Friday chickenIn which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of ritual and self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

Yet again I protest! How could it possibly be Friday?

But here we are.

Let’s find out what actually happened this week.

The hard stuff

Re-entry, again.

Rally (Rally!) was so incredible.

And coming back is hard.

Still want that vacation. Any time now….

Heading towards emergency vacation territory. It really needs to happen.

I have a getaway planned for Monday but it’s one night and that isn’t enough.

Something needs to happen before I hit the point of not being able to make decisions about how to take care of myself.

Tired and sore!

Creak creak creak ow.

Poor sore mouse me!

Colossal screw-up on my part.

Forgot that the company phone forwards to my cell because I never answer my cell.

Was having a dream about someone in Israel needing to reach me. The volume on my phone wasn’t off (it usually is), so I heard it ring.

It was crazy early in the morning. So I answered. And gave someone the worst customer service ever because I was bewildered, awakened and had no idea what they wanted.

Systems change!

I am a crankypants!

And everything is getting on my nerves.

The good stuff

Roller derby league championships.

I did the shivanautical force field warm-ups for the team we sponsor (Yeah!!! Guns N Rollers!) and they looked amazing.

Also: I was in full pink wig regalia and there are pictures (see Photo #6). It was, as Paul said, super cool destructoid!

Sadly Selma wasn’t there. She is not so much into the noise and is also kind of paranoid about being recognized. Yes.

Beautiful things from Heidi.

The marvelous Heidi sent me her Presence potion (to die for!).

And some new Playground potions for the Toy Shop.

And a beautiful book.

I love Heidi! I love the Presence potion! Love love love!

Wise reminders.

Brilliant Kitchen Table call with Joy from Adventures of Joy, talking about so many vital and important things.

She is wise and wonderful.

And now, inspired by that amazing call, I’ve been taking mini-silent-retreats all week. And yelling Silent Retreat!

Silliness in the Chattery.

We were playing and goofing off in the Chattery after the Kitchen Table call, and ended up forming a group called RATS (Retreating Alone Together Silently).

And also re-acronymizing ROI (“return on investment”) to be more fun.

I started by suggesting Retreating On Instinct. And then we came up with some more:

Reframing Oodles of Intentions!
Refreshing Oceans of Icecream!
Reclaiming Our Independence!
Riddles of Inspiration!
Relishing Our Idiosyncrasies
Raving Over Intuition
Revising Our Iguanas
Radiating Our Intelligence
Raunchy Orgy of Indiscretion

Anyway, all of these are probably just one guy. But it was so much fun. Yay, Chattery!

More woe poems = everything is better now.

Writing out the crappiness of a day in poem form at the Whine Bar in my Kitchen Table program.

It is astonishing how quickly this turns pain into craft and takes out the sting. And since we aren’t actually a group of writers or poets, it also removes the “what if my writing is terrible?!” fear because writing well or doing something meaningful isn’t actually the point.

Monday night.

I got eleven hours of sleep.

Eleven. Hours. Of sleep.

In a row.

It was outrageous. It was great. I am so happy about this.

Big shivanautical understandings and epiphanies.

Related to old hurts.

And understanding more about when I need to step back and water less.

And a big realization that something I thought I discovered last month is actually something I have known for over ten years. Thanks, Shiva Nata!

Finally. Something to do with all those spam names.

This lovely post from Crys called what a bunch of characters is such a perfect example of that thing that I call counterparts.


This tiny and wonderful crayon pirate story. So great.

Thanks to Mary Elaine for telling me about it.


Maryann wrote this beautiful piece about her experience at Rally!

And I love it. I love it so much. Read it!

Hat parade! Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is Hat Parade!

If you live in Portland, you should come. I will be there.

And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

This week’s band courtesy of these distressingly-named food-like things:

Umlaut Abuse

And yes, it’s really just one guy.

That’s it for me …

And of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments if you feel like it.

Yes? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s okay if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — you can join in whenever (or not) and it’s no big deal.

The Fluent Self