The Fluent Self