Friday chickenBecause it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

Friday? Friday! How surreal is that?

I wasn’t sure whether this week would end with me having to be peeled off the floor or if it would all kind of work out in the end.

And here we are. No peeling necessary, astonishingly.

Though I do plan to spend this weekend practicing Pineapple Upside Down Days, which is my new thing. Anyway. FRIDAY!

The hard stuff

Oh, man. I need an Emergency Vacation so badly it’s ridiculous.

Is it really only February? Not June?!

Because I’m exhausted.

Kinda fell apart this week.


Also Wednesday.

But especially Monday. Monday was bleaaaaaaaaaaargh and stupid and if it had been a person I would have kicked it in the shins.

Giant fight with someone I love.

That’s no fun.

Tried to take time off and made a giant mess of it.

The usual.

Also much hiding.

Gaaaaaaah. More repairs.

The heating system at the Playground needs to be completely replaced.

Because there isn’t enough going on.

I’m just going to have to work from home for a while and hope that everything is in place for the Shiva Nata teacher training coming up.

Tax stuff.

So far the good bits and the crappy bits of having my pirate ship be a non-evil corporation are pretty much even.

Okay. That’s not true. The good outweighs the crappy by a quite a bit.

But all I can think about now is the giant headache of doom (not a band).

And that’s with an amazing bookkeeper (we love you, Jennifer!), a dedicated Pirate CPA and also Randy the Treasure Guy to advise us.

Trying to set things up so that next year is smoother sailing, and doing that kind of systems thinking while in burnout mode is never a good idea.

The good stuff

We’re skating against the Detroit Derby Girls tonight!

Not me, of course. I’m just there to cheer.

But the bad-ass Wheels of Justice, our all-star travel team — including five former GNR girls (that’s the team we sponsor). I’ve been watching these ladies skate oer the past four seasons, and wow.

This is going to be one hell of a fun bout.

I’m crazy about Detroit, but I’ll be losing my voice for our ladies in purple.

Roller Derby! Oh, how I have missed you.

Also, Detroit has a skater called Whistler Smother. This makes me so gleefully happy I can hardly contain myself.

All the good things about being stalled.

You wouldn’t think there are any, but actually there are all sorts of great things coming out of my current burn-out phase.

I may have to write about this next week.

I did a thing that scared me, but I did it in a way that didn’t scare me.

And now it feels really good.

So yay me. Ten thousand sparklepoints.

Crayons! And books. Yay.

I bought myself a box of sixty four crayons and have been coloring all week.

This is a marvelous thing.

Also we went on a glorrrrrrious excursion to Powell’s, and I have books. Books make everything better.

It worked!

Using all the information I gathered for the Book of Me at the last Rally (Rally!), I was able to de-pile a massive pile of iguanas and doom this week.

I just followed what the Book of Me said to do, and it was the least stressful de-piling that has ever happened. In fact, I kind of enjoyed myself.

My mind. It is exploding.

Obviously I knew all that stuff we did was super useful, but I hadn’t realized how quickly having that chapter would change everything.

Friends! And getting help from friends.

Got some excellent advice from Hiro on how to experiment with this whole crazy “time off” thing.

And then my beloved Cairene came to the Playground and we worked on the kind of structures that need to be in place for me to become the kind of person who doesn’t get burnt out.

Feeling much more hopeful about everything.

Oh, and then when I had a messy, sticky, lost and confused Wednesday, Hiro gave me the best present in the entire world, both because it was the best present in the entire world and also because she told me exactly what to do with it and how.

And when you’re in that place of not-knowing-what-you-need, having someone just send you in the right direction and knowing that it’s all taken care of is just delightful.

And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

This week’s band comes to you courtesy of the wonderful @leannich.

Abrasive Pheasant

She says: “They’re kind of folky steampunk — and actually I hear it’s just one guy.”


That’s it for me …

And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.

Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day and a restful weekend-ing.

And a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.

The Fluent Self